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Spike protein jab campaign finally being called what it is, a mass genocide:
Are you having at least some feeling that there is something wrong with these EXPERIMENTAL 'vaccines'?
Dr. Chris Shoemaker on Nakahara et al that Shows Hearts Work Virtually 50% Harder Post-Jab
JIM FERGUSON: There appears to be some information coming to light about hearts working harder after having had two vaccinations. Is that correct?
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: That's absolutely correct. From a September 2023 study published September, that is, just four months ago, and its lead scientist was Dr. Nakahara from Tokyo, Japan.[1] There were also lead scientists out of, one of South America, one from Houston, Texas and the fourth [inaudible]. So four major study centers participated in this in terms of finding whether asymptomatic people actually, and without myocarditis, was there any evidence that their heart was straining any harder in the vaccinated than the nonvaccinated. And it was found by Dr. Nakakahara, Dr. Nakahara, my apologies, Dr. Nakahara and others, that there was a, not just a 5%, 10%, maybe 12% elevation in heart effort, it's a 47%, virtually 50% increased effort going on in the cardiac cells of vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated. And they found that this elevation persisted for a full 6 months.
The reason we can count on this study as having validity is that they took 5,000 patients worldwide and they meticulously deleted and made sure that if there was any chance of something being driven that was in any way incorrect— Anyway, they brought it down to a 1,000 patients, 700 who were doubly-vaxxed and 300 who were nonvaxxed, and they were meticulous in the study, meticulous in finding whether there was a legitimate elevation or or not.
And it was proven with a P-value, and the scientists out there will know, a P-value[2] of .001 or less. This was meticulous in showing a P-value of certainty that this elevation of 47% cardiac effort was confirmed in the vaxxed. And the unvaxxed had no elevation in cardiac effort for the next 6 months.
We now know the reason that people, whether it be 6 months or 7 months or 12 months after the shot, are dying suddenly. There's a scientific reason now proven by Dr. Nakahara and others and I invite our very careful observers to go to the study which I know you will put on your website.
JIM FERGUSON: Yeah, absolutely, I will. And I think it's very, very important that people who are listening to this can actually see that that scientific data is, it's factual, it's real, it's not conjecture. We're not making it up as we go along, as it were—
JIM FERGUSON: — this is scientific, peer-reviewed with proper data, and that is shocking to think that people's hearts are working 50%, almost 50% harder in the vaccinated as opposed to those who didn't take any of the mRNA covid vaccinations. And, you know, I still, I still, I still hesitate when I call them vaccinations, doctor, because they're not really proper vaccinations, are they? They're gene therapies, aren't they?
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Gene therapy is the most accurate description. In fact, DARPA[3] and the military, which manufactured this on behalf of Pfizer and Moderna, they specifically in their paperwork do not call it a vaccine. Specifically in their paperwork, call it a military countermeasure, and it's because of that that they didn't have to be as meticulous about how much DNA sludge also got into the jab. And because there's DNA now proven to be in the shots[4]—
And we were advised, the whole world was advised for a whole two years, oh, there can't possibly be DNA, this is an RNA vaccine everybody! Please relax, there can't possibly be anything of a DNA functionality.
Sorry folks. 33% by weight, 33% of by weight of the genetic material which was put into our shoulders is DNA. It's not, shall we say, continuous DNA, it's what's called a plasmid contained elements of DNA. But these plasmid contained elements of DNA mean that the DNA form of it can last for basically a lifetime inside you. For virtually a lifetime, the body can keep responding to the fact that these DNA plasmids have gone to our brain, or gone to our heart or gone to other organs, and that's why the possibility of shedding for a long, long time exists.
JIM FERGUSON: The CDC in the United States, they've, they've been— tell us a little more about
what's going on with that as well then.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Well the only recent news that I've really paid strong attention to out of the
CDC was their observation and their suggestion that cardiac failure— heart failure, which is different than heart stoppage, heart failure which is different than a heart attack. Heart failure is just overall weakening of your cardiac function to the point that you might have to sit up in a chair in order to sleep, and your heart is requiring numerous, numerous medications to keep you from being in complete heart failure and dying. And they are predicting there's going to be a massive increase in the next 4 to 5 years of this. Gee, I wonder why that would be?
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Gee, I wonder if perhaps because these toxic elements in these jabs are creating, and again, from the Nakahara study, we have the proof that it's causing your heart— One million beats takes 10 days. If you've got 180 days of proven extra work, that's 18 million beats, 18 million times, your heart is beating 50% more deleteriously. Fifty percent harder.
The proof of this is something called an FDG, it's a fluoridated glucose [fluorodeoxyglucose] radiated molecule. This is a normal test to do, you do it on people and you find out whether there's a extra effort being made in a metastatic area of your body, or an extra effort being made in the cardiac cell area of your body. And the study showed that it was in the heart area that there was 47% elevated effort going on, elevated consumption of glucose because the heart cell was working 47% higher than it ought to. One million beats every 10 days. [shakes head] Awful. Awful.
JIM FERGUSON: Is that affecting people's blood pressure? I mean, is, is, is that going to show up as a, as an increase in blood pressure, doctor?
