Effective Resistance Thread

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2022 Oct 1, 2:13pm   53,985 views  644 comments

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143   Patrick   2023 Sep 15, 10:53am  


You may recall London’s recent step toward becoming a 15-minute city, the so-called “ULEZ” incentive plan, where non-smart cars, or ‘dumb cars’ I guess, are charged $16 every time they leave the driveway or hit the expressway. Later in the fall, the daily driver fee will shoot up to $224 per day (but an affordable $112 per day if you pay within two weeks).

The system was originally designed to run using special ULEZ traffic cameras (Ultra Low Emissions Zone). But after up to 50% of the stationary pole cameras had been vandalized — sitting ducks, after all — London moved to plan ‘B’, which is now employing roving Big Brother-style white-panel vans equipped with despised, roof-mounted fee-charging cameras.

But the organism evolves, and plucky opponents of the Mayor’s too-clever plan have also shifted tactics, and are now targeting the ULEZ vans, spray-painting camera lenses and windshields, and letting air out of tires. Londoners are also crowd-sourcing the current whereabouts of every ULEZ van, coordinating their efforts to help uncompliant drivers avoid being recorded.

Between the start of April and the end of August, 510 crimes relating to ULEZ cameras were reported. London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan, who expanded ULEZ from an inner zone to the entire city on August 29th, has scolded people attacking cameras that “protest should be lawful, safe and peaceful”, but adding encouragingly, “It is really important to stay on the right side of the law.”

That’s true. Just ask January 6th rally attendees.

Londoners, keep fighting. We are with you in spirit. Viva la resistance!
144   Misc   2023 Sep 15, 11:05am  

I think the opposition should post the names of those who actually pay the fees and have everyone harass the ever living shit outta them. From what I understand over 50000 have told the government to pound sand. I think my idea would get the compliance rate even lower.
147   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 16, 9:45am  

Some interesting ideas from Corbett's Solutions Watch series like putting stickers on QR codes to make them unreadable, or stopping autonomous cars with traffic cones.

original link
148   stereotomy   2023 Sep 16, 12:33pm  

Perhaps Frank Herbert wasn't too far off. In the far future, government has become "too efficient." What was a surreptitious network of saboteurs eventually evolves into the Bureau of Sabotage, or BuSab - it's mission: to impede overzealous government initiatives and thus insure the stability of society. The adventures of BuSab's top agent, Jorj X. McKie, are documented in the novels "Whipping Star" and "The Dosadi Experiment."
149   Patrick   2023 Sep 17, 3:37pm  


A top European Union official has gone rogue to warn the public that Covid lockdowns and mandates are “all coming back.”

Christine Anderson, Germany’s member of the European Parliament, issued a statement calling on citizens around the world to rise up against the return of Covid restrictions.

During an address before the European Parliament, Anderson vowed to continue fighting for the freedoms of people across the globe.

However, she asked that, in return, citizens everywhere peacefully reject the incoming wave of Covid lockdowns and mask and mRNA injection mandates.

“It’s all coming back,” Anderson said.

“The first countries are already starting about talking mask mandates in Israel.

“I’ve heard of a few universities in the United States.

“They’re already bringing it all back, and I would really like for you, the people, to not go along.

“Simply say no,” she urged.

“They want you to wear a mask? Say no.

“They want you to put in another mRNA shot? Say no.

“They want to impose a curfew on you? Say no.”

“That’s really all you have to do,” she said in a message to people all around the world.

“That may sound hard, but it’s not that hard.

“Because, once you’ve made it clear to them that you will no longer go along, once you let them know they cannot scare you anymore.

“Because as long as you’re afraid of what they might do if you don’t comply, they have power over you.

“Take the power away from them: Simply say no.

“Once you do that, they don’t have power over you anymore.”

Anderson added that with everything that has taken place in the past three years, the people of the world would be within their rights to tell authoritarian governments “to screw themselves and go to Hell” where they belong.
150   GNL   2023 Sep 17, 6:00pm  

NuttBoxer says

When you earn a living without transacting in US dollars, you've left the system.

