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Jessica Funk
PLEASE BRING AWARENESS TO THIS MAJOR LAWSUIT! I am grateful for your diligent work to keep us informed on many topics. It is especially interesting to be kept up to date on the many lawsuits, in courts currently, that have a huge impact on our freedoms.
There is one major suit you are missing and likely because the media, the government and the American Dental Association have worked extremely hard to squash any discussion on the topic. At the end of this month, a court in San Francisco will be covering a 9 day trial on the harms of water fluoridation. This is a controversial topic that spans decades and much like the anti-vaxxers have been attacked as tin foil hat wearing individuals, people on the side of concern about fluoride consumption have been equally maligned and the research suppressed.
As a dentist, I have been indoctrinated to believe that fluoride is the 'savior' of our profession. Any thoughts to the contrary were considered conspiracy. When COVID awoke me to the lies of the medical establishment, I became concerned that parallel lies existed in my profession. Researching the history of water fluoridation is eerily similar to the efforts to promote vaccination. Fluoride is to dentistry what vaccines are to medicine.
One might think that all dentists should be opposed to fluoride...it would certainly generate more business for the industry. But, fluoride treatments and fluoride products are income generating elements of dental practices. Much like vaccines are to pediatric medical offices. And much like vaccines, there is benefit to reducing tooth decay from fluoride but the systemic impact of consumption over a lifetime has consequences for the bones, the kidneys, the thyroid and pineal gland, likely intestinal (leaky gut) and the most harmful, the neurotoxic effects to the brain.
Most of the world does not fluoridate and has seen reductions in tooth decay that parallel what's been seen in this country since the introduction of water fluoridation. The CDC quietly changed its position in the late 90s to admit that topical application of fluoride is the primary method of benefit. I would argue that the sublingual absorption of toothpaste fluoride but that's a topic for another day.
The neurotoxic effects are what is on trial. Unlike vaccines, most people are unable to avoid water fluoridation. Nearly 80% of Americans drink fluoridated water and very few understand that the chemical used to fluoridate our water is the toxic waste of the phosphorus rock and aluminum industries. One can get an exemption from vaccination but the cost to filter fluoride from our water makes this exposure a forced medical treatment.
Please, please...bring awareness to this topic. As I talk to people in my awake medical circles, VERY few are aware of this trial and the impact it can have on our health....and our freedom to choose.
Today’s the day that water fluoridation, a public health measure spanning more than 70 years, is on trial in San Francisco, California. Judge Edward Chen will be presiding over the presentation of scientific evidence related to the neurotoxicity of fluoride exposure on the developing brain. There is an interesting but not a surprising history behind the lawsuit and the suppression of the science.
November 2016, several non profits (Fluoride Action Network, Food and Water Watch, Organic Consumers Association, Moms Against Fluoride and others) petitioned the EPA to ban fluoridation due to the chemical’s neurotoxicity. They used the law, The Toxic Substances Control Act to file this petition against the government. The EPA filed a motion to dismiss the case.
December 2017 Court denies the EPA’s motion to dismiss
February 2018 Court denies the EPA’s request to limit review to the administrative record that would allow important information from new scientific studies published since the case was originally filed.
June 2020 Judge Chen heard arguments from both sides and admitted that the plaintiffs presented ‘serious evidence’ that raises ‘serious questions’ about the safety of continuing water fluoridation. Judge Chen delayed the trial until completion of the NTP report and the benchmark dose analysis completed by the NIH. ...
Complete silence can be heard from the American Dental Association and in my opinion, this is an abhorrent omission on their part in educating dentists and the public. Late last year, the ADA published an article touting the town of Brigham, UT for not taking fluoride out of their water when it came up on the ballot during November voting.
So here you have a Dentist that is offering a high dose Fluoride treatment to his patients, and yet he admits that he won't allow his wife and kids to use Fluoride toothpaste!
Of course I refused, and he looked at me kind of funny.
RayAmerica says
Of course I refused, and he looked at me kind of funny.
Probably because fluoride is safe as long as you don't ingest it.
Yep. It does make sense not putting it into babies toothpastes since they often ingest it, but once you're old enough to understand how to brush and spit out fluoride in toothpastes should not be an issue anymore.
