Tucker Putin Interview

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2024 Feb 6, 11:50am   14,384 views  248 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Is going to be uploaded at TuckerCarlson.com and will be posted to X/Twitter soon with Elon promising not to censor or otherwise interfere with the reach.


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55   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Feb 8, 2:18pm  

Patrick says

to quote George carlin. “Truth would blow the whole system up “… paraphrasing more or less
57   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 8, 3:59pm  


original link

This is rewindable if you missed the beginning.

VERY interesting about Russia asking if it was possible to eventually join NATO and being totally rebuffed by Clinton in the 90s, the CIA's support of Caucasian Seperatists in the 2000s, etc.
58   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 8, 4:03pm  

My belief that Russia Russia Russia is a distraction for the Deep State to use against their inaction and profit relationship with the CCP.

If Evil Putler didn't exist, the deeds of the CCP would come to the forefront and disturb the outsourcing and financing between Wall St. and Beijing.
59   socal2   2024 Feb 8, 4:40pm  

I thought Tucker did a good job and asked some very pointed questions. I was worried it was going to be another Col MacGreggor type interview with Tucker accepting all of his cocksure and outlandish statements as Gospel without any challenges.

Can't say Putin came across too well in terms of what his end goal or what a "win" looks like in Ukraine. Putin jabbered on again and again about having to kill Nazis and citing history from hundreds of years ago as if there have been no border or ethnic adjustments creating new realities in the 21st century. Putin also cited the debacle in Canada (with the old SS guy) as proof that the West are somehow complicit in trying to foment the neo-Nazi movement.
60   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 5:34pm  

AmericanKulak says

VERY interesting about Russia asking if it was possible to eventually join NATO and being totally rebuffed by Clinton in the 90s

Putin says that Clinton seemed open to it, but when he asked around he was told no. That implies that the Deep State is really in control, not the president.
61   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 5:36pm  

AmericanKulak says

the CIA's support of Caucasian Seperatists in the 2000s

I didn't know about this. Definitely interesting.

Also, I had no idea that Russia ever felt threatened by Poland.
62   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 5:42pm  


Initial thoughts after the interview:

-Putin knows way too much history

-Putin is operating on an intellectual plane far above all US politicians

-Putin appears to want cooperation but the West have isolated Russia

-Putin does not want to invade Poland or take over the world

-Putin is not the deranged warmonger the MSM describes him as

-Putin is well-aware of the “Deep State” and recognizes the CIA as nefarious

I really wanted to see Putin go into detail on the degeneration of Western society, gender insanity, etc., because I think it would have resonated with the American People. The history about Ukrainian Nazism will be effective and his talk of “denazification” will certainly draw some attention.

Obviously I wanted Tucker to ask Putin about the biolabs in Ukraine, but as I stated yesterday, this topic might be too far of a jump down the rabbit hole for those new to this realm. This interview seemed to be an introductory first impression to appeal to Western citizens and disprove the MSM-created perception of Putin.

Anyone who watched the interview objectively would have to agree that Putin is not the monster we were told he was, and negotiations can be made if there is competency from US leadership. Hopefully this will change the perception of the US being innocent darlings in the conflict, and can eventually lead to mass realization that the US/NATO are the ones who brought war and weapons to Russia’s doorstep via espionage and CIA color revolutions.
63   Patrick   2024 Feb 8, 5:43pm  

And what I posted as a transcript before today seems to be false. Pretty sure those words were not in the interview.
64   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 8, 5:55pm  

Putin made a good point about at least some of the RussiaRussiaRussia being overspecialized Cold War Soviet Experts not wanting to lose their jobs or influence or department/NGO funding.

The ol' Military Industrial Intelligence Complex hypothesis. Thousands of PhDs, Translators, etc. would lose their specialized jobs with little private enterprise viability, and there would be far too many to absorb in overstuffed academic departments, esp. in a declining field.

Tucker wasn't a grovelling ass kiss, he asked some tough questions about why Russia doesn't pull out unilaterally, about the status of the journalist (who knows what the real truth is), etc. I would have liked to see a barb about Iran and the Ortho-Shi'a lovey dove.

(EDIT: I mean the latter in a civilizational/geopolitical way, not in a religious way)
66   richwicks   2024 Feb 8, 8:50pm  

Just embedding it:

original link

Imagine ANY president going through history like that since 1950..
67   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 8, 9:45pm  

Patrick says

The history about Ukrainian Nazism will be effective and his talk of “denazification” will certainly draw some attention.

