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This one is not as great. Good, tho.
How do they explain once again adjusting Trump's numbers downward late in the game
Before you all start thinking Trump in office will change shit a few reminders:
Trump didn't pardon Assange or Snowden
Trump packed his cabinet with bankers(just like every other president)
Trump helped usher in the Scamdemic
Trump didn't pull US troops out of Syria, Iraq, Afganistan, or stop the 20+ years of drone bombings in the Middle East and North Africa
Trump didn't audit the Fed
Trump didn't drain the swamp
Trump didn't release Epstein's client list
Trump didn't declassify JFK assassination
Trump did allow Bill Gates to advise him
Trump didn't build a border wall
There's only one vote that counts, and it counts the same all year. How you choose to live your life.
JFK was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald.
The Mafia paid outer space aliens to inhabit Lee Harvey Oswald's body, although the CIA was really behind it.
Nazi Globalists Rachel Maddow, Bill Maher etc regurgitate previously swallowed
food - reading from the same propaganda sheet - hoping that this will damage
Trump. These losers "accuse the other side of that which they are guilty."
As one of the commenters put it, "The Rats own your TV."
So here is a look at the real Rats:
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