Another caste discrimination case in USA thrown out. Bloody american legal system.

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2023 Jul 15, 5:33pm   1,494 views  30 comments

by indc   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  


Cisco case thrown out.
BAPS temple construction crew were presented as being discriminated because of their caste. Now the workers say they were coerced by US attorneys to lie that they were discriminated against.

American education system teaches caste system in hinduism is evil. Hindus are depicted as villians. Everyone on patnet talk shit about hindus citing these 2 cases, now both of them are thrown out.

@FarmersWon was talking about his khalistan being great and hindus being evil citing these 2 cases.

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1   AmericanKulak   2023 Jul 15, 5:52pm  

I have no idea about this lawsuit, but I have @FarmersWon blocked because I'm tired of his Socialist Crap.
2   indc   2023 Jul 15, 7:29pm  

"Hindu Sect Is Accused of Using Forced Labor"

This is in nytimes. Media and American legal system colluding to show hindus as villains.

Explain what happened.

America teaching world about democracy and law really pisses me off.
3   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 17, 10:17am  

indc says

Everyone on patnet talk shit about hindus citing these 2 cases, now both of them are thrown out.

I thought everyone on PatNet talks shit because a higher percentage of Bangladesh's population is toilet trained than India's is?

indc says

America teaching world about democracy and law really pisses me off.

Why? Because Indian diplomats abuse their status to avoid prosecution for having household slaves in the US?
4   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 17, 10:18am  

indc says

American education system teaches caste system in hinduism is evil.

Because Indians don't vote Democrat, that's why.
5   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 17, 11:20am  

Trollhole says

Because Indians don't vote Democrat

"When asked how they self-identify, 56 percent of Indian Americans report that they consider themselves Democrats, 15 percent consider themselves to be Republicans, while another 22 percent identify as independents."

I would say they're more interested in turning against India because of their lukewarm Ukraine stance.
6   indc   2023 Jul 17, 1:02pm  

Trollhole says

indc says

America teaching world about democracy and law really pisses me off.

Why? Because Indian diplomats abuse their status to avoid prosecution for having household slaves in the US?

I think sometimes your hate takes over your reading abilities. I just shown you how US attorneys coerces witnesses and plaintiffs. And you list out another case where the "slave" can easily be coerced. I would like to know who these "slaves" are.
7   Shaman   2023 Jul 17, 3:25pm  

So I was browsing Netflix with the wife and somehow we started watching “Indian Matchmaking.” Before we knew it we were a season in. The people looking for mates all seemed to be successful Indian people living in either the USA or India.

What struck me was how tremendously picky they all were about their potential mates. They had to be from a specific Indian region, they ALL wanted “light skinned” matches, they often wanted their mate to be vegetarian, and they wanted them to be from a certain caste. That’s really dialing in the ethnic discrimination to a fine point, IMHO.
I’d heard that Indians were the most racist people in the world, and now I actually believe it.
8   richwicks   2023 Jul 17, 3:32pm  

DhammaStep says

I would say they're more interested in turning against India because of their lukewarm Ukraine stance.

Indians don't care about Ukraine.

India is very dependent on Russia for food, fertilizer, and energy. Russia could collapse India by just refusing to sell to them for a year, it would cause a famine and that would lead to revolution.
9   stereotomy   2023 Jul 17, 4:21pm  

Shaman says

What struck me was how tremendously picky they all were about their potential mates. They had to be from a specific Indian region, they ALL wanted “light skinned” matches, they often wanted their mate to be vegetarian, and they wanted them to be from a certain caste. That’s really dialing in the ethnic discrimination to a fine point, IMHO.
I’d heard that Indians were the most racist people in the world, and now I actually believe it.

I think Indians are in 4-way tie along with the Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans when it comes to racism. I also think that each people has its own reasons. In the case of India, this portion of the world has seen massive wars, battles, slavery, back and forth empires, etc. These people literally don't know who other people are descended from - are they the rapists, or the raped? You get the idea?

For the Chinese, I don't think they're as racist as Indians inherently, but the west (mostly the English, but the US helped out mightily) as a matter of fact destroyed the Chinese civilization in the name of mercantilism by flooding China with opium grown on Indian plantations courtesy of the British East India Company. Chinese Emperors begged the English to do the right thing; instead, the English with their allies launched the opium wars.

@Richwicks is completely disgusted at how this country behaves in the waning days of its empire. We're no better than the english (I don't call them british because they raped and pillaged my ancestors for 500 years) in launching bullshit wars to prop up the crumbling situation.

