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What, exactly, has been pulled off the market and where?
I'm Double Jabbed But Now Have Questions
May 8, 2022
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: You're double-jabbed, correct?
JAMES: Yeah, that's correct. This is before I knew what was going on. Because I've had been vaccinated before, just with the flu and stuff like that. Anyway, yeah, gut feeling was, you know, it's been too rushed what was going on, and my gut feeling was, no, don't don't take it, just wait [inaudible]. Anyway, cut a long story short, I just became a sheep and just followed the herd.
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Did you need it for your work, though? Or?
JAMES: Not at that time. Admittedly, not at that time. So, and that sort of makes me feel a little bit stupid, actually, tell you the truth, you know? And I— anyway.
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Why? Because you went against your gut feeling?
JAMES: Yeah. I went against my gut feeling instead of just wait to find out, you know, a bit more information about it. Just not even. Yeah, so anyway.
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: [inaudible] find watching a lot of mainstream media or, was that having an effect? Or it was just peer pressure?
JAMES: No, it wasn't peer pressure. I wasn't— I don't watch the news that much. Well, I don't watch it at all now. But you just hear it on the radio and stuff like that, you know, because you, you know, listen to music while you're working and whatever and whatever. Anyway. Yeah so, I thought, well, you know, might as well. You know?
But it wasn't until I met my now girlfriend that, sort of gave me some more information to look at so I started, really started to do some research into it and looking into it. And then it started play on my mind, ah, you know, I stuffed up here, you know? And started to let it sort of affect me a bit.
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: What, the anxiety or the—?
JAMES: Yeah, yeah, just, you know, like, you know, go to lie down at night to go to sleep and you think, you know, have I done the right thing, have I done the wrong thing? You know? So. And then I, you know, I was listening to other podcasts and stuff like that and it was, you know, and it was good because other people have done the same thing as I did.
JAMES: You know? And it's just, like, OK, stuffed up. You know? Like, you got to let that go and just move on and—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Are you annoyed at all at the people pushing it onto you, like the government, and mainstream media or anything?
JAMES: Oh absolutely! I mean, like, the mainstream media, I think they really need to be, something needs to come out from that because they just keep pushing and pushing and pushing and not telling both sides of the story. You know? That's, that's disgraceful.
And what the government's doing is just totally I think totally dictatorship type stuff. You don't get, you don't do what we say, you're not going to go to work, you're not going to support your family. You know? And we're going to make the community make you pay for it as well. We're not allowing you into here, not allowing you into there. You know? And when you're in a small town, you basically really know quite a lot of people.
JAMES: So, you know, you start fighting against the, the, what they want you to do, like wearing masks and stuff like that, you're really affecting your friendship with people. You know? Like I tried to not wear a mask in places and got in little arguments with people that I know. You know? And I walk out and I feel bad, and I think this what the government, well, this is probably how the government is trying to turn the community around against each other. You've got them and you've got us. Look I'm not, I'm not—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: Divide and conquer.
JAMES: Yeah, yeah. I'm not a anti-vaxxer or anything. That's your choice. That's what, this is what— and yeah, and that's another thing is that when they started to bring in that, oh, you need to get the third vax, yeah, you needed the booster to keep your job, that's when I started to stand my ground for that. Because it's not the booster itself, it's what the government's trying to do. That's more, more the point was, is that, no, who are they to tell me that I can't go to work to earn a living, you know, for a, for a needle that that's got a lot of questions to be answered. A lot! You know. So, yeah, anyway. So—
MICHAEL GRAY GRIFFITH: It's interesting because you can't even ask the questions.
JAMES: No. And, and, you know, you've doctors now that are being put in that horrible position where you know they say, they want to say things, they lose their license.
JAMES: You know? And it's, and it's so, I don't trust doctors anymore now. You know? It's just. I don't trust the government, I don't trust the media, I don't trust doctors. You know, it's just like, what do you believe now? It's just, it's getting harder and harder.
Student killed himself after bullying about his vaccination status: lawsuit
A 15-year-old boy who was initially targeted by a false rumor that he was unvaccinated was bullied relentlessly until he took his own life in January, a lawsuit claims.
The suit filed Monday against the Latin School of Chicago alleges administrators at the private college prep school — which charges more than $40,000 annually in tuition — committed “willful failure” to stop the incessant bullying, the Chicago Tribune reported.
💉💉 Terrific covid doc Peter McCullough observed yesterday that the global mRNA covid shot market has completely collapsed:
Leading independent news reporter Tucker Carlson has warned that Covid mRNA shots are “poison.”
Carlson also proudly declared that he is unvaccinated, which he described as one of his “greatest achievements.”
He made the comments during the latest episode of “The Tucker Carlson Show.”
During a wide-ranging two-hour-plus interview with comedian Dave Smith, the conversation turned to the “toxic” Covid mRNA injections.
“I think the vaccine is poison,” Carlson declared.
He continued by adding that he personally knows a couple who had their lives “destroyed” by the injections.
“Whatever you think of how toxic it is, it clearly doesn’t work,” Carlson said.
“And so, why is this still on the schedule?
“And why doesn’t anyone say that?
“I just feel like we’re living in this moment where the most obvious things go totally ignored,” Carlson continued.
“[It’s clear that] getting the vax and getting the boosters makes you more likely to get Covid.
“The numbers seem to show that,” Carlson added.
Carlson was likely citing the devastating Cleveland Clinic study results.
As Slay News reported, the study found that people who took four doses or more were about 3.5 times more likely to be infected with Covid than unvaccinated individuals. ...
“But I got Covid once. I’ve been super healthy ever since then … and I never got Covid again.
“Here Fauci’s had it three times.
“Biden keeps getting it. Like, what is that?” he asked.
“Why does nobody say anything about this?”
Smith noted that people who have received Covid mRNA shots have developed severe health conditions.
“I do know a few people who developed heart conditions,” Smith said.
“And again, it’s one of those things where, you know, you can never, like, with 100% certainty, trace it to the vaccine.
“But it seems like the overwhelmingly likely thing …
“And what we can say with 100% certainty is that the thing was sold on lies.”
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I know a few and they sound like absolute shit, and both feel like absolute crap.
Anyone else?
Why the fuck are people injecting themselves with a non-FDA approved biological agent?
And what the fuck are people afraid of, when this covid has a 99.97% survival rate?
I don't understand this level of retardedness... Or maybe I am just super, over the top, fucking retarded, that I can't understand this shit.