Zionist Terrorism

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2023 Oct 11, 12:13pm   77,684 views  1,148 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

I've seen the Zeitgeist stuff and read the people who blame everything on Jews(especially in relation to banking). I don't find it to hold true, but when I see the obvious racism and bigotry on this site, especially in the last few days when it comes to Arabs, I have to re-think how much of a hold Zionist propaganda has on this country. I first became aware of it after 9/11, even before I knew it was a false flag event it bothered me the way people treat Middle Easterner's in this country. I've worked with Iranian's, Iraqi's, Pakistani's, and I've always found them to be some of the most polite, well mannered people. A lot of you here could stand some lessons from them.

From the same keyboards that denounced Ukraine and the violence in South Africa, I now read despicable language used against Arabs. No one wants to touch the stuff I bring up about Israeli government and kids, but you all want to call for actions that will murder more children.

Try re-writing some of your sentences, but insert Jew instead of Muslim, or white. Then read them again. I bet I could translate much of the South Africa talk with that same word change, and get most of you clamoring for more bloodshed to agree with it.

Look at the children in these photos, read the stories of how they died. Some are Israeli, do you find that odd? I don't, the military and governments involved in this are sociopaths, and pedophiles, and don't give a shit about your ethnicity, nationality, loyalty, or age.


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151   AD   2023 Oct 23, 6:30pm  

Here is the narrative.

"Arab refugee problem" is the labeling for displacing and forcing out Arabs : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1948_Palestinian_exodus

"Zionist political violence" instead of Zionist terrorism ? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zionist_political_violence


152   richwicks   2023 Oct 23, 6:32pm  

socal2 says

Even the EU (no friend of Israel)


What utter bullshit.
153   RC2006   2023 Oct 24, 5:55am  

Israeli blackmail probably out in full force right now with leaders around the world.
154   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 24, 6:05am  

RC2006 says

Israeli blackmail probably out in full force right now with leaders around the world.

Where are all those Epstein tapes, and who has them? LOL
155   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 24, 9:28am  

Eric Holder says


My sources are Israeli government, and US military. You have yet to refute them...
156   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 24, 9:37am  

Once again, Israeli citizens calling out their own government and IDF over the fiasco on October 7th:


Israel government is upset they didn't have time to "prep"(threaten) the lady before she did the interview.

You people siding with the Israeli government and US imperialist agenda keep saying it's about the Israeli's killed that day right? So why do you keep ignoring Israeli citizens saying the government is culpable? I mean they're the ones who matter right? Keeping more of them from dying?

If you haven't taken a HARD look at the government's pushing this war, you are just like Hamas, because you support killing Israeli's. Actually you're worse than Hamas. At least they have reasons like religion, land dispute, attacks on their citizens. All you have is war for the sake of war. Disgusting.
158   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 24, 9:39am  

NuttBoxer says

You people siding with the Israeli government

People are siding with Israeli govenment on the idea of ending Hamas as organization. People critisize Israeli govenment for being caught with their pants down in Oct 7. These things are not mutually exclusive.
160   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 9:42am  

Ah, that made my day. Pallywood in action.

161   stereotomy   2023 Oct 24, 9:44am  

If there wasn't a shit ton of oil there (middle east) we wouldn't give two shits what goes on. Let them kill each other until there's no one left, then move in. Oh wait . . .
162   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 9:47am  

Yes, it's a meme.

But yes, she's been at several pro-Hamas protests
163   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 9:50am  

The same two ladies who celebrate Hamas for Pallywood, also appear as "Bereaved widows/mothers" in another.

164   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 9:56am  

stereotomy says

If there wasn't a shit ton of oil there (middle east) we wouldn't give two shits what goes on. Let them kill each other until there's no one left, then move in. Oh wait . . .

If the US only cared about oil, we would have sold out the Jews to the Muslims decades ago.

Supporting Israel has been a strategic headache for America with very little gain.