This country will be judged, and it will suffer. What took 200 years to build will take 500 years to rebuild. Why to you think Indians are so messed up in the head? Their peoples were raped and pillaged for almost 1000 years. Alt the "wealth" of the sultans came from the looting of Indian temples and the mass slavery sales of Indian slaves, who were highly valued because they were exceptionally competent. It kind of makes you wonder about who's left in India after the centuries-long slave trade brain-drain under the Moghuls.
10   HeadSet   2023 Jul 17, 5:40pm  

stereotomy says

waning days of its empire

Empires are supposed to collect tribute from the conquered territories - the US pays instead.

stereotomy says

We're no better than the english (I don't call them british because they raped and pillaged my ancestors for 500 years)

?? Are you saying the British raped your ancestors for 500 years, so you prefer the term "English?" Or the English did the raping and you do not want to say "British" as to include the Welsh, Corns, and Scotts in the mix. I presume you are referring to the rape of Irish ancestors.
11   stereotomy   2023 Jul 17, 6:25pm  

HeadSet says

stereotomy says

waning days of its empire

Empires are supposed to collect tribute from the conquered territories - the US pays instead.

stereotomy says

We're no better than the english (I don't call them british because they raped and pillaged my ancestors for 500 years)

?? Are you saying the British raped your ancestors for 500 years, so you prefer the term "English?" Or the English did the raping and you do not want to say "British" as to include the Welsh, Corns, and Scotts in the mix. I presume you are referring to the rape of Irish ancestors.

Yes, Irish. Hell, even the Amish call people other than their own the "english." They get it - it's a term of contempt and derision.

If I had to guess, it was not actually even the english, but the Normans who conquered england in 1066. These Normans were actually from Scandinavia, which is the other half of my ancestry. It's true - half my ancestors were raped and pillaged, while the other half of my ancestors did the raping and pillaging.

I'm so confused . . .
12   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 17, 6:37pm  

DhammaStep says

Trollhole says

Because Indians don't vote Democrat

"When asked how they self-identify, 56 percent of Indian Americans report that they consider themselves Democrats, 15 percent consider themselves to be Republicans, while another 22 percent identify as independents."

I would say they're more interested in turning against India because of their lukewarm Ukraine stance.

Wow! They told pollsters that! No shit!

Every Indian-American I know except the 'tech lords' of Silicon Valley confide in me that they can't stand the Dems. And I suspect the tech lords only spout the woke crap to kiss Silicon Valley White Tech Lord and Venture Cap Ass.

The Dems have wrecked the schools and treat Indian-Americans like shit just as they do all other Asian-Americans.
13   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 17, 6:51pm  

indc says

I think sometimes your hate takes over your reading abilities. I just shown you how US attorneys coerces witnesses and plaintiffs. And you list out another case where the "slave" can easily be coerced. I would like to know who these "slaves" are.

I am not the one who has reading problems.

And I am not the one who is posting shit-Americans-don't-care-about on an American forum yet doesn't realize nor is even aware of a famous case ten years ago where an Indian consular officer was arrested, strip-searched and charged because she kept a household servant virtually imprisoned in her NY home and didn't pay her wages as required on the servant's US visa.

THEN the Indian government 'promoted' her to a position with full diplomatic immunity so she could avoid prosecution.

Your ignorance is amazing since this case was all the rage in India at that time.

Point is: In both cases, you Indians assume that your laws and racist cultural standards should be accepted here in the US simply because you live here.
14   Blue   2023 Jul 17, 9:56pm  

Trollhole says

THEN the Indian government 'promoted' her to a position with full diplomatic immunity so she could avoid prosecution.

It was way back when commie Sonia Khan gov placed her. Later right-leaning gov came in and let her go.
15   KgK one   2023 Jul 18, 7:18am  

Ignore farmer , he is not sikh. He is a pak Muslim troll.
All his rant , never Said anything about how Muslims killed Sikhs thru out history.
16   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 18, 8:16am  

Trollhole says

Wow! They told pollsters that! No shit

I'm sure you want to believe your anecdotes are the actual reality. Instead of using anecdotes of my own, I presented you with data which you believe to be a lie. Is it a lie that out of 35 Indian American candidates in 2022, only four were not Democrat? https://www.americanbazaaronline.com/2022/11/08/election-2022-indian-american-voters-hold-the-balance-of-power-451573/ Were they just pretending?

My own anecdotes tell me that Indian Americans are the most openly Democrat of all the races, not even Blacks are as openly Dem as Indians. They were the only ones to put up Democrat signs last election. They were partying in the streets when Dems won. They were the most hardcore vaccine and mask pushers and they still are. Even Chinese immigrants aren't as enthusiastic for the Blue team as Indians are. For many of them, voting Dem is literally an existential means of their families staying in the US because they've been convinced by the media that Republicans will automatically deport everyone.

