Deaths from Wuhan Virus continue to be wildly exaggerated to keep fear and funding going

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2022 Sep 28, 11:21am   24,248 views  181 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Six recent “Covid” deaths, per the Milwaukee coroner’s office
Alex Berenson

Working on a bigger story but wanted to share this.

You may have wondered how the United States is still clocking 3000 Covid deaths a week when even Joe Biden - who can barely manage a staircase unaided - easily beat Omicron.

The Milwaukee coroner’s office has the answer. It publishes anonymized death reports, including cases where Covid is listed on the death certificate. Here are four of the seven from the last two weeks. Average age 90.

The youngster in the group was 80 and had metastatic prostate cancer.

And diabetes.

And Parkinson’s disease.


As for the others, they are all in their sixties.

Lest you accuse me of cherry-picking, here’s one of the younger deaths:

These folks are not the exceptions, they’re the rule. “From” versus “with” Covid is a pointless distinction for this population.

Anyone dying of Omicron is likely either incredibly old, incredibly sick.

And, according to the coroner’s office, most are vaccinated.

It should be obvious that Covid death counting is now pure theater and database matching, in a way it wasn’t even a few months ago.

Which raises a somewhat unpleasant question: if Covid is no longer killing anyone who wasn’t at death’s door, why is overall excess mortality so high across the heavily mRNA vaccinated countries?

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135   Patrick   2024 Mar 25, 11:24am  


The BBC was allowed to “misrepresent” the risk posed by Covid to most people to boost public support for lockdown, the UK Covid Inquiry has heard.

Prof Mark Woolhouse, an eminent epidemiologist and government adviser, lambasted the corporation for having “repeatedly reported rare deaths or illnesses among healthy adults as if they were the norm”.

He said this created the “misleading impression” among BBC News viewers at the start of the pandemic that “we are all at risk” and “the virus does not discriminate”.

In reality, he said it was known at the time that the risk of dying from Covid was 10,000 times higher in the over-75s than the under-15s.

But Prof Woolhouse told the inquiry the BBC did not correct its reporting, saying: “I suspect this misinformation was allowed to stand throughout 2020 because it provided a justification for locking down the entire population.”

138   Patrick   2024 Apr 15, 10:26pm  


CDC Says It Accidentally Inflated Children’s COVID Death Numbers In ‘Coding Logic Error’
139   Patrick   2024 Apr 18, 11:25am  


You could be run over by a car, and you go into the ER, you say I'm short of breath because your blood is filling your lungs, and if they test you for covid, you died of covid, not of a car accident. You could have known, severe cardiovascular disease, which is what I partake in, and you come in with an absolute 100% heart attack, but they test you for covid, what did you die of? Covid.

What just happened about two weeks ago? CDC is now telling all the laboratories to stop using the PCRs that we've been using this whole time because they cannot decipher between the flu and covid. So we have to stop using them. That information alone should stop this whole ridiculousness, OK?

Number two, the masks. What is the dirtiest spot on your body? It is your mouth. If— I'm pretty sure no one here would sit there and smell their anus and their private parts all day because that seems disgusting. But your mouth is dirtier than your private parts. Why would you sniff the bacteria that comes out of your mouth all day long? And force that on our children? That is wrong. That is, psychologically affects them, and you're going to implore more infections on them. There are literally studies that I can prove to you that are on the CDC website that are randomized controlled studies that show that nor hand washing nor wearing surgical masks, especially anything less than that, actually prevents you from getting infected, whether if you're infected or you're trying to prevent an infection. I can sit here alone on that topic for least 3 hours and talk to you about how that is so ridiculous.

Let's get to the most important part because because I'm very limited on time and I could sit here for hours and talk to you about this.

The unvaccinated theory is nothing but BS. OK? Does anyone here know, especially the medical professionals here, that the CDC, about a month and a half ago, changed the requirement for hospitals and clinics to count a covid case. If you are now vaccinated, you don't have to register that person as a covid case if they have covid. Even if they're in the hospital and dying of covid, if they were vaccinated you don't have to count that as a covid case.

Why are people saying, oh, the unvaccinated are filling the hospitals? Because the CDC has literally changed that. So if you get covid and you're vaccinated you don't count into the pool of people that are vaccinated. Does anybody here know that? I doubt it. ...