The majority of Americans who are not retarded Leftists, BLM grifters and Islamists support Israel on moral grounds.
165   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 10:16am  

It's JuSt ThE MoSSad FaKiNg tO SmEaR dUh PooR PaLesTinIans!!!

166   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 24, 10:26am  

Eric Holder says

People are siding with Israeli govenment on the idea of ending Hamas as organization. People critisize Israeli govenment for being caught with their pants down in Oct 7. These things are not mutually exclusive.

Good point. I just don't see nearly as much vitrol for the Israeli government as seems warranted for an organization that according to it's own people, including Hamas hostages, left them out to dry.

On the ending Hamas side, you know I'm for disbanding all governments, so I wouldn't argue for a second. But I will never support bombing, and denying basic services to citizens, even if it means ending a government I despise. Even if it meant ending our government.
167   RayAmerica   2023 Oct 24, 10:28am  

socal2 says

Supporting Israel has been a strategic headache for America with very little gain.

Except for the U. S. voting for the UN resolution which created the State of Israel, it was the official policy of the U. S. to remain neutral in the Middle East. Somewhere along the line, and, after intense lobbying efforts and pressure by Israel, the U. S. changed that policy to one that heavily favored Israel. Since then, it's been almost non stop chaos.
168   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 10:29am  

RayAmerica says

Except for the U. S. voting for the UN resolution which created the State of Israel, it was the official policy of the U. S. to remain neutral in the Middle East. Somewhere along the line, and, after intense lobbying efforts and pressure by Israel, the U. S. changed that policy to one that heavily favored Israel. Since then, it's been almost non stop chaos.

Yes, because in 1967 the Soviets were dumping 1000s of T-55s, MiGs, and SAMs with 30-40,000 advisors into Syria and Egypt.

There's a reason the Israelis had Mirages in 1967 but F-5s in 1973.

It's called the Cold War.
169   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 10:52am  

RayAmerica says

Except for the U. S. voting for the UN resolution which created the State of Israel, it was the official policy of the U. S. to remain neutral in the Middle East. Somewhere along the line, and, after intense lobbying efforts and pressure by Israel, the U. S. changed that policy to one that heavily favored Israel. Since then, it's been almost non stop chaos.

Uh yeah - most people who aren't anti-Semitic are generally sympathetic to Israel after seeing Muslim/Arab nations start (and lose) numerous wars and terrorist campaigns to try and destroy Israel.

Palestinians inventing modern day terrorism that target innocent civilians (including Americans and Europeans) doesn't win over too many people either.

There is "chaos" because the international contingent of Communists, Leftists, Islamists and retards at the UN are continuing their efforts to destroy Israel and constantly provide Palestinians diplomatic and material support despite their refusal to recognize Israel's existence or negotiate peace.
170   stereotomy   2023 Oct 24, 10:55am  

socal2 says

stereotomy says

If there wasn't a shit ton of oil there (middle east) we wouldn't give two shits what goes on. Let them kill each other until there's no one left, then move in. Oh wait . . .

If the US only cared about oil, we would have sold out the Jews to the Muslims decades ago.

Supporting Israel has been a strategic headache for America with very little gain.

The majority of Americans who are not retarded Leftists, BLM grifters and Islamists support Israel on moral grounds.

Israel serves to salve to conscience of what the US does in the middle east in general, as well as assuaging what it did turning away refugee ships back in the 1940's. I can bring a horse to water, but that's the extent of my efforts.
171   HeadSet   2023 Oct 24, 1:46pm  

AmericanKulak says

The same two ladies who celebrate Hamas for Pallywood, also appear as "Bereaved widows/mothers" in another.

I wonder if they have Screen Actors Guild member cards.
172   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 24, 2:10pm  

Horrific Genocide, population explodes several times in just 3 generations.

173   Ceffer   2023 Oct 24, 4:27pm  

Israel is a British Territorial State, on a 99 year lease from 1948, LOL! The renegotiation of the lease is pending. They agreed that when the British thought it appropriate, Israel would accept the British Monarch as their monarch (whoever and whatever that is, since the Windsors are the Protestant Envoys of the Vatican and not the genuine bloodline titular King/Queen).
174   socal2   2023 Oct 24, 4:31pm  

AmericanKulak says

Horrific Genocide, population explodes several times in just 3 generations.

