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Yet another article about how the Hamas attack was likely allowed to happen to promote Israel PR goals:
Dying Cabal's Final Play? Sneak Attack On World's Most Advanced Military Surveillance Power, Horrific Images From Israel: Netanyahu: "We Will Turn Gaza Into A Deserted Island"
But Why Were Border Crossings Reportedly Wide Open? Weary World Sees All Telltale Signs Of Planned Events With Planned Outcomes
Matt Groening is from Evergreen, Bret Weinstein taught there.
NO. Biden is a man that is out of his mind
Israeli intelligence is very organized. There's no possible way they didn't see this coming, which means they caused it.
But Why Were Border Crossings Reportedly Wide Open? Weary World Sees All Telltale Signs Of Planned Events With Planned Outcomes
Like the 9/11 Inside Job, Israel Coincidentally Suffers the Same Intelligence Failures in the Purported Hamas Attack.
deport 100,000 more
I see no reason to speculate whether the Hamas offensive was allowed to happen at this time when coming events will show how likely that was. If there’s just a lot of violence and then it goes back to more or less the status quo, Israeli intelligence probably did just massively faceplant and miss extensive preparations for an attack which included training for air and sea assaults. If new agendas are rolled out that wouldn’t have been consented to without the attack, chances are much higher it was allowed; the more far-reaching the agendas, the greater the likelihood.
One point brought up early by a few was the singular level of Intelligence failure, both American and Israeli on not foreseeing this attack. Israel is considered the world's second-largest surveillance state (China being first, America third), and its Intelligence service is known to be among the most advanced on the planet, even superior to America’s capabilities. ...
How did both Intel services miss this ? Of course, the conspiracy comes in, and I am one to indulge in conspiracies from time to time, that the Israeli political elite let this happen so they could have an excuse to decimate Gaza. Another angle is their Prime Minister, suffering protests because of his unpopular choices, let this happen to unite the public under one banner. Nothing moves hearts and minds as the respective of an Israeli 9/11.
Or they are only competent like our own intel agencies when it comes to spying on their domestic political targets ?
Now that was quick. We need to go to WAR with Iran (and its allies China & Russia) because a "new report" (the source of which is not named) states that IRAN planned the whole attack.
Is there anyone here other than socal2 that is going to enlist in order to fight in WW III?
CONFIRMED: Iran Planned and 'Green-Lit' Murderous Hamas Attacks on Israel
A new report is shedding light on how Hamas managed to pull off its violent invasion of Israel on Saturday. Possibly thousands are dead in the wake of the Palestinian terror spree, in which women and children were indiscriminately murdered in the streets.
Send them to the Sinai peninsula or west of that.
I guess I'm a "NeoCon" if I'm not cool with Russia's invasion of Ukraine and feral Islamist's rape and murder of innocent Jews at raves and bus stops.
I suspect the West will push Zelensky to accept a cease fire and let Russia control Donbas and Crimea. If not, then they'll figure out how to make Zelensky lose in the 2024 election.
What I find is odd is why such a coordinated attack did not include MANPADs or drones. Surly Hamas expected IAF retaliatory attacks, so why no shoulder fired anti-aircraft waiting? The attackers had paragliders, but not drones to hit houses of high politicians or crater a runway?
FFS - here we go with the conspiracy retardation.
Apparently the thousands of Hamas Jihadis that carried out this sophisticated attack have absolutely no agency and it was all the work of the Joos pulling the strings.
The CIA and NSA didn't see the Indian bomb coming. Intel Agencies make mistakes. Hamas is always training with firearms. They might have had a clue something was in the works, but not the attacks against the many 10s of kilometers of simple barbed wire with dozers. The usual parading for the cameras around the concrete walls and gate areas.
No, they will push Zelenskyy to continue this war until there are literally no Ukrainians left to fight.
I disagree as Biden needs to show he brought peace to Ukraine and had a major foreign policy accomplishment leading to his re election bid.
I disagree as Biden needs to show he brought peace to Ukraine and had a major foreign policy accomplishment leading to his re election bid.
The guy is signalling his loser attitude at every turn
And the Dems need economic recovery or a prosperous economy at least 3 months going into the November 2024 election.
Desperate to kiss Iranian ass in hopes of adding their oil to the US Market, also.
It doesn't matter where it comes from.
Whoever is our next president will be another puppet. I bet it's DeSantis
Then why do US refiners take oil from Venezuela, East Siberia, Mexico and Alberta while we export most of the oil we drill here?
