Maui Residents Intentionally Murdered

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2023 Aug 16, 10:20am   43,293 views  339 comments

by fdhfoiehfeoi   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Fire blazed for days before it got to the town, no response.
Called 17 minute fire by locals because once it reached the town, burned everything down in 17 minutes.
When firefighters finally responded, no water at the hydrants.
Emergency response system did not activate, so no warning people were in danger until they heard the screams or felt the heat, and by then was too late.
Thousands unaccounted for according to locals.
Direct energy weapon research facility located very close to the town.
Head of facility bragged about getting the first direct energy weapon fully functional in only 18 months.
Wind was blowing from inside the island out to the sea, not common.
Governor forcing sale of land.
Residents get $700
Police that showed up blocked only road out of town.
FEMA has blocked all outside aid

Biden tweet that says they are laser focused on providing relief!? Can anyone verify if this is legit, would be fucking salt in the wound.

Ryan Cristian interviewed someone from Maui, he does not make claims without doing extensive research. This looks like warfare to me.

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296   Ceffer   2024 Jan 11, 10:24am  

When you take the bread crumbs and silver, it doesn't mean you won't get the flame thrower or the bullet, it will just delay things. Natives needed a lesson that they never owned shit, and they were reduced to fertilizer for their arrogance, and that their children were food and tissue product spirited off by the demon-plex.

Space weapons? Whouda thought? How you gonna fight that with weed, booze, speed and ukuleles on the beach? I suppose the Globalists could have weaponized measles again, but too much resilience these days.
297   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 12, 9:54am  

See tons of shit about Ukraine and Israel in the US new every day. Nothing about Ohio or Maui...
299   SoTex   2024 Jan 24, 8:54am  

Have any of you actually looked into what it would take to make a space DEW? I saw a physics guy do a show on it where he went over some of the math and if you fired a laser (say like our military has) from orbit by the time it hit the ground it would be 2 football fields in size and low energy.

To get it to burn something you'd need a giant space mirror to correct the beam so large you'd see it flying around up there. Much larger than what we have on space telescopes.

Even then it would be a quick burst of energy somewhat like burning leaves with a magnifying glass when you were a kid.

Then there is the slow recharge rate. Maybe a small nuclear payload would do the job but it would still be slow AF.

I see burned out cars like that all over Maui even before Lahaina burned. People do it on purpose for various reasons there. (Stolen, or don't want to pay disposal fees etc)
300   Ceffer   2024 Jan 24, 11:46am  


There you go. Lots of DEW that's fit to print. Yes, they have invented capacitor banks that can be recharged by solar panels that allow DEWs and their computerized targeting systems to operate from satellites at weights that can be launched into orbit.
301   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 24, 11:57am  

just_passing_through says

Have any of you actually looked into what it would take to make a space DEW?

Have you read what the government employees who work at the Maui DEW station said about their research and tech? How they successfully pioneered the first working system? Not even 2nd hand, direct from the horses mouth.

just_passing_through says

I see burned out cars like that all over Maui even before Lahaina burned. People do it on purpose for various reasons there. (Stolen, or don't want to pay disposal fees etc)

Feel free to post before and after photos so we can see it too. Just one car that someone has passed off as from the fire.

I've certainly seen a burned out car before, just not one with the metal running in a pool away from it...
302   stereotomy   2024 Jan 24, 7:10pm  

If a laser, or in this case, most probably a microwave/maser weapon can be sufficiently collimated; i.e., create a directed beam of energy which does not spread or diverge appreciably over a few miles, then DEW is possible. Such techniques are possible - how do you think they steer 20+ TeV particle beams around a 27 Km track at the Large Hadron Collider? Maybe this was faked too, just like the moon landings?

Country of Niger, Capital Please . . .
303   SoTex   2024 Jan 25, 8:40am  

Ceffer says

There you go. Lots of DEW that's fit to print. Yes, they have invented capacitor banks that can be recharged by solar panels that allow DEWs and their computerized targeting systems to operate from satellites at weights that can be launched into orbit.