Not to the Ukey Nazi Fluffers of PatNet.
68   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 8, 9:49pm  

Patrick says

A single interview that most Americans won't ever see or care to see won't make a difference.

Majority of Americans get 'their news' from just reading headlines and not the actual articles or just MSM soundbite bullshit, after all.
69   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 8, 9:53pm  

Patrick says

-Putin knows way too much history

He's like Professor Binns in Harry Potter.

70   AD   2024 Feb 8, 10:21pm  


Around 57 minutes, Putin admits going back to 19th century that the citizens of the region of Ukraine wanted independence from Russia. He said that was okay as they still wanted to have relations with Russia as far as free trade.

Putin says he wants to get rid of of the nationalist mentality in Ukraine.

The problem is there is a Ukraine language and culture. Putin seems to not want to recognize that, as well as what drove a lot of Ukrainians to join Germany in World War 2.

Bolsheviks from Moscow were sent to Ukraine prior to World War 2 and that was unsettling but not as much as Stalin's Holodomor.

But with all that aside as well as going back to Catherine the Great as well as NATO in the old Yugoslavia, Putin understandably does not want NATO on its large border with Ukraine, and yes Putin asked Bill Clinton if it is possible for Russia to join NATO.

The Holodomor was what created the resentment and spurred Ukrainian "nationalistic" feelings.

71   AD   2024 Feb 8, 10:25pm  

Putin says only way to get to peace negotiation table is for NATO to not arm Ukraine and the "conflict will be quickly over".

So what does that mean ? It means Russia troops in Kiev and then there are "peace talks" ?

72   Eman   2024 Feb 8, 10:42pm  

AD says

Putin says only way to get to peace negotiation table is for NATO to not arm Ukraine and the "conflict will be quickly over".

So what does that mean ? It means Russia troops in Kiev and then there are "peace talks" ?


Well, there was a peace agreement months ago. Halfway through the signing, Boris Johnson showed up, and it was basically voided.

The US, EU and Ukraine didn’t keep their promise with the Minsk Agreement, which keeps Ukraine a neutral state, NATO stops expanding east, etc… Basically, they pushed Russia into invading Ukraine to protect its own interests. They f’ed up. Now, they need to unwind it. KEEP Ukraine a neutral state. Stop building military bases in Ukraine and pointing at Russia. I’m sure de-nazification would be part of it too as Putin seemed to care quite a bit about this.

I’m not a political person, but this is what I understood from the interview.
73   AD   2024 Feb 8, 10:56pm  

Eman says

I’m sure de-nazification would be part of it too as Putin seemed to care quite a bit about this.

Putin made no mention of the Holodomor. He seems to want to not focus on the inconvenient details of history such as that, or about Bolsheviks sent from Russia to terrorize in western Ukraine.

Putin does not want Ukraine to have its own cultural identity, that is why he cares "quite a bit" about that.

This is like New York telling Quebec to become like New York or less like Quebec.

Yeah it goes to Bill Clinton in former Yugoslavia and then Poland joining NATO in 1999.

Plus Putin is right as you have legions of expert$ on Russia employed directly by the US federal government or indirectly such as think tanks, academia, etc. who are essentially dictating policy.

74   AD   2024 Feb 8, 11:02pm  


And I'm not sure how much pro-Russian sentiment is outside Donbas and within Ukraine like Kharkiv, even though they speak Russian.

Putin did say that the Russian troops pulled out of the region west of Kiev in anticipation there was going to be a peace deal.

I wonder what the terms were of that agreement other than Ukraine not join NATO.

Putin did say that when Ukraine was looking to join the EU around 2014 that the Kremlin said they would stop free trade with Ukraine, and that there would be Russian customs inspections. That was very revealing by Putin.


75   Eman   2024 Feb 8, 11:03pm  

I have new found respect for Putin after this interview. It seems like Zelenskyy and the EU governments are all puppets. They do what the US tells them to do.

The US makes Russia/Putin a boogeyman while Putin portrayed himself as a man who only wants peace and prosperity for his people.
76   AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 8, 11:04pm  

I would say:

Eastern 1/3 very comfortable with Russian identity

Middle 1/3 Not excited about Russian identity, but lukewarm about Ukrainian Identity. Russian TV, Movies, reads Russian books.