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Certainly you want to have a blood pressure, as they say, high blood pressure is better than no blood pressure at all.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Which is an old, it's an old medical joke, but I'll just say it to say it to lighten the mood.
DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: But I can certainly concur with Pfizer itself. Pfizer itself gave even in their pre-release of their product, said that hypertension, elevation of blood pressure, was a significant possibility with the use of the vaccine.
So the results can be many, the effects on the heart cells can be many, but when your body is waving a flag to itself, when the body is saying, this is no longer your heart cells clean and clear, these are heart cells that are waving alien species RNA, alien RNA, it's certainly not your human RNA. It was designed by humans, but it isn't your human RNA. And once your body notices that something that isn't your precise, your, Jim, your RNA, DNA profile, and it's showing on a completely different profile, the body does what it always does. It does an immune attack of the tissues that are waving this flag of nonrecognition.
And sadly this is the center point, this is the center point of all the harm, whether it's a heart harm, or whether it's a vessel inflammation, your brain harm, or whether it's hepatitis harm, or whether your ovaries are being inflamed, as a little 14 year old girl, where your ovaries are being attacked, literally, in your body by the fact that it's not recognizable now as just you. It's you plus something else. The body doesn't like that. The body, the immune system of your body, attacks.
And, well, as we've discussed two and three times before, Jim, it's that immune attack by you against your nonrecognizable heart, that's what produces heart failure, that's what produces myocarditis, that's what produces abnormal heart rhythms and delayed PR intervals. That's what's producing all of these things.
[1] Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients
Takehiro Nakahara, Yu Iwabuchi, Raita Miyazawa, Kai Tonda, Tohru Shiga, H. William Strauss, Charalambos Antoniades, Jagat Narula, Masahiro Jinzaki
Published Online:Sep 19 2023https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.230743
[2] For a layman's introduction to P-values and significance tests, see:
[3] DARPA is the US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
[4] See Dr. Philip Buckhaults testimony
SC Senate Hearing - USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults
SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 13, 2023
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/105739.html
See also:
Dr. Janci Lindsay's testimony
Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/106401.html
Over the past two years, on average, we have had approximately 2.2 Qantas Boeing 737-800 planes crash into the ground every week in addition to the Australians who were expected to die in a normal week.
(104 weeks, 40,000 people who died in excess, 384 people excess dead per week, 174 passengers on each plane).
So every week, over two full plane loads of our friends, families, co-workers, schoolmates and neighbours dead in the ocean or maybe going down in a fireball over the Nullarbor. Think of the two big planes per week and add in a few Cessnas or Royal Flying Doctor planes and Westpac helicopters to round it up to the 40,000. ...
Senator Babet recently got his excess deaths inquiry motion passed through the Senate, although given that both sides of politics were heavily involved with the covid response, facilitated by the military and the US DOD, I am not sure there will be real truth telling. Most of our leaders are fearful, greedy and insular. Australian politicians want fellowships and jobs in the US after they finish their tenures in Australia and thus do not question that hard. They do not really work for us.
Over the past two years, on average, we have had approximately 2.2 Qantas Boeing 737-800 planes crash into the ground every week in addition to the Australians who were expected to die in a normal week.
The DNA Contamination news making waves with scientists worldwide!
Dr. Hiroshi Arakawa from the Institute of Molecular Biology recently (Mar 11, 2024) blogged about the DNA contamination issue in Pfizer's experimental gene therapy and it is making waves within the scientific community.
Here is a snippet of his blog (translated from Japanese). He calls the situation a "time bomb."
"This time, what was confirmed in the placenta was not only the spike protein, but also the vaccine mRNA itself, and this fact indicates that the transfer of mRNA preparations inoculated to pregnant women into the placenta is a fatal flaw common to all LNP/mRNA preparations. It shows me something again. If LNP-wrapped mRNA can reach the intrauterine environment, the same can be said of LNP-wrapped contaminant DNA. Contaminant DNA may also be transfected into the fetus, which has a small number of cells. The toxicity of the coronavirus vaccine in the uterine environment predicts the induction of premature birth and miscarriage, as well as the impact on congenital physical and intellectual disabilities.
Or, even if you appear to be a healthy newborn, you may be carrying a time bomb that you don't know when it will go off in the future. It is believed that the coronavirus vaccine is also largely involved in the current decline in Japan's birth rate. As long as mRNA vaccination continues, there are concerns that the declining birthrate and population decline will further accelerate."
Dr Hiroshi Arakawa, 11 March 2024 [SOURCE]
Indeed, there is a shocking surge in Stillbirths and Perinatal death post vaccination.
BREAKING: Shocking Surge in Stillbirths and Perinatal Deaths Rocks Singapore in 2023!
Dr. James Thorp, an obstetrical clinician with over 44 years of experience, has also voiced his concerns about the risks this experimental gene therapy poses to pregnant women and their fetuses.
That's not a very scary map. At the very worst it is about a tenth of a percent for people under 50.
The difference between First World and Shithole countries could also simply because First World countries treat those with cancer.
The difference between First World and Shithole countries could also simply because First World countries treat those with cancer.
