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Look at the results in Rhodesia, and Union of South Africa when the Whites were expelled and took all corporate knowledge with them.
It's not corporate knowledge that is missing, it's skilled labor.
Even Anheuser-Busch seems to think it owes us lectures on “inclusivity” or some other woke nonsense. It is, of course, America’s unwanted, unsupported new religion brought to you by a lot of the same folks who relentlessly sue to get religion out of any public space. So, if you want to destroy an institution, here is a simple list of action steps to help you expedite the process:
First, flood it with women. See higher ed. Fill your ranks to the point where you have a heavy supermajority of women and other docile, emasculated workers governed by lots of rules to protect people from being offended. Bring in as many young, female woke activists as you can who identify as “she/her” in their email signatures.
Second, put women in charge. Give them control of the entire HR/DEI/leadership apparatus. Give them the power to rule over everyone through noxious legal theories and infuse the institutions with feminine values- docility, a healthy work-life balance, getting along with others over doing good work, and “inclusivity” over truth.
Third, let DEI become the unofficial purpose of your institution. This will inevitably happen when you put enough women and feminized men in charge. Accordingly, in my former office, about 1/4 to 1/3 of the emails I received each week pertained to DEI events or initiatives. Another 1/4 pertained to Zoom brown bag sessions on how to care for your aging relatives or how to manage anxiety in the workplace.
Fourth, encourage then require telework. Do everything on Zoom, never meet your coworkers in person again, stay in your pajamas all day!!! Let’s be honest, telework is for mommies. I have nothing against mommies, I just am not one and I don’t think the workplace should cater SOLELY to their needs and interests. In fact, I view telework as a kind of cheating on the job. Being at home takes away your focus, but the mommies and nannies who run our culture won’t admit that.
Once you’ve taken these steps, your institution is well on its way to hollowing itself out and severing any connection to its original purpose. Think about how we handled the pandemic. What might have happened if we hadn’t already become a whining, nagging, hectoring Longhouse of a nation? During the Spanish Flu of 1918, only one city, San Francisco of course, required residents to wear gauze masks in public.
“Every great cause begins as a movement, becomes a business, and eventually degenerates into a racket.” ― Eric Hoffer
The CDC probably started out as a noble cause seeking to protect Americans from infectious diseases, but after almost 80 years it has become an appendage of the pharmaceutical and health insurance industries. A perpetual advocate for more medicines, vaccines, and treatments to inflict on the American people.
So it is with countless other institutions and organizations. Once noble causes, now corrupt rackets. I commend Christopher Rufo’s efforts to openly infiltrate and seize control of these deranged environments, but so many places are so far gone that we need to be talking about eliminating and dramatically shrinking useless, meddling bureaucracies. It’s either that or start building a parallel society that actually recognizes that we need MORE boys in STEM, for example. We can’t go on like this.
Love him or hate him, in the wake of the revolting testimony of the Ivy League presidents last week, Elon Musk called for the inglorious end of DEI earlier today:
In related news, two days ago Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt issued an executive order yanking every DEI office at every public university.
Activists have already filed Lawsuits against the Governor’s order, arguing it violated the First Amendment and the Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution. But the order remains in effect while legal challenges are pending, and Oklahoma universities are currently undergoing the review process described in the order.
A few months ago in June, Florida passed a similar law, prohibiting the use of state funds for DEI initiatives at public universities. Legal challenges continue, but no court has yet agreed to stay the law. Meanwhile, Florida’s Board of Governors, which oversees the Florida State University System, is considering further restricting DEI programs, potentially mirroring Oklahoma's move, and is said to be considering reviewing and maybe eliminating categories of DEI positions.
Patrick says
diversity implemented by retards turns out like everything else done by retards… fully retarded
Open the above link and read about a Univ of Michigan student who is Asian American applying to +450 intern jobs and only getting one offer
I read stats like how people of color make up about 38% of middle ranks within the federal civil service. I think it is under reported and a lot more than 38%, and I think Asian Americans are still under represented along with White Americans.
I wonder if corporations now are in the same circumstance as far as demographics and demographic reporting.
You've got to wonder why smaller companies aren't running rings around their competitors now. If a company only hires the best, they should be able to totally kick ass.
The collapse of higher education
What’s wild about higher education is how completely useless it was in response to Covid. All of the tools of the physical and social sciences were abandoned in favor of fear, bias, panic, irrationality, obedience, and profit. The few academics who followed proper methods were fired. We spent hundreds of years developing the university system as a bulwark against tyranny and primitivism. And in the end it was just a Maginot Line that was overrun by the fascists.