@NuttBoxer, please tell me how this can be done.
151   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 18, 6:46am  

Patrick says

A top European Union official has gone rogue to warn the public that Covid lockdowns and mandates are “all coming back.”

They ain't coming back here, California already shut it down..
152   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 18, 6:49am  

GNL says

NuttBoxer says

When you earn a living without transacting in US dollars, you've left the system.

NuttBoxer, please tell me how this can be done.

I believe this is the realm of agorists and sovereign citizens as they tend not have social security number, banks accounts, etc. I haven't done it, but everything that makes you self-sufficient enables you to leave.
155   Patrick   2023 Sep 20, 9:32am  


Hundreds of students from Pennsylvania’s Perkiomen Valley School District walked out of class Friday after the local school board failed to enact a policy requiring transgender students to use the restroom corresponding with their biological sex.

“Kids were upset. Girls… we wanted to protect them. They were upset. They didn’t want men in their bathroom,” John Ott, who organized the walkout...

“The safety of females is so important and these students that stood out that walked out, they are to be commended. They have courage and they exercise their First Amendment rights. This is about protecting our children and our privacy, and boys and girls. It’s simple biology.”

Proposed Policy 720 came after local father Tim Jagger posted on social media that his daughter was left “too upset and emotionally disturbed” to walk into school bathrooms after allegedly having an encounter with a transgender student in one of the facilities, according to WPVI-TV in Philadelphia.
158   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Sep 21, 9:57am  

Canada has some big protest going on today against pedophiles, who seem to inhabit ever sector of government.
159   Patrick   2023 Sep 24, 10:54am  

Not sure what's going on there. Could be photoshopped.
160   SoTex   2023 Sep 24, 11:38am  

I read it was an AI error that was correcting what it assumed was a typo because it was writing on a yellow background.
166   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 2, 12:15pm  

Patrick says

Nothing subtle about that..
170   Patrick   2023 Oct 12, 11:09am  


💉 The Ottawa Citizen ran a hopeful story this morning headlined, “Suspended detective accused of seeking links between child deaths and COVID-19 vaccines set to return to work, lawyer says; OPS says no timeline set.”

There appears to be some disagreement between the lawyer and the police department, but the Ottawa police detective accused of seeking links between children’s deaths and covid jabs may have her suspension rescinded soon, her lawyer said Tuesday.

Back in February, the investigator became the investigated when Ottawa police detective Helen Grus was accused of “conducting an unauthorized investigation.” Helen, assigned to the SIDS unit, investigated infant sudden death cases. On a hunch in 2022, Helen started asking the bereaved mothers if they’d recently gotten the covid jab or a booster. She started finding a connection, and began looking into other investigators’ cases trying to find a common denominator in the jabs. When her department found out what Helen was up to, they charged her with "discreditable conduct” and commenced a human resources trial to get her fired or demoted (apparently that’s how it works in Canada public service).

Helen has been suspended since February.

The Ottawa Citizen reported in August that Helen was accused of investigating nine SIDS cases she wasn’t assigned to (she was trying to figure out the mother’s vaccination status). Her bosses were especially triggered that, in one case where the mother couldn’t be reached, Helen called the father asking for details. Imagine that.

In March one of the mothers — “Karen” — was notified by Helen’s department that Helen has accessed Karen’s baby’s death records, and that Helen was not the assigned investigating officer. So Karen told the Ottawa Citizen she felt her privacy had been violated and expressed outrage at all the terrific support Helen has received from people opposed to mandatory jabbing.

The details are a little murky, but from what I can tell, Helen’s trial is set to continue the first week of December, but she has an upcoming meeting with the department where her return to work will be “discussed,” including “potential restrictions and conditions” on her if she is allowed to return from suspension. A department spokesman confirmed that Helen remains suspended for now, and there’s been no decision yet about her coming back to work.

This story should have gotten more visibility earlier this year. Helen’s friends setup a GiveSendGo to help with her legal expenses, and it has not done as well as it should. I’m not calling for a multiplier, but I did chip in. Here’s the link if you also want to give detective Helen a little C&C love this morning. (Note it’s in Canadian dollars, and watch out for the automatic ’tip’.)