And then the vaccines. Just a whole 'nother nutshow case in itself. In six months [time alarm sounds] more people have died from this vaccine than in 20 years of every single vaccine given in America. Let that sink in. In 6 months. 12,000.

And the VAERS reporting system?[2] Harvard, who everyone should trust here, did a major study. And they found out that only 1% of all the adverse effects and deaths are actually reported. So imagine that. If 12,000 we know now have died, that's only 1 percent. One percent.

What just came out last week that probably no one here knows because it's been censored? There was just now a lawsuit that went up against the CDC and the FDA because they found out that these pharmaceutical companies created their own adverse effects agencies where their reporting is happening there, and they found out that, it seems now, that in 3 days over 45,000 people have died because of vaccine.
140   Patrick   2024 Apr 28, 7:49pm  


The statement that “more than one million Americans lost their lives from this disease” is a preposterous claim, disinformation at its most egregious.

As a few non-indoctrinated Americans know, 94 percent of the people who allegedly died from “Covid” had multiple co-morbid conditions. What we had was not “a pandemic of the unvaccinated,” but a pandemic of Bogus PCR tests and a never-ending smorgasbord of Pure Government-created Propaganda.

Also, the majority of alleged Covid victims were over the age of 80 when they died. One’s not supposed to point this out, but the quality of life of many alleged Covid victims had long since disappeared.
146   Patrick   2024 May 9, 1:07pm  


A globally esteemed professor has given an explosive testimony during a federal government hearing in Germany to warn that the Covid pandemic was a hoax.

Prof. Stefan Homburg testified before top officials that the COVID-19 pandemic did not begin in 2020 as the world has been led to believe.

While addressing the Corona Symposium in the Bundestag, Homburg explained that the coronavirus did emerge in 2019.

However, he said that it simply took the place of regular influenza and the virus was no more severe.

The world-renowned German professor cited data showing no increase in mortality rates during 2020, the first pandemic year.

Yet, data shows that deaths only started increasing in 2021, after the Covid mRNA shots were rolled out for public use.

Homburg told the federal government hearing that mortality rates started skyrocketing from 2021 onward because the injections are killing people, not the virus.

During his bombshell testimony, Homburg asserted that the pandemic was a hoax that sought to scare people into accepting the dangerous mRNA shots.

He told the hearing that reports of soaring Covid deaths were “not true,” noting that there were no more “sick people and deaths than usual.”

“There were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021,” the professor testified.

“Corona came, influenza disappeared.

“Age-standardised mortality was not higher in 2020 than usual.

“Mortality only increased since 2021 [just after the “vaccine” roll-out started],” Homburg noted.

“The idea of a ‘pandemic’ arose exclusively from new types of mass testing… [which] led the public to believe that there were more sick people and deaths than usual, which was not true.

“One must also ask whether the measures [masks, lockdowns, vax mandates, etc] were really intended to prevent infection, which they clearly did not, or rather served the purpose of breaking down vaccine hesitancy.”
148   Blue   2024 May 10, 4:55pm  

Patrick says

Sounds like a joke but it’s still happening around.
150   Ceffer   2024 May 16, 10:16pm  

Patrick says


You don't get no fucking bonuses, prizes, or big Globalist fiat money checks for plain old pneumonia or traditional flu. You have to roll with the brand naming of the pandemic fraud.

Of course, now we have the lovely revelation that doctors were getting capping fees for administering the toxxine, and they had thresholds of administration where they got extra bonuses for achieving higher numbers.
151   Patrick   2024 May 23, 4:30pm  


We were right! The UK ONS now admit that deaths in the vaccinated were categorised as unvaccinated in 2021
The ONS denied it then but admit it now. ...

Why is this so important? Because the ONS data - possibly more so than any other source of data in the world - was used to bolster the claim that the vaccines were highly effective and safe.

And, as we have always argued, and which is now certain, any claims of efficacy and safety based on their data were completely illusionary and subject to the cheap trick of miscategorisation whereby even a placebo - or something even worse - could be ‘shown’ to be safe and effective.

They therefore lied and intentionally created and spread misinformation. We were accused of conspiracy thinking and our reputations were tarnished as a result.

But we were right!

