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I'm rather doubtful there were saline shots because why bother? There are people who refused to get the shot regardless and even if everybody got a shot, they have a control from 10 years before. They don't need to compare populations at the same exact time.
richwicks says
I'm rather doubtful there were saline shots because why bother? There are people who refused to get the shot regardless and even if everybody got a shot, they have a control from 10 years before. They don't need to compare populations at the same exact time.
It’s also a question of logistics. Could they really produce what, a billion shots in a relatively short time? By producing saline shots they could keep up the pretence.
The EUA clot shot was and still is an ongoing stage three clinical trial
From the comments:
it would make perfect sense because the narrative soon switched to a miracle single injection to taking a regular series of them for life. This would assure you would eventually get a hot dose. In addition the people not killed or maimed in the Russian Roulette experiment could say look at me. I'm fine. The poor saps who stroked out were just bad luck or a coincidence. You could not and would not roll out a genocide program to the normies and give them all the same poison in one Jim Jones kool aid drank. You would want to spread it out over time and of course to normalize it you start by saying it's a single injection cure and then you go to a series and then you go to boosters. 100% logical way to get the most hot doses in arms because you need to get as many roaches in the roach motel.
Yet again, another conspiracy theory becomes fact. Many injections were saline shots. Why? Well one reason is because they cut corners and cheated and just wanted the money and control. Another possible reason is so people would get the fake shot, believe it to be ‘safe and effective’ and than call for everyone to be vaccinated, even mandated. Over time the more shots you get the more chance you start getting ‘dodgy’ batches and complications. It’s known as the Advocate Principle. Very difficult to prove one way or another.