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’m hoping that the world is not going to fall for their fake pandemic scare again.
When I told him that Big Pharma provides the biggest ad revenues, by far, for the networks and that they will never report anything detrimental to their own advertisers, he fell silent. He really had that classic 'dear in the headlights' look.
PeopleUnited says
I’m hoping that the world is not going to fall for their fake pandemic scare again.
that's a lot of hoping
I don't think a real pandemic will ever happen again
Perhaps you’re aware that the World Health Organization (WHO) is cooking up a plan to impose its will over all the sovereign nations on this planet in the event of future pandemics. That means, for instance, that the WHO would issue orders to the USA about lockdowns, vaccines, and vaccine passports and we US citizens supposedly would be compelled to follow them.
Why the “Joe Biden” regime would go along with this globalist fuckery is one of the abiding mysteries of our time — except that they go along with everything else that the cabal of Geneva cooks up, such as attacks on farmers, and on oil production, and on relations between men and women, and on personal privacy, and on economic liberty throughout Western Civ, as if they’re working overtime to kill it off. And all of us with it.
I think they are working overtime at that because the sore-beset citizens of Western Civ are onto their game, and getting restless about it. So, the Geneva cabal is in a race against time before the center pole of their circus tent collapses and the nations of the world are compelled to follow the zeitgeist in the direction of de-centralizing, foiling all their grand plans.
The “Joe Biden” regime is pretending to ignore the reality that this WHO deal is actually a treaty that would require ratification by a two-thirds vote in the senate, an unlikely outcome. In any case, handing over authority to the WHO — in effect, to its chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus — to push around American citizens like a giant herd of cattle would be patently unlawful.
As everything turns to shit because of the war of incompetents against the competent, I think it's likely that water supplies will become contaminated and spread cholera, typhus, etc.
Wokeness is a grave risk to human life.
🔥 Governor DeSantis is back in the post today for discussing a subject that almost no other sitting politician will discuss: the WHO’s proposed “pandemic treaty.” DeSantis told Epoch Times’ Jan Jakielek the treaty would be a non-starter in Florida, which already passed a law nullifying foreign lockdown orders:
CLIP: DeSantis discussing WHO Lockdown Treaty (0:47).
“Go ahead, make my day. I will take that treaty and throw that in the trash can where it belongs,” DeSantis said. He’s not the only candidate talking about it, rather he’s the only elected official who is. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has also spoken against the WHO’s impending power grab. And while he was President, Trump deleted all the U.S.’s funding for the WHO for a short but glorious season until President Peters dumped cash all over the authoritarian sickness agency.
The question is, how come nobody else in government is talking about the WHO’s nefarious plans?
Anyway. The more people talking about the WHO, the better.
Christian Terhes, Member of the European Parliament (MEP) representing The Christian Democratic National Peasants' Party (Romanian: Partidul Național Țărănesc Creștin Democrat) and the Alliance for the Union of Romanians, delivered a riveting speech at the opening of the second day of testimony at the International Crisis Summit in Bucharest. Christian played a key role in enabling both the ICS III at the European Parliament, and ICS IV in Bucharest. He is another of the new breed of activist politicians rising up throughout the world in opposition to globalist "new world order", “Green Passports” and other "Great Reset" plans.
“We were in a totalitarian regime 30-some years ago in Eastern Europe or up to 30-some years ago in Eastern Europe. But you guys in the West, you were not. The problem is that we are witnessing right now the installation of a new totalitarian regime all across the globe. A few months ago, the WHO signed a contract or whatever, an agreement, with the European Commission to use the digital Covid certificate across the globe. It will be on your cell phone. They're talking right now at the European level about the digital vaccination certificate.
So clearly the direction is that we will not be able to exercise many basic fundamental rights unless we have a pre-approval from the government. This is the definition of a totalitarian state. You have the options, only the one that are provided to you or to us by the government. This is the reason why we need to fight together.
World Health Organization appoints trans activist with "Be Gay, Do Crimes" tattoo to help develop guidelines on gender transition for kids
Sorry, but this (sadly) ain't a satire site.