Not to mention Arabs in Palestine are leading the world in obesity! But to the Leftist and Islamist Jew haters, massive population and BMI growth equals "genocide".

Words and facts have no meaning to some retards. They have nothing but feelings.

Same mentality we see with stupid Leftists when it comes to gender.
175   RC2006   2023 Oct 24, 5:02pm  

RayAmerica says

socal2 says

Supporting Israel has been a strategic headache for America with very little gain.

Except for the U. S. voting for the UN resolution which created the State of Israel, it was the official policy of the U. S. to remain neutral in the Middle East. Somewhere along the line, and, after intense lobbying efforts and pressure by Israel, the U. S. changed that policy to one that heavily favored Israel. Since then, it's been almost non stop chaos.

Isreal threatened Truman that Jews would vote as a block against him if he didnt go along with the creation of Isreal he would have lost New York. Many other U.N. members were also extorted by Jews to go along or be punished.
176   RC2006   2023 Oct 24, 5:10pm  

RC2006 says

RayAmerica says

socal2 says

Supporting Israel has been a strategic headache for America with very little gain.

Except for the U. S. voting for the UN resolution which created the State of Israel, it was the official policy of the U. S. to remain neutral in the Middle East. Somewhere along the line, and, after intense lobbying efforts and pressure by Israel, the U. S. changed that policy to one that heavily favored Israel. Since then, it's been almost non stop chaos.

Isreal threatened Truman that Jews would vote as a block against him if he didnt go along with the creation of Isreal he would have lost New York. Many other U.N. members were also extorted by Jews to go along or be punished.

They also tried to assassinate Truman with a letter bomb. They would assassinate anyone against the Zionist movement including other Jews.
177   AD   2023 Oct 24, 10:04pm  

NuttBoxer says

that is why you have to be your own 911 or first responder even in dangerous places like next to Gaza ... at least have a 9 mm handgun (or a very bar minimum a 22LR rifle that can hit below the waist with many rounds) ... these terrorists were looking for easy targets


178   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 25, 12:00pm  

ad says

these terrorists were looking for easy targets

So your logic Israeli government builds this giant fucking wall, installs sensors, monitor the shit out of everything, then leaves for six hours? I'm guessing you're also fine with the complete stand down of the Air Force on 9/11...
179   AD   2023 Oct 25, 12:10pm  

NuttBoxer says

ad says

these terrorists were looking for easy targets

So your logic Israeli government builds this giant fucking wall, installs sensors, monitor the shit out of everything, then leaves for six hours? I'm guessing you're also fine with the complete stand down of the Air Force on 9/11...

I have no idea what you are trying to state in your post.

I am saying it was set up to be weak. I think they got lazy and/or incompetent or just too complacent and let their guard down in those kibbutz near Gaza.

The Hamas terrorists exploited that they left their guard down.

Also those kibbutz are not hardened and armed like the orthodox or more conservative Jewish settlements on the West Banks. The kittbutz are more liberal and have residents like Vivian Silver

If the Hamas terrorists tried that on an orthodox Jewish settlement, they would have had almost every adult firing at least a 9 mm handgun at them.

And that is why you have left wing militants even pro-Hamas ones here in the USA that do not want Israel to loosen its gun laws.

180   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 25, 12:24pm  

Exactly right. In fact the settlement targeted was notoriously peacenik/leftoid.
181   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 25, 12:27pm  

NuttBoxer says

So your logic Israeli government builds this giant fucking wall, installs sensors, monitor the shit out of everything, then leaves for six hours? I'm guessing you're also fine with the complete stand down of the Air Force on 9/11...

Most of the Gaza "Wall" is just a very hair chain link fence and barbed wire, about 90km of it. Only the road entrance points are the concrete walls with the towers.