GNL says
Funny thing is its the white people who are doing this, right?
I hate to be white.
Look, not anymore:
GNL says
Funny thing is its the white people who are doing this, right?
I'd say our achilles heel is allowing others to guilt trip us. The other problem white people have is altruism. Christianity plays a large role in this.
White people seem more prone to guilt. Maybe it's even genetic and had to do with evolving for tens of thousands of years in a place with hard winters. If you don't help someone through the winter with food etc, that person may die.
Christianity is about guilt and forgiveness too. So it's part of European culture.
Love him or hate him, in the wake of the revolting testimony of the Ivy League presidents last week, Elon Musk called for the inglorious end of DEI earlier today:
white people, as a group, are the dumbest out there.
Patrick says
White people seem more prone to guilt. Maybe it's even genetic and had to do with evolving for tens of thousands of years in a place with hard winters. If you don't help someone through the winter with food etc, that person may die.
Christianity is about guilt and forgiveness too. So it's part of European culture.
This shouldn't be viewed as liability/weakness but as strength/noble value?
I love him. His twitter account is one example. He has spoken up in interviews, he doesn't sugar coat. Man went and smoked pot on Joe Rogan's show (most billionaires don't dare going on Rogan's show) in a t shirt. You see stuff on Twitter than is not allowed on any other media. Space X, Tesla.....He might start a charity foundation in the future, what should one expect more from him? Contrast him with other billionaire.....Bill Gates, Larry Fink, George Soros.....There is no other billionaire who is loved more than Elon.
Over the past few years, McKinsey has released at least 4 studies claiming a positive relationship between DEI and firm performance.
A new paper published today in Econ Journal Watch finds these results can't be replicated.
"Our inability to [replicate] their results suggests that ... they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.''
Intellectual, anticommunist, and conservative commenter James Lindsay persuasively argues that DEI, which like sewer water has now seeped into every nook and crevice of our public and private institutions, is actually a long-term socio-political military strategy by our enemies, principally China, to destabilize the United States. DEI is rendering impotent our military, our government, our universities, and even our strategically-critical corporations staffed by graduates of those undermined universities (think Boeing). If James is right, and I think he is, China’s destruction-by-DEI plan is working perfectly.
Now all levels of US corporations and government are staffed with comically incompetent woke idiots. China won.
On the surface, the Muldrow v. St. Louis decision looks fairly unremarkable. A female St. Louis police sergeant alleged she was transferred to a less prominent job assignment because of her gender. The trouble with her case was her pay and benefits stayed the same, and the city argued she wasn’t harmed. But the Court unanimously agreed that even “small harms” — if tangible — are enough to support a Title VII claim for employment discrimination.
The liberals and conservatives on the Court probably agreed on the case’s conclusion for different reasons.
What has some DEI activists now wringing their hands is that pro-equality conservative lawfare groups hope to use the new decision to push back on Constitutionally repugnant anti-white discrimination. Disadvantaged white employees might now challenge so-called ‘affirmative action’ programs if they advantage minorities over white employees in even minor ways.
Examples might include things like mentoring opportunities open only to minority employees, or a meet-and-greet with executives excluding white folks, both of which may now be actionable under Muldrow’s new “some harms” standard.
WW2 in europe was largely caused by the treaty of versaille. it so emasculated, impoverished, and humiliated the germans that basically nothing but "violent nationalism" could result. they, the biggest, strongest country in the area, were pushed past endurance by "outsiders" who forced it on them because the US was there to require it. but as soon as "dad" went back to north america, the germans and itialians and austrians rounded on the rest of europe and reminded them who were the productive, strong, capable folks around here while being eaten by some truly odious reactionary ideologies.
the rest, as they say, is history. fascism, genocide, and another war to end all wars right on the heels of the last one.
i’m a bit worried about a potentially impending parallel.
imagine what happens to woke and the DEI denizens when they lose the government. imagine the folks who have been marginalized and humiliated by these struggle sessions and forced to play these retarded reindeer games as they rise and reassert themselves.
because it’s coming. in fact, it’s well underway.
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THIS is the explanation that was in the back of my head but I could never articulate!
We now know the right thing to say when the argument comes up:
"Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity" is merely a justification for elevating the incompetent over the competent.
It has the force of irresistible truth, because it is the truth and they know it in their bones.