Defund NPR!

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2022 Jun 13, 9:19pm   2,064 views  31 comments

by tomtomtom   ➕follow (0)   💰tip   ignore  

Dear Burger Emperor,

Please come back and defund NPR asap. The radio divides the society by spreading lies and promoting the globalists agenda. It is painful to listen.

Only you can stop it!


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4   Undoctored   2022 Dec 1, 6:12pm  

Patrick says


Nov 30, 2022

NPR freezes hiring as sponsorship revenue tanks
In an internal memo, NPR Chief Executive Officer John Lansing said that the media organization, which is both publicly and privately funded, needs to reduce spending by millions. ...

Recently, it seems as if people have grown tired of NPR's political leanings, despite its characterization as an unbiased source.

NPR should get no public funding whatsoever. It spews the most horrible propaganda day after day.

More from the Postmillenial article:

Currently, the organization is expected to come up at least $20 million short in sponsorships this fiscal year. An NPR spokesperson told the outlet that a large portion of the revenue comes from corporate sponsorships.

So which corporate sponsors have cut their funding and why?
6   Misc   2022 Dec 2, 12:33am  

Lemme guess...FTX ain't paying anymore.
7   RWSGFY   2022 Dec 2, 8:46am  

As one Polish writer said long tine ago, the radio is the best invention of the humankind because you can achieve silence with just a turn of the knob.
8   Patrick   2023 Apr 6, 8:01pm  


LOL! Twitter just labeled NPR as "state-affiliated media" and NPR is BIG MAD because that's how propaganda outlets in other countries are labeled

Twitter added a warning to NPR's Twitter account on Tuesday, declaring it as "state-affiliated media," a label that's typically been reserved for foreign media outlets that represent the official views of the government, like Russia's RT and China's Xinhua. ...

NPR was previously excluded from this tag because the government doesn't have direct editorial oversight of the news network. However, we all REALLY know that they are nothing more than a regime mouthpiece, and Musk apparently recognized this fact too and removed the exception for NPR.

Also, here's another important note from Forbes.

Twitter responded to a request for comment late Tuesday with a poop emoji, an automated response set up by CEO Elon Musk. ...

9   Tenpoundbass   2023 Apr 6, 8:15pm  

AmericanKulak says

That's brilliant!
I listened to NPR all through out the Obama administration, just so I would know what hairbrained half-baked commie schemes and shenanigans were coming next. I noticed a pattern. NPR would opine about Trannies pole dancing for kindergarteners one day, then a week later the Democrats in Washington would make a human rights issue out of Trannies right to twerk for 5 year olds.
But when Donald Trump came in office, I noticed something about the produced content.
It seemed to me that every single broadcaster on NPR was holding their nose trying their best to do a South Park imitation.
That's when I quit listening.
10   Ceffer   2023 Apr 6, 8:20pm  

I'd call them a bunch of cunts, but since they are all trannies, now, I guess I have to call them a bunch of gashes. Nice, but not quite the same ring tone.
11   gabbar   2023 Apr 7, 5:20am  

Elon has big cojones. He is butting heads with the rulers of the country.
13   RC2006   2023 Aug 13, 10:11am  

I use to listen to it in the 90s even then it was very left leaning. With Obama it went crazy far left. It's only a matter of time before all they talk about is magic crystals, witchcraft, and lizard people.
14   richwicks   2023 Aug 14, 2:59am  

gabbar says

Elon has big cojones. He is butting heads with the rulers of the country.

It's false opposition. Elon Musk is a defense contractor. The people that run this country keep up in so many fucking wars, 99.9% of Americans can't even tell you who we're bombing now.
16   SomeDude   2024 Jan 26, 4:30am  

missing a few relevant headlines
22   Patrick   2024 Mar 4, 1:13pm  


Argentina’s new chainsaw-wielding, “Trump-clone,” crazy haired president Javier Miliei is at it again. The UK Telegraph ran the story under the sidesplitting headline, “Javier Milei shuts down Argentina’s largest public news agency for spreading ‘propaganda.’.

Unplugged! Switched off! Deplatformed! Deleted! Adios, muchachos! How I long to read that headline here in the United States. Oh, please, let me live to see the day.

The news sprang from Argentina’s version of the state of the union speech. Late last week, an incandescent President Milei presented his fiery legislative agenda to his congress. It was by all accounts a humdinger.

