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Remember, everything they report is a gross underestimate.
According to the report, emergency services responded to a residence in Clifton, New Jersey, at around 3:30 p.m.
The call was in response to reports of an unconscious man.
Philadelphia 76ers superstar center Joel Embiid went viral Saturday for a video that appeared to show him unable to blink his left eye,
Fans speculated en masse about the bizarre video showing his eye and face, and we finally have an answer. It turns out he’s suffering from Bell’s Palsy, he revealed to reporters Thursday night.
I agree to an extent. Millions have woken up about vaccines and the medical industrial complex. That alone is huge and there will be much greater resistance in future events. How that plays out exactly? Who knows.
porkchopXpress says
We will never forget.
And nothing will change.
We will never forget.
porkchopXpress says
We will never forget.
And nothing will change.
The death record of Brianna McCarthy, documented in Chapter 2 of The Real CdC - COVID FACTS FOR REGULAR PEOPLE and in paragraph 7 of THE CDC MEMORANDUM, has been amended, if not fully corrected. ...
Brianna’s record now stands as follows:
Part I - Cause D: COVID-19 in MOS.
Part II is empty
Having spoken to her father, I know that he was pushing the doctors to amend the record for more than a year. Mr. McCarthy, despite his overwhelming grief, stepped forward and demanded that government add the correct cause of death to Brianna’s death record. Mr. McCarthy no longer has to chase this issue. I am so sorry the Commonwealth made him go through that and I commend his demand for TRUTH. ...
If the Commonwealth of Massachusetts corrects records at a pace of one (1) every three (3) years, then we can expect all the records to reflect truth about covid vaccine deaths in about 15,000 years because I maintain that the data shows there are at least 5,000 deaths from vaccine-related issues in the past three (3) years 2021, 2022, and 2023 in Massachusetts alone. ...
Doctors in Massachusetts still believe that a killer disease almost wiped us all out and that remdesivir saved people and that the covid vaccines saved millions of lives. How can they live with themselves if they know the truth? It is easier to believe they saved people rather than killed and maimed innocent children and adults.
In its latest filing, the giant British pharma company admitted that:
The AZ vaccine can, in very rare cases, cause TTS. The causal mechanism is not known. Causation in any individual case will be a matter for expert evidence.
These pharma people and their ugly corporate media handlers think we are stupid. Explain how they could possibly know with certainty that jabs causing TTS is very rare, but at the same time still have no idea about how it is caused.
TTS stands for Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome. It causes blood clots and low blood platelet counts. One year ago in May 2023, AstraZeneca’s lawyers insisted the exact opposite was true, writing, “we do not accept that TTS is caused by the vaccine at a generic level.”
If the evidence for a causal connection “in very rare cases” is strong enough to warrant an admission just one year later, why was the company so firm about rejecting it before?
The lawsuit includes 51 plaintiff, whose combined claims exceed 100 million pounds sterling. The Telegraph gushed, “The Government has pledged to underwrite AstraZeneca’s legal bills,” as if that were some wildly generous move, but almost certainly AstraZeneca’s contract requires the British government to indemnify the vaccine maker.
Kate Scott, whose husband suffered a permanent neurological injury after his vaccine-induced TTS, told the Telegraph it shouldn’t have taken this long to get an admission: “The medical world has acknowledged for a long time that TTS was caused by the vaccine. It’s only AstraZeneca who have questioned whether Jamie’s condition was caused by the jab.”
Sarah Moore, one of the small-firm lawyers bringing the claims, also noted how far behind the science the drugmaker is, compared to proper doctors: “It has taken AstraZeneca a year to formally admit that their vaccine can cause the devastating blood clots, when this fact has been widely accepted by the clinical community since the end of 2021.”
The same is true here in the States, of course. In spite of thousands of case studies flooding the academic literature, Pfizer, Moderna, the corrupt CDC, and the useless FDA all continue irrationally to insist the only “real” jab injuries are mild myocarditis/pericarditis, injection shot soreness, and temporary flu-like symptoms.
Behold the baffling disappearance of the “safe and effective” shibboleth from pharma’s covid jab lexicon. Here’s how AstraZeneca now lamely describes its defective, recalled product:
From the body of evidence in clinical trials and real-world data, the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine has continuously been shown to have an acceptable safety profile and regulators around the world consistently state that the benefits of vaccination outweigh the risks of extremely rare potential side effects.
How far the mighty vaccine has fallen! From being trumpeted as “the safest and most effective vaccine in human history” down to generic pharma phrases like “an acceptable safety profile.” Not to mention the squishy, jello-like, totally subjective term, “benefits outweigh the risks” wording that is popping up more and more here in the US about the mRNA shots as well.
