Thread for vax deaths, maimings, and severe side effects

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2021 Jul 28, 8:33pm   911,116 views  8,523 comments

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Let's start with this one:


‘Better Call Saul’ Star Bob Odenkirk Collapses on Set After Receiving Experimental COVID-19 Vaccine
Jul 28, 2021

‘Better Call Saul’ star Bob Odenkirk had to be rushed to the hospital after collapsing on set while filming his hit television show on Tuesday.

The 58-year-old actor had been a shill for the experimental COVID-19 vaccine, boasting publicly that he had received the jab and urging others to do so.

He even did a public-service announcement on behalf of Big Pharma urging fans of ‘Better Call Saul’ to line up and get the vaccine.

“Our number came up…and here we are, happy to get our first vaccine, Pfizer, so far it doesn’t hurt at all, but maybe a little,” Odenkirk said back in March.

“So we’re really happy and proud to get the vaccine today and we hope anybody today who sees this would come down here or sign up if they haven’t,” he added.

That video can be seen here: ...

Big League Politics has reported on how Pfizer is one of the pharmaceutical giants receiving immunity from liability for their COVID-19 shots:

“The US government has granted Pfizer and Moderna immunity from liability in case people develop severe side effects from their COVID-19 vaccines.

The Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act allows the Department of Health and Human Services to provide liability immunity for “certain medical countermeasures,” such as vaccines, except in cases of “willful misconduct.”

According to CNBC, someone who develops severe side effects from a COVID-19 vaccine can neither sue the FDA for authorizing the vaccine, nor one’s employer for mandating it.

And although it is theoretically possible to receive money from the government to cover lost wages and out-of-pocket medical expenses following “irreparable harm” from a vaccine, only 29 claims—6 percent of all claims—have received compensation over the past decade.

In short, don’t count on compensation for a COVID-19 vaccine gone wrong. And don’t count on seeing any of those “you may be entitled to financial compensation” commercials for it either.“

Odenkirk is still hospitalized as of Wednesday morning. His COVID-19 vaccine shilling may not be as effective now that he has suffered these complications.

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7176   Onvacation   2024 Apr 6, 7:34am  

GNL says

I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?

Like climate predictions, the catastrophe is always far enough in the future so it can't be checked.
7177   Patrick   2024 Apr 6, 2:17pm  


His Healthy Son Was Found Dead After Pfizer Shot He Begged Him Not To Take: "As Far As I'm Concerned, My Son Was Murdered."

Dan Hartman, A Truck Driver From Ontario, CA, Is Taking The Guilty To Court, Gearing Up For An Epic Battle With Outstanding Experts On His Side
7178   Patrick   2024 Apr 6, 2:26pm  


Jaco Basson, Heart Damage After Two Pfizer Jabs
June 14, 2022

TEXT ON SCREEN: JACO BASSON 47 yrs old suffers from irregular heart beat. He was forced by his employer to take the PFIZER VACCINE on the 2st of August & 21st of September 2021. Since then he has been constantly sick. His blood has thickened & has less oxygen.

JACO BASSON: I'm Jaco Basson, I'm 47 years old and I'm from Cape Town.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Total number of shots / boosters:

JACO BASSON: The first two shots of the Pfizer vaccine.

TEXT ON SCREEN: When did you take the first Covid-19 experimental mRNA vaccine?

JACO BASSON: Twentyfirst of August 2021 and the second one on 21st of September 2021.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Did you have any Pre-existing health conditions (e.g. Chronic disease, Disability)?

JACO BASSON: I was a very healthy person, I mean, could run, jump, I've done sport, karate. There was nothing wrong with me, I was a very fit person for my age.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Please describe the symptoms or difficulties you're currently experiencing

JACO BASSON: Could hardly keep my eyes open for two days, for those three days, and the fourth day when I woke up I went to the doctor. They did blood test on me then I found out that my blood was thickening and I am in high risk for heart disease. And since it I have heart palpitations [inaudible] hard and I can hardly breathe sometimes.

[TEXT ON SCREEN APPEARS AS HE IS SPEAKING: Employer forced Jaco to take the vaccine. Jaco developed a breathing problem. He now takes medication 3 times a day in order to stay alive.]