Despite all that, I don't discount the idea that there's growing resentment in that demographic, it just hasn't grown to the point where they feel safe telling the truth about their political views apparently.
17   apex   2023 Jul 18, 8:34am  

Shaman says
I’d heard that Indians were the most racist people in the world

The 'racism' that Indians, Chinese and Koreans practice is very different from what most of us think of as racism. They are extremely practical and data-driven about it, and much less prone to sentimental claptrap either for or against a group.

I had a korean-american girlfriend back in the 90's, and her brother was one of the "rooftop koreans". He was not a racist, but he had zero illusions about the mob that was looting and burning Korean stores in LA using the Rodney King case as an excuse.
18   apex   2023 Jul 18, 8:38am  

HeadSet says
Empires are supposed to collect tribute from the conquered territories - the US pays instead.

The USA is a conquered territory -- it has been controlled for years by a cabal that is extracting tribute from US citizens in pursuit of its own interest.
19   indc   2023 Jul 18, 11:51am  

HeadSet says

stereotomy says

waning days of its empire

Empires are supposed to collect tribute from the conquered territories - the US pays instead.

China spent 40yrs collecting reserves of 3 trillion. US print those 3 trillion in 1 year. US doesn't pay anyone. It just passes inflation to other countries. Once de-dollarisation picks up speed then we will know how long this empire lasts. My point US will be stuck in this high interest(6-7%) and will lead to its end. Hopefully the US will break free from Woke mentality and stop the freebies culture.
20   indc   2023 Jul 18, 11:58am  

Shaman says

So I was browsing Netflix with the wife and somehow we started watching “Indian Matchmaking.” Before we knew it we were a season in. The people looking for mates all seemed to be successful Indian people living in either the USA or India.

What struck me was how tremendously picky they all were about their potential mates. They had to be from a specific Indian region, they ALL wanted “light skinned” matches, they often wanted their mate to be vegetarian, and they wanted them to be from a certain caste. That’s really dialing in the ethnic discrimination to a fine point, IMHO.
I’d heard that Indians were the most racist people in the world, and now I actually believe it.

@Shaman, you keep repeating this trope again and again. Hindus are not racist. Hindus are colorists. And also castiest, they want to marry within their caste.

Marrying is personal choice it doesn't make them racist or whatever.
And this colorism is a recent phenomenon which hopefully will go away eventually once they loose their inferiority complex.

Now white people are racist against "ni**ers" because they are considered shit.
21   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 18, 5:57pm  

DhammaStep says

I'm sure you want to believe your anecdotes are the actual reality

What does anecdotes have to do with bogus polls?
22   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 18, 6:02pm  

DhammaStep says

Is it a lie that out of 35 Indian American candidates in 2022, only four were not Democrat? https://www.americanbazaaronline.com/2022/11/08/election-2022-indian-american-voters-hold-the-balance-of-power-451573/ Were they just pretending?

So what? Doesn't matter that CANDIDATES are Democrats. They aren't voters. Nice try.

BTW, of course they are Democrats. Because they can't run in the districts they live in as Republicans, most likely. And that is because the white voters in those districts won't elect them if they did.

i.e. Ro Khanna
23   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 19, 8:05pm  

Trollhole says

Because Indians don't vote Democrat, that's why.

24   Blue   2023 Jul 19, 10:11pm  


Trollhole says

Because Indians don't vote Democrat, that's why.


I guess, he meant fake 'cast system' has been introduced by Dems only for Hindus but not for other religions like (Indian) Muslims and Christians as the Indian slaves are leaving the Democrats barn as part of the exercising options from the tool kit.
25   RWSGFY   2023 Jul 19, 11:19pm  

Blue says


Trollhole says

Because Indians don't vote Democrat, that's why.


I guess, he meant fake 'cast system' has been introduced by Dems only for Hindus but not for other religions like (Indian) Muslims and Christians as the Indian slaves are leaving the Democrats barn as part of the exercising options from the tool kit.

Caste system is fake now? So there are no (and has never been) any Brahmin or Shudra?
26   Blue   2023 Jul 19, 11:55pm  

stereotomy says

This country will be judged, and it will suffer. What took 200 years to build will take 500 years to rebuild. Why to you think Indians are so messed up in the head? Their peoples were raped and pillaged for almost 1000 years. Alt the "wealth" of the sultans came from the looting of Indian temples and the mass slavery sales of Indian slaves, who were highly valued because they were exceptionally competent. It kind of makes you wonder about who's left in India after the centuries-long slave trade brain-drain under the Moghuls.

India is barely surviving out of all those meltdowns. Look at Moghuls, each and every Moghul conducted Hindu and other Dharmic religious genocides. So many got tortures and burned alive, assaulted women, kept them captivity collected hefty jezya tax who refuse to convert to Islam on regular basis. Every one of them ended up 'marrying'/raping own daughters!, sisters! and other close relatives including daughter in laws! Each one is a really a sick perverted pedophile.