There was a draftee who did her service last year saying the systems were constantly in need of repair and it took days to repair them and they never caught up with the maintenance.

Also, it was a weekend and a Holiday morning - equivalent of Easter Sunday, and Hamas launched thousands of rockets in the early morning. The skeleton crew keeping an eye was probably exhausted at that point and I bet the handful of soldiers on duty were busy policing up rocket parts and checking for damage, way early on that holiday morning, which is why it took so long to get them back to base and concentrated to deploy out.

This happened before in 1973 but with an entire army. No intel service is perfect.
182   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 26, 11:48am  

ad says

I have no idea what you are trying to state in your post.

I am saying it was set up to be weak. I think they got lazy and/or incompetent or just too complacent and let their guard down in those kibbutz near Gaza.

Can I simplify? Ok, you build this giant super secure vault to store your money in. It's got timers, 15 key alpha-numeric code, the works. You hire a big ass security guard, and build a super secure wall around it, sensors in the ground to monitor for digging. Guys in towers on the wall to watch for aerial attempts, the works. Then you tell all the guards not t to show up to work, and leave the vault door, and door in the wall wide open. Who do you blame, the dude who takes your money, or you?

I don't think what I said was too hard for your to grasp the first time. Have you considered you may be in denial and therefore blinded to the truth?
183   Eric Holder   2023 Oct 26, 12:05pm  

What Hamas REALLY Want - Sam Harris

184   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 27, 10:22am  

If I had a nickle for every person that said we needed to prevent violence with violence, I'd be a rich man these past few weeks. I don't understand why people don't see how ludicrous this outlook is. The Pre-Cogs walk among us!
185   socal2   2023 Oct 27, 10:29am  

NuttBoxer says

If I had a nickle for every person that said we needed to prevent violence with violence, I'd be a rich man these past few weeks.

So you are a defund the police advocate too? Police have to use violence all the time to prevent greater violence.

How has that worked out for US cities and minority populations?

186   fdhfoiehfeoi   2023 Oct 27, 5:26pm  

Israeli government knowingly shelled their own people on October 7th. According to an Israeli who survived, again Hamas treated them well, and only intended to kidnap them, not kill them.

This was never saving or protecting the Israeli people, ONLY about the Israeli state(government). If you can't see that at this point...

187   Reality   2023 Oct 27, 7:17pm  

Using defunding the police to create chaos in American cities and statistically kill Americans only worked because some Americans had surrendered god-given right of self-defense to the police and allowed the government to disarm law-abiding city dwellers. Likewise, the Zionists used the Wall to disarm Israelis, and then could stand-down the Wall and its defenses at a moment's notice to let in mass-murderers roam among disarmed Israeli civilians.

No amount of funding for police would be able to prevent bankster agents occupying government offices to tell police to stand-down! What's needed is a good hanging of those agents who gave stand-down orders!
188   AmericanKulak   2023 Oct 27, 7:38pm  

NuttBoxer says

Israeli government knowingly shelled their own people on October 7th. According to an Israeli who survived, again Hamas treated them well, and only intended to kidnap them, not kill them.

Reality says

Likewise, the Zionists used the Wall to disarm Israelis, and then could stand-down the Wall and its defenses at a moment's notice to let in mass-murderers roam among disarmed Israeli civilians.

Evidence for this? Shrapnel wounds? The location of the batteries? How this happened in a close-knit country?
189   Patrick   2023 Oct 27, 7:44pm  

Reality says

disarm Israelis

I'm still shocked that all those Israelis were disarmed. When did that happen?

I was there a long time ago, but it seemed like every other Israeli had a gun.
190   socal2   2023 Oct 27, 8:25pm  

Patrick says

Reality says

disarm Israelis

I'm still shocked that all those Israelis were disarmed. When did that happen?

I was there a long time ago, but it seemed like every other Israeli had a gun.

It is my understanding that the rave party and kibitz’s were primarily left wing peace activist types of Israelis.

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