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Who is behind the policing? Google employees from agencies with three alphabet acronym.
Ok how people how do we stop the google pop up sign in window on most all websites? I don't have a google account this is the most annoying privacy issue currently happening. I do know Google quietly sifts through all users emails and sells the info.
The company is basically the Eye of Sauron, having expanded into services far afield from search while assembling the greatest surveillance network the world has ever seen. Even the consumer profiles acquired by Facebook pale in comparison with those maintained by Google, which is collecting information about people 24/7, using more than 60 different observation platforms—the search engine of course, but also Google Wallet, Google Maps, Google Adwords, Google Analytics, Chrome, Google Docs, Android, YouTube, and on and on. Few Gmail users are aware that Google stores and analyzes every email they write, even the drafts they never send—as well as all the incoming email they receive from both Gmail and non-Gmail users.
According to Google’s privacy policy — to which you assent whenever you use a Google product, even when you haven’t been informed that you’re using a Google product — Google is entitled to share all the data it collects about you with almost anyone, including the federal government. But never with you. Your privacy is not the priority. Google’s privacy, however, is sacrosanct. ...
Judge clears way for DOJ’s antitrust case against Google to go to trial
The government’s case alleging Google has an illegal monopoly in the search engine business will go to trial in September
It figured anyone who hasn't used any Google-infested domains lately must not be human,
Technology has consequences, and these consequences are beginning to manifest as undetectable and untraceable manipulations of entire populations by an unholy alliance between corporations and government to not only monitor what we do, but invisibly influence knowledge, beliefs, attitudes, and behavior. Even for those who make a conscious effort to “live off the grid” and decline to use social media and smartphones, it’s getting to the point where it’s all but impossible to operate in day-to-day life without consenting to data harvesting by entities looking to control and profit off of us. It is Orwellian to the maximus.
We’re talking about power on a level unprecedented in human history—virtually untraceable and well beyond the scope of existing regulations and laws. The biomedical tyranny carried out under the auspices of the pandemic was just the next logical extreme. As progressive internet “hacktivist” Aaron Swartz once said about Big Tech, “They have no constitution to answer to. They’re not elected. They have no constituents or voters. All of the protections we’ve built up to protect against government tyranny don’t exist for corporate tyranny.”
I can recall many people had high hopes that the “open source” business model (like WordPress) would lead to a better world.
Google has since abandoned their “don’t be evil” slogan to become one of the most fascist players on the digital stage, practicing censorship with no shame thirteen years later.
Maybe that’s why nobody is talking about Google’s new global internet censorship tool just introduced last week? ...
If your website or blog or Substack criticizes or questions topics like:
Covid-19 statistics
the World Bank
Big Pharma
a one-world global government
climate change
then your website will be prevented from being found in Google search results.
So don't use Google.
I'm going into the predator business. If these stupid assholes want to be stupid, maybe they should be taken advantage of.
At a time when excess deaths are skyrocketing from a wide variety of baffling causes like turbo cancer, it seems like an appropriate time to lock down people’s ability to trade treatment tips. Great idea.
The part of the policy I found most comical was this nugget: “Videos are not allowed to discourage viewers from seeking professional medical treatment.” Haha! So, not only can’t folks post videos about non-pharma remedies, they aren’t even allowed to criticize the medical-industrial complex.
It seems like there are some options to YouTube out there. It might be time to start looking into them.
Google hiding websites of Trump and other Biden challengers – report
Searching ‘presidential campaign websites’ returned incumbent Joe Biden’s webpage and several inactive Democrats
Google is suppressing the 2024 campaign websites of all serious challengers to Democratic incumbent President Joe Biden, a report from the Media Research Center claimed on Thursday.
Searching the web for ‘presidential campaign websites’ using Google returned results that did not include a single Republican candidate on the first page the day before the first Republican primary debate of the 2024 season, according to the MRC.
Not even former US President Donald Trump, who is polling neck-and-neck with Biden, appeared in the first few pages of results, the media watchdog observed.
Nor did Democratic challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the chief threat to Biden’s candidacy from within his own party, appear in the results at all, even though a recent poll had him at nearly 20% in a matchup against Biden.
YouTube Demonetizes Channel Over Video of Democrats Challenging Election Results
YouTube has demonitized a channel over a video for the crime of making Democrats look like raging hypocrites.
A journalist named Matt Orfalea, who works with Matt Taibbi, created the video which intersperses clips of Trump questioning election results with Democrats doing the exact same thing.
Someone at YouTube clearly thought this was a problem and yanked the monetization for the entire channel. ...
So what kind of video could spur YouTube’s censors to declare Matt Orfeala, or “orf,” a single independent video journalist a “violent criminal organization”?
