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so what have the donkeys got left?
attacking trump as a monster just became political suicide.
DEI is crumbling.
immigration is a massive loser for them.
so is the economy.
so what’s the pitch?
and who can carry water for you?
the media exploded into all kinds of hilarious self-own trying to downplay what happened.
hell, they tried to make it look like a fall to make him seem as frail as joe. this does not play well with the bloody face fist pose of a guy who just got shot and is having none of it.
the media must be in apoplexy. their partisan mode has become a self-immolating pratfall and the harder they try, the worse it gets for them.
it was meme entrapment. they got utterly destroyed and lost yet another substantial piece of what little credibility remains to them after the senility cover up spin sessions. they actually thought they were being slick and effective to “help the team.”
but you cannot fight this. memelords for the win. (again)
there seems to be a strong new sense that the politics of vilification have gone too far. this is just not the sort of thing america tolerates and those cheering for it (there were folks who did this for reagan’s would be assassin too) are going to be rapidly ejected from the debate.
“Trump is brushing off assassin’s bullets like dirt off his shoulder, racking up a mile long rap sheet of the fakest & gayest felonies known to man, chased through civil court by crazy-eyed harridans deranged by how horny he makes them. Joe Biden has jello for supper at 4pm.” — Aimee Terese on “X”
... Try as you might to locate some malign, overweening, scheming cabal behind all the trips laid on our country, the truth is probably much simpler: set out on a journey defined by one lie, and then tell a lie to cover the first lie, and then another, and pretty soon you’re lying all over the place about everything until reality gets obliterated. This is exactly what started in 2016 when Hillary Clinton sought to cover up her email and private server scandal with the Russia collusion hoax.
Have you forgotten how entrenched the FBI, CIA, and other agencies dug themselves in on that? It began as dumb-ass insinuation that Donald Trump was a Russian agent, but the FBI turned itself into fantasy factory when they ran with the story. They manufactured one sub-plot after another, most of it comically absurd, like the entrapment of General Flynn for having a conversation with the Russian ambassador — as if foreign countries send ambassadors here for some other purpose than communicating with our government officials. Tell me, you Harvard grads who devour The New York Times every morning with your turmeric and wheat-grass detox smoothies: should an incoming White House National Security Advisor not speak with envoys from other lands?
So, following the election of 2016, scores of government officials from Barack Obama and Joe Biden on down set out to wreck Mr. Trump’s turn in office, and ran one hoax after another to disable and dislodge him, and each hoax was a battery of lies begetting more lies. The style of thinking behind all that is called unprincipled. Many of these lies entailed crimes, some of them gigantic frauds perpetrated on the citizenry such as the ballot-stuffing operation that jammed “Joe Biden” into office — and which you were not permitted to speak of on penalty of cancellation and prosecution. ...
Both “Joe Biden” and the Neocon gang at State and the CIA were implicated in a web of crimes in Ukraine, and war there was one way to cover all of it up, so they made sure that war happened. The lies and hoaxes continued to multiply, accompanied by huge, destructive pranks — the George Floyd riots, the drag queens in the kiddie classrooms, the wide-open border, the FBI-instigated J-6 riot — and the Democratic Party was embroidered in that whole tapestry of degenerate politics along with the Deep State blob.
In short, the Democratic Party appears to be guilty of programmatic treason against the people of the United States. They know that a reckoning awaits if Mr. Trump manages to return to office. They’ve known it for years. But two recent Supreme Court decisions really amped up their fears: 1) Trump v. the United States establishes presidential immunity from prosecution for acts involving his core constitutional duties; and 2) Loper Bright v. Raimondo establishes that the federal bureaucracy can no longer rule over citizens unchecked by the courts. Both of these would make it much easier for a President Trump to disassemble the Deep State. And of course, that may lead to the investigation and prosecution of Deep State personae who abused their positions — possibly even prison. . . a discomfiting prospect.
The Democratic Party’s cover got blown on June 27th when Joe Biden had to go live in a debate and displayed his mental incompetency for all to see. That shock to the system forced a scramble to replace “JB” pretty late in the election cycle, since now just enough voters may be indisposed to re-electing an obvious human wreck. But the switcheroo effort seems to have lost traction. And the party may have muffed its blackmail leverage over “Joe Biden.” After all, his briberies are all well-cataloged by the House Oversight Committee, including the vast bank records of the many shell companies set up to receive the bribe money.
