
Get ready for Censorship like Mad

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2022 Feb 23, 2:58pm   135,509 views  905 comments

by AmericanKulak   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Under the "Russian Operative" excuse.

It's coming, and it will encapsulate the Social Justice Revolution as part of American Canon, so to criticize it will be subject to censorship.

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620   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Feb 8, 1:46pm  

Neoliberals are hypo-fascist. They want a union of coporate and government, pursue low wage, high migration, high rent, concentrated ownership that benefits the top 10%.

I think he idea that racism or nationalism is a necessary component of fascism. All totalitarian states have a strong ideology in common, it doesn't have to be "for the proles" or "For the race", it could just as easily be "for the Earth" or "For the Technocratic Managed Utopia" or "For the Global Community".
623   Patrick   2024 Feb 13, 10:56am  


Michigan lawmaker stripped of committee post, staff after sharing Jack Posobiec meme about the replacement of white people

I'm confused.

Conspiracy theories are ideas about associations of conspirators that are pushing to implement some plan, but they are called theories because there is no solid evidence.

In the case of "Great Replacement," it's just a fact.

... Jack Poso's meme is clearly conveying this reality with a low-information meme. The guy pops up on my feed hourly. I don't agree with him all the time, but he's not saying white people are superior. He's not saying black people are evil. What he is saying is that there is a sustained, coordinated effort to diminish anything associated with the "white" Christian West, including celebrating the making of our communities less white.

And it just so happens that a GOP rep in Michigan retweeted this very baseline conservative observation.

After all, how is it a theory when everyone is admitting the conspiracy?
624   Patrick   2024 Feb 16, 10:53am  


For a few days now, the internet has been telling me that the French National Assembly passed a law making “any criticism of [the] mRNA platform punishable with up to 3 years imprisonment and 45,000 euros.” As is often the case, the reports beneath these headlines were slightly less sensational. There, one typically reads that the law targets not mere criticism of the mRNA jabs, but explicit advice against vaccination. That may not sound like a big difference, but details always matter. I have now read both the law itself and many reports from the French press about its origins and the controversies attending it. I can report that it is indeed bad, but perhaps not quite as terrible as some have claimed.
625   Patrick   2024 Feb 16, 2:56pm  


I could hardly believe my eyes reading the reports about the French Parliament adopting on Wednesday, in first reading, the bill aimed at strengthening the fight against “sectarian excesses” (“Projet de loi visant à renforcer la lutte contre les dérives sectaires”) in the field of the practice of medicine. Upon closer verification, it all turned out to be true. With a few bumps along the way, the government was able to push through the bill with the notable Article 4, with 182-137 votes in favour. Here’s the complete Article 4, in all its glory:

Article 4 (Amendments n°CL128, n°CL47)

After article 223-1-1 of the penal code, article 223-1-2 is inserted as follows:

“ Art. 223‑1‑2. – Provocation to abandon or abstain from following therapeutic or prophylactic medical treatment is punishable by one year of imprisonment and a fine of 15,000 euros, when this abandonment or abstention is presented as beneficial for the health of the persons targeted when it is, in the state of medical knowledge, clearly likely to result in serious consequences for their physical or psychological health, taking into account the pathology from which they suffer.”

“Provocation to adopt practices presented as having a therapeutic or prophylactic purpose for the persons concerned is punishable by the same penalties when it is clear, in the state of medical knowledge, that these practices expose them to an immediate risk of death. or injuries likely to result in mutilation or permanent disability.”

“When the provocation provided for in the first two paragraphs has been effective, the penalties are increased to three years of imprisonment and a fine of 45,000 euros.”

“When these offenses are committed through the written or audiovisual press, the specific provisions of the laws which govern these matters are applicable with regard to the determination of the persons responsible.”
627   Patrick   2024 Feb 18, 5:46pm  


A federal judge on Wednesday handed Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Children’s Health Defense (CHD) a partial win in their landmark censorship case alleging the Biden administration colluded with social media platforms to unlawfully censor online content.

Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting key Biden administration officials and agencies from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to suppress or censor online content.
628   HeadSet   2024 Feb 18, 7:32pm  

Patrick says

Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting key Biden administration officials and agencies from coercing or significantly encouraging social media platforms to suppress or censor online content.