171   Patrick   2023 Oct 18, 10:43am  


Changing the rotten Status Quo would be surprisingly easy

It would take just one captured entity breaking free from their captors. ...

Question: How easy would it be to expose the most epic and harmful health scandals of our lifetimes?

My answer: It would be incredibly easy for any number of organizations to accomplish this goal. ...

The undisputed leader of “pack journalism” is the The New York Times. If the army of investigative journalists at The Times took the lead and investigated the myriad Covid scandals, they’d probably expose 20 epic scandals in a month or two.

If the newspaper’s publisher and editors were so inclined, The Times does possess the resources, manpower and gravitas to expose the truth on, say, unsafe vaccines, iatrogenic deaths, the concealment and manipulation of key health statistics, etc.

As it turns out, most of the key research has already been done by alternative media skeptics; all of the key dots have pretty much been connected and mapped out. All The Times journalists would have to do is tie everything up into a nice, easy-to-grasp bow.

All they’d have to do is follow the evidence, ask authority figures a series of hard questions they’ve never been asked before and find a few smoking guns from emails, whistleblowers, etc.

Furthermore, if The New York Times took the lead on this project, this might give license to colleagues at other “news” organizations to launch simultaneous investigations. If even half of the country’s mainstream news organization suddenly started investigating the same scandals, the “bad guys” wouldn’t have a prayer.

The New York Times could expose all the Covid scandals by itself … if it wanted to. If other news organizations joined the fight, the time it would take to definitively expose these scandals would be dramatically reduced.

We know this isn’t going to happen, but - for what it’s worth - it could … easily. ...

The reason our awful Status Quo is our awful Status Quo is that most of the “people’s representatives” don’t want to perform this role. However, for the record, they could do this - easily, with their hands tied behind their backs … if they wanted to.
174   Patrick   2023 Oct 25, 1:44pm  

Using silver by weight with each other instead of bullshit "dollars" might be the most effective possible resistance.
175   Patrick   2023 Oct 25, 1:45pm  


People Are Dying The Senate Doesn't Care
Senator Babet, Posted October 19, 2023

TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: Senator Ralph Babet (United Australia Party) represents Victoria in the Australian Senate. https://www.aph.gov.au/Senators_and_Members/Parliamentarian?MPID=300706.


SENATOR RALPH BABET: Thank you, Acting Deputy President. So in March of this year, March this year, I asked the Senate to establish a select committee to investigate excess deaths and unexplained mortality in our nation. Now at that time there had been tens of thousands, tens of thousands of excess deaths reported since back in 2022.

Now it was like a full passenger plane, a big one, one of those jet, jet aircraft crashing every single week for 11 months without explanation and without investigation. Yet incredibly, the Senate refused. Only four senators, just four, had the courage to back my committee. Four.

Now it wasn't just the Senate that was determined to ignore the elephant in the room, with a few honorable exceptions, it was the entire political class in Australia and at every level.

Now thankfully, there was one group that didn't turn their back on the Australian people in their time of need, the medical experts at the Australian Medical Professionals' Society, otherwise known as AMPS.* So they stepped up to the plate, they did the hard work that my colleagues in this place, unfortunately and shamefully, refused to do.

Now they have put their findings in a book titled Too Many Dead: An Inquiry into Australia's Excess Mortality. Now this is bound to attract attention around the world. Now as I speak in this chamber, AMPS are here in Canberra presenting their finding to elected members and senators and their staff.

Now I urge my colleagues in this place to have a heart, hopefully one that's not scarred with myocarditis, vaccine-induced myocarditis, to take the time to listen to these medical experts, and most importantly, to act. The time has come to act.

Australians still continue to die in large numbers. And unfortunately, the inaction in this place, it speaks volumes.

Thank you.
176   Patrick   2023 Oct 27, 2:02pm  


We got a huge victory this week with Speaker Johnson, who was possibly the biggest opponent of the 2020 Steal in Congress, but if we don't push for immediate action on these issues, they very likely will get lost in the shuffle with more fighting over funding for bullshit wars and other budget showdowns. These are THE most important issues facing the country right now.