So the very deaths caused by the murderous injection were attributed to the virus.
152   Patrick   2024 May 23, 4:31pm  


Two days after the Mirena was implanted I started my period and had miserable cramps, but I also started having features of psychosis. I didn't know that's what it was until I reached out to a crisis line and had a phone and in-person evaluation. I've been feeling very very anxious and paranoid, deleted some social media accounts, heart racing all day, scattered thoughts, inability to focus on anything except my phone, overstimulation to the point of overwhelm and panic, and more.
153   Patrick   2024 May 27, 9:19pm  


Do you remember being called a conspiracy theorist when, in 2020, you told people that hospitals were half empty? Few believed it because we were in lockdown. Why else would we be locked in our houses if hospitals weren’t being overrun, they thought? Why were brand new hospitals being built in a matter of weeks if hospitals weren’t overflowing with dead Covid victims, they deduced?

I remember it well. It was painful trying to tell people. I remember the videos of people filming empty hospitals before being arrested and silenced.

In fact, I remember a reader of this stack commenting that her son had been arrested for filming an empty Stoke Mandeville hospital. I wonder if she still reads this blog because it would be interesting to hear what happened to her son?

We all knew it was the case but the media convinced everybody else otherwise. We were labelled as dangerous ‘Covid deniers’ for even suggesting such a thing.

Fast forward four years and the truth starts to seep out.

In the Scottish Covid Inquiry, a porter described the situation in the hospital he worked at.

First of all, he says that, even though the porters were working in a hospital, the very place you would expect to catch Covid, none of the porters were catching the virus.

Next the porter tells the inquiry that, contrary to what they were expecting, there was in fact a significant fall in the amount of work they had to do. Patients were discharged home or to care homes and elective surgeries were cancelled.

The porter says that the medical block was less than half full - instead of being close to capacity like normal, he’d walk round and the wards would be half empty. As a result of the empty wards, the hospital staff had lots of free down time.

But didn’t the number of Covid patients increase in April 2020, the porter is asked? He answers that the workload gradually increased but it was never anywhere near as busy as normal.

Another conspiracy theory which turns out to be true. But remember, spare a thought for the doctors and nurses because, whilst the hospitals were never busy, they were absolutely exhausted…from making Tik Tok dance videos.

So beware, if you see videos such as the one below trending, get ready for a bird flu lockdown.
154   Patrick   2024 May 28, 12:03pm  


Official mortality data for England suggest systematic miscategorisation of vaccine status and uncertain effectiveness of Covid-19 vaccination

At first glance the ONS data suggest that, in each of the older age groups, all-cause mortality is lower in the vaccinated than the unvaccinated. This conclusion is cast into doubt upon closer inspection of the data due to a range of fundamental inconsistencies and anomalies in the data. Whatever the explanations for these are, it is clear that the data is both unreliable and misleading. It has been suggested that the anomalies are the result of healthy vaccinee selection bias and population differences. However, we show why the most likely explanations for the observed anomalies are a combination of systemic miscategorisation of deaths between the different categories of unvaccinated and vaccinated; delayed or non-reporting of vaccinations; systemic underestimation of the proportion of unvaccinated; and/or incorrect population selection for Covid deaths.
155   Patrick   2024 Jun 1, 8:24pm  


Do you remember being called a conspiracy theorist when, in 2020, you told people that hospitals were half empty? Few believed it because we were in lockdown. Why else would we be locked in our houses if hospitals weren’t being overrun, they thought? Why were brand new hospitals being built in a matter of weeks if hospitals weren’t overflowing with dead Covid victims, they deduced?

I remember it well. It was painful trying to tell people. I remember the videos of people filming empty hospitals before being arrested and silenced.
156   Patrick   2024 Jun 3, 9:45pm  


There Was No Pandemic - Presentation by Stefan Homburg in Germany

Key points:

Corona: Five Official Facts1

1. All-time low clinic occupancy in 2020. In 2020, clinic occupancy fell to an all-time low, in some cases 30% below the previous year's figure.

2. Few severe respiratory diseases. Respiratory diseases (SARI) were inconspicuous in 2020 and 2021. Peaks occurred in 2018 and at the end of 2022.

3. Deaths increased noticeably in 2021 not 2020. In 2020, the age-adjusted mortality rate was between the values of 2018 and 2019. It only increased noticeably with the start of vaccination in 2021.