Isn't that already illegal?
630   casandra   2024 Feb 19, 10:57am  

And get ready for war folks. Look for a flag in the pacific to get our country onboard with a fight, and then it will be a Europe First head fake and our young will on there way to the meat grinder in Ukraine! Why else would Biden be forced to have us all mourn the death of some Russian opposition guy who died in a prison there while he is trying to throw his opposition guy in a prison here. LOL. Good luck folks. This is just too easy even to comment on.
632   zzyzzx   2024 Feb 22, 5:01am  

On YouTube:
Censored: F Joe Biden
Not censored: F Dementia Joe
638   Patrick   2024 Feb 29, 4:37pm  


Biden's FBI to detain Blaze reporter for J6 reporting. Aren't you glad you don't live in a banana republic, comrades? ...

Remind me, how many journalists did Trump arrest? ...

These are for unknown charges! They won't even tell him or his lawyers what they're bringing him in for until he appears before the magistrate!

Steve did enter the Capitol in his capacity as a journalist, like many other journalists and photographers, after hundreds of other individuals had posted pictures and videos from the J6 event that, apparently, contradicted the narrative.

No matter what they charge Baker with, this is his crime.

But don't worry! The Biden White House is a return to normalcy!

"Democracy" is safe!
640   stereotomy   2024 Mar 1, 4:15pm  

Zuck looks like a Fetal Alcohol Syndrome baby.
641   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 2:39pm  


White House Orders Fox News to Retract Reports on Biden Bribery Allegations

The reports focus on allegations that the president and his son, Hunter Biden, took millions of dollars in bribes from foreign nations to peddle their influence in Washington D.C.

It has been alleged that while he was vice president, Biden pressured Ukraine to fire its top prosecutor, who was investigating Burisma Holdings at the time.

"Alleged"? WTF?

Biden openly bragged about it.

Demanding that the news retract the truth is yet more banana republic stuff.
642   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 2:53pm  


Last year, for example, students at Stanford Law School – law students, who should understand the value of the First Amendment better than anyone else on campus – shouted down a federal judge whose views they didn’t like. When a Stanford diversity dean – yes, that’s an actual position – appeared on the scene, she didn’t back the judge. Instead, she instead lectured him, asking, “Do you have something so incredibly important to say?” and, infamously, “Is the juice worth the squeeze?”

This was far from an isolated incident.

Adults, particularly left-leaning young adults, truly believe they have the right not to hear words or concepts that might bother them. They refer to “microaggressions” and “unsafe environments.” ...

The solution for those of us who believe in free speech is to let advocates and opponents, of the Covid vaccines or anything else, talk to each other, or past each other, or at each other – while the world listens, or doesn’t. ...

Why have journalists and academics – the very people who should care most about free expression - lost their appetite for free speech? And how did I get caught in its crosshairs?

The simple two-word answer is Donald Trump.

Trump’s election in 2016 set our elite institutions into a spiral of anger – not merely at Trump, but at the Americans who had the temerity to resist Hillary Clinton’s coronation and elect him instead.

But Trump is not the only answer.

After all, 2016 wasn’t just the year of Trump. It was the year of Brexit. It was the year when elites on both sides of the Atlantic fundamentally lost their ability to set the so-called Overton window, the acceptable parameters of political discussion. No one serious in Washington or New York or Los Angeles or San Francisco – Republican or Democrat - wanted Donald Trump elected in 2016. And no one serious in London, Tory or Labor, wanted Britain to pull out of the European Union.

And the elites, correctly, saw large social media sites, Facebook and Twitter in particular, as the largest single engine of their loss of control.
643   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 5:58pm  


Curation of the public discourse makes a self-referential parody of democracy: the legitimacy of the Regime nominally rests upon the will of the People, but the will of the People is whatever the Regime wills the people to will. In a sense, this has been the case in industrial technocracies more or less since their inception. Whoever controls the organs of opinion formation – the news and entertainment media, the schools, the universities – controls the mass mind, and therefore controls politics. The openly totalitarian regimes of the Democratic People’s Republics did this blatantly, with direct state management of the press and the academy; the more subtle liberal democracies did this behind the scenes, with nominally independent, private media and universities manipulated via back-channel communications, government grants, intelligence agency inserts (e.g. Project Mockingbird) and so on. The Great Shuttening is partly a reaction to the loss of influence of these legacy institutions, and a panicked attempt to assert control over the unruly many-to-many communications networks that have been displacing them.
644   Patrick   2024 Mar 2, 6:06pm  


Now let’s say things get dire and desperate for our beloved Regime. Effeminate foxes they may be, preferring subterfuge to naked force, but events force their hand. Order 66 goes out. Quadrotor swarms are despatched across the world, a Night of the Loud Drones – although it doesn’t take a whole night, it’s all over in minutes. A few hundred thousand small and precisely targeted explosions, and the most troublesome dissidents are excised from the body politic.