I get pulsing heart, that's [inaudible] I get, like [inaudible] something I must catch my breath like my heart is pumping hard, it's just like it's pumping in my throat but so loud and so hard that I can start to pain and I get some—, if I pick up something with anything if I lift too much with my left hand I can get so [inaudible] and somehow [inaudible] I must sit a while and just breathe. I mean, I've done nothing my heart is just, it feels like it's giving in, it's going to give in any day.

TEXT ON SCREEN: How has the Covid-19 mRNA experimental vaccine affected your health since you got vaccinated?

JACO BASSON: I can't run and do the things I normally would do and the way I was doing it before.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Please describe the symptoms or difficulties you're currently experiencing

JACO BASSON: Because of vaccine I need to take this everyday. [holds up three bottles of medicine]. [inaudible] water, three times a day. They help to keep the oxygen level up to where it's supposed to be. [inaudible] it's actually better for sleep [inaudible] I mean but for me, it's, it's [inaudible] without this I won't survive it if I don't have all my pills and everything every day.

TEXT ON SCREEN: Anything of concern to your family that you may like to add or say now that you are in this particular predicament.

JACO BASSON: Anybody, please don't go for the vaccine. The people there, it's not good. It's going to affect you for the rest of your life. It is, please, don't go for it.
7179   Ceffer   2024 Apr 6, 6:19pm  

Well, sad as it is, one must admit he was at least a little bit of an asshole.

7180   Onvacation   2024 Apr 6, 6:51pm  

GNL says

I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?

80% is the number they think got jabbed.
7181   richwicks   2024 Apr 6, 7:08pm  

Onvacation says

GNL says

I find it immensely strange that they’d know tumors would rise by 80% in the future. How would someone know this?

80% is the number they think got jabbed.

No, it's just a number they pulled out of their assholes.

If 80% got jabbed, that means that tumors would go up a LOT more than just 80%. What percentage of the population has tumors? Let's be insane, and say it's 10% - an 80% increase of tumors would mean 18% of people would get them.

The number is staggering, it's from corporate garbage, I don't believe it. I think the author of the article just made it up.
7184   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:06pm  

RayAmerica says

It appears to be another 'died suddenly' ...


Vontae Davis, a former NFL cornerback who became famous for his decision to retire in the middle of a game, has died suddenly at the age of just 35. The body of the former Miami Dolphins, Indianapolis Colts and BuffaloBills star was found lifeless on Monday in his villa in Florida, in Southwest Ranches, northwest of Miami: the athlete's grandmother found him. After seeing Davis on the ground, the grandmother called the police who went to the scene and started a preliminary investigation, excluding, for now, the hypothesis of crime as the cause of death. The most accepted hypothesis at the moment is that the athlete may have had a sudden illness. Many on the web are currently wondering whether adverse reactions to the Covid vaccine are behind the sudden death. Unfortunately, no clear information can be found on this matter. After retiring, he became the manager of a holistic health club and published a children's book called "The Middle School Rules of Vontae Davis."
7185   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:08pm  


Heartbreak as University of Kentucky dancer Kate Kaufling dies from rare form of bone cancer at just 20 - as her team says 'heaven has gained an angel'

A University of Kentucky dance team member died from a rare form of bone cancer at just 20 years old, leaving the school community mourning the loss. Kate Kaufling died on Sunday after battling osteosarcoma for more than nine months, school officials announced. Kate was diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an aggressive form of bone cancer that mostly affects children, teens and young adults, in June 2023.

After pushing “vaccination” for three years, UK ended its policy the month before Kaufling’s cancer diagnosis:
Due to the nature of the virus, our efforts have shifted tremendously over time. On May 11, 2023, the national emergency related to the COVID pandemic ended. At this time, there are no major policies in effect on our campus related to COVID.

7186   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:08pm  


A college community is reeling after a popular young senior was found dead on campus just hours after it was sent into lockdown by a bogus active shooter alert. Politics student Christian Samay, 22 [third from left], was pronounced dead on Saturday in his frat house at Bucknell University in Pennsylvania in what college authorities say was an unconnected incident. It remains unclear how the young student died. The leading liberal arts college held its spring break two weeks ago so the Lewisburg campus was swarming with students as news spread of Samay's death at 1.50 pm.