Western 1/3 rabidly opposed to a Russian identity and We Wuz Vi-Kangz! Not Slavs! Ukrainian is the Venusian language! Everything Russian is bullshit!

Crimea: Fuck the Ukrops Oligarchs and Fuck Kiev! Glory to Russia! Also Russian tourists please visit our website where we offer a vacation package...
77   Eman   2024 Feb 8, 11:06pm  

AD says


And I'm not sure how much pro-Russian sentiment is outside Donbas and within Ukraine like Kharkiv, even though they speak Russian.

Putin did say that the Russian troops pulled out of the region west of Kiev in anticipation there was going to be a peace deal.

I wonder what the terms were of that agreement other than Ukraine not join NATO.

Putin did say that when Ukraine was looking to join the EU around 2014 that the Kremlin said they would stop free trade with Ukraine, and that there would be Russian customs inspections. That was very revealing by Putin.



They lied to Putin. He pulled his troop out of Kiev, and they used that opportunity to weaponize. Apparently, Boris Johnson was sent there to sour the peace signing as the US didn’t want it to happen.
78   richwicks   2024 Feb 8, 11:30pm  

AD says

The Holodomor was what created the resentment and spurred Ukrainian "nationalistic" feelings.

Which is stupid, because that killed as many Russians, if not MORE Russians than it killed Ukrainians. It was during a period of collectivization of farmland, and it was disastrous - everybody starved.

Notice they are attempting the same fucking thing here, and in Europe.

Putin just needs to wait to let the West destroy itself.
79   Ceffer   2024 Feb 9, 12:02am  


"I was very disappointed in the interview for a variety of reasons. From the start the interview got lost into 2,000 years of Putin explaining who the Russians were, what happened in the past 2 millenniums, and why Ukraine was Russian territory. From that point forward Tucker was not able to get things back on track.
Unfortunately, it went downhill from there. Tucker started acting confrontational as if he was a clone of the main stream media, and was throwing the typical hardball questions that the major media would ask of an enemy of the US.
I was shocked and disappointed with that type of behavior which I found below Tucker’s standards and more inline with the mainstream’s globalist agenda. It was as if Tucker was trying to prove to the west, he was not a turncoat and not under the influence of Russia, and would prove it with hardball, pro-NATO questions.

There were only a very few moments when critical information was revealed from Putin to substantiate Russia’s stand on the issues. To add to the combative mood, Tucker asked nonsensical questions like “why wasn’t Putin talking to Biden or the west about ending the war”. I felt like Tucker just arrived from another planet and had no clue what actually happened in Ukraine and how the war started. I was embarrassed for him.

The Russians, including Putin by the way, sent numerous letters, statements, and phone calls to the west before the war started - that they were being threatened by this assault on the Donbas, and the possibility of Ukraine joining NATO and placing ICBM nuclear missiles on their border. This would give a warning time of hitting Moscow with nukes of 5 minutes.

Biden, the US Congress, the US military, all the European nations and NATO totally ignored the Russians appeal to avoid a confrontation. Before the so-called invasion of the Russians into Ukraine, the illegitimate coup government of Ukraine had already killed 14,000 innocent Russian speaking citizens, including hundreds of children, in the eastern provinces of the Donbas. Ukraine declared war on Russia and said they would attack Crimea, which has been a Russian naval port for over 300 years.
All of these facts were ignored by Tucker.

It begs the question, exactly who was Tucker identifying with? Who was he getting his questions from? The wealthy elite globalists? Or the main stream media that are the puppets of the military industrial complex?

I like Tucker Carlson, over-all he has been a breath of fresh air in the news media, and was even removed from his top position as a journalist because of his populist, pro-American stands. But in this case, the interview got derailed by these ill-advised questions and the style of interviewing which did not promote reality and the spirit of truth on the issues covered.

Perhaps Tucker wanted to make sure he didn’t appear like a Russian supporter and didn’t come across as a sycophant pro-Putin journalist. Whatever he was trying to accomplish, it didn’t work, and made matters worse. It ended up being a very boring 2-hour interview that didn’t include 5 minutes of valuable insight to help wake up the nations to what is truly going on.

To make matters worse, at the end he mentioned a convicted spy in a Russian prison that he almost demanded that Putin release. That action may have exposed the real motive behind Tuckers trip and interview in Moscow - so he could come back triumphantly to America with a released prisoner arm in arm, for a breaking world news photo-op.

