renewable energy produces more electricity in the USA than coal and nuclear power

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2023 Mar 29, 10:12am   1,128 views  9 comments

by AD   ➕follow (1)   💰tip   ignore  

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1   RWSGFY   2023 Mar 29, 10:15am  

That explains all
the snow and cold rains we're having in California - GLOBAL WARMING REVERSED!!!
2   theoakman   2023 Mar 29, 10:32am  

This is not a good thing. Ideally, want that nuclear line to slope up
3   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 7, 11:44am  

Oh I think I saw what they did there.
You see there's a reason why Wind and Solar has to be fed back into the Energy grid. So they can pad their numbers and Duke the Stats, on what the break down ratio was on each.

You see those charging stations, they are powered by gas generators, and the wind farms just a few years old, are getting delipidated just as soon as new ones can get put up.

The AP never reports positive news, every last bit of it is skewed and God Damn Lie.
And that chart is not from the Department of Energy, read it again. It's from the Ministry of Truth, it says so right at the bottom .
4   AD   2024 Feb 4, 1:12pm  



The National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculated the U.S. would require just 10,424 square miles (i.e., approximate size of Vermont) to accommodate the necessary wind and solar farms. The lower 48 states of the U.S. comprise about 2.9 million square miles.

5   WookieMan   2024 Feb 4, 1:55pm  

AD says



The National Renewable Energy Laboratory calculated the U.S. would require just 10,424 square miles (i.e., approximate size of Vermont) to accommodate the necessary wind and solar farms. The lower 48 states of the U.S. comprise about 2.9 million square miles.


When the energy is there. Always has been the problem with it. The assumptions are pure bull shit. Sun doesn't shine. Wind doesn't blow. Both can happen for weeks. We need more nukes. Not even a debate. We run ships/subs for decades on mini nukes. Can't build the big boys in rural areas?

Nuclear is the path forward. Wind and solar aren't. Never has been. On average you lose power 7pm to 7am 365 days a year. Wind maybe longer. Then we're talking batteries to store it which are a fortune. Renewables are trash outside of a few locations. Especially solar.
6   AD   2024 Aug 17, 11:18pm  

It looks like renewables as a percentage of electricity production has increased by 0.9% each year since 2013.

7   AD   2024 Nov 28, 10:34pm  


A new material creates clean electricity from the air around it
The physics at play in a storm cloud, but in a thin, hole-filled film.
By Andrew Paul

Posted on May 24, 2023

Researchers recently constructed a material capable of generating near constant electricity from just the ambient air around it—thus possibly laying the groundwork for a new, virtually unlimited source of sustainable, renewable energy. In doing so, and building upon their past innovations, they now claim almost any surface could potentially be turned into a generator via replicating the electrical properties of storm clouds… but trypophobes beware.

According to a new study published today with Advanced Materials, engineers at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have demonstrated a novel “air generator” (Air-gen) film that relies on microscopic holes smaller than 100 nanometers across—less than a thousandth the width of a single human hair. The holes’ incredibly small diameters rely on what’s known as a “mean free path,” which is the distance a single molecule can travel before colliding with another molecule of the same substance.

[Related: The US could reliably run on clean energy by 2050.]

Water molecules are floating all around in the air, and their mean free path is around 100 nm. As humid air passes through Air-gen material’s miniscule holes, the water molecules come into direct contact with first an upper, then lower chamber in the film. This creates a charge imbalance, i.e. electricity.

It’s the same physics at play in storm clouds’ lightning discharges. Although the UMass Amherst team’s product generates a miniscule fraction of a lightning bolt’s estimated 300 million volts, its several hundred millivolts of sustained energy is incredibly promising for scalability and everyday usage. This is particularly evident when considering that air humidity can diffuse in three-dimensional space. In theory, thousands of Air-gen layers can be stacked atop one another, thus scaling up the device without increasing its overall footprint. According to the researchers, such a product could offer kilowatts of power for general usage.
8   WookieMan   2024 Nov 29, 7:44pm  

Need more nukes. As a state with the most nukes in the country for electric we have little power issues. I've never lived through a power outage more than 20 minutes tops. It doesn't happen. Solar doesn't work at night or you have massive batteries. Wind doesn't work everyday even though I live in one of the windiest parts of the country.

Your car won't charge in a few years if we don't get more nukes. Especially in the summer with AC kicking in South of I-80.
9   AD   2025 Feb 16, 12:18pm  


thermal electric technology is another renewable energy opportunity

can use this on any hot surface like from a solar collector or solar dish , just like solar collectors are used with Stirling Engines

on a ship that I was part of the engineering department, we had a waste heat recovery system for the engines which was used for the water make (a flash vapor evaporator or distillation plant)



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