No cause of death reported.

Bucknell’s “vaccination” policy for students:

"Bucknell strongly encourages students to be vaccinated against COVID-19. In addition to being vaccinated, the best way to prevent the spread of the virus is to avoid being exposed to COVID-19."


What complete murderous bullshit.

The toxxine does NOT do anything to prevent the spread of Wuhan Virus.
7187   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:10pm  


Alameda, CA - Maggie Simpson Adams died suddenly on Monday afternoon, April 1, 2024, according to a public Facebook post issued by her husband, Colin Adams. The beloved shop owner suffered a burst aneurysm on Sunday, March 31, that proved to be fatal, her husband stated. Maggie was owner of the popular and eclectic Magpie and Thorn store and nursery in the historic Towata Flowers building on Santa Clara Avenue, a teacher for the Alameda Unified School District, and a talented artist and filmmaker.

California schools’ “vaccination” mandate for employees:
7188   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:11pm  


Milwaukee, WI - Ernest Di Domizio, beloved son of Jacqueline Haessly and Daniel Di Domizio, elder brother of Randolph, Francis ,and Kristyn, father of Cassie and Lillian, and foster father of Curtis, died peacefully in his sleep on April 1, 2024 at age 56. He served as a social worker for at risk youth in Milwaukee, and then as a curriculum specialist for at risk youth. He went on to earn both his BS and MS degrees in Education from Marian University and taught at a number of Choice Schools in Milwaukee. For much of the past 20 years, he served as Principal at Milwaukee area Choice Schools. Ernie enjoyed both teaching and coaching. He served as a mentor for college students and as a soccer coach for generations of youth in Milwaukee. He also coached soccer for two years at Cardinal Stritch University.

No cause of death reported.

Milwaukee public schools’ “vaccination” mandate:

"The latest data on Milwaukee Public Schools staff vaccine mandate was listed off during the MPS School Board meeting on Thursday evening, Nov. 18. 2021. Officials stated as of Nov. 18, 10,289 MPS employees have complied with the vaccine mandate. That is a 90.4% compliance rate among all district staff. Among full-time staff, the compliance rate is 93.3%."

7189   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:12pm  


Durham, N.C. - ABC11 has learned that a prominent Duke University professor has died after suffering a medical emergency while at the controls of an airplane flying over the Triangle on Sunday. Someone else took over the single-engine plane and made an emergency landing at Raleigh-Durham International Airport. Cell phone video from an eyewitness showed those dramatic moments of paramedics loading a person into the back of an ambulance. The video was shot by Evan Caulfield. He was minutes away from dropping his daughter off for a commercial flight. Caulfield is part of the group Fuquay Fire Buffs and is always listening to his scanner radio. "I knew I was witnessing something," he said. The plane took off around 3:30 p.m. according to Flight Aware and came back around 4:50 pm. RDU said someone in the passenger seat took over the controls of the Cirrus SR-20 after the pilot was "slumped over the controls," according to air traffic control audio. The tail number on the back of the plane is registered to Coherent Aviation, which comes back to a North Raleigh home and Joseph Izatt. One of Izatt's mentees confirmed that Izatt was at the controls when this happened. Izatt is the chair of the biomedical engineering department at Duke University's Pratt School of Engineering. The school announced his death in a letter to the Duke community Monday. Izatt has been at Duke since 2001 and according to his bio, he was a pioneer in the field of biomedical imaging. He published more than 200 papers and holds more than 75 US patents. The dean of the school of engineering said they're sad to "have lost a school leader who proudly led with his heart."

Duke’s update to its “vaccination” mandate for faculty:

"Duke will no longer require current and new students, faculty and staff who do not work in a healthcare environment to receive the primary or booster vaccinations for COVID-19, per a Thursday email. This change is effective May 11 [2023] , when the federal Public Health Emergency ends, and is consistent with Duke’s peer universities, according to the email. Duke will continue to offer the primary and booster vaccinations free of charge to all students, faculty and staff."


They must not get away with murder.
7190   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:12pm  


Gloucester, MA — It is with heavy hearts that Mayor Greg Verga and Fire Chief Eric Smith announce the passing of Firefighter Sander Schultz. He was 57 years old. Firefighter Schultz passed away unexpectedly on Saturday, March 30. He was a 26-year veteran of the Gloucester Fire Department. Firefighter Schultz held the position of EMS Coordinator for many years before he went back on the line as the Engine 2 driver in West Gloucester.