4. Corona deaths were older than other deaths The median age of PCR fatalities was 83 years, The median age of total fatalities was 82 years.

5. Sweden performed better than Germany. The overall mortality rate per capita was lower in lockdown- and mask-free Sweden than in Germany.
157   Patrick   2024 Jun 6, 3:19pm  


In summary, information and data from the FEMA COVID-19 Funeral Assistance program are insufficient for substantiating the New York City spring 2020 disaster.

I don’t see enough dead people and continue to suspect the official all-cause death curve is fraudulent.
158   Patrick   2024 Jun 25, 3:46pm  


Great excitement in Slovakia due to the state Covid investigation. The government commissioner stated that there was no "pandemic".

The official investigation into Slovakia's Covid policy is not over yet. But Peter Kotlár, the government's representative, presented a first interim report to parliament that sets the direction of the investigation. He did not report whether the "measures" were appropriate or whether the money was used correctly, as the opposition would have liked. Instead, he reported to parliament that there was never a "pandemic".
160   Patrick   2024 Jul 19, 9:15pm  


ZERO COVID deaths in school attending children in Scotland

New NRS response confirms no evidence ANY children attending a school have died of 'COVID' in 3 years.
167   HeadSet   2024 Sep 9, 7:34am  

Patrick says

True, and the woke will claim that 99.96 survival rate was due to the vaxx, masks, and shutdowns.
168   Patrick   2024 Sep 16, 9:19pm  


The spatiotemporal variations in national excess all-cause mortality rates allow us to conclude that the Covid-period (2020-2023) excess all-cause mortality in the world is incompatible with a pandemic viral respiratory disease as a primary cause of death. This hypothesis, although believed to be supported by testing campaigns, should be abandoned. ...

We describe plausible mechanisms and argue that the three primary causes of death associated with the excess all-cause mortality during (and after) the Covid period are:

- Biological (including psychological) stress from mandates such as lockdowns and associated socio-economic structural changes
- Non-COVID-19-vaccine medical interventions such as mechanical ventilators and drugs (including denial of treatment with antibiotics)
- COVID-19 vaccine injection rollouts, including repeated rollouts on the same populations
170   Patrick   2024 Sep 27, 6:16am  


Majdoubi, Pelech, Lavoie et al. study showed (3.5 years ago, mid 2020) & at height of the COVID lockdown lunacy & way before the fraud deadly Malone Bourla Bancel et al. mRNA gene vaccine was rolled out, that 90% of uninfected adults showed antibody reactivity against the spike protein, receptor-binding domain (RBD), N-terminal domain (NTD), or the nucleocapsid (N) protein from SARS-CoV-2 ...

This is so perverse, what the evil fuckers did…what it means is that the fuckers, the evil fuckers Hahn, Azar, Fauci, Bourla, Birx, Bancel, Walensky, Jha et al., these beasts knew that they were using a 97% false-positive over-cycled RT-PCR (DNA amplification) ‘process’ (never was a diagnostic test) to DETECT something that they knew, was ALWAYS there…they know it was already out there and we were largely immune, competent with it. They put it there, intent or accident, they knew. It tells us that the entire COVID was a fraud, 100% of COVID, all aspects were a fraud, a lie, from virus, to origins, to lockdowns, to the deadly Malone et al. mRNA vaccine. They all knew it too, and many made big money hence they cannot break ranks. Today. But I want to see many of these fuckers hung, hung high one day.

When POTUS Trump talks about OWS being a success, of deadly lockdowns being a success, of the Malone et al. deadly mRNA vaccine being a success, that these saved millions of lives as he says, that is baloney, bullocks and quite frankly is flat wrong. He cannot be saying this, and he knows better, when he knows that the Malone et al. mRNA vaccine killed people. He must stop. I do not understand this and do not tell me ssshhhh, it’s the elections. Thats bullshit. People died, we want truth and punishment and accountability. Proper hearings, oaths. ...