Looks like a 1990s website. I never said DEWs don't exist. Space to Space, Air to Air, Ground to Ground sure but not Space to Ground.
304   SoTex   2024 Jan 25, 8:42am  

NuttBoxer says

Have you read what the government employees who work at the Maui DEW station said about their research and tech? How they successfully pioneered the first working system? Not even 2nd hand, direct from the horses mouth.

I did a quick search yesterday (I was at work) but didn't find anything. Mind sharing?

NuttBoxer says

Feel free to post before and after photos so we can see it too. Just one car that someone has passed off as from the fire.

I've certainly seen a burned out car before, just not one with the metal running in a pool away from it...

I rarely take scenic photos when I'm in Maui, why would I take pictures of burned out cars? About 15 trips over 7 years and every-single-time I see multiple burned out cars. It really makes Maui look trashy and 3rd world. People there bitch about it a lot.
305   SoTex   2024 Jan 25, 8:44am  

stereotomy says

spread or diverge appreciably over a few miles, then DEW is possible.

Satellites are hundreds or thousands of miles from the ground.
306   SoTex   2024 Jan 25, 8:56am  

BTW, at @nuttboxer, I like the new icon - Texas flag has always been classy.

So look, the claim here is that some space laser flew over Maui (about 10 mins from horizon to horizon) and selectively shot certain houses (because some were left untouched) and certain cars (because the metal and glass melted) but left others untouched and was unable to burn blue things (because they used a stupid blue laser, which nobody would do) and burnt the fuck out of everything. That is wasn't simply a grass fire, started by mismanaged infrastructure that lazy government morons didn't protect.

Utterly science fiction. Never happened. I couldn't find the video I'd seen but it's super easy to find others.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-MVs37rxJL0 <-- Like I said, about the power of a magnifying glass (if all of known tech is applied perfectly) and yes this can start a grass fire (grass in Maui is much more flammable than those sticks he burns) but it wasn't making friggin cars melt. Selectively! LOL... This also assumes as it's flying from horizon to horizon in 10mins that it's able to keep the laser over an area long enough to ignite.

There is also this one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJWzvfnkwNQ

That guy uses the friggin Death Star as an example and HUGE arrays of mirrors in space to do this sort of thing.

Cars melting, blue things not burning is science fiction period. I deal with this sort of shit in biotech when I speak with marketing people. (i.e., I don't care what the FIB wants, you can't deconvolute DNA mixtures of 7 people in a gang rape)

Yes technically a space laser could have been the source of the fire up top of the hill but we have that 80mph wind, fire dept admitting they didn't wait around after extinguishing the fire after power lines fell down, etc., so jumping to that idea is a bit steep.
307   SoTex   2024 Jan 25, 9:01am  

just_passing_through says

from orbit by the time it hit the ground it would be 2 football fields in size and low energy.

I think I was remembering microwaves, not lasers... The demo gets a half meter focus from low orbit. (With the power of a magnifying glass basically, that was melting metal and glass lol)
308   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 25, 10:17am  

Texas is doing something worth supporting. And as I've mentioned before, I won't fly another countries flag.

On the burned out cars, can you at least confirm for us if you've seen any of the ones like the one I posted burned out before the fire? Meaning you know it was already burned, and someone is passing it off as fire related.

Here's a few links:

The details of how Maui was burned are not important beyond the fact that it was not a natural fire, and was planned by the government/deep state. Why do we give a shit about the rest? Knowing the above is true should be more than enough.
309   Eric Holder   2024 Jan 25, 1:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

Texas is doing something worth supporting. And as I've mentioned before, I won't fly another countries flag.

You plan to support Texas is to fly their flag?
310   Eric Holder   2024 Jan 25, 1:29pm  

NuttBoxer says

The details of how Maui was burned are not important beyond the fact that it was not a natural fire, and was planned by the government/deep state.

To what end? To transfer land to Oprah? Is it habbening?
311   richwicks   2024 Jan 25, 1:38pm  

just_passing_through says

Satellites are hundreds or thousands of miles from the ground.

Low Earth Orbit is around 200 miles. Lasers going through air can be "self focusing", this means that it heats up the air in such a way, that it causes focusing of the laser, instead of dispersal.