I find water fluoridation problematic, but not fluoride toothpaste. Or a fluoride varnish as long as you rinse it out right away. There are always pros and cons to everything, tooth decay and bad teeth/gums in general are associated with higher mortality and the enamel protective activity of flouride has been established long ago.
mell says
I find water fluoridation problematic, but not fluoride toothpaste. Or a fluoride varnish as long as you rinse it out right away. There are always pros and cons to everything, tooth decay and bad teeth/gums in general are associated with higher mortality and the enamel protective activity of flouride has been established long ago.
There's no evidence that flouride in toothpaste improves dental health.
There are so many peer reviewed that you surely must be jesting. Here's one: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6398117
Be careful all you want, but your system is absorbing a certain amount of that, day in and day out.
Yep. It does make sense not putting it into babies toothpastes since they often ingest it, but once you're old enough to understand how to brush and spit out fluoride in toothpastes should not be an issue anymore.
I think dental hygiene is overhyped bigly or I have extremely tough teeth. I think more about food and drink choices honestly.
Very good point. If you eat crap all day long, brushing won't make up for that. Calcium is tremendously better over fluoride for dental health, it's not even close. But besides the now retired dentist who still sells calcium products, I have never been able to find a dentist who will treat with it. Likely because if they're found out, their career is over.
Yes, me and my wife personally use these products:
I eat when I'm hungry. During the week I'm up earlier, so two meals. Weekend, sometimes just one. I never intentionally fast, just get busy sometimes and don't care to stop.
Joe Rogan: “There’s a Direct Correlation” Between Fluoride in the Water and Low IQs ...
Before the Union County commissioners voted, the Leader of the Union County Chapter of Moms for Liberty, Abigal Prado, spoke before the commissioners and shared, “Millions of pregnant women are currently being exposed to levels of fluoride that have the potential to lower their children’s IQ by at least four to six points.”
Prado referenced a 2019 study published in JAMA Pediatrics that revealed: “Fluoride exposure during pregnancy may be associated with adverse effects on child intellectual development, indicating the possible need to reduce fluoride intake during pregnancy.”
WookieMan says
I just eat one big ass
Amusing word choice.
Most diets are heavily acidic, and inflammatory. Perfect conditions for heartburn.
One thing that surprised me is that all canned foods are very acidic. The contents are acidified as a preservative and it does not need to be disclosed on the ingredient list.
Robert Sproul says
One thing that surprised me is that all canned foods are very acidic. The contents are acidified as a preservative and it does not need to be disclosed on the ingredient list.
Odd, it seems that all that salt would be sufficient. Even weal acids can slowly dissolve metal, so I guess you get that leached into the canned food as well.
The ph in your bloodstream is constant. If it changes, your going to die.
I still don't get what happened with the seizure.
I don't believe this nonsense about acidic or alkaline diets. Your stomach is filled with acid anyhow. Any alkaline material you ingest will be neutralized .
A new study suggests a link between greater fluoride intake in pregnancy and toddlers with behavioral problems.
Children in the womb exposed to higher levels of fluoride ... later were more likely to experience temper tantrums, headaches, stomachaches, anxiety and symptoms linked to autism, according to research published Monday in JAMA Network Open. ...
“This is the first US-based study to examine this association,” lead study author Ashley Malin, an assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Florida’s College of Public Health and Health Professions and College of Medicine, said in a statement.
“Our findings are noteworthy, given that the women in this study were exposed to pretty low levels of fluoride — levels that are typical of those living in fluoridated regions within North America,” she added.
Communities have been adding fluoride to their drinking water for decades to help prevent tooth decay.
Fluoride has been shown to strengthen enamel, inhibit the growth of bacteria and replenish lost minerals.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of 2020, more than 209 million people, or 72.7% of the US population, receive fluoridated water through public water systems.
WookieMan says
I still don't get what happened with the seizure.
Hopefully not an indicator of any nutritional deficiency. Only way to tell would be get some lab work done with a naturopath. Regular MD's aren't qualified to assess that.
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People on this site were mentioning the harmful effects of fluoride for years:
General Jack T. Ripper was right after all.
And what would be even funnier, I guess, is if it turned out to have actually been a communist plot.