Massachusetts’ “vaccination” mandate for state workers:
7191   Patrick   2024 Apr 10, 3:13pm  


Bladen County, NC - Bladen County Sheriff’s Captain Daniel Clark died suddenly at his home Monday. Sheriff Jim McVicker said in a press release that the 14-year veteran of the BCSO had served in virtually all branches of the agency.

North Carolina’s “vaccination” mandate for state workers:
7192   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 11, 11:12am  

The biggest crime in the history of medicine

Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD

This Dr. admits that she was fooled into recommending the COVID 'vaccine.' In the the video, she critiques a peer reviewed article on the vaccine. The article has since been redacted by the powers that be who of course do not want this type of information made available to the public.

7193   charlie303   2024 Apr 11, 12:20pm  

RayAmerica says

The biggest crime in the history of medicine

Dr. Boz [Annette Bosworth, MD

This Dr. admits that she was fooled into recommending the COVID 'vaccine.' In the the video, she critiques a peer reviewed article on the vaccine. The article has since been redacted by the powers that be who of course do not want this type of information made available to the public.


Not watched it all but have already come to the conclusion she is jumping on the bandwagon of saying "Hey look at me! I'm a Doctor who cares about the damage vaccines are doing!" Where was she 3 years ago?
I would not have any scruples hanging her from a lamppost.
7194   Patrick   2024 Apr 11, 1:29pm  


7195   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 11, 5:55pm  

charlie303 says

Not watched it all but have already come to the conclusion she is jumping on the bandwagon of saying "Hey look at me! I'm a Doctor who cares about the damage vaccines are doing!" Where was she 3 years ago?

She obviously realizes that she was duped into believing that the 'vaccines' were safe, even to the extent that she, along with her 3 daughters, all took the jab. At least she is willing to step up to the plate and admit that she was wrong to believe the 'experts.'
7196   HeadSet   2024 Apr 11, 6:37pm  

RayAmerica says

At least she is willing to step up to the plate and admit that she was wrong to believe the 'experts.'

Or a rat that sees the ship sinking and decided to be the first one out.
7197   charlie303   2024 Apr 12, 3:50am  

RayAmerica says

At least she is willing to step up to the plate and admit that she was wrong to believe the 'experts.'

She’s supposed to be one of the ‘experts’.
She brags in one of her videos about all the time she spent on her education and training, then in another video she says the scientific community had to break the rules to get EUA (6:15 in the above vid).
She broke her oath of ‘do no harm’ and she took all the money they threw at her.
Now she questions. She didn’t question 3 years ago and was probably one of those who would have sent me to a concentration camp for questioning.

No sympathy.
7198   Onvacation   2024 Apr 12, 6:44am  

charlie303 says

No sympathy

7199   RayAmerica   2024 Apr 12, 4:28pm  

Singer Park Bo-ram dies, age 30

Dies suddenly of cardiac arrest. I can't even begin to imagine what happened.

The singer's agency, Xanadu Entertainment, said that Park Bo-ram died unexpectedly Thursday afternoon.
According to the police, Park was with two other women at her acquaintance's house when she was found collapsed and in cardiac arrest. She was moved to the hospital but died at 11:17 p.m., about an hour later.

7202   Patrick   2024 Apr 15, 12:32pm  

RayAmerica says

Guillain-Barre syndrome: 551 percent

7205   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 12:02am  


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has quietly published a new report admitting to hundreds of thousands of cases of previously undisclosed injuries caused by Covid mRNA shots.

The CDC revealed that it received a staggering 780,000 previously undisclosed reports about a wide array of adverse effects caused by the COVID-19 vaccinations.

Alarmingly, Democrat President Joe Biden’s administration had tried to hide the reports from the public.

However, the CDC was forced to publish the information following a court order.

These reports are in addition to the shocking number of cases already revealed by the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

The revelations come after the federal government undertook a three-year-long intensive campaign to delegitimize such talk as “harmful misinformation.”
7207   richwicks   2024 Apr 16, 12:28am  

Patrick says

They must not get away with murder.

