Is Trump now the preferred Deep State candidate?

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2024 May 1, 11:10am   356 views  15 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


Mark my words. The Deep State has shifted its support to Trump for president. Biden is being thrown under the bus.

Four years of stumbling senility; collapse of U.S. foreign policy in Afghanistan, Ukraine, and Gaza; borderline graft; and the display of “woke” perversions enough to make any real adult vomit; have brought enough humiliation to America to last a century.

William Barr is the deepest of the Deep State; the ultimate covert operator. Check out his resume on Wikipedia.https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Barr

It was Barr, we recall, who delivered the message to Bill Clinton that he was in line for the presidency at a covert meeting in Mena, Arkansas, back in the heyday of CIA drug and arms trafficking.

Barr just endorsed Trump for president after being part of the cabal that set Trump up on January 6 and got him indicted in New York, Washington, and Georgia.

Trump is beating the rap on everything thrown at him. Now the Supreme Court has been greenlighted to overturn the indictments. ...

So Trump will be Prez.

And what will Trump pay for the privilege? He’s already begun to pay by leaning on Mike Johnson to flip-flop and greenlight the $95 billion war package for Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan. ...

What else will Trump be paying for the privilege of continuing to live a free man and resuming his position as head of state?

To be brief, Trump will fully buy into the launch of World War III against Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea. He’s already started doing that. And he’ll continue. But, the controllers hope, not quite as the ridiculous figure the present incumbent persists in presenting to the world.

This may be correct.

Trump has betrayed all Americans both by his support for the dangerous and worse-then-ineffective injection, and by his support for the $95 billion gift to weapons makers and corrupt Ukrainian oligarchs.

Comments 1 - 15 of 15        Search these comments

1   Ingrid   2024 May 1, 12:36pm  

it is very obvious - he turns like a mill in the wind. He is a Zionist, his daughter is in the WEf, and he has been on the corrupt side all of his life. If that is what the handlers want, 110 % of the vote won't do to stop him. We all know the vote will be rigged. We all know that no one in that president chair for many, many years, has had the hold of the country, let go of the world. I think the only thing to do is pray - that the handlers might fail in whatever they plan to do. I know they will, but at what cost?
3   stereotomy   2024 May 10, 3:20pm  

Trump was a hard case, it took 90+ indictments in multiple states, $$$$$$$$ in lawfare, but he might finally be getting with the program. Sic Transit Gloria Trumpus.
4   Patrick   2024 May 10, 5:28pm  


Federal Court Denies Hunter Biden’s Appeal against Gun Charges Case

A federal appeals court has refused to throw out Hunter Biden’s indictment on federal gun charges, according to documents.

In a court document released Thursday, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit denied Hunter Biden’s case.

Democrat President Joe Biden’s son is set to stand trial next month in Delaware.

Following the court’s ruling, the trial will go ahead.

Huh, after years of in-your-face "Fuck you, we never prosecute well-connected Democrats" suddenly a change of heart?

You could put it down to new-found honesty among federal prosecutors.

Or maybe Trump is indeed playing ball with the deep state scum, who are now clearing the way for him.

Hard to tell.
5   HeadSet   2024 May 10, 5:56pm  

Patrick says

You could put it down to new-found honesty among federal prosecutors.

Or maybe Trump is indeed playing ball with the deep state scum, who are now clearing the way for him.

Hunter will be a sacrifice to show "balance" for the false charges against Trump. Even if Hunter is convicted, there will be no jail time, just a fine an probation, maybe some community service.
6   Tenpoundbass   2024 May 11, 8:38am  

If I'm Bill Barr and I'm watching in real time, that no matter how much crimes they made up against Trump and no matter how bad the media lied about him, his popularity grew. I would be standing at the water cooler thinking how can I stop him. Then some aide would say, I bet if we all started pretending to support Trump his followers will think he's part of us and working with us. It might disillusion them enough to sit the 2024 election out.

So the next thing I would do is go on CNN and talk about how much better Trump is than Biden. Even if it was only days after calling Trump a threat to democracy.
7   FuckTheMainstreamMedia   2024 May 11, 8:46am  

If the media stops running non stop attacks on Trump, maybe I’d give this a tad bit of credibility.
8   Tenpoundbass   2024 May 11, 8:50am  

So I clicked on the link and tried to navigate to see the news headlines on their Government section.
And I got his with a sign up prompt, sponsored by none other than Mailchimp.

Yes that Mailchimp that was one of the first tech companies to expunge conservative dissident voices from their service.
They would not be sponsoring a website that sings any praises about Trump in any form.

Unless it was half brained hit job which this is.
9   PeopleUnited   2024 May 11, 10:52am  


Perhaps he always was deep state. They used him to push through the vaxx, pandemic closures etc...
If Hillary has won, there would have been massive resistance to the lockdowns and vaxx. But because Trump was in office the people who would have resisted were to busy worshipping orange man and reveling in their supposed 2016 victory, Supreme Court nominees, etc to even know they were being deceived by a master manipulator. Trump is a master manipulator. Is he primarily good or evil? Not sure at this point.
10   HeadSet   2024 May 11, 3:56pm  

PeopleUnited says

They used him to push through the vaxx, pandemic closures etc..

All of that only happened under Biden.
11   RebelLove   2024 May 11, 4:37pm  

And so your veiled or not so veiled implication is the Covid-19 vaccine actually had more than one purpose Patrick. So do you agree the Covid-19 vaccine was also genetically mastered to eliminate homosexuality, minorities and certain blood types. Your thoughts on what the deep state expected to accomplish with the vaccine are welcome. I am thinking it was to get everyone chipped and traceable myself!
12   richwicks   2024 May 11, 4:42pm  

RebelLove says

I am thinking it was to get everyone chipped and traceable myself!

You are traceable already. Carry a cellphone?

We don't even need that, cameras will do it
13   PeopleUnited   2024 May 11, 6:52pm  

HeadSet says

All of that only happened under Biden.

2 weeks to stop the the spread that turned into two years of bent over and take it in the Hershey Highway started in March 2020. Who was President?
Which President authorized Warp Speed? Which President took the advice of Fauci and Birx?

Which President(s) still has failed to acknowledge that the vaxx injured, killed and probably didn’t save anyone?

People are still dying and others have long term mental illness from Covid propaganda, isolation, lack of proper education and childcare/supervision (schools are seeing an explosion in social and behavioral “disabilities”).
14   Patrick   2024 Jun 29, 1:54pm  


My parents worked in DC their whole careers. Like most of the four million Americans who “work for” the President in the executive branch, they saw “politics” as a vague distraction beyond their ken, like the storm above the fish in a coral reef. At most “politicians” could screw things up. This is not how people at Tesla see Elon Musk, who is actually “in charge” of Tesla.

Even Tony Blair, who whatever his faults has plenty of tissue left in his skull, admits it:

The problem with government is not that it’s a conspiracy, either left-wing or right-wing. It’s a conspiracy for inertia. The thing about government systems is that they always think, “we’re permanent, you’ve come in as the elected politician, you’re temporary. We know how to do this and if you only just let us alone, we would carry on managing the status quo in the right way.”

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