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Western NC Indescribable Catastrophe, May Be Way Worse Than Katrina: Thousands Missing, Total Blackout—No Food, Water, Cell Service, Or Radio In Worse Hit Areas—Why Weren't They Warned?
First Hand Report: "My Uncle Mitch Knows Someone Who Works For EMS…They Are Hauling Them By The Truckloads To The Morgue."
The problem was all the water.
Last year, I reported on the Hunga Tonga undersea volcanic eruption — the most significant climate event in modern history, which you never heard of since corporate media is utterly useless. I included all the evidence in my July, 2023 post “Overheated” (though many of the links have since been deleted or fact-check bombed, it’s all there.). The short version is, a massive underwater volcanic eruption in the South Pacific boiled off literally unimaginable amounts of water, measurably increasing water vapor rates worldwide.
Water in the air (“humidity”) creates heat. So my point in 2023 was about the record hot summer that year. Studies I linked in the article (now very difficult to find) forecast elevated temperatures for years from Hunga Tonga moisture — worldwide.
But there was a bigger concern than a couple degrees of extra temperature: What goes up must come down. All that extra vaporized water has been showing up in recent extreme weather events.
Gorilla hail and record worldwide flooding are both signs of boiled sea water returning to ground. North Carolina’s damage wasn’t because of high wind speeds. Helene had slowed considerably by the time it traveled that far north. No, the worst damage was from floods, rockslides, and mudslides.
In other words, from the water. ...
Regarding government policy, yesterday’s top suggestion was to give Hurricane Helene survivors protected refugee status, like the Haitians. In other words: free cell phones, debit cards, monthly allowances, food stamps, health care, home-buying credits, rent subsidies, and all the rest. Just for 12 months.
I’m wondering, could we do that for our own citizens? What if they dressed up in colorful native garb? Do they have to eat the cats?
Asheville, NC city council (h/t Denninger).
Video shows Chimney Rock completely destroyed as Helene unleashes catastrophic flooding across North Carolina
Complete devastation has been unfolding in western North Carolina as the remnants of Hurricane Helene unleashed days of flooding rains across the region.
Do you position boats in the hurricane path beforehand? Seems not very wise.
THE REASON they gave us, was that these donations were not from companies on their "preferred vendors list" and that they would not accept them or give them to the residents of the keys impacted by the storm.
It was at that point that I realized, this is ALL ABOUT MONEY.
These 'preferred vendors" are getting part of the money being released by the state and federal govt for each disaster. In turn, some of the "vendors" make it on the list because a friend gets them on the list, and in return for getting ridiculously outlandish amounts of compensation for the services they render, they give kickbacks.
So accepting outside donations, even though they are on location and can help people NOW, they would rather let people suffer so they can get their kickbacks.
This meeting solidified my resolve to help these people, regardless of what the greedy officials wanted, we were going to feed the lower keys that were being neglected.
"I Am Literally Flying Around In A Civilian Helicopter Looking For SOS Messages Carved In The Mud."
Reports Pour In From Rescue Volunteers Thwarted and Even Threatened With Arrest If They Set Out To Save Desperate People With Hours To Live, or Less: Mass Media Underplaying The Death Toll
Joe Biden actually one time said if you want to prepare for a hurricane, get vaccinated. Clip here.
I highly doubt a lot of these homeowners had flood insurance unless required for the loan.
climate change is a hoax.
The Mission of Cajun Navy Relief is to save lives.
We are a group of volunteers who work tirelessly without pay to provide immediate rescue and relief during natural disasters. Rescue and relief are our way of sharing the South Louisiana cultural tradition of neighbors helping neighbors with people in need across the United States. By integrating civilian volunteers into the Incident Command Structure we can act as a force multiplier for agencies responding to disasters.
This seems like the most honest charity for those who want to help the people in North Carolina:
But that's OK, because remember: climate change is a hoax.