Answer: Not all oil is the same. The sweet crude we produce can't be refined on our refineries that were built to take in sour crude.
No, oil is a fungible commodity.
It doesn't matter where it comes from.
But increasing the supply lowers the price, which was my point.
Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of the British military forces in Afghanistan, spoke to Israel National News - Arutz Sheva on Sunday about the Hamas-launched war on Israel in which over 350 people have been murdered so far and stated that Russia's hand can be seen in the attack in addition to the hand of Iran.
The attack began with a coordinated breach of the Gaza border fence at multiple locations accompanied by the firing of thousands of rockets into southern Israel, allowing squads of terrorists to penetrate into Israel and attack numerous communities and cities in southern Israel in the early morning. Israel was caught completely off-guard by the assault, representing a massive intelligence failure.
"I have no doubt that questions about this intelligence failure are being addressed now in the Israeli government," Col. Kemp said of the failure to predict and stop the deadly Hamas onslaught. "I am sure there will be a full inquiry when the current situation is stabilized. Until then we can only speculate. This attack has been called Israel’s 9/11 by some people, or Israel’s Pearl Harbor, both of which were also accompanied by tragic intelligence failure."
He stated that Iran and Russia were behind the attack which was, according to him, "too complex for Gaza terrorists to pull off on their own."
"The specific date was chosen by the Palestinian terrorists to take advantage of the Israeli holiday period, very much like the Yom Kippur War that began around the same time in 1973. But the strategic context is threefold. First, Iran’s hand was behind this attack. They fund, arm, and direct Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Iran is dedicated to the annihilation of the Jewish State as their leaders have repeated again and again.
He explained: "Second, Russia would have also been behind this attack. Moscow and Tehran are close allies who have cooperated over the mass murder of civilians in the Ukraine war, for which Iran has supplied killer drones. Leaders of Islamic Jihad and Hamas have visited Moscow in the last few months meeting senior Russian government officials. Russia’s motivation here is to foment instability in the Middle East to distract US political bandwidth as well as resources away from Ukraine."
"Third, in their pursuit of chaos and Iranian hegemony in the Middle East, both Russia and Iran want to disrupt the normalization negotiations between Saudi Arabia and Israel," he said. "It is hard to assess the impact this will have [on the negotiations with Saudi Arabia], but it will certainly complicate negotiations and may even lead to their temporary abandonment."
To the question of how Israel should respond to such a brazen and deadly attack, he responded that "the laws of war on proportionality have no bearing on strategic objectives, only on the conduct of operations where civilian life might be endangered. Israel is well known for its proportionate use of force in defense of its citizens despite the propaganda campaign that suggests otherwise. I think this attack will have changed Israel’s strategic calculus and it will have to inflict unprecedented damage on Hamas’s and Islamic Jihad’s leadership. That may mean a ground operation into Gaza that leads to a long or medium-term military presence on the ground. I think the immediate goal will be to destroy Hamas and Islamic Jihad as viable terrorist bodies."
"As to the hostages, this is perhaps the most difficult challenge Israel faces. Rescuing large numbers of people no doubt dispersed in secure locations around Gaza may well be impossible but I have no doubt the Israeli government, intelligence, and IDF will make every conceivable effort to do so. Perhaps the best hope would be international pressure on the terrorists but these hostages are a prize they will be most unwilling to give up," he said.
"The West must recognize Iran’s and Russia’s hand in this. The US in particular should stop appeasing Iran. Western governments should treat Hamas and Islamic Jihad as their enemies and support Israel in its efforts to destroy them as well as applying their own punitive action against them. Western leaders should speak loudly in support of Israeli military defensive action now and for the long term, working to counter the anti-Israel narrative that will be boosted by Israel’s necessary actions to defend its population, Col. Kemp concluded.
Yep, totally correct, but if light sweet crude gets too expensive, we'll just move to another grade.
Yeah. The bitch is that it costs a lot in both $$$$ and downtime to refurbish/retool a refinery to do that. Esp with the older refineries like we have.
Yeah, that's over my head. I know that a major gripe of the Koch brothers is that they USED to get a lot of heavy sour crude from Venezuela and the refineries they were putting it though couldn't be retooled.
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"President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday suspended Russian participation in the last remaining nuclear arms control treaty with the United States, warning Washington that Russia had put new ground-based strategic nuclear weapons on combat duty," Reuters reports of the new declaration.