DIE is the deliberate elevation of mediocrity by fearful incompetents

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2023 Mar 13, 10:35pm   4,768 views  77 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (60)   💰tip   ignore  


the glorification of sub-mediocrity
why woke, ESG, and DEI are so seductive to weak leaders

one of the most ineffacable truisms of organizational structure is this:

A’s hire A’s and B’s hire C’s.

it’s just basic human nature. excellence seeks to surround itself with excellence that it may achieve and mediocrity seeks to surround itself with sub-mediocrity that it may prevent itself from being supplanted.

there is nothing mediocrity fears more than excellence. it’s how you get turfed out of the cushy gig you do not really merit. positions of power are slippery and when you have one that consciously or merely instinctively you know that you do not deserve and are not truly qualified for, the last thing you want is some high caliber competitor coming up behind you, showing you up, and taking your chair.

A’s don’t sweat this because competing is what they do. but B’s live in terror of it. and this is why the B’s and C’s love “woke”, ESG, and DEI:

these alleged philosophies of inclusion are, in fact, ideologies of exclusion.

and what they seek to exclude is excellence and meritocracy.

it’s the literal point of the practice and it’s the reason that so many weakling leaders gravitate to them: it’s job security for the unqualified wrapped up in a neat little philosophy that makes self-serving nepotism and plunder look like virtue. ...

the whole point of DEI (diversity equity inclusion) is to place and sustain in positions of power those who could not otherwise attain them and to glorify this practice through the cultivation of some sort of grievance entitlement ...

the whole point of ESG (environmental, social, governance) is to allocate resources away from “best uses as determined by market” and into “hobbyhorses determined by cronies and capture.” it’s just another way to avoid competing while claiming to serve some facile “greater good” erected as pretext for plunder.

and this is how the world has become such an intolerable and increasingly dysfunctional mess. it’s rule by rube and ideological invasion and inversion of best practice and sound function.

it’s endlessly seductive to the hopelessly mediocre and it is infesting everything because once you infect the top, the whole rest of the fish rots from the head down. the B’s selected to lead purge the A’s and render what was once excellent the sub-mediocre domain of the C and call it progress.

and this keeps rarifying until you have F’s hiring H’s…

and this is how the center does not hold.

and this is how the world falls apart. ...

what i am saying is that choosing leaders for the color of their skin or their sexual orientation and not the content of their capability set demeans and debases them. it renders their achievements suspect and their positions less trusted for always will a whiff of nepotistic stink accrue to them.

what i am saying is that we’re putting fools in charge, chosen for ideological and identarian criteria that have little or nothing to do with the actual sound performance of the tasks entrusted to them and that to shore up their own power, they are adopting and accelerating the practices of exclusionary wokedom in order to feather their own nests and prevent competition and competence because these ideas threaten them and their positions.

and this is a race to an ever sinking bottom. ...

pretty soon no one in power has any idea what they are doing.

and the stupid games these people increasingly wish to play are bringing home increasingly stupid prizes.

because these people are clowns.

serious, weapons grade, dangerous clowns.

really stop and take this in. dozens of cites fell for this guy and his made up country. no one even googled it. and you’re leaving these people in charge? seriously?

the greatest social need in america today is to wall ourselves off from this.

it’s the antithesis of everything.

this broken philosophy of self-ennoblement and plunder praxis has infected academia root and stem. our universities are putrefying and the folks who run them becoming ever more absurd.

and it’s reaching the breaking point.

longtime gatopal™ emily burns nailed it as “the suicide of the elites.” ...

the suicide was putting a bunch of bloviating B’s in charge.

and their goal is to keep being a B-boss by cultivating a society of C’s and vilifying and silencing anything that looks like actual excellence.

and everything this touches falls apart. ...

the debacle of silicon valley bank is just another object lesson. (quite a good primer HERE for those wanting more info)

SVB was quite probably “america’s wokest bank.”