One that pushes back against the totalitarian left’s current narrative that Trump is the only person to have ever challenged states’ slates of electors, of course.
We can’t have Trump’s jurors seeing this!
YouTube is telling people that they can make money only through some political speech — political speech that serves the Democrat Establishment and Tech Oligarchy.
The tech censorship never ends. ...
As you will see if you click now, the above video, as I argued to Google, could not possibly be violative of any “misinformation” guideline, as it was comprised entirely of “real, un-altered clips of public figures making public comments.”
In the HTML which defines the page, we see:
<link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans%3A400%2C600%2C700%22 rel="stylesheet">
<script src="https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api.js?onload=onloadRenderRecaptcha&render=explicit%22 async defer>
The first tag, the "link", gets CSS files from Google servers, to aid in formatting the page. This service is "free" to the creators of https://apply.coveredca.com/ for the sole reason that Google can use it to collect information about the people using it, for example, the fact that they are applying for coverage. Simply loading those CSS files not only lets Google know the URL, IP address, and browser type of the user, but for people who have Google accounts, it also will transmit a "cookie" to Google which allows Google to exactly identify the particular person applying for coverage.
But CSS files the smaller invasion of privacy. The larger invasion is the second line, where a javascript script is loaded, because that invades the privacy of everyone who uses the application for coverage, whether they have a Google account or not, and irresponsibly gives Google unlimited powers of surveillance and control over the page.
When javascript is loaded from a 3rd party server (1st party is user's browser, 2nd party is coveredca.com, 3rd party is Google), that javascript is automatically entrusted with 100% visibility and control over the page. This is simply how all web browsers work. So Google could easily use its javascript to:
1. read everything the user types, including the password, and report it back to Google
2. alter any of the text on the page to say anything Google wants
3. alter what the user is trying to say to coveredca.com without the user or coveredca.com being aware
4. block the page from loading, if Google wants
This is all well-known to javascript programmers who have had sufficient security training. So, for example, no bank will ever include 3rd party javascript on a login or account page for the reasons given above. Sadly, most javascript programmers have not had sufficient security training, and are easily tempted to use the "free" services from Google without consideration as to Google's motive for providing these services. The programmers care about their deadlines for providing the functionality they were tasked with. If they can speed up their work by using Google services, they will do it. They usually either do not even consider the danger to privacy, or just don't care. It is typically only the banks which care, because of the real threat of financial loss and lawsuits.
Even the FBI's "anonymous" tip web page gives an open door to Google to read and write anything in this way, and to identify the tipper. Any tip reported there to the FBI is also visible to Google.
I would be delighted to help more, because this is a serious issue affecting perhaps half of all websites, and it is very difficult to get any attention for it.
Someone created a Google doc of students who showed support for Hamas as a record for future employers but Google deleted it
Someone created a Google doc of students who showed support for Hamas as a record for future employers but Google deleted it
I don't like blacklisting, but find it hilarious that the very students who are so much into cancelling people are themselves getting cancelled.
I wouldn't be too quick to ascribe this blacklisting to be from "the left".
richwicks says
I wouldn't be too quick to ascribe this blacklisting to be from "the left".
I do not think anyone is saying the blacklisting is from the left, just that the students who are so quick to cancel others are being cancelled themselves.
In my opinion, those doing the canceling are corporate leaders who have more allegiance to Israel than they do to the United States.
Seriously, this is how I found out about a former Hamas leader calling for a “Day of Jihad” on Friday the 13th.
At first, I wasn’t sure if it was fake news… So, I googled Day of Jihad on Googlenet news - this is what I got.
Nothing - main stream media (MSM) and the Googlenet is not reporting on it. “A Day of Jihad” is evidently not a worthwhile news story.
OK then.
But is the statement real?
This is the problem with censorship and selective news reporting. Where does it end?
So, I googled “Hamas, Jihad” on the Google News. That search pulled some local news stories about local and state police forces getting ready.
Again, nothing from MSM.
With the exception of Newsweek, which did actually report on this story. Newsweek choose to run a hit piece on “Maga” in the context of the Hamas statement. Wait, what? They then asserted that the “day of Jihad”, actually just meant a day of protests…
I had to use Yandex (hat tip richwicks) to find the hamas proclamation video (I suppose I should capitalize hamas to avoid the red squiggly underline, but I do not dignify that which I hold in contempt).
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To view my work calendar on my phone i have to add that account, so google knows my phone now too.
Even viewing a youtube video at work i noticed that they have me logged in to youtube (which google owns). if i log out, i can't read my email...
Google is the worst thing ever to happen to privacy.