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2019 Feb 17, 4:30pm   3,239,118 views  44,243 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

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31677   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:53am  

Not to mention the unprivileged enemy combatants part, under the operative shield of the CIA re-constituted SS, a consortium based in Switzerland and now devoted to the destruction of the Republic.

31680   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 1:04pm  

Loyalty to guilds and secret societies rather than patriotism to countries and flags. Top down chambered control. Wonder why all winds blow a single direction, and they consider the Constitution toilet paper? All city and urban police will arrest you, beat you, imprison you and subject you to intimidation and lawfare at their behest. Their courts will strip you of your assets and frame you on orders from above.

31681   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 1:21pm  

I hope that wasn't the good news.

31689   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 4:03pm  

The Globalists are Saturnaliast Satanists. If Trump ever winds up back at the White House, he'll probably need to exorcise it five times rather than just the two times he had it exorcised before.



31690   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 5:13pm  

LOL! Don't think I would entirely discount the devil just yet.


31691   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 5:30pm  

Globalists don't have to worry about having their souls stolen, they already traded them to Satan for Mammon bullshit.

31692   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 5:39pm  

Biden offered to sell Xi Silicon Valley for more bribes and financial aid. Xi refused: "If Silicon Valley is anything like that crappy silicon mask, I'm not interested."

31693   Patrick   2023 Dec 20, 7:54pm  

Ceffer says

That's not quite true.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) was created by an executive order. It was established on July 26, 1908, by then-Attorney General Charles J. Bonaparte. The order was issued under the authority of President Theodore Roosevelt. The FBI's original purpose was to investigate and enforce federal laws.

Later, the FBI's authority and responsibilities were expanded, and its structure and functions were codified by various laws over the years. One significant piece of legislation was the Judiciary Act of 1934, also known as the "FBI Act," which officially established the FBI and defined its jurisdiction and powers.

The elimination of a federal agency, including the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), would typically require legislative action rather than being achieved solely through an executive order. The establishment, organization, and termination of federal agencies are generally governed by statutes passed by Congress.

In the case of the FBI, its existence and powers are defined by various laws, including the Judiciary Act of 1934 (also known as the "FBI Act"). To eliminate or significantly alter the FBI, Congress would need to pass legislation expressly addressing such changes. This legislative process would involve debates, committee reviews, and voting in both the House of Representatives and the Senate.

While the President has the authority to issue executive orders, these orders must comply with existing laws and the Constitution. An executive order alone is unlikely to dissolve a federal agency like the FBI if it contradicts statutory provisions.

In summary, the elimination of the FBI would require congressional action, and it cannot be achieved solely through an executive order.
31694   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:23pm  

Wow, I caught Patrick without an internet citation, LOL!

" The U.S. marshals are under contract to protect the U.S. Mail and are the only “federal” law enforcement officers commissioned to act as constitutional officers. They have free egress on the land of the 50 states United when engaged in the performance of their duties. All other similarly named offices operated as “US Marshals” or “US MARSHALS” are private and non-constitutional agency positions that enjoy no special status or granted access on the land of the 50 states United, similar to NSA, BATF, IRS, FBI, and DEA officers. In a few remaining locations, notably in Alaska, there are as yet no fully functioning counties and the U.S. marshals, Provost marshals, civil postmasters and notary publics serve as the constitutional officers."

"Like ostriches with their heads buried in the sand and their tails in the air, they have become increasingly senseless and arrogant at the same time that their actions have more fully exposed their corruption.
Despite their self-serving claims and “Acts”, they are not immune. And neither are those who are working for them — the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Provost Marshals, the US Marshals, the FBI, the CIA, NSA, FEMA, DOJ and all the rest — all the way down to your local traffic cops: they are all 100% liable for their acts and omissions and their abuse of the people of this country.
Some are old enough to recall the Nuremburg Trials, where it was decided once and for all time that “I was just following orders!” is not a good enough excuse."

I'm not so sure that there isn't some assertion fallacy in the above citation that the FBI can't be disbanded without an extended legal process, since it was established by the Executive. I suspect that would be the object of some lively legal debates. I am not sure what laws claim to legitimize the FBI or many other agencies since they were all spun off after the already illegal US Corporation of 1871.

31695   Ceffer   2023 Dec 20, 11:56pm  

This is why the 2024 election will not be held in any conventional manner. The Globalists and the Dems CANNOT let it happen.
They won't let the country obtained by fraud slip through their fingers with an election that they cannot win even through fraud. 2024 is going to be a motherfucker of a year.
31699   Ceffer   2023 Dec 21, 1:09am  

Putin is putting the NWO/Globalist criminal enterprise engines down. Trump would owe him for that.

31701   Ceffer   2023 Dec 21, 1:36am  

A definite win for the diffusion success of the alternative medias. When a 14 year old says this..... His $400,000 a year is for DESTROYING and PERVERTING the education system, like Biden Actor et. alia are for destroying the Constitution and the Republic.

31705   Ceffer   2023 Dec 21, 3:09am  

Propaganda? There is so much lying on both sides of the Uniside, it's a waste of time engaging it.

31708   Ceffer   2023 Dec 21, 3:11am  

I probably had the flu shots every other year or so. We wonder how much damage we might have sustained to the immune system, but it's water under the bridge now.

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