Sure, there will be shock and horror among the people. But the software update will follow up immediately after: these were all terrorists, fifth columnists, agents of Russia, China, and Iran, racists and sexists and homophobes, climate-change deniers and antivaxxers, removing them was necessary as a public health measure. And a few days later, another software update: Drone Passover never happened. See, all those people are still posting on social media. Their accounts are still active! Everyone saying they’re all dead (and that we murdered them) is a conspiracy theorist.

Remarkable what you can do with Large Language Models.

Or maybe they’ll simply claim that the people they murdered were innocent casualties of Russian Orthodox terrorists, and that much stricter controls are now necessary For the Safety of Our Democracy. The NPCs would buy that too. But they’ll buy anything.
645   Patrick   2024 Mar 3, 12:35pm  


The proposed amendment aims to remove the provision that allows individuals to defend themselves by claiming they genuinely believe in and were merely expressing religious teaching already found in the Scriptures.

This means that citing religious beliefs as justification for words or actions that the state effectively regards as “heresy” will no longer be accepted as a valid defense under the law.

The bill states:

“The enactment amends the Criminal Code to eliminate as a defense against wilful promotion of hatred or antisemitism the fact that a person, in good faith, expressed or attempted to establish by an argument an opinion or a religious subject or an opinion based on a belief in a religious text.” ...

“If ratified, Canada’s anti-Christian legal apparatus created over the last decade will overtly persecute Christians with the force of criminal law.

“Everything is already in place,” he warned. “Buckle up.”

Dr. Boot went on to explain that evangelism, preaching, counseling, statements in the workplace, on social media, and in books that condemn homosexuality or transgenderism on biblical grounds could be “subject to criminal prosecution and with heavy fines or jail time.”

The legislation will also include statements deemed “anti-Semitic.”
647   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 5:04pm  



Interim Staff Report of the Committee on the Judiciary and the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government

U.S. House of Representatives
February 5, 2024
649   Patrick   2024 Mar 7, 10:47am  


England sentences man to two years in jail for "offensive stickers"

The stickers in question ranged from:
"It's OK to be White"
"White Lives Matter"
"Love your Nation"
"Stop Anti-White Rape Gangs"
"Stop mass immigration"
"Reject white guilt"
"They seek conquest, not asylum"

To the racism that's sadly growing on the Right (because the Left won't allow public discourse and the free exchange of ideas):

"Why are Jews censoring free speech?"
"Small hats, big problems"

... Maybe you say, "Yeah, but he was antisemitic," which still doesn't erase free speech, but okay - let's play that game.

Why aren't there mass arrests of the Arab "asylum seekers" in England who routinely call for violence against the Jews?

In the U.S., where freedom of speech is broadly and proactively upheld, profane stickers are protected under the First Amendment. In England — and in much of the rest of Europe — you can be prosecuted and imprisoned for displaying an offensive sign.

And the seriousness with which law enforcement takes that responsibility is pretty much laughable:

Det Ch Sup James Dunkerley, head of Counter Terrorism Policing North East, said: 'Those that seek to bring hatred to our communities through actions such as stickering will be identified and brought to justice.'

Free speech was born in England ... now it has died there.
650   Misc   2024 Mar 7, 12:17pm  

Start stickering cop cars.
653   Ceffer   2024 Mar 7, 5:49pm  

What about creating terror by persecuting the innocent and letting the guilty prey on the innocent, but not persecuting the guilty, don't you understand? It's Stalin kindergarten.
655   richwicks   2024 Mar 8, 7:58am  

Patrick says


I think we've just gone and are still going through a conformance test of some sort. I don't know which side "wins" in this, or if there's a some sort of selection process going on.

I think if the government set out to kill people, they can't do it with biological weapons and realistically, the only people they would be able to kill easily would be the compliant ones. Maybe they don't care about compliant or non compliant people either way.

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