many had leveled accusations of ponzi, circularity, and self-dealing around it as well esp around the practice of funding “social goods” in circular fashion. SVB was an LP in many VC funds. those VC’s would then pressure portfolio companies to take out venture loans from SVB and SVB would, in turn, require those companies to keep their funds at the bank as part of the lending agreement. ...

astonishingly, many of the rubes are still braying about their hilarious delusions instead of learning the real lesson:

that elevating mediocrity is fatal to companies, agencies, and societies alike.

truly, there is just no smartening up these chumps. ...

whole ecosystems of indoctrination and belief have been ingrained here. they have stacked the turtles of sub-adequacy all the way down and purged any who might threaten their retention of power.

did you seriously think that selectors like “if you believe in free speech or biological gender you cannot work here” were some sort of genuine enterprise as opposed to just the seductive self-delusion used in most machiavellian fashion to cull the sane and sound so that the plundering neiman marxists could keep the capable away from challenging their power?

the absurdity is a feature, not a bug.

the entire point of the woke/DEI/ESG alphabet soup multiplex is to orchestrate a war on competence.

and it has become endemic.

you’re being ruled by rubes who have elevated the inability to reason or rotate shapes to a sort of ethical code that worships uncritical incapacity.

it’s the simple and inevitable emergent outcome of putting B’s in charge. they purge the A’s, hire idiots, shore up their power, and gin up a song and dance to not only justify but lionize having done so.

then everyone looks baffled when nothing works any more and the engine of everything starts to sputter.

“go woke go broke” is not just a law of economics.

it’s also one of morality and of sanity.

it bankrupts everything.

and it’s time we knocked this off.

the society we save may be our own.

THIS is the explanation that was in the back of my head but I could never articulate!

We now know the right thing to say when the argument comes up:

"Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity" is merely a justification for elevating the incompetent over the competent.

It has the force of irresistible truth, because it is the truth and they know it in their bones.

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43   Patrick   2024 Apr 4, 10:53am  


Over the past few years, McKinsey has released at least 4 studies claiming a positive relationship between DEI and firm performance.

A new paper published today in Econ Journal Watch finds these results can't be replicated.

"Our inability to [replicate] their results suggests that ... they should not be relied on to support the view that US publicly traded firms can expect to deliver improved financial performance if they increase the racial/ethnic diversity of their executives.''
44   Patrick   2024 Apr 17, 11:47am  


Intellectual, anticommunist, and conservative commenter James Lindsay persuasively argues that DEI, which like sewer water has now seeped into every nook and crevice of our public and private institutions, is actually a long-term socio-political military strategy by our enemies, principally China, to destabilize the United States. DEI is rendering impotent our military, our government, our universities, and even our strategically-critical corporations staffed by graduates of those undermined universities (think Boeing). If James is right, and I think he is, China’s destruction-by-DEI plan is working perfectly.

I think it was China all along, playing to the bitter incompetents, suggesting that they were unduly deprived of power, when in reality they were deprived of power because they are truly incompetent.

Now all levels of US corporations and government are staffed with comically incompetent woke idiots. China won.
45   richwicks   2024 Apr 17, 12:30pm  

Patrick says

Now all levels of US corporations and government are staffed with comically incompetent woke idiots. China won.

This is like saying Russia hacked our election, but not having any idea how.

DEI is not China, people in top positions of power didn't get there because they were the best, they got there because they are the most ruthless. They aren't competent and they are afraid of more competent people replacing them.

Do you think it's coincidence there's rumors that pedophilia is rampant in positions of power? If you are an intelligence agency and you have two identical and competent people, who would you prefer to be in power? The one you can control.

That's DEI as well. Hire this dumb loyal person that damned well knows they are there is because they are loyal, and that's the ONLY reason they are there. This is why our government is in shambles, everybody in a position of power is compromised. Ethical intelligent people won't play the game, scumbag intelligent people will, but any scumbag will. It will destroy the country, but it could be fixed if people just recognize scumbags are promoted to positions of power, not ethical people.
46   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 17, 12:36pm  

Adam Smith said: "ENLIGHTENED self-interest" The modifier gets left out.

Meaning, you're at Stage 4 or higher and aware of society, religion, morality, etc. and THEN you balance all that out in your self interest.

