by Al_Sharpton_for_President ➕follow (5) 💰tip ignore
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My accounts are a little bit below their previous maximum value.
I'm a bit surprised but not unhappy about it.
You haven't seen anything yet..
"2024, YEAR OF MASSIVE MONEY PRINTING. "Bottom line: after several years of tightening, 2024 is when the liquidity floodgate reopen and not only does the Fed start to cut rates aggressively, but with Q(uantitative) T(ightening) tapering, we fully expect the next Q(uantative) E(asing) to be launched in the near future, sending the dollar into its next, and possibly final, reserve currency death spiral as printer goes BRRRR."
And won't. This is gaslighting by the folks feeling the pain on Wall Street from the higher interest rates. Who are trying to pressure the Fed to do just what they 'predict'.
Waller’s remarks follow recent comments from other senior Fed officials that suggest that the central bank remains on track to begin cutting its benchmark short-term interest rate, likely by mid-year.
You haven't seen anything yet..
"2024, YEAR OF MASSIVE MONEY PRINTING. "Bottom line: after several years of tightening, 2024 is when the liquidity floodgate reopen and not only does the Fed start to cut rates aggressively, but with Q(uantitative) T(ightening) tapering, we fully expect the next Q(uantative) E(asing) to be launched in the near future, sending the dollar into its next, and possibly final, reserve currency death spiral as printer goes BRRRR."
Inflation has already entrenched in our economy. The Fed’s method of calculating inflation is f’ed up.
Holy crap!
What's the best bet for a $50K account that I have laying around?
And of course real money, gold and silver.
we fully expect the next Q(uantative) E(asing) to be launched in the near future
Not sure if it gets that bad like Mad Max-bad if gold and silver would be accepted as a medium of exchange such as one ounce silver coin for 5 loafs of bread, 2 cans of peanut butter and 24 eggs.
Things will get bad, but when I come out on the other side with wealth stored in assets that maintained their value, and you come out with nothing, who's future looks brighter?
If previous SHTF situations taught us anythig, they were extremely re-distributive in nature.
What makes you think society will recover fast enough for you to acquire the wealth of gold and silver ?
At best you may be 90 years old and in frail health when that would happen.
It's only our arrogance that's makes us think that.
"Since Q1-2003 when the debt was $6.46 trillion it has added $27.54 trillion or 5.26 times (up 426%) to $34 trillion."
- Franklin Sanders
Holy crap!
Who's ever in charge seems retarded but, I doubt that's it. No, the fed is a captured entity of the elite. Prove me wrong.
I'm not sure as far as real estate.
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