When the British way more smarter than stupid and evil Mughals entered India as their next oppressor, since their number is small, they made treaties with so many war lords to get tax and materials around to keep the game going while looting the rest of the country in parallel.
They even created a Khangress political party to employ local brown people as the continuation of their indirect oppression while controlling them remotely. Unfortunately people naturally believe who look "similar". The massive deadly venomous snake bite India by a Muslim man known as "Gandhi" who was a convert Muhammad Akmal Gandhi who break the country and conducted a massive Hindu genocides all his life. He invited Muslim countries to come and attack India only to kill Hindus while working for British government to implement their strategy along with rest of his political party. Even today, their party is loyal to Brits and other western governments including China.

Khangress deliberately falsified history and hiding almost all Islamic crimes, Genocides and showing them in positive perspective with Bullywood fake films.
Contrarily to Khangress, some one shot a filmed one of the brutal events where the Muslim thug ruler killed almost every one in a place who questioned his rule in 1947 after British left India. Most of the locals do not know even today as Khangress kept them in dark!

Similar kind of unfortunate things happened at different part of the world at different times too.

Can anyone imagine the life in those times!

Cast system from pagan point of view is wrong though it was same as just like modern work hierarchy that has been survived for thousands of years as it is close to natural laws. Dharmic religions (Hinduism is one of them) are survived so far but not sure what the future holds for them as the percipient relentless attacks from abrahamic religions continue.

Its interesting now that 'Cast system' do exist in every religion including Muslims and Christians in India as part of the 'affirmative action' introduced by far left British party Khangress back in few decades ago and the number of 'Casts' are growing dramatically over the period of time to get gov benefits both in education and employment even though no one really cares about "Cast" except mostly in marriages like @inc mentioned. In fact "Cast" is used to discriminate positively in most of the time particularly in so many fake "atrocity case" to black mail to get money, almost no gov jobs for certain "Casts" unless one is within the top 1% of merit category. The other option is not so well developed private sector or leave the country.
27   indc   2023 Jul 20, 11:45am  


Caste system is fake now? So there are no (and has never been) any Brahmin or Shudra?

There are different groups yes. What is your point? Didn't you have kings and peasants. I dont like this comparision because they were not the same. Not like Brahmin and Shudras who were same.
28   indc   2023 Jul 20, 11:52am  

Trollhole says

And I am not the one who is posting shit-Americans-don't-care-about on an American forum yet doesn't realize nor is even aware of a famous case ten years ago where an Indian consular officer was arrested, strip-searched and charged because she kept a household servant virtually imprisoned in her NY home and didn't pay her wages as required on the servant's US visa.

Can you explain why exactly is this related to caste discrimination case? Now your rant about Americans-dont-care. You have to care because your(american) decisions affects some of its citizens. 2 Days back someone passed away in cupertino because you are passing laws against Hindus assign us caste-discrimination. He was talking about the phantom caste-discrimination at the town hall meeting and when people heckled him he had heart attack and died.
29   DhammaStep   2023 Jul 20, 3:06pm  

Trollhole says

Because they can't run in the districts they live in as Republicans, most likely. And that is because the white voters in those districts won't elect them if they did.

Right, so you believe that most Indian Americans are actually Republicans but also believe that Republicans are racist White people that won't look past the color of their skin and vote for them even if they share values? You also believe that they want to put people in power that specifically want to get rid of H-1B visas which would prevent them from bringing more of their family over? That's a lot of mental hoops to jump through in order to believe that a large percentage of Indians aren't just Democrats. Since numbers and shit don't matter, I must have hallucinated all those places with heavy Indian populations being solid blue for the last twenty years.
30   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2023 Jul 22, 10:42am  

DhammaStep says

Right, so you believe that most Indian Americans are actually Republicans but also believe that Republicans are racist White people that won't look past the color of their skin and vote for them even if they share values?

Lay off the crack pipe. It's the Democrats who treat them like shit by what they do to their children on public schools and by their racist policies of doing their best to keep them out of college.

DhammaStep says

You also believe that they want to put people in power that specifically want to get rid of H-1B visas which would prevent them from bringing more of their family over?

More crack pipe. Vast majority of GOP politicians are the ones that are pro-H1B. It's their base that isn't. This is why they pass legislation on raising the visa cap in the middle of the night right before a holiday.

Only Trump has done anything about it otherwise.

Also, family members are not brought in with H1Bs. Workers are. Their family members are brought in via H-4 visas.

But...H1B visa holders are not citizens. So unless you just admitted that you know of widespread voter fraud going on with H1B visa holders, they are not the same as US citizens of Indian descent.

DhammaStep says

I must have hallucinated

Your words, not mine. Agree with you there.

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