You don't say "Deindustrialize the Rust Belt so I can get an extra 1-2% and retire at 45 a multimillionaire. Damn the millions of lost jobs, manufacturing capacity, social effects, fuck those people, I gotta get mine"

That's raw self-interest.

Honestly, the whole "Fuck you all because I gotta be out by 50" is a major factor in the corruption and sell out to the CCP.
47   AmericanKulak   2024 Apr 22, 1:19pm  

UCLA DEI CZAR Natalie Perry is so Lazy, she plagarized 5 pages straight - of her one and only academic paper.


It's almost not worth showing, because if you redacted all her plagarized portions, there would be nothing to read, like a FOIA on Ukraine Grants
48   Patrick   2024 Apr 23, 10:23am  


On the surface, the Muldrow v. St. Louis decision looks fairly unremarkable. A female St. Louis police sergeant alleged she was transferred to a less prominent job assignment because of her gender. The trouble with her case was her pay and benefits stayed the same, and the city argued she wasn’t harmed. But the Court unanimously agreed that even “small harms” — if tangible — are enough to support a Title VII claim for employment discrimination.

The liberals and conservatives on the Court probably agreed on the case’s conclusion for different reasons.

What has some DEI activists now wringing their hands is that pro-equality conservative lawfare groups hope to use the new decision to push back on Constitutionally repugnant anti-white discrimination. Disadvantaged white employees might now challenge so-called ‘affirmative action’ programs if they advantage minorities over white employees in even minor ways.

Examples might include things like mentoring opportunities open only to minority employees, or a meet-and-greet with executives excluding white folks, both of which may now be actionable under Muldrow’s new “some harms” standard.
50   Ceffer   2024 Apr 23, 10:17pm  

Of course. Absurd and abusive premises inflicted through force are the fertilizer of the Hegelian polarization.Patrick says

51   richwicks   2024 Apr 23, 10:22pm  

Patrick says

That's the point of it.

Divide and conquer. If people knew how corrupt that government was, they'd revolt against it. Instead, they are directed to fight among one another.

Our government has no qualms against lying us into a war, spending a trillion dollars, killing millions, so they can make a little scratch off from the conflict. They don't care if the war is won or lost, or how many people die, how many Americans die. They don't care if Jeffrey Epstein is running a child rape ring, the public doesn't, but they might, if the public wasn't directed to hate one another.
54   AmericanKulak   2024 May 5, 9:52pm  

I hope this re-branding catches on, it's an explosive term.
55   Patrick   2024 May 9, 12:38pm  


WW2 in europe was largely caused by the treaty of versaille. it so emasculated, impoverished, and humiliated the germans that basically nothing but "violent nationalism" could result. they, the biggest, strongest country in the area, were pushed past endurance by "outsiders" who forced it on them because the US was there to require it. but as soon as "dad" went back to north america, the germans and itialians and austrians rounded on the rest of europe and reminded them who were the productive, strong, capable folks around here while being eaten by some truly odious reactionary ideologies.

the rest, as they say, is history. fascism, genocide, and another war to end all wars right on the heels of the last one.

i’m a bit worried about a potentially impending parallel.

imagine what happens to woke and the DEI denizens when they lose the government. imagine the folks who have been marginalized and humiliated by these struggle sessions and forced to play these retarded reindeer games as they rise and reassert themselves.

because it’s coming. in fact, it’s well underway.

59   GNL   2024 Jul 1, 7:08pm  

richwicks says

Patrick says

That's the point of it.

Divide and conquer. If people knew how corrupt that government was, they'd revolt against it. Instead, they are directed to fight among one another.

Our government has no qualms against lying us into a war, spending a trillion dollars, killing millions, so they can make a little scratch off from the conflict. They don't care if the war is won or lost, or how many people die, how many Americans die. They don't care if Jeffrey Epstein is running a child rape ring, the public doesn't, but they might, if the public wasn't directed to hate one another.