The World Health Organization (WHO) quietly announced new guidelines on "the health of trans and gender diverse people" on December 18 and most people missed it because they were celebrating Christmas instead of scheming to trans the kids.
The guidelines center around ensuring access to hormones and surgeries, as well as the legal acknowledgment of self-identified gender. A group of 21 members put together these guidelines, and at least half of them are trans.
You’ve gotta have checks and balances or power will corrupt
After World War II, we set up these international institutions — the U.N., W.H.O., World Bank — with NONE of the checks and balances that are built into the U.S. Constitution. Is it any wonder then that these institutions are tyrannical, plagued by corruption, and incapable of reform?
Even the European Union lacks checks and balances and mechanisms to protect the interests of smaller nations. Did we learn nothing from history? ...
Mainstream media decoder ring
“Died suddenly” = killed by the vaccine.
“Died unexpectedly” = killed by the vaccine.
“No cause of death was listed” = killed by the vaccine.
“Natural causes” = killed by the vaccine.
“After a brief illness” = killed by the vaccine.
How's that takeover going? Any progress to report?
I agree. The only thing more powerful than a billionaire is his government. So billionaires hate national governments as a rule, and would prefer a global government run by themselves so that there is no threat to their own wealth and power.
Wouldn't a global government be the most dangerous thing to the ultra wealthy, their would be nowhere for them to flee to and their wealth could be taken more easily if they feel out of grace.
Eric Holder says
How's that takeover going? Any progress to report?
I'm sure that I, along with others, don't have to point this out to you, but others may be here that are honestly looking for truthful information.
The WHO is just one of the global organizations that is attempting to rule our lives with an iron fist via a centralized, despotic world government. The World Economic Forum, the Club of Rome, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Federal Reserve (along with other Rothschild owned central banks), the Military Industrial Complex, the Climate Change and 'vaccine' hoaksters are others ... just to name a few.
In case you somehow missed it, in which event lucky you, the barely sentient maniacs at the United Nations and the World Health Organization had proposed revisions to an existing ‘pandemic treaty’ to vastly expand the WHO’s influence. One of the most alarming parts of the proposed draft was language essentially putting the WHO in charge of all member countries, including America. All the WHO would have to do is declare a pandemic and then look out, Lucy.
Worse, to approve this grotesque mockery of democratic ideals, all that would have had to happen would be for the leader of each country, in our terrifying case Joe Biden, to sign the damnable thing, and that presumably would have been that.
It’s still not perfect, but thanks to the hard work of many freedom activists over the last few months to shine a light on this horrible, so-called ’treaty’, the worst parts of the draft — including the ‘binding effect’ on member states — have now been jettisoned. The current draft still does some bedeviling stuff like letting the WHO declare global pandemics and pushing for 100-day turbo vaccine development. But the greatest risks have been sliced out.
Believe it or not, it was mostly small countries that pushed back on the draft’s worst excesses. Robert Kennedy recently tweeted celebrating (and warning) about the state of the treaty:
As you can see, as Kennedy’s tweet suggested, the activists, now madder than jabbed hornets, aren’t letting up on the pressure. Maybe they will ultimately drive the WHO right into the sea and get rid of it once and for all. We can hope.
That’s not even close to all the good news! On Wednesday, in a story completely ignored by corporate media, Senator Ron Johnson published an announcement on his website headlined, “Sen. Johnson Leads Letter Demanding Biden Reject “Unacceptable” WHO Agreements.”
Johnson’s announcement referred to a highly-controversial set of proposed amendments to the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, which are set for the final approval vote next month. Critics have claimed that in its horrible original drafts, the amendments would have put the WHO in charge of declaring pandemics and then mandating every country’s response, right down to lockdowns and vaccine mandates that arguably would even override national, state, and local laws.
It is hard to imagine a worse, more apocalyptic scenario.