If it wasn’t already obvious, the people in charge of America do not care about Americans.
Just look at the government’s response to Hurricane Helene. 160 Americans are dead. Hundreds are still missing.
The American South has been utterly devastated by a natural disaster, and yet if you listen to the people in charge and their lackeys in the corporate media, more important things are going on.
After all, there is armed conflict in foreign nations that are thousands of miles away in the Middle East.
Further, both the president and vice president are simply too busy to care. President Joe Biden is on his umpteenth vacation in Delaware while Vice President Kamala Harris campaigns and fundraises.
Not even Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg has stopped by to see if the region’s infrastructure is holding up. Spoiler alert: it isn’t.
No one in the White House appears to care that millions of Americans are suffering and that potentially thousands could soon die.
If the nonchalance with which this disaster is being treated wasn’t enough to convince you that your rulers hate you, consider the following: the Biden-Harris administration repurposed more than a billion dollars allocated by FEMA for disaster relief to subsidize the room, board, and who knows what else for illegal immigrants.
According to reports, $364 million dollars from fiscal year 2023 and $650 million from fiscal year 2024 have been allocated not for disaster relief but “to provide humanitarian services to noncitizen migrants following their release from the Department of Homeland Security.”
This isn’t just negligence or shortsighted decision-making.
This is a purposeful decision to prioritize noncitizens over the people who actually belong to this country.
This is not even on national scale. 2 days ago, we got an email from the state govt where to get help. Yesterday we get a phone message at 9 at night (we had just gone to bed, exhausted) NOT to drive over fallen wires or inundated streets. Talking about a little too late. Luckily lots of crews offered up weekend and night rest to help us back to electricity, and many locals helped with water and food. Now everything is coming to a close, the govt wakes up.
Chris Martenson, PhD
This needs to go far and wide to put pressure on the government to do the right thing and save lives.
This evening, from a Peak Prosperity member to me via PM at my site:
Them: I can't post this online because it's not quite public yet, but
government officials had a town meeting with all of the residents of
chimney rock and basically told them the town was being bulldozed,
bodies and all and the land was being seized by the federal government
they would not be able to move back and basically their homes the ones
that were standing were no longer theirs and the federal government
owned it all. I don't know what crazy play for land this is, but there's a lot
of conspiracy about lithium mines and let me just tell you, as someone
who lives in Charlotte and has friends who live in the area of Western
North Carolina, they are not being helped and this is actually being a
stand down operation by federal government
Me: What the heck..? That's quite disturbing. Is this first-hand, second-
hand, or more distant info?
Them: Our friend owns an Airbnb in Chimney Rock. They had a town
meeting yesterday and someone from the federal government told them
all of those things in the town meeting, but doesn't want the information
getting out. Also, they are not picking up the bodies. The stench of the
bodies everywhere is insane and for some reason, the government does
not want to pick up the bodies. One pastor of a local church was going to
order to door delivering water and they changed their delivery request to
body bags because so many of the homes that they've gone to have
needed body bags, we're trying to keep the body count. ...
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Complete devastation has been unfolding in western North Carolina as the remnants of Hurricane Helene unleashed days of flooding rains across the region.
Images from Chimney Rock, located just southeast of Asheville, was one of the many cities destroyed by the historic flooding.
Historic North Carolina village under water after devastating damage from Helene
Fast-moving water surged above front-door steps, inundating buildings and small businesses as Asheville appeared nearly flattened by Helene.
ASHEVILLE, N.C. —A historic village in western North Carolina is under water after bearing the brunt of devastating flooding damage from Hurricane Helene.
Tree branches, logs and a dumpster floated across Asheville’s Biltmore Village, renowned for being built and owned by a single individual.
Catastrophic flooding from Helene in Black Mountain, NC seen in drone footage
Catastrophic flooding from Helene showed the impact on Black Mountain, NC ahead of critical dam breeches that wiped out Chimney Rock.