1. The House open a comprehensive investigation into the 2020 and 2022 election fraud

2. The J6 Tapes be immediately released to the public

3. The DOJ be defunded or otherwise reined in until these witch hunts against Presiden Trump and his supporters end

Let's strike while the iron's hot!


We owe Matt Gaetz and his compatriots bigtime for what they managed to pull off. Please send their campaigns some cash if you are able (Except Ken Buck), or maybe even sign up to volunteer for their next campaign if you happen to live nearby one of their districts.

The GOP RINOs will do everything they can to kneecap these guys going forward (remember Madison Cawthorne?), so they will need our help. They took a huge gamble for us and the country, and it appears to have paid off.


(Matt is one of the only congressmen who doesn't take any money from PACs or lobbyists - all he has is small donors, so please give generously if you are able.)













Never Forgive, Never Forget the Traitorous Twenty Five
These RINOs who sabotaged Jim Jordan should not be forgiven, just because things seem to have worked out okay. We very easily could have ended up with a speaker McHenry, Romney or Cheney.

This is a "Scorpion and the Frog" situation - they've revealed their true allegiance to the Swamp over their country. We should donate time and funds to all of their primary opponents over the coming months:

Rep. Don Bacon, of Nebraska, voted for Speaker Pro Tempore Patrick McHenry, of North Carolina.

Rep. Vern Buchanan, of Florida, voted for Rep. Byron Donalds, of Florida.

Rep. Ken Buck, of Colorado, voted for Rep. Tom Emmer, of Minnesota.

Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRamer, voted for McHenry.

Rep. Anthony D'Esposito, of New York, voted for former Rep. Lee Zeldin.

Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, of Florida, voted for Rep. Steve Scalise, of Louisiana.

Rep. Jake Ellzey, of Texas, voted for Rep. Mike Garcia, of California.

Rep. Drew Ferguson, of Georgia, voted for Scalise.

Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick, of Pennsylvania, voted for McHenry.

Rep. Andrew Garbarino, of New York, voted for Zeldin.

Rep. Carlos Giménez, of Florida, voted for Rep. Kevin McCarthy, of California.

Rep. Tony Gonzales, of Texas, voted for Scalise.

Rep. Kay Granger, of Texas, voted for Scalise.

Rep. John James, of Michigan, voted for Donalds.

Rep. Thomas Kean, of New Jersey, voted for McCarthy.

Rep. Mike Kelly, of California, voted for Scalise.

Rep. Jennifer Kiggans, of Virginia, voted for McHenry.

Rep. Nick LaLota, of New York, voted for Zeldin.

Rep. Michael Lawler, of New York, voted for McHenry.

Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, of Iowa, voted for McHenry.

Rep. Marcus Molinaro, of New York, voted for Zeldin.

Rep. John Rutherford, of Florida, voted for Scalise.

Rep. Michael Simpson, of Idaho, voted for Scalise.

Rep. Pete Stauber, of Minnesota, voted for Rep. Bruce Westerman, of Arkansas.

Rep. Steve Womack, of Arkansas, voted for Scalise.

As always, feel free to post any new ideas you have on fighting fraud or getting our ballots banked.

Here's the archive of our previous ideas:

177   Patrick   2023 Oct 27, 2:34pm  


This is the way: Parents peacefully protest outside California library, don't allow "Pickle" the drag queen to enter and read to kids
180   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 30, 1:13pm  

Patrick says

This is the way: Parents peacefully protest outside California library, don't allow "Pickle" the drag queen to enter and read to kids

Not just any place in California, the porn capital of the world. When even parents in San Fernando valley have had enough, you know it's gone too far.
181   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2023 Oct 30, 3:35pm  

NuttBoxer says

Not just any place in California, the porn capital of the world

I thought Florida was.
182   Ceffer   2023 Oct 30, 3:48pm  

PumpingRedheads says

NuttBoxer says

Not just any place in California, the porn capital of the world

I thought Florida was.

A hotly contested title. Everybody wants to be the porn capitol of the world.

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