‘Risks’ and ‘benefits’ are not clinically objective terms. How can they possibly compare the benefit to someone else of (allegedly) avoiding a mild case of covid? How can they evaluate someone else’s willingness to take the risk of getting TTS, however rare?
Cardiologists Confirm Covid Shots Caused Sudden Heart Attack in ‘Healthy’ 29YearOld
Cardiologists investigating the sudden heart attack of a “healthy” 29yearold have concluded that the Covid mRNA vaccine she was forced to take for her job is the cause of her cardiac failure.
International marketing executive Florencia Tarque is speaking out after finally discovering the cause of the heart problems.
Tarque, who leads an athletic lifestyle centered around wellness, suffered an unexpected heart attack on April 16.
She says doctors were “baffled” and initial testing “showed signs of a heart attack.”
She was then rushed for an angiogram which showed “no blockage or heart attack.”
However, Tarque, who says she “has played sports her entire life,” pressed doctors to continue investigating the issue.
She says an MRI scan proved on April 23 that she did, in fact, suffer a heart attack.
After doctors initially claimed the heart attack was “caused by a virus,” Tarque says cardiologists have now confirmed it was “the result of the Covid vaccine.”
Doctors diagnosed Tarque with Covid vaccine-induced myopericarditis.
Myopericarditis is inflammation in two different parts of your heart, but mostly in the protective sac around it (pericardium), according to the Cleveland Clinic.
Covid shots are a known cause of myopericarditis, which causes heart attacks and ultimately death.
In a post on Facebook, Tarque says she’s “feeling better” but “I am ANGRY.”
“I am angry because I had to get the JAB in order to travel to keep my JOB,” she explains.
“I’m angry because tons of 20somethingyear-old athletes now have heart problems.”
This news comes as health experts around the world are increasingly raising the alarm about the dangers associated with Covid mRNA injections.
As Slay News reported earlier, one of the world’s leading cardiologists has called on citizens around the globe to begin “warning others” that Covid mRNA shots are “dangerous” and “not safe for human use.”
UK's Top Oncologist Prof Angus Dalgleish, Demands Immediate Ban on mRNA Gene Therapy Over Escalating Turbo Cancer Crisis
"The first thing that I'd ask they do is ban all messenger RNA vaccines! Ban the whole concept of giving the booster, there's no way in the world these vaccines prevent infection"
Could it be that these eminent oncologists from different parts of the world suddenly stopped supporting experimental vaccines and together started saying no to mRNA gene therapy as if they planned it? Let's get to the heart of it: what these three vocal critics have in common is that they're retired. This means they don't have to worry about losing their jobs or money for speaking up. But there are many others still working who keep quiet because they're afraid of risking their jobs.
So, here comes Prof Angus Dalgleish. He's not just any doctor making noise online; he's a major player in the health field, the genius behind the discovery of the CD4 receptor, and now the head of The Institute of Cancer Vaccines and Immunotherapy. Discovering the CD4 receptor is a massive deal because it's like finding the secret entrance that the HIV virus uses to invade the body's cells, causing AIDS. Prof Dalgleish's discovery has led to breakthroughs in medicine, allowing us to create treatments that lock this entrance and keep the virus out. Because of his work, we've been able to give people fighting HIV a fighting chance. That's why Prof Dalgleish is such a big name in the battle against HIV/AIDS.
Regarding the mRNA gene therapy, Prof. Dalgleish didn't just talk about the bad stuff linked to spike proteins, like blood clotting and the scary Guillain-Barre syndrome. He went even further, sharing stories about his patients. These were people who had been doing well in their fight against cancer, but after getting the booster shot, they faced big setbacks. Their cancer came back worse than before. "I started to see in my melanoma clinic patients who'd been stable for years, who suddenly came in, relapsed. Sometimes the relapse was quite vicious. I mean, they had very bad disease. We had to treat them all over again," he said. This shows how tough things got for them after the booster.
On top of that, Prof Angus Dalgleish watched three of his friends get the booster shot because they wanted to travel after being trapped at home for two to three years. Tragically, all three of them saw their cancer come back. Even worse, two of them died because the cancer didn't respond to the treatments that usually work. This heartbreaking experience is why Dalgleish has started to speak out so strongly. He calls the use of mRNA platform in infectious disease “a gross medical negligence... really, this criminal negligence now, knowing what we do.” If that's not a mic drop moment, I don’t know what is.
But why are Dalgleish and his fellow big-shot cancer doctors the only ones speaking up loudly while others stay quiet? It's simple. They can. Being retired means they don't have to worry about losing their jobs for saying what they think is wrong with the vaccines. This freedom lets them talk openly about their concerns.