They will.

People complain about me bringing up the Iraq War. That was mass murder. Now George W. Bush is accepted as a moderate, respectable Republican. He should be executed. Learn from history. We just keep doing the same damned thing. They lied to kill people and got away with it, we're no different.
7208   Ceffer   2024 Apr 16, 2:26am  

Hmm. Genetically targeted vaxicides? Or, are they just more honest in their incident reporting?

7209   richwicks   2024 Apr 16, 3:57am  

Ceffer says

Hmm. Genetically targeted vaxicides? Or, are they just more honest in their incident reporting?


I would consider the source. Why trust it without source data?
7210   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 9:59am  


💉 Robots appeared again in a totally unrelated article that didn’t even advertise “robots” in the headline. MedPage today ran the story late last week headlined, “Francis Collins Discloses His 'Aggressive' Prostate Cancer Diagnosis.”

Karma at work?
7211   Ceffer   2024 Apr 16, 10:23am  

Where is the AI headline, "Fame leads to sudden heart attacks"?

7212   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 8:10pm  


The study published in this article documents that people with long COVID had much worse outcomes when “vaccinated” (after developing long COVID) than those who didn’t receive a vaccine, and that these bad outcomes persisted for at least a year after “vaccination.”

Conclusions: In people who have already contracted COVID-19 and now suffer from long-COVID, receiving a COVID vaccination has a significant association with prolonged symptoms of long-COVID for more than one year after the initial infection…

The conclusion section for this paper was then followed with this statement:

However, vaccines reduce the risk of severe COVID-19 (including reinfections) and its catastrophic consequences (e.g., death). Therefore, it is strongly recommended that all people, even those with a history of COVID-19, receive vaccines to protect themselves against this fatal viral infection.

Frankly, the end of the abstract would be laughable, except that this is not a laughing matter. Why are these sorts of remarks necessary for a paper to be published in a peer reviewed journal like PLOS One?
7213   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 8:15pm  


TikTok Star Kyle Marisa Roth Drops Dead at 36 from ‘Unknown Causes’: ‘We Don’t Know What Happened’

A hugely popular social media star has died suddenly in mysterious circumstances at just 36 years old, according to reports.

According to her family, TikTok personality Kyle Marisa Roth dropped dead from “unknown causes.”

She was known for her healthy lifestyle and described as “athletic” by those who knew her.

Roth’s sister Lindsay announced the TikTokker’s sudden death in an Instagram post on Tuesday.
7214   Patrick   2024 Apr 16, 8:22pm  


A while back I put together a list of 21 such studies that captured high rates of these severe adverse events that we are constantly assured are very, very “rare” by public health authorities. Here are another 15 studies (hence the ‘36’ in the title; Study #’s 1-21 are included at the bottom):

22. Side Effects and Perceptions Following COVID-19 Vaccination in Jordan: A Randomized, Cross-Sectional Study Implementing Machine Learning for Predicting Severity of Side Effects

We’ll begin with this gem of a study which is notable for more than just the wild rates of systemic side effects and the 3.1% of respondents who suffered “chest pain” following vaccination.

This epitome of erudition opens with the following declaration:

“Apart from the inequality in vaccination, war zones and areas where communication is disrupted are affected by myths and misconceptions about COVID-19 vaccines, heightening vaccine hesitancy.”

This stands out even from the typical odes to the awesomeness of vaccines and the like found in any paper that dares to publish even the most anodyne of criticisms of the golden jabs.

The lunacy of such a sentiment is belied only by the impracticality of doing anything about it. To use the incredibly limited and valuable logistical infrastructure of backwards war-torn countries for covid vaccines means displacing much more necessary things, like food or antibiotics. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for the CDC sending a team of their top “experts” into South Sudan or Haiti to vaccinate the warring tribes or roving gangs, especially because of the distinct possibility of them being eaten, which would provide a real-world experiment of sorts for what happens when you vaccinate the food.)
7215   Patrick   2024 Apr 17, 9:45am  


In Germany Kristina Vogel, former Olympic athlete, now in wheel chair, heavy jab pusher, has emergency surgery, the doctors remove thrombosis from her lungs. Absolutely NOT related to the jabs of course.

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