Misc says
That's not a very scary map. At the very worst it is about a tenth of a percent for people under 50.
The difference between First World and Shithole countries could also simply because First World countries treat those with cancer.
I agree that 3rd wold countries have less treatment and reporting with cancer. But I think you miss the point about the cancer numbers because it's not about the percentage of people with cancer incidents, it's about the rise in cancer incidents since the covid jab.
But I think you miss the point about the cancer numbers because it's not about the percentage of people with cancer incidents, it's about the rise in cancer incidents since the covid jab.
ElYorsh says
But I think you miss the point about the cancer numbers because it's not about the percentage of people with cancer incidents, it's about the rise in cancer incidents since the covid jab.
But the numbers aren't large enough for people to care.
Bombshell official government data has finally confirmed what many have long suspected – that Covid mRNA shots are responsible for skyrocketing cases of deadly cancers.
In the United States, cancer is the second leading cause of death.
The leading cause of death is heart disease, which has also spiked dramatically since Covid injections were rolled out for public use in 2021.
Now, new data shows that cancer has been on the rise as a result of the experimental Covid mRNA injections.
What’s extremely concerning about these official figures is that the vaccinated surpass the unvaccinated by far in terms of death in every single age group since July 2021, despite the fact 30% of the population have not even had a COVID-19 injection.
So much so, that there were 965,609 deaths among the vaccinated compared to just 60,903 deaths among the unvaccinated between July 2021 and May 2023. This means there was a grand total of 1,026,512 deaths in England during this period and the vaccinated accounted for 94% of them, whereas the unvaccinated accounted for just 6% of them.
This more suggests that the Covid-19 injections are deadly, and prove that they are killing people. And we can be certain that COVID-19 Vaccination greatly increases mortality.
Liam Cosgrove
Principal scientist at Pfizer, Kanwall Gill in 2021:
“We had no idea how it’s going to look like. MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing went to clinical trial because MRNA have been known to have side effects.”
Credit to whistleblower
““Do we know that, just thinking ethically, is it okay to give people another experimental injection? Are we sure it’s going to be safe and effective? Are we just rolling these out because we want to roll them out for money?” asked Leslie.
Gill responds by acknowledging the real-time nature of the data being collected and the historical challenges faced by mRNA vaccines, which had never previously reached clinical trials due to side effects.
“This is real-time data that we are generating. We don’t even know when we started vaccinating people. We had no idea how it’s going to look like,” said Gill.
“MRNA vaccines have been there for 50 years, but nothing made to clinical. Why? Because mRNA vaccines have been known to have side effects,” she added.
“Moderna has been working on it for ten years. This is not a new thing. But why it did not reach trial was because of all these side effects. Pfizer and Moderna used the emergency and the pandemic to kind of get through it now. But even the CDC model never gets FDA,” Gill admitted.”
The Medical Board of Australia applied for disciplinary action against Dr Sambell for comments he made at a Special Electors’ Meeting called to oppose the WA Government’s Covid-19 mandates in the Shire of Denmark in March 2022, and an interview with Scorpion Media Group in 2022.
In his speech Dr Sambell said he saw “countless cases of vaccine injury” while working as a doctor, referred to the Covid-19 vaccines as “experimental medical therapy”, and said colleagues with similar views had been censored, gagged and threatened by the government.
“I witnessed a flood of medical conditions we see every day — cognitive decline, stroke, heart attacks, blood clots — within days of patient vaccination,” he said.
“Our governing body, AHPRA, threatened to strip doctors’ medical registration if we questioned or voiced concern for the vaccine or the pandemic response.
“I’m disgusted that the career I love has been used to destroy people’s lives, and honestly I’m ashamed to be called a doctor.”
In the Scorpion interview he criticised vaccine trials and effectiveness, questioned the risks of Covid-19, said masks did not prevent infection, and called PCR tests “absolute garbage”.
Dr Sambell told the interviewer he’d seen “many people” die in the hospital, and that after the vaccine rollout his emergency department was “flooded” with patients, describing the effects as “another Holocaust”.
Experts warn that a rare but dangerous bacterial infection is spreading at a record rate in Japan, with officials struggling to identify the cause.
The number of cases in 2024 is expected to exceed last year’s record numbers, while concern is growing that the harshest and potentially deadly form of group A streptococcal disease – streptococcal toxic shock syndrome (STSS) – will continue to spread, after the presence of highly virulent and infectious strains were confirmed in Japan.
The National Institute of Infectious Diseases (NIID) said: “There are still many unknown factors regarding the mechanisms behind fulminant (severe and sudden) forms of streptococcus, and we are not at the stage where we can explain them.”
I certainly wasn't going to jump into that with a bunch of strangers.
Ceffer says
I certainly wasn't going to jump into that with a bunch of strangers.
Coward. You literally had nothing to lose. They were a bunch of strangers. You grovel at the consensus of people who literally have nothing to do with you.
Ceffer says
I certainly wasn't going to jump into that with a bunch of strangers.
Coward. You literally had nothing to lose. They were a bunch of strangers. You grovel at the consensus of people who literally have nothing to do with you.
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