Is it possible, though, that “Joe Biden” holds blackmail material over his party confederates? After all, he’s still President. He has access to things you’d never dream of and, demented as he is, he has plenty of help close at hand from Hunter, Dr. Jill, and the Lawfare posse for sorting it out. He probably knows a thing or two about his old pard Barack Obama, too, that would make some folks uncomfortable. So, looks like “JB” is fixing to hang in there as his party’s nominee, and whoever doesn’t like it can go suck an egg.
After the stunning events of Saturday evening, it also looks like candidate “Joe Biden” would go down in flames against Donald Trump on November 5, stuffed drop-boxes and all. Not a few Democratic Party bigshots have already made noises about leaving the country if that happens, possibly to nations lacking extradition treaties with the USA. Many others must be gobbling Xanax like Tic Tacs now that Donald Trump has survived the ultimate affront to his existence. You know the old nugget of wisdom: if you come at the king, you better not miss. Ooops.
Secret Service Diverted Resources to Jill Biden on Saturday, Assigned Temps to Trump
According to a new report from Susan Crabtree of Real Clear Politics, Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of temporary agents after the federal agency diverted resources elsewhere.
The Secret Service had shifted critical resources to guard First Lady Jill Biden’s campaign event in Pittsburgh on Saturday.
Due to both events being held at the same time, agents were diverted away from the 45th president’s rally and assigned to “Doctor” Biden’s event.
Secret Service Diverted Resources to Jill Biden on Saturday, Assigned Temps to Trump
According to a new report from Susan Crabtree of Real Clear Politics, Trump’s Secret Service detail was made up of temporary agents after the federal agency diverted resources elsewhere.
The Secret Service had shifted critical resources to guard First Lady Jill Biden’s campaign event in Pittsburgh on Saturday.
Due to both events being held at the same time, agents were diverted away from the 45th president’s rally and assigned to “Doctor” Biden’s event.
NEW: Investigators believe Thomas Crooks may have planned on blowing up his car as a distraction so he could assas*inate Trump.
A metal box of explosives connected by wires to a receiver were found in his car which could be detonated by a remote control on his body.
What's even more bizarre is that investigators have reportedly found *nothing* through his search history of him learning how to make homemade explosives.
In the final 48 hours leading up to the incident, Crooks went to the range, went to a Home Depot to purchase a a five-foot ladder, and then went to a gun store where he bought ammo.
Investigators have successfully broken into his phone but claim they have found no motive.
Nothing about this makes any sense.
BREAKING: Iran had a plot to assas*inate Donald Trump which forced USSS to ramp up Trump's protection weeks before the July 13 event.
According to CNN, Trump's protection was actually *enhanced* when the incident unfolded.
At the moment, it is unclear if Crooks was in any way related to the Iranian plot, with CNN reporting that there is "no known connection."
It is unknown if the Iran threat was shared with the Trump campaign.
Spokesperson Anthony Guglielmi says USSS recently "added protective resources and capabilities to the former President’s security detail."
JUST IN: Joint FBI/DHS Intelligence bulletin claims Crooks had received multiple "hazardous" packages *months* before explosive devices were found at the Trump PA rally.
A bulletin obtained by @C__Herridge details some of Crooks' moves before the incident.
"Crooks received multiple packages, including some marked as possibly containing hazardous material, according to a review of his shipping history."
I guess I've just discovered that I work for evil or deranged people, certainly major hypocrites.
"The rooftop a mere 150yds away wasn't our problem" - USSS Girlbosses
Another suspect who wants to whack Trump:
I've been getting into too many EV arguments off patnet. We don't have the grid for even another 5-10% increase in any EV sales. You'll buy a car and it will be bricked. Along with your fridge, furnace, phone charger, computer, etc because we don't have the capacity to charge all these cars. So I'm lucky, but certain states will fuck over a ton of people. We have the nukes here. Lose a fridge and freezer full of food and let us know what the next grocery bill is. You won't be able to move your EV. Good luck starving because you overpaid for a shitty truck or tiny sedan that's zippy.
Of the 211 developers surveyed by Xendee, a California-based software company, 75% said that electric grid limitations are among the biggest roadblock to building EV charging infrastructure. The total cost of the infrastructure was a problem for 63% of the respondents, and permitting delays were cited by 53% of those surveyed.
Supply chain issues, financing, fleet-adequate solutions, engineering costs, and inadequate software were the other problems cited in the survey.
Utility Dive reports that some developers were unable to get information from utilities in a timely fashion, and some regions have seen major price spikes increase energy costs above economic levels.
Many of Xendee’s clients, according to Utility Dive, have resorted to installing gas- or diesel- powered generators to run their charging stations.
The Biden administration has gone all in on a future of EV's, but that looks unlikely to happen, given poor planning and market forces.
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