By this time, I was groaning in disappointment with Tucker’s interview and felt that the only ones that benefited from this fiasco was the pro-war, pro-globalist propagandists. It did not help to end the war or heal the political gap between the west and the Russians. On the contrary it made things worse.

It was obvious to me that Tucker was trying to placate too many political sides and created an ill-advised set of questions in the interview - that produced a combative, chaotic, confusing and unproductive outcome. This is a sad conclusion I came up with that I didn’t expect or desire at all. In old fashioned cowboy terms, when you ride a horse at a rodeo, “sometimes you ride them out and sometimes you get thrown”. This time Tucker got thrown. But he can brush himself off and try again another day.

Tucker is part of a massive moment in the US to go back to American values and to stand against falsehoods and the globalist’s agendas. He can continue to be instrumental with this nation reimagining itself and to shake off the yoke of the ultra-liberals and the control of the wealthy elite. The next election is critical, if we can even survive until that time." George Eaton
80   WookieMan   2024 Feb 9, 1:10am  

Eman says

I have new found respect for Putin after this interview. It seems like Zelenskyy and the EU governments are all puppets. They do what the US tells them to do.

The US makes Russia/Putin a boogeyman while Putin portrayed himself as a man who only wants peace and prosperity for his people.

You have to be joking, right? You believe a thing that comes out of that guys mouth? Mind you I don't believe a thing that comes out of Biden's mouth if you can understand it, but Putin is a flat out liar and con. Tucker got played. There's a reason Putin hasn't been interviewed by others.

I don't want to be enemies with Russia. I don't see a point in being friends either. This has always been a Europe and China problem. Just let them work it out. No need for us to be involved. Putin is not a good person. He a fucking dictator for christ sake. The average Russian is poor as shit. Lives in 3rd world facilities. This is just fact.

As I said Tucker got played by Putin. I don't need to read or see any of it. You think a former known spy as dictator is going to tell the truth about anything?? lol.
81   GNL   2024 Feb 9, 4:58am  

WookieMan says

There's a reason Putin hasn't been interviewed by others.

What are you talking about?

82   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Feb 9, 5:29am  

AD says

And I'm not sure how much pro-Russian sentiment is outside Donbas and within Ukraine like Kharkiv, even though they speak Russian.

83   GreaterNYCDude   2024 Feb 9, 6:20am  

Take this with a grain of salt. Putin was prepared and polished. But he's ex-KGB and an experienced politician. If you don't think this was a propaganda peice your not paying attention.

This is why I still pay passing attention to the MSM... All of our media has moved to the fringes wether it's CNN or OANN.

The truth is somewhere in the middle.
84   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Feb 9, 7:15am  

Yep. And here come the memes:

85   AD   2024 Feb 9, 9:29am  

This is one historical fact that serpent head Putin seemed to leave out in his 2 hour history monologue.

" On January 7, 1919 the Bolsheviks invaded Ukraine in full force with an army led by Vladimir Antonov-Ovseyenko, Joseph Stalin, and Volodymyr Zatonsky. "

Why ?

Because Putin seems to not want to face what his ancestors did as far as Bolshevik terrorism and why it created even more resentment in regions that already did not self-identify enthusiastically as "Russian".

And Putin even admitted that Ukraine "nationalism" was even known to be of significance going as far back as the early 19th century.

And then go add in the Holomodor which Putin conveniently did not mention in his 2 hour long history monologue.

This is why there were plenty of Ukraine "Nazis" by the time World War 2 started.

86   AD   2024 Feb 9, 9:32am  

But I can understand why Putin does not want NATO on its Ukraine border.

I can understand how he subtly said its a "new Russian" since 1991, and how it is open as far as democracy and economy compared to its pre-1991 past.

Putin just does not seem to want to emphasize the "new Russia" as much because it would alienate a lot of his very hard-core and conservative voters.

So he just says "just enough" about it being a "new Russia" to try to support his argument that there is no need for NATO to be in Ukraine, and that Russia invaded Ukraine out of a defensive posture to stop Ukraine's war against Donbas.
87   AD   2024 Feb 9, 9:35am  

One thing Putin agreed is that Ukraine "nationalism" goes back as early as the 19th century.

Putin seems to want to marginalize the Ukraine language and culture as much as Stalin did.

This is like New York wanting to annex (and/or economically / politically control) Quebec and claim Quebec really has a more Brooklyn-culture and vernacular than it does a Quebec (and French) culture.

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