by GreaterNYCDude ➕follow (2) 💰tip ignore
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No we don't. Women are fickle. It's not government. Fine there's an option for abortion. It should have never been an option outside of rape or molestation. Fucking Ted down the street at 25 is not an excuse.
Aborting a fetus at 6 weeks, it's not even developed a nervous system yet.
HeadSet says
HeadSet says
Condoms. the pill, IUDs and foam are all conception control.
Semantics. You got me. But I think you know what I meant.
Sorry, did not mean that as a dig at you. I was more referring to the women who argue "no one uses abortion is as birth control" when in fact the only reason one has an abortion is to prevent a birth. Abortion is only used when no one practiced conception control and they do not want to bother with offering up for adoption.
No religious bone in my body. You are literally completely fucked up mentally. Live the life. I have a nephew that's 12 years old. Black. He'd be the 7th abortion. You think that's fucking okay?
Just because it was in the first trimester? As much as my situation has changed, that's a fucked up mind set. Just kill a kid because of "nervous system?" That's fucked up dude. Get some help.
You can't possibly think that a 6th week old fetus is the same thing as a 12 year old kid.
You can't possibly think that a 6th week old fetus is the same thing as a 12 year old kid.
richwicks says
You can't possibly think that a 6th week old fetus is the same thing as a 12 year old kid.
Life is life.
If you equate that the life of a human being at 11 years is the same as 3 months into a pregnancy, that's just silly.
What is the difference in terms of the right to not be killed?
I think that modern science makes a compelling argument that a new human being is created at conception. Where do you draw the line(s) to relax the prohibition against killing innocent humans?
Because a human at 11 weeks of development doesn't even have a brain structure yet. It's more immoral to kill a mouse than it is to destroy that.
You may be right that abortionists are breeding themselves out. I am not concerned about laws, but about making a moral judgment.
You seem to make some strange assertions. Are you saying it's immoral to kill mice but it is not immoral to kill ½ of the adult human population?
As far as I know, in all societies killing innocent humans is prohibited. You say that some human beings should not have this protection. Which are those?
Have you ever had kids?
My kids (and all kids) didn't have much sentience or brain development for the first 3 months after they were born. All children up to several years are absolutely dependent on the parents for survival and would die within a few days if not provided food and shelter.
Frankly, I would rather have our abortion restrictions to be closer in line with most of Europe, as opposed to California, New York and Illinois that let abortions occur up to crowning for any reason - closer to what they do in North Korea and China.
I really don't think anyone that doesn't have a kid should have an opinion on abortion in all reality.
I really don't think anyone that doesn't have a kid should have an opinion on abortion in all reality. Not you UTF specifically as I don't know if you have kids.
A long time ago, I had a girlfriend who had an abortion w/o telling me. So that is reason numero uno why I don't have at least one kid. I had no say in it. So, ppl telling me that I shouldn't have an opinion on this because I don't kids...well, that's a touchy subject for me.
I shouldn't have an opinion about murder because I didn't have a relative who was murdered too?
You can't possibly think that a 6th week old fetus is the same thing as a 12 year old kid.
A long time ago, I had a girlfriend who had an abortion w/o telling me. So that is reason numero uno why I don't have at least one kid. I had no say in it. So, ppl telling me that I shouldn't have an opinion on this because I don't kids...well, that's a touchy subject for me.
Richwicks, you made an assertion, can you at least explain it? What is the difference between a fetus and a 12 year old that allows one to kill the first but not the second?
As far as societal norms, California law prohibits murder of a human being. As far as the right to live, I personally don't see any difference between humans in different stages of development.
I don't think that abortionists consider the fetus to be alive or human but rather an inconvenience to be eliminated.
I don't know why you bring up special situations such as having to chose between killing an old man or a child, or of governments engaging in war and war crimes.
If it is forbidden to kill a 12 year old on account that he is a human being, why not forbid the killing of a fetus on account that it is a human being?
Maybe they shouldn't have kids, they'll be like them. You oppose them, we know for certainty that children adopt the beliefs and attitudes of their parents, you want to reduce abortion - don't you?
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