312   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 25, 6:57pm  

Eric Holder says

You plan to support Texas is to fly their flag?

You mean will I travel to the border? No. If I wanted to do that, I'd start in my state, where we are flying illegals all over the country from Tucson. But I do other things to support freedom. What I teach my kids, having a plan for when SHTF, gardening, buying guns and ammo, using cash for 90% of my transactions, buying food from local farmers, losing my job for refusing to discuss whether I took experimental shots.

Freedom isn't won by big heroic acts for most of us. It's defended by small decisions we make every day.
313   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 25, 7:00pm  

Eric Holder says

To what end? To transfer land to Oprah? Is it habbening?

Maybe try reading the material linked in this thread. Bullshit headlines won't get you to the truth. Sorry if that seems dismissive, but there's so much out there, that at this point if that's really all you know, that's all you want to know.
314   SoTex   2024 Jan 26, 8:49am  

NuttBoxer says

The details of how Maui was burned are not important beyond the fact that it was not a natural fire, and was planned by the government/deep state.

I can't argue with that. A very real possibility. I'm not even suggesting it was you who mentioned melted cars and safe blue things. Might not have even been this thread. I've definitely seen a lot of that on platforms other than patnet.
315   SoTex   2024 Jan 26, 8:54am  

richwicks says

Low Earth Orbit is around 200 miles. Lasers going through air can be "self focusing", this means that it heats up the air in such a way, that it causes focusing of the laser, instead of dispersal.


I think technically low earth orbit is 99 miles and change at it's lowest point. The self focusing lasers are terawatt pulse lasers and too big and heavy maybe to get into space? Either way we're talking about terawatts now and that's not happening from solar panels (that we can't see). Also if you don't want your space laser falling out of the sky easily you'd put it further out so there would be no air for n-miles or whatever to focus with.
316   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Jan 26, 9:17am  

just_passing_through says

I can't argue with that. A very real possibility. I'm not even suggesting it was you who mentioned melted cars and safe blue things. Might not have even been this thread. I've definitely seen a lot of that on platforms other than patnet.

I'm sure we did discuss it here. Certainly odd, but the stuff I'd rather focus on are things like that bright flash of light caught on a residents surveillance camera that didn't come from the direction of any electrical equipment. Or the hundreds of children who are still unaccounted for.
319   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 11, 7:41pm  

The fire wasn't normal, wasn't caused by anything they tried to blame it on. Makes more sense than any of the official stories.
321   Patrick   2024 Mar 8, 4:48pm  


•Seven months ago, Maui was hit by unusual and devastating wildfires. Since that time, the world has tried to help the people of Maui, but owing to both the gravity of their situation and an inept relief response, many of the people there are struggling physically, emotionally and economically. This necessitates finding out exactly what happened in Maui and holding those responsible accountable.

•Many of Hawaii’s problems originate from it having a corrupt government which has effectively been bought out by the biotech industry. Because of this, a variety of harmful genetic technologies have been forced on the people against their consent (even when the people voted against them).

•The biotech sector has become increasingly bold in violating the foundational principles of medical ethics (e.g., the COVID vaccines were unsafe, untested, and ineffective, but nonetheless forced upon humanity). These violations are causing the public to lose their trust in the medical industry and the industry is responding to this by concocting even more reprehensible ways to force people to take their products (e.g., the WHO’s pandemic treaty or deploying self-spreading vaccines).

•A variety of lucrative biotechnologies are being developed to reduce mosquito levels. Maui has been chosen as the test site for a risky experiment which will irreversibly flood the island with harmful mosquitos that have not been tested for safety. This program (which Hawaii’s government is receiving millions for from the Biden administration) was forced through while the public’s focus was on Lahaina and appears to be being protected by Hawaii’s corrupt court system.
322   Ceffer   2024 Mar 8, 6:39pm  

Not so much fun being a sacrifice to Moloch and having lives and real estate stolen, while trying to appeal to the same corrupt system you voted in expecting they gave a shit, as opposed to being part and parcel.

It came from space, it must have been and Act of God, not the Masonic Missionaries or their Globalist sponsors.