Dalgleish is echoing what his oncology colleagues are calling for: a complete stop to using all mRNA gene therapy.
Agreed. The negativity is not warranted either. There was a post by reality somewhere detailing why current state of affairs is not all that bad.
I Was Wrong About the Covid Vaccines — and It Ended Up Likely Harming Me
How I was hospitalized with pericarditis following my COVID-19 booster.
I had 2 Moderna vaccinations and a booster and was hospitalized for acute pericarditis last year. I was afraid for my life. The medical community minimized vaccine myopericarditis in young men early on. This we now know was a serious mistake. Back in those days, CDC would have still recommended further boosters for me, despite my pericarditis. This is no longer the case.
Because I wasn't insane, I didn't get any additional shots. But some companies did mandate additional shots, based on CDC advice, even to men who experienced myopericarditis. Thankfully this advice has shifted. But this did not happen until after innumerable avoidable vaccine injuries to young men, as researchers have documented in several important papers. These mistakes undermined trust in public health. I now trust public health messaging much less.
Breaking News: British MP Andrew Bridgen London makes shock claim.
"I'm afraid I think its going to be bigger than the holocaust because there's got to be between 10 and 20 million people who have been killed by these experimental vaccines worldwide"
"the vaccine rollout is the biggest crime against humanity since the holocaust"
Other MPs "have got their hands into blood up to their armpits...they have put out hundreds of thousands of letters saying that the vaccines are safe and effective over the last few years"
The Vaccines are neither safe nor effective.
Seventeen equatorial and Southern-Hemisphere countries were studied (Argentina,
Australia, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Malaysia, New Zealand, Paraguay,
Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Suriname, Thailand, Uruguay), which
comprise 9.10 % of worldwide population, 10.3 % of worldwide COVID-19 injections
(vaccination rate of 1.91 injections per person, all ages), virtually every COVID-19
vaccine type and manufacturer, and span 4 continents. ...
Synchronicity between the many peaks in ACM (in 17 countries, on 4 continents, in all
elderly age groups, at different times) and associated rapid booster rollouts allows this
firm conclusion regarding causality, and accurate quantification of COVID-19-vaccine
toxicity. ...
The overall risk of death induced by injection with the COVID-19 vaccines in actual
populations, inferred from excess all-cause mortality and its synchronicity with rollouts,
is globally pervasive and much larger than reported in clinical trials, adverse effect
monitoring, and cause-of-death statistics from death certificates, by 3 orders of
magnitude (1,000-fold greater).
I'm older and my Moderna vaccine destroyed my immune system. Never the same since 2021 when Dillard's forced me to take the vaccine to keep my job! Criminal. This was criminal. I want attorneys to get off their lazy disgusting butts and help me sue the crap out of Moderna companies that made these vaccines.
I see headlines today like “AstraZeneca Admits Covishield Jab Has Rare Side-Effect.”
All these evils can prove that “conspiracy” theories were right all along. I must appreciate everyone in this thread who shed light on this mega scam at the expense of innocent people.
Celebrated Scottish actor Brian McCardie has reportedly died “suddenly,” his family has revealed.
McCardie “passed away suddenly at home on Sunday” at just 59 years old, a statement from his family revealed.
The death of the famous actor, best known for starring alongside Liam Neeson in “Rob Roy” and his role in “Speed 2: Cruise Control,” was confirmed by his sister, Sarah, in a statement posted on X.
In the post, Sarah McCardie wrote:
“It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of Brian James McCardie (59), beloved son, brother, uncle and dear friend to so many,” she wrote.
“Brian passed away suddenly at home on Sunday 28th April.
“A wonderful and passionate actor on stage and screen, Brian loved his work and touched many lives, and is gone much too soon,” she said.
Holy SMOKES! AstraZeneca JUST admitted the truth about its COVID vaccine
He had had a bad cough for about a week, and was literally walking in to his doctor's office for that when he suddenly died right outside. They tried to revive him for 20 minutes, but no use.
The upshot is that during 2022-2023 there have likely been 40,000 deaths (ca. 30,000-50,000) above what would normally be expected in Australia, which again, is explained in the above article. ...
Jane Halton (Ed. - who brokered Australia’s vaccine contracts) is married to Trevor Sutton, a high-ranking member of the Australian Bureau of Statistics. The same government body that calculates excess deaths. Halton never declared her conflicts of interest while serving on the NCCC and stated quite clearly in the above linked article that “yes, (she does) take advantage of Trevor's statistical experience from time to time.”
The nepotism at Australian institutions runs deep.
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