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May 9, 2024
Jack Smith has admitted to violating the same law used against J6 defendants
By Andrea Widburg
Special Prosecutor Jack Smith has just admitted that he and other DOJ and FBI minions manipulated documentary evidence underlying the Mar-a-Lago case against Donald Trump. Everybody from Judge Aileen Cannon on down realizes this is bad. Still, I wonder how many people have noticed that Smith has admitted to doing what the J6 defendants are accused and have been convicted of doing: Violating 18 U.S.C. § 1512(c)(2). The statutory charges against the J6 defendants are a specious abuse of the law but they perfectly fit Smith’s admitted conduct.
One of the main tools in the DOJ arsenal against anyone near the Capitol on January 6, 2021, is § 1512(c)(2), which the DOJ claims means imprisonment for a person who “corruptly...obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding...” That is what the DOJ claims happened when ordinary Americans (a) exercised their rights of free speech and (b) usually inadvertently, entered onto Capitol land after masked agitators had removed “no trespassing” signage and fencing and after the Capitol police had opened the building’s doors. The penalty is fines and/or imprisonment, with the latter potentially as long as 20 years.
Harvard grad says she "felt at home" after occupying school, renaming buildings ... I think there's a word for this
Woke Harvard grads are a lot of things, but they especially love to tell us they are "anti-colonial"!
Colonialism is the great evil of humanity ... unless they're the ones doing the colonizing.
"We reclaimed this space and we rewrote it in the names of our people. Harvard's century old buildings took on the names of Hind Rajab, Sidra Hassouna, and Shireen Abu Akleh. My vertigo subsided and for the first time here at Harvard, I felt at home."
You mean after you used violent force and your own personal mandate from heaven to take over the school, rename buildings, and run the show by your beliefs, that's when you felt at home? It cured your sickness?
What does "reclaim" mean in her sentence?
Was Harvard at one point an Islamic institution? Did she and her ilk pull a reverse "Reconquista" of the university?
I mean, yeah, it's a grammatical point. But what she's trying to say is that when she "turned Harvard right side up" with her phony "revolution" Harvard returned to its original mission. Or something like that.
This is a lefty civil war, so I'm NOT coming to the defense of Harvard. But it's amazing how she's brainwashed herself into thinking that her radicalism is what should be normative for society.
The fact that she can't see that she's committing the same sin she would accuse all white people of is hilarious.
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