But thanks to diligent independent efforts — no thanks to corporate media lapdogs, who’ve steadfastly refused to cover the story — the WHO’s proposed treaty amendment package has failed approval several times. The first time it failed by the thinnest of margins, rejected only by a couple small countries. But as people began learning and talking about the threat, it has been revised through several rounds and is much improved. But still dangerous.
Senator Johnson (R-Wi.), bless him, organized the entire Republican Senate, all 49 Senators, to sign a letter of objection addressed to Joe Biden. In the letter, the Senators argue the WHO’s treaty amendments would constitute a brand new treaty requiring ratification by two-thirds of the Senate, which the 49 Senators could easily block. The Biden Administration would surely argue the amendment package is not a new treaty at all, but is merely a minor adjustment to an existing treaty not requiring ratification.
Still, this is a significant development, signaling swift and difficult litigation looming if Biden does sign on to the amendment package. Here’s Johnson’s letter...
This is the progress that people who’ve been decrying the horrible WHO amendment have been waiting for.
Wouldn't a global government be the most dangerous thing to the ultra wealthy, their would be nowhere for them to flee to and their wealth could be taken more easily if they feel out of grace
Is WHO a Front Organization for the Takeover of U.S. Government?
MARK YOUR CALENDARS: Get Ready For The Ultimate Global Protest Against the Corrupt World Health Organization!
Stand against the WHO!
Friends, Brothers and Sisters from all corners of the world,
The time has come for us to unite, stronger than ever before. On May 31st, in Hibiya Park, Tokyo, Japan, our Japanese friends will be hosting the World's Biggest Rally against the WHO. This presents us with a pivotal opportunity to stand alongside them, to raise our voices in unison, and to battle for our fundamental rights: our freedom, our ability to choose, and our very way of life.
We did it!!! 22 Attorneys-General in the US have told Joe Biden that the WHO will not be making public policy in their states!
For the thousands of people who have been making calls and writing letters--you are the best! Global governance will not be starting in the US!
But there is just one more ask. We need to stop this in the other 28 states. We need to pass the 2 bills that would require the treaty and international health regulation amendments to be ratified by the US Senate, where they will die… Because 49 US Senators have already made clear they will vote NO!
Those bills are HR1425 and S444. We need 2 D cosponsors in the Senate, and we need a majority of the House to vote in favor. Please thank your representatives if they have cosponsored one of these bills. If they have not, please explain to them what is at stake and request they cosponsor them. You can find oout if your reps are already cosponsors at the links I provided.
We need to pass the 2 bills that would require the treaty and international health regulation amendments to be ratified by the US Senate
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Analysts warn that the ratification of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) pandemic treaty and amendments to the International Health Regulations could strip away sovereignty from nation-states and place public health decision-making power in the hands of the WHO and its director-general.
The World Health Organization’s (WHO) World Health Assembly (WHA) will convene May 21-30 in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss the proposed “pandemic treaty” and amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
Many analysts have warned that the ratification of either or both of these instruments would diminish or completely strip away sovereignty from nation-states and place public health decision-making power in the hands of the WHO and its director-general.
Details around how this might happen in the U.S., however, are difficult to pinpoint — partly because of the secrecy surrounding negotiations and partly because of the complex combination of domestic and international law that would have to come into play in order to strip U.S. sovereignty.
“If these amendments and if this pandemic treaty are passed, then that would basically be the end of our national sovereignty,” said lawyer Reggie Littlejohn, co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition, founder and president of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers and co-chair of the Stop Vaccine Passports Task Force.
Francis Boyle, J.D., Ph.D., professor of international law at the University of Illinois and a bioweapons expert who drafted the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989, agreed. He described the WHO’s proposed instruments as “an attempt to take over the United States of America by using the WHO as a front for that purpose.”
“This is being backed by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Bill Gates, the Chinese communist dictatorship, Big Pharma and the biowarfare industry,” Boyle said.
Boyle said there’s been so much opposition to the dictates coming out of Washington over the handling of the pandemic “that these elites have decided to go to the WHO and use the WHO as a front organization to accomplish its objectives.”
Much more here: https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/who-takeover-us-government/?utm_id=20230509