Amongst many other excellent proposals, Milei said he intends to shutter Télam, a public ‘news’ network the Telegraph called “the largest and most prestigious news agency in Argentina.” In other words, PBS. That will only be the beginning. Milei also announced “a wave of reforms targeting public bodies that he has accused of being a covert propaganda ministry.”

Haha! That phrase alone, describing public reporting agencies as a covert propaganda ministry, felt like a balm from Gilead. Yes! A thousand times, yes. Do it.

He’s on a roll. Last week, Milei unplugged Argentina’s Orwellian ‘National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism’ — an agency Milei called the thought police. On Thursday, he signed an executive order banning the use of “marxist” gender-neutral language in any official government document.

Pray for them. Argentina and its fiery new president face a period of painful transition. De-marxifying Argentina’s economy will be costly and difficult, and good Argentinians will need nerves of steel. But the experiment is critical. They are trying to disprove that old saw about how you can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out.

If it works there, it can work here too.
23   HeadSet   2024 Mar 4, 2:16pm  

Patrick says

. On Thursday, he signed an executive order banning the use of “marxist” gender-neutral language in any official government document.

Gender neutral in Spanish must have been difficult.
25   Patrick   2024 Sep 21, 11:21am  


Every public broadcaster in the world has one client, the government. As such it is never independent. ...

The public broadcaster, once loved to excess by every Canadian is now widely hated, and last time I looked, its “news” is watched by fewer than 2% of the population. ...

Why Don’t They Love Us Anymore?

It was the betrayal of the coronavirus pandemic that took the CBC from a rough 35 percent wanting reform to 62 percent wanting it shuttered in its entirety. During the spring of 2023, the citizen-funded National Citizens Inquiry travelled the country taking testimony from doctors, nurses, scientists, the vaccine-injured, morticians, and public health officials. ...

A province-wide study showed that over 60 percent were worried about the safety of the vaccine, but any story she proposed about safety concerns was shut down. Every story—about people who had lost jobs because of vaccine hesitancy, the vaccine injured, families broken, family members [RK14] ostracized, depressed university students, suicides from lost businesses and incomes—that countered the government’s narrative was refused. ...

The CBC has flagrantly betrayed the public trust and that fact is now reflected in its rampant unpopularity. Founded to “reflect Canada and its regions to national and regional audiences,” it has become a bully, a hysteric sowing division between every conceivable cohort, black against white, indigenous against settler, the other-sexed against “normals,” and especially creating hatred against conservatives. By every conceivable metric the CBC has failed.

Just like NPR.
26   Ceffer   2024 Sep 21, 11:36am  

I'm sure the Intels have a department of 'Satanic Inversion Virtue Signaling Names' to apply to their NGO's, Foundations etc. in which their baleful, malignant, criminal practices are couched in fluffy, optimistic and fake charitable monikers.

Patrick says

27   Patrick   2024 Oct 4, 1:09pm  


Quit reading all those conspiracy theories! Schoolmarmish NPR ran a scolding story yesterday headlined, “Politically charged rumors and conspiracy theories about Helene flourish on X.”

X! Corporate media’s bane and its newest bogeyman. Without X, without free speech, dumb citizens would have to get all their news from NPR, whose job is to ensure we don’t see or hear anything that might disturb our carefully collated thoughts.

That’s all well and good, but this laughable paragraph exposed NPR’s moronic manipulation:

There's no evidence the federal government is withholding aid from affected
states. The Republican governors of South Carolina and Georgia have praised
the federal government's support.

The old “no evidence” gag! In other words, NPR isn’t denying the federal government is withholding aid. They just saying you can’t prove it.

NPR’s claim was a classic example of the argument from ignorance fallacy, ingloriously known as an argumentum ad ignorantiam. The statement, "there's no evidence the federal government is withholding aid," implies that the lack of evidence proves it is not happening. But just because there is no evidence yet does not necessarily mean something isn't happening or couldn't happen.

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

The biggest problem with NPR’s favorite logical fallacy is that it can swing both ways. NPR could have just as easily reported, “the federal government has offered no evidence it is providing aid to affected states.”
30   RC2006   2025 Mar 4, 3:57pm  

NPR can get its funding by selling magic crystals on its late night broadcasts.
31   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2025 Mar 5, 6:38am  

RC2006 says

NPR can get its funding by selling magic crystals on its late night broadcasts.

Don't tell my ex-girlfriend. That will put her even further in debt.

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