IMO, this is the SOLE purpose of the government now. Get everyone to hate each other while they grow richer.
60   AD   2024 Jul 2, 12:12am  

richwicks says

Ethical intelligent people won't play the game, scumbag intelligent people will, but any scumbag will. It will destroy the country, but it could be fixed if people just recognize scumbags are promoted to positions of power, not ethical people.

That is why anarcho tyranny is becoming more apparent, more so then Cloward Piven Strategy (i.e., welfare state + open border).

I liken it to Soros funding government and corporate policies.

I wonder who much he was responsible for Disney to piss away billions of dollars due to Woke movie productions, and if he made a lot of money shorting Disney stock or buying puts in Disney.

Look at how many times Soros Jr has visited Biden's White House and you wonder how his family has profited by controlling or influencing the Biden admin. One possibility is if Soros invested based on a rise in oil prices due to Biden policies.

61   AmericanKulak   2024 Jul 2, 1:07am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

So many interesting characters here, Toktay before she pushed DEI was pushing "Sustainable Development" as part of the "Ray C. Anderson Center". She also stopped tweeting in July 2023. They're all Turks.

I have a feeling they should be pushing Erdogan to promote more Kurds and Armenians and Greeks into high positions in Turkey, ha ha ha.
63   mell   2024 Jul 6, 12:43pm  

Not a soldiering specialist, been awhile, what's the problem? The way she's holding it would be burning her hand, instead of holding it by the handle? Ok Well.. done... but probably photoshopped in the first place
64   AD   2024 Jul 6, 10:17pm  


Former Space Force commander Matthew Lohmeier sounds alarm on the ‘very dangerous’ impact of DEI policy


66   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Jul 14, 7:18pm  

Isn't this bitch supposed to be in front of Trump...ready to take a bullet for him? Not the other way around?

71   steverbeaver   2024 Aug 5, 1:11pm  

I like the acronym derived from the thread title:
"Deliberately Elevated Incompetence"

Pretty much sums it up. Isn't one of you members making a killing by betting against Intel? I swear I saw a "bet against DEI" rule mentioned by one of you.

DEI is so bad it has fucked up the CHIPS projects.
72   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 6, 9:08am  

steverbeaver says

I like the acronym derived from the thread title:
"Deliberately Elevated Incompetence"

Pretty much sums it up. Isn't one of you members making a killing by betting against Intel? I swear I saw a "bet against DEI" rule mentioned by one of you.

DEI is so bad it has fucked up the CHIPS projects.

73   stereotomy   2024 Sep 6, 9:48am  


It's like being a stay-at-home wife with no kids - fuck the ex and the pool boy while your man is at work, and all you have to do is leave the place where you found it before hubby comes home.
74   AD   2024 Sep 9, 10:52am  


The black population of California is around 6% as a comparison to the demographics of UCLA. About 15% of California is Asian, and 0.4% Pacific Islander.

39% of California is Hispanic/Latino and 41% is White.

BOTTOMLINE: Asians are overrepresented and Whites are significantly underrepresented at UCLA.

75   DemocratsAreTotallyFucked   2024 Sep 12, 7:27pm  

Our Woke Army DEI Logistics going through Goose Creek, SC while delivering to the Ukeys.

Fact check: Not a tank but an M109 howitzer.

But still..

Love the little kid saying, "Look, mommy! It's the Army!"

76   RWSGFY   2024 Sep 12, 7:46pm  

DemocratsAreTotallyFucked says

Our Woke Army DEI Logistics going through Goose Creek, SC while delivering to the Ukeys.

Fact check: Not a tank but an M109 howitzer.

But still..

Love the little kid saying, "Look, mommy! It's the Army!"

Further proof more serious weaponry needs to go into the hands of non-woke non-diverse Christan warriors who have the balls to actually use it for what it was procured: fighting the Red Chyna-allied Mongoloid Commie Horde. 👍🏻

We don't have any use for this iron anyway because the woke DEI leftoids are incompetent and the cuckservatives don't need anything above AR-15 and don't want to join professional military to to train on complex systems anyway (as they proclaimed many times on this very site). 🤡

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