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Bashar Assad is a terd that just wont flush, and the NWO hates that.
ad says
Barack Hussein Obama was the first to send troops there. Interestingly it was a few months after Russia took Crimea.
Yes. Note that doesn't answer my question, which is in the present tense.
Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Oil stealing. Stealing oil.
Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Stealing oil. Oil stealing. Stealing oil.
Too little oil in that particular country, must be something else
Bd6r says
Too little oil in that particular country, must be something else
The sheer honor of piracy uber alles?
some anti russia geopolitical chess move
i just know russia backs syria.
ad says
Barack Hussein Obama was the first to send troops there. Interestingly it was a few months after Russia took Crimea.
Yes. Note that doesn't answer my question, which is in the present tense.
So you do not think we are still in Syria for the same reasons why Barack Hussein Obama sent US troops there ? Its a protracted geopolitcal conflict.
And the same career civil servants who formulated it sitting in the halls of CIA and NSC are still there, just in higher positions like GS 15 and SES.
ad says
So you do not think we are still in Syria for the same reasons why Barack Hussein Obama sent US troops there ? Its a protracted geopolitcal conflict.
And the same career civil servants who formulated it sitting in the halls of CIA and NSC are still there, just in higher positions like GS 15 and SES.
And that is as good as an answer as any.
Just a damning one. :)
9/11 Troofers constantly say 9/11 was an inside job so America could steal Middle East oil. Where the fuck is it? Our country's strategic oil reserve is lower than ever. Where are all the pipelines and thousands of US oil tankers taking oil back to the US? How much oil would we have to steal just to cover the mobilization costs of bringing thousands of Americans and military gear to Iraq in the first year?
Also, thought all the Globalhomo NWO is all about EV's and getting America off oil? Why would they all be in on this?
Morons want us to believe it was easier to create a MASSIVE conspiracy to kill thousands of Americans at home and thousands more people abroad to get Iraqi oil - as opposed to beating Environmentalists so we can drill for more oil at home? America has more energy reserves then we know what do with.
so that oil price can be kept higher
FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
some anti russia geopolitical chess move
FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says
i just know russia backs syria.
Exactly. And Oceana has always been at war with EastAsia! Right Winston?
The banksters' goal is not making oil cheap and more available to Americans, but making oil expensive, so the petro-dollar can be worthwhile. Invasion of Iraq was not to steal their oil (using a puppet local regime is always more cost-effective than having US marines standing over an oil well over there), but to stop / disrupt production/export, so that oil price can be kept higher. 9-11 and invasion of Iraq were planned when oil price was near bottom below $10/bbl and gasoline price around $1/gallon or less.
At least the Turks know how to create a first class vacation destination in Turks and Caicos Islands. (Yes, I know, I am going all AOC).
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I mean...ZILCH!