I hope you understand the core argument, which is that this was never NEW, we were lied too 100%, we had immunity, and we needed NO lockdowns, NO school closures, NO business closures, no fraud ‘made up’ 6-foot social distancing, NO mRNA vaccine for this, whatever it was. In that natural immunity confers protection, life long, broadly protective, robust, bullet-proof. We needed to do nothing and in fact, had we done nothing, ZERO, just take commonsense reasonable decisions, and protect vulnerable persons as we usually do by our day to day actions, we would have lost far fewer, in fact 95% of those who died due to the insane lockdown lunatic response and the deadly medical death protocol response (sedation, Remdesivir, ventilator, denial of antibiotics for pulmonary bacterial pneumonia) and Malone et al. mRNA vaccine, would be alive today.
171   Patrick   2024 Oct 1, 3:53pm  


In this mini series we intend to demonstrate that every aspect of this narrative is inaccurate. In short, we believe:

The virus was neither entirely novel nor particularly deadly

The measures and response certainly were both novel and deadly

PCR testing massively misrepresented the true course of the “pandemic”

Deaths were significantly over-attributed to Covid

Iatrogenesis, psychological distress, neglect, and lack of basic care took a substantial toll

The NPI’s – masks, distancing, closing schools, etc – had significant detrimental effects with no demonstrable positives

The response worldwide, and thus the massive toll on humanity was driven not by a pathogen but by politics, convenience, power-grabbing, propaganda, complicit captured media, partisan dogma, corporate greed and fear.

This must never be allowed to happen again.

It is impossible that the vaccines saved 14 million lives in 2021

We begin with a look at the “miracle” vaccine. On June 23, 2022, the journal The Lancet Infectious Diseases published an article entitled Global impact of the first year of COVID-19 vaccination: a mathematical modelling study. The authors of that paper “estimated that vaccinations prevented 14.4 million … deaths from COVID-19 in 185 countries and territories between Dec 8, 2020 and Dec 8, 2021.” As comforting as it would be if this were true, this estimate is so impossibly high that the Lancet should have recognized the error. This may be demonstrated by any of four simple calculations. ...

According to the UN, the world population is about 7,954 million, of which about ten percent are over 65. That means there are about 795 million people in this age group. To have saved 11.52 million of them from dying would have required the following things to have happened during that one year:

All 795 million people over 65 were vaccinated,

None of these people contracted Covid while they were waiting to be “fully” vaccinated,

The vaccines are 100% effective (absolute risk reduction) at preventing death,

Without vaccination all 795 million would have contracted Covid, and,

The average IFR of Covid for those over 65 and unvaccinated is at least 1.45%.

An earlier article in The Lancet estimated the IFR of Covid (before vaccination) for those over 60 to be 1.0035%. Thus, all five of the requirements above are either incorrect or impossible. Therefore, based on age-specific mortality rates, it is impossible that the vaccines prevented 14.4 million deaths.
172   Patrick   2024 Oct 3, 1:32pm  


Now retired, Dr. Sagripanti says he is now free to alert the public about the truth of the COVID-19 response in the United States.

With such a low mortality rate, the former federal scientist sought in this research paper to “provide an answer to what turned a pandemic caused by a rather ordinary virus into an extraordinary public health crisis.

He says he also wants citizens to know “whether the public health measures elicited by the predictions made by computer simulation were effective.”

It is a refreshing review for those critically minded who have long been suspicious about the Covid response from federal health officials.

In his article, Sagripanti dives right into concerning revelations:

“Responding to these questions resulted in unexpected findings regarding the effectiveness of lockdowns and curfews, use of face masks, mandating social distancing and ordering massive vaccination campaigns.”

Among the key details from Dr. Sagripanti is the shocking admission about what led to the general public being locked down and forced to vaccinate.

The unusually restrictive measures were mandated largely in response to predictions made by computer modeling of the pandemic, Sagripanti reveals.

The information was provided to global governments by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Infectious Disease Modeling.

The WHO’s system linked to the “prestigious Imperial College of London, projected that without drastic intervention (like lockdowns and quarantines), 7 billion infections worldwide and 40 million deaths during 2020 alone,” Dr. Sagripanti reveals.

This admission raises a lot of serious questions.

In fact, he refers to the response as a “blunder.”

Dr. Sagripanti explains that depending on computer predictions from the United Nations “health” agency led to “catastrophic global consequences.”

He cited a “stational progression of the pandemic.”

Sagripanti continues by explaining a massive failure of countermeasure response caused the majority of deaths during the pandemic and not the virus.

The failures included pushing mandates for ineffective “vaccines,” ordering lockdowns, and intriguing hospital protocols that killed patients instead of helping them.

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