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WW2 in europe was largely caused by the treaty of versaille. it so emasculated, impoverished, and humiliated the germans that basically nothing but "violent nationalism" could result. they, the biggest, strongest country in the area, were pushed past endurance by "outsiders" who forced it on them because the US was there to require it. but as soon as "dad" went back to north america, the germans and itialians and austrians rounded on the rest of europe and reminded them who were the productive, strong, capable folks around here while being eaten by some truly odious reactionary ideologies.
the rest, as they say, is history. fascism, genocide, and another war to end all wars right on the heels of the last one.
i’m a bit worried about a potentially impending parallel.
imagine what happens to woke and the DEI denizens when they lose the government. imagine the folks who have been marginalized and humiliated by these struggle sessions and forced to play these retarded reindeer games as they rise and reassert themselves.
because it’s coming. in fact, it’s well underway.
Patrick says
That's the point of it.
Divide and conquer. If people knew how corrupt that government was, they'd revolt against it. Instead, they are directed to fight among one another.
Our government has no qualms against lying us into a war, spending a trillion dollars, killing millions, so they can make a little scratch off from the conflict. They don't care if the war is won or lost, or how many people die, how many Americans die. They don't care if Jeffrey Epstein is running a child rape ring, the public doesn't, but they might, if the public wasn't directed to hate one another.
Ethical intelligent people won't play the game, scumbag intelligent people will, but any scumbag will. It will destroy the country, but it could be fixed if people just recognize scumbags are promoted to positions of power, not ethical people.
I like the acronym derived from the thread title:
"Deliberately Elevated Incompetence"
Pretty much sums it up. Isn't one of you members making a killing by betting against Intel? I swear I saw a "bet against DEI" rule mentioned by one of you.
DEI is so bad it has fucked up the CHIPS projects.
Our Woke Army DEI Logistics going through Goose Creek, SC while delivering to the Ukeys.
Fact check: Not a tank but an M109 howitzer.
But still..
Love the little kid saying, "Look, mommy! It's the Army!"
I think it was China all along, playing to the bitter incompetents, suggesting that they were unduly deprived of power, when in reality they were deprived of power because they are truly incompetent.
Just spent the week with my east coast nieces and nephews who are 30 somethings rising up in their careers. They all believe in white privilege and global warming even though they're all white and it keeps on snowing. They're smart and articulate but their education from kindergarten through graduate school has thoroughly brainwashed them.
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THIS is the explanation that was in the back of my head but I could never articulate!
We now know the right thing to say when the argument comes up:
"Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity" is merely a justification for elevating the incompetent over the competent.
It has the force of irresistible truth, because it is the truth and they know it in their bones.