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After waging its war on womanhood for four years now (and counting), the government has finally focused on helping the ladies. The Washington Post ran the story yesterday headlined, “Australia’s new ‘men’s behavior change’ secretary says the job won’t be easy.” It might not be easy, but with enough help from the government, Ozzie men will soon get it straight.
Newly appointed Behavior Minister, strapping Australian MP Tim Richardson, who never saw a soy latte he didn’t like, feels up to the challenge. Not least of all considering his new $250,000 annual salary. ...
Oh, behave!
Of any state in Australia, Victoria — where Tim was appointed — features the most radical policies on transgenderism, children’s gender dysphoria, and euthanasia. So Tim’s first challenge will be to overcome that baffling, age-old question, what is a woman? Having sorted that, Tim can then move on to the more pressing urgencies of teaching men to be docile and polite.
Premier Jacinta Allan, who appointed Tim, said the new office was required, for “safety,” and because of a pandemic of domestic violence in her state. Meanwhile, under her watch, and totally unrelated, Victoria has racked up a $188 billion dollar debt and is sprinting toward $200 billion.
I’m certain that you ladies are experiencing massive waves of relief and reassurance that the Australian government is finally getting after this longstanding problem. Whew!
In the West, the woman, that is to say the “lady,” finds herself in a fausse position; for woman, rightly named by the ancients sexus sequior, is by no means fit to be the object of our honour and veneration, or to hold her head higher than man and to have the same rights as he.
A new study from Stanford shows remarkable differences between
female and male brains. The researchers found no overlap between male
and female, and rejected the idea of a "continuum."
Biden Female Sec Svc director demands 30% female recruits. Using Internet Influencers to promote women joining.
Secret Glock and a vest
Secret Glock and a vest
Sunglasses and a ponytail
Sunglasses and a ponytail
5'3" and a badge
5'3" and a badge
Hey Amy, what's YOUR personal cheer?
I wonder if Biden's SS detail has so many women in it.
Michelle Herczeg, a 43-year-old Secret Service agent, was reportedly hospitalized after fighting other agents.
Secret Glock and a vest
Secret Glock and a vest
Sunglasses and a ponytail
Sunglasses and a ponytail
5'3" and a badge
5'3" and a badge
Hey Amy, what's YOUR personal cheer?
aching, swollen, lubricious pudenda
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Using Hijab as a symbol of the Women's March: This garment is a symbol of FREEDOM! for Women.
Mike Pence doesn't go to social events without his wife to avoid temptation and possible honey traps or false accusations: MUH SOGGY KNEE