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VERY interesting about Russia asking if it was possible to eventually join NATO and being totally rebuffed by Clinton in the 90s
the CIA's support of Caucasian Seperatists in the 2000s
Initial thoughts after the interview:
-Putin knows way too much history
-Putin is operating on an intellectual plane far above all US politicians
-Putin appears to want cooperation but the West have isolated Russia
-Putin does not want to invade Poland or take over the world
-Putin is not the deranged warmonger the MSM describes him as
-Putin is well-aware of the “Deep State” and recognizes the CIA as nefarious
I really wanted to see Putin go into detail on the degeneration of Western society, gender insanity, etc., because I think it would have resonated with the American People. The history about Ukrainian Nazism will be effective and his talk of “denazification” will certainly draw some attention.
Obviously I wanted Tucker to ask Putin about the biolabs in Ukraine, but as I stated yesterday, this topic might be too far of a jump down the rabbit hole for those new to this realm. This interview seemed to be an introductory first impression to appeal to Western citizens and disprove the MSM-created perception of Putin.
Anyone who watched the interview objectively would have to agree that Putin is not the monster we were told he was, and negotiations can be made if there is competency from US leadership. Hopefully this will change the perception of the US being innocent darlings in the conflict, and can eventually lead to mass realization that the US/NATO are the ones who brought war and weapons to Russia’s doorstep via espionage and CIA color revolutions.
The history about Ukrainian Nazism will be effective and his talk of “denazification” will certainly draw some attention.
Putin says only way to get to peace negotiation table is for NATO to not arm Ukraine and the "conflict will be quickly over".
So what does that mean ? It means Russia troops in Kiev and then there are "peace talks" ?
I’m sure de-nazification would be part of it too as Putin seemed to care quite a bit about this.
And I'm not sure how much pro-Russian sentiment is outside Donbas and within Ukraine like Kharkiv, even though they speak Russian.
Putin did say that the Russian troops pulled out of the region west of Kiev in anticipation there was going to be a peace deal.
I wonder what the terms were of that agreement other than Ukraine not join NATO.
Putin did say that when Ukraine was looking to join the EU around 2014 that the Kremlin said they would stop free trade with Ukraine, and that there would be Russian customs inspections. That was very revealing by Putin.
The Holodomor was what created the resentment and spurred Ukrainian "nationalistic" feelings.
I have new found respect for Putin after this interview. It seems like Zelenskyy and the EU governments are all puppets. They do what the US tells them to do.
The US makes Russia/Putin a boogeyman while Putin portrayed himself as a man who only wants peace and prosperity for his people.
And I'm not sure how much pro-Russian sentiment is outside Donbas and within Ukraine like Kharkiv, even though they speak Russian.
The problem is there is a Ukraine language and culture.
This is like New York telling Quebec to become like New York or less like Quebec.
Western 1/3 rabidly opposed to a Russian identity and We Wuz Vi-Kangz! Not Slavs! Ukrainian is the Venusian language! Everything Russian is bullshit!
Putin seems to not want to face what his ancestors did as far as Bolshevik terrorism
But in this case, the interview got derailed by these ill-advised questions and the style of interviewing which did not promote reality and the spirit of truth on the issues covered.
On the other hand, proving that you can’t please everybody, skeptical conservatives expressed disappointment with the interview, perhaps preferring that Tucker would’ve thrown caution to the wind, opened a ‘Ukraine biolabs’ can of whoop-ass, and broached other salacious subjects. But he didn’t, and Putin was even more restrained than Tucker, tip-toeing around topics that might trigger liberals, such as LGBTQ and trans policy, which Putin is famous for criticizing and usually never misses a chance to get his digs in.
So what was going on? Why all the delicacy?
They were careful because the interview wasn’t aimed at conservatives. Conservatives are already skeptical of the war, and we already disbelieve whatever we’re being told by the Biden Administration. The interview was aimed instead at moderate democrats and independents. Democrat partisans wouldn’t watch it even if Putin had described a secret cure for cancer — although ironically he discussed cancer (denied having it) and joked about a cure.
To be honest, I think the majority of the Bolshevik leadership was Jewish.
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