When you saw how top to bottom this whole gig was planned, from the Governor, the imported hit man police chief, the absent emergency officials and all of the foreign assets deployed (NATO?) to fence off and guard, you have a nice example of the prototype scam that can be expected from now on in many places.
323   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 11, 8:05pm  

The morons living in Hawai will keep voting Democrat no matter what, us the core problem.
324   SoTex   2024 Mar 11, 8:10pm  

UkraineIsTotallyFucked says

The morons living in Hawai will keep voting Democrat no matter what, us the core problem.

I'm arguing with one (in Hawaii) right now about climate change. I should just let it go...
325   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Mar 11, 8:37pm  

just_passing_through says

I'm arguing with one (in Hawaii) right now about climate change. I should just let it go...

You are not 'arguing' with them. Get that out of your head.

326   Misc   2024 Mar 11, 11:13pm  

Just get Abbott to send 10-20k illegals to the islands. Only about 4299 went to Hawaii in 2023. They've already got overcrowding and a stretched government budget. A decent amount of illegals will send them a running.
327   WookieMan   2024 Mar 12, 2:26am  

I don't understand the appeal of Hawaii. If I'm going to sit on a plane from my location for 9 hours, I'll just extend it and go to the south Pacific region like Fiji. I've seen photos from my family and multiple friends. It seems overhyped and expensive. My good buddy said Belize was better than Hawaii having been to both.

I can be in Costa Rica or anywhere in the Caribbean in 4 hours in spots that seem better. Costa spring break 2025 planning. So can everyone in CA. I think it's the only state I'm going to skip. Alaska is the last US state I want to check off the bucket list. I'm a beach and mountain guy, but images I've seen of Hawaii just don't seem appealing. And these are marketing images.

I'd rather go to Glacier or Alaska for mountains or USVI for beaches. Hell the FL panhandle has the best beaches in America. That's fact to those that haven't been. I do feel for the people of Maui, but the islands just seem overrated.
328   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 12, 6:49am  

Obviously, you don't surf. Been to Tampa and Miami, didn't impress me much over typical beaches in Cali.
329   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Mar 12, 6:50am  

UK government talking about directed energy weapons. But surely such technology would never be used against the citizenry by their own government...

332   Ceffer   2024 Jun 2, 8:10pm  

I was just talking with my liberal friend (appearing to become less liberal every time I talk with him) who is now rattled with paranoid shock over the open borders and the free agency of the cartels and military aged men. How he found out about it from the MSM propaganda sources, I don't know. He also is on a pension, and I asked him how he likes his boy Biden now that his pension purchasing power has gone down 30 percent, while the boats of all his favorite Dems have risen more than inflation in DC. He has noticed his pension is now 70 percent on that basis, with no reasonable expectation that it will catch up. Of course, there's the cost of gas.

He won't even talk about Biden, he goes kind of numb and speechless. Good.

I also tried to explain the Lahaina situation, but his denial shields are still raised about that, though I can see him softening. We visited Lahaina together on our paddle board trip a few years ago.
333   RWSGFY   2024 Aug 6, 6:42pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Wait, they are still broke after $4B settlement? That buys what, 4,000 $1M shacks? How many shacks burned there? I think
less than 4,000. Were all of them paid-off, uninsured $1M shacks? I think not.
334   RWSGFY   2024 Aug 6, 6:59pm  

The question of the day is: now that the victims of Lahaina fires has won a $4B settlement how's Oprah going to coerse them into giving up their land to her for peanuts? And why did the omnipotent Oprah allow the settlement in the first place?
335   Ceffer   2024 Aug 6, 7:29pm  

The 4B amount is Potemkin for fake news optics. What actually gets paid out will something quite different and quite a bit less. I don't believe 4B at all.

They are bribing the victims not to bring a class action suit with discovery and testimony. I doubt that it makes 1B to 'victims', maybe hundred million or two, if that.

If there is a real 4B, it means an excuse for a laundering pipeline somewhere in the gig, as with everything Guv these days, with the bulk going somewhere else. They would never waste 4B on the pleb useless eaters.

Everything they say is a lie.

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