Taylor Swift, Aryan Goddess: How Olivia Nuzzi was trolled by Power of Kek

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2016 Sep 14, 9:34pm   5,144 views  23 comments

by MisdemeanorRebel   ➕follow (13)   💰tip   ignore  

The Daily Beast’s Olivia Nuzzi wrote a piece in May striving to describe and trace the genesis of Pepe in the alt-right scene, a nascent, illiberal political movement focused on preserving white identity and Western civilization.

In the process, Nuzzi just ended up repeating various made-up stories from the only two people she interviewed from “Frog Twitter”: Paul Town (@PaulTown_) and Jared Taylor Swift (@JaredTSwift). …

“[I]n recent months, Pepe’s been almost entirely co-opted by the white supremacists who call themselves the ‘alt-right.’ They’ve decided to take back Pepe by adding swastikas and other symbols of anti-Semitism and white supremacy,” Hillary Clinton’s explainer notes, quoting “prominent white supremacist” Swift from Nuzzi’s article: “We basically mixed Pepe in with Nazi propaganda, etc. We built that association.”

Months after flippantly giving that quote to Nuzzi, Swift is still having a good laugh about it.

“I think the most ridiculous thing is that a random guy on the internet who trolled a journalist once is now a ‘prominent white supremacist.’ …

Swift, this apparently prominent white supremacist, created his Twitter account in November 2015. His Twitter name is a tribute to Jared Taylor, a leading intellectual influence on the alt-right and founder of the magazine American Renaissance. Paul Town created his account in January 2016.

The troll consisted of Town and Swift feeding an outrageous narrative to Nuzzi in the hopes she would scoop it up and feature as many quotes as possible, which is a fairly common practice among various alt-right groups to gain in-group status.


“Basically, I interspersed various nuggets of truth and exaggerated a lot of things, and sometimes outright lied — in the interest of making a journalist believe that online Trump supporters are largely a group of meme-jihadis who use a cartoon frog to push Nazi propaganda. Because this was funny to me,” Swift told TheDCNF.

Swift started Olivia’s interview with a hilarious, nonsensical and over-the-top description of Pepe, namely that “Most memes are ephemeral by nature, but Pepe is not. He’s a reflection of our souls, to most of us. It’s disgusting to see people (‘normies,’ if you will) use him so trivially. He belongs to us. And we’ll make him toxic if we have to.”


#TopKek #PepeIsTheNewNazism

Olivia Nuzzi was a former Weiner Staffer. Google her pic to see why.

TL;DR: The whole Pepe=Nazi thing was the creation of a West Coast Kid with a parody Twitter account was taken seriously by a Social Elite Member, then picked up by the out-of-touch DC Insiders working for the Clinton Campaign.

Don't expect to see any "Fact Checking" on the falsehood Nuzzi was duped into spreading, and by extention, that a Cartoon Frog is the new swastika.

Comments 1 - 23 of 23        Search these comments

1   Dan8267   2016 Sep 15, 8:15am  

@Patrick, PatNet doesn't support emoticon hashtags.

2   Ceffer   2016 Sep 15, 9:45am  

Taylor Swift would look purty on a plywood pillory.

3   Dan8267   2016 Sep 15, 11:24am  

You're just jealous because you thought the backup singer was Taylor Swift. No, that's Becky. Taylor is the human girl.


4   Patrick   2016 Sep 19, 8:05pm  

Dan8267 says

PatNet doesn't support emoticon hashtags

Is that a thing? Haven't seen them. Example?

6   Dan8267   2016 Sep 19, 8:56pm  

rando says

Is that a thing?

If I do it, it becomes a thing.

9   WookieMan   2023 Dec 10, 12:09am  

Patrick says

She's white trash. Never got the appeal. Also, if someone wrote songs for me I'd be famous too. She's overrated and the meme is truth. She can't close her legs because she's white trash....
10   Tenpoundbass   2023 Dec 10, 7:24am  

I thought she was an overrated Country Music Star, but then she crossed over into Pop. And I loathe current Pop.
Besides my musical preferences, she's as homely as Jelly donut rolled over by a Mercury Montclair.
The best thing she ever did was having her award acceptance speech interrupted by Kanye.
11   WookieMan   2023 Dec 10, 8:17am  

Tenpoundbass says

And I loathe current Pop

New music sucks ass bigly. I don't think I've latched on to a real band in the last decade. It's all processed shit, even rock. No one can play their instrument. Live music is the bedrock of music and talent and it's just not there anymore. It's going into a studio with a producer that has some ideas and tells you what to do because they can't do it on stage. Glorified actors really. Then it's all fake and processed live. More about dancing than making music.

Everything is auto tuned now. And I'm not talking the rap style auto tune. Regular bands can't sing for shit anymore live. It's all fake. You can hear it in the signal. Even my favorite band has started doing it. I'd rather hear the flaws. It makes a one off live show unique. Sure it sucks hearing them on an off night, but when they nail it, it's like holy fuck these guy are amazing, how do they do it.

Swift is a trailer trash, dressed up, auto tuned barbie doll with people that write her tunes instrument wise and she makes up bitchy lyrics that insecure young women soak up because they're losers. That's Taylor Swift in a nutshell. She's a drag on young women. It's why I thank the lord daily that I don't have a daughter. Fuck that. I would be ruthless.
12   Maga_Chaos_Monkey   2023 Dec 10, 12:54pm  

I've never heard Taylor sing and given what I've heard her say I don't want to. About a decade ago I was in a political discussion with a chick I was dating in SF and we weren't mixing well at all. So then she says, "But at least you like Katy Perry right!?", and I said, "Yeah", and only years later I realized she was talking about Katy's politics (which I didn't know about at the time) where I was just appreciating her tits.
15   Onvacation   2023 Dec 22, 7:22pm  

MisdemeanorRebel says

Olivia Nuzzi was a former Weiner Staffer. Google her pic to see why.

You asked

20   Ceffer   2024 Jul 21, 1:56pm  

Is Taylor Grift a man? The dongle speculators need to know.
23   Patrick   2024 Sep 29, 8:42pm  

Onvacation says

MisdemeanorRebel says

Olivia Nuzzi was a former Weiner Staffer. Google her pic to see why.

You asked

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