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The clot shot is boomer remover.
Watch and see.
My neighborhood was mostly older people for years. As of the past couple years they’ve been going up for sale like popcorn as the Boomers die.
The clot shot is boomer remover.
Watch and see.
I agree. But, the process is designed to be slow and gradual so it can't be attributed so obviously to the shots. No doubt this is to kill off useless eaters and entitlement leeches.
The clot shot is boomer remover.
Watch and see.
My neighborhood was mostly older people for years. As of the past couple years they’ve been going up for sale like popcorn as the Boomers die.
Patrick says "I have posted identical stories hundreds of times. The vaccine is killing people."
How about a separate page listing all these killings? That will be a great reference!
“A service member who earlier this year blew the whistle and disclosed data from a Pentagon medical database showing a spike in the rate of myocarditis in the military in 2021, after the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, is going public.
The whistleblower is active-duty Navy Medical Service Corps officer Lt. Ted Macie.
In January, Lt. Macie and his wife traveled to Washington with a report of the data he collected from DMED.
It showed that diagnoses of myocarditis, a form of heart inflammation, jumped 130.5 percent in 2021 when compared to the average from the years 2016 to 2020. Myocarditis is a serious condition that can lead to death.”
💉 This next report is a re-post from Sunday’s subscriber edition, upon request. With only eight minutes to go in the Dolphins-Jaguars preseason game Saturday night, rookie wide receiver Daewood Davis collapsed, motionless, after a pretty normal-looking tackle.
Commotio cordis! Oh, wait. No hit to the chest. Concussion!
So anyway, after one single injury, NFL officials canceled the entire game and took Davis to the hospital.
Fortunately, the team reported that Davis now seems to be doing fine and is following “concussion protocol.” No official diagnosis or prognosis has been provided.
But — weirdly — the game’s cancellation was the second preseason game canceled for a bizarre player collapse so far this season — actually, so far in one week.
The media blamed both injuries on general “head and neck” injuries. Not according to doctors or even football officials, that’s just media speculation.
The other game was cancelled after Patriot cornerback Isaiah Boldon collapsed, motionless, after colliding with another Patriot player last Saturday during the New England Patriots—Green Bay Packers preseason matchup. The game was scrubbed with only 10:29 left on the clock.
The Patriots have only reported Isaiah had “an injury.” Not even a head injury or a neck injury, just “an injury.” Apparently, the days are now over when players’ injuries are immediately reported in microscopic detail so that ardent fans (and bookies) can handicap the injury’s effect on the rest of the season. ...
An injury? That’s it? I scoured Google news. There is not one single article about Isaiah, his injury, his condition, his prospects, nothing, after last Monday (the day after the injury). Since then, blackout. There’s no news on whether Isaiah will return to play, which seems weird. How’s he doing in practice? Crickets.
So far, that makes two preseason games bizarrely canceled late-game after a vaguely-defined “injury” leaving the players lying motionless on the field in one week. I ask our football fanatics: when was the last time something like that happened? Two games canceled in one week during the fourth quarter after a single player injury?
The NFL is getting pretty delicate. It’s almost like they’re terrified the players are going to die and then they’ll be criticized for playing on, or something. Weird. I wonder what could have made the league feel that way?
and sterilize their kids, grand children, and great grandchildren.
The mRNA Covid jabs damage immune responses to other viruses in children, a new study finds
Yet another reason giving mRNA shots to kids looks like an increasingly bad choice
Kids who got Pfizer’s mRNA Covid jabs had a weakened immune response to other viruses and bacteria, Australian researchers reported in a study published last week.
The diminished response appeared within weeks after the second Pfizer dose, the authors found. Blood taken from the children produced fewer crucial signaling molecules when stimulated with several common potential bacteria and viruses.
Over time, the immune response to bacteria returned to normal. But the diminished response to viruses lasted at least six months, for as long as the researchers collected data. “Our study showed that, in children, SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccination decreases inflammatory cytokine responses,” the authors wrote. ...
“My read on this paper is that it [mRNA vaccination] may in fact cause not just a short-term vulnerability to bacterial and viral infection in children, but it might cause a long-term immune deficiency,” one physician emailed, adding that he worried public health authorities will simply ignore the paper.
“Just see how the authors sidestep their own findings,” the physician wrote. “The authors won't even bluntly state that it appears that the mRNA shot caused a persistent immune deficiency in children. Their conclusion is it "alters" the cytokine response. This is the amount of courage in medicine.”
What the fuck? That's absolutely psychotic. They could come personally kill my family and I would never say their kids or grandkids should pay for that, especially in such a way. Holy fuck, do you even think?
Let those that commit the crimes pay for them.
I have often reported about Ethical Skeptic’s excellent data-crunching of the CDC’s confusing and deliberately-obscured morbidity and mortality data. Since we have no reliable government data about covid and the vaccines, I think it is perfectly fair to rely on this long-standing independent source. Ethical always links to his sources, provides his data, answers questions, and over the last couple years many have failed to debunk him.
On Monday, Ethical added a new chart of great interest to C&C readers. He crunched CDC’s reported deaths from infections. In other words, he looked for evidence of population-level autoimmune problems. And guess what? You know the answer.
Here’s one of his new charts, of “Zoonotic and Bacterial Infections (all ages).” (Zoonotic means acquired by animal contact.)
The area marked “Covid Mortality Decline” is the recent period when the CDC reported falling covid deaths. That is significant to show these increasing infection deaths are not related to covid infections. Next, the steepest inflection in infection deaths started right after 2021’s Week 14 — when the jabs rolled out. Currently, about +250 extra people are dying per week in this infections category, and the trajectory is headed up sharply.
The bottom line is reported infection deaths are up more than +40% over the pre-pandemic baseline, which is a statistical 14-sigma event.
If you’re not familiar with the lingo, 14 sigmas might not sound like very much, but just hang on. Here’s how ChatGPT described the statistical likelihood of a 14-sigma event occurring:
A 14-sigma event is extremely rare in statistics. In a normal distribution, a 14-sigma event would be more than 2.2 trillion standard deviations away from the mean. To put it simply, it's an event that has an incredibly low probability of occurring. In fact, such events are so unlikely that they often fall into the realm of statistical anomalies and might suggest something unusual happening in the data or the underlying process.
Wow! 2.2 trillion standard deviations from the mean! “It might suggest something unusual happening.” No kidding. Those kind of odds seem well beyond the realm of the ‘improbable,’ and are rather comfortably living in a giant McMansion somewhere in the neighborhood of impossibility. Something unusual is happening, all right, something unusual that a legitimate, well-funded public health agency should promptly investigate. If only we had a legitimate, well-funded public health agency, that is. Why haven’t we started one yet?
Oh. Never mind.
What does this new chart mean? We’ve previously speculated about increasing rates of weird, rare diseases like monkeypox, Hansen’s disease (leprosy), and others, all being possibly related to vaccine-induced autoimmune syndromes, colloquially called “VAIDS.” Ethical’s current chart adds more evidence supporting that hypothesis.
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