Also the Left; The Great Hypocrisy thread

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2021 Jan 29, 6:34pm   93,239 views  813 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

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788   Patrick   2024 Sep 20, 10:47am  


💉💉 In a year of remarkable developments, one of the most remarkable developments has been the continuing evolution of independent journalism, driven by the enemy occupation of corporate media, which has become a twisted coalition between big government and big business. This week, conservative independent journalist Steven Crowder released a hidden-camera interview with so-called “doctor” and sick pervert Jay Varma, who served as New York City’s ‘covid czar’ during the pandemic.

1-CLIP: Deviant “Doctor” Jay Varma describes taking his drugged wife to sex parties during covid while architecting lockdowns and mandates for the public (2:17).

2-CLIP: Degenerate Varma laughs about deliberately making life unbearable for ordinary folks with mandates, to coerce jabs (2:07).

3-YOUTUBE: Steven Crowder confronts NYC Covid Czar Jay Varma about covid sex parties and candid camera interview (16:54).

In the hidden-camera interviews (number 1 and 2, above), Varma was obviously setup, in a James O’Keefe-style Citizen Swiper operation. The married doctor clearly thought he was on a “date,” was lubricated to the point of carelessness, and chatted merrily about his official role in New York City during covid.

In the YouTube clip (number 3, above), Crowder confronts Varma, and tries to get some answers about his pandemic policy (and how badly it worked out). Sadly, the confrontation provides no closure. But there was one magnificent moment that provided great satisfaction: when Varma’s crestfallen face betrayed his sickening realization he was set up and had talked way too much.

Before ‘epidemiologist’ Dr. Jay Varma became Mayor DeBlasio’s Senior Science Advisor on Covid-19 in April 2020, he worked in upper management at the CDC. In other words, Varma is the cream of public health’s inclusive and diverse covid crop.

Crowder was careful, as he should have been, not to unintentionally defame Dr. Varma, especially over his degenerate sex life. Crowder reassured Varma he wouldn’t go there (while Varma insisted he was proud of his degeneracy).

But I will go there.

The videos and his own words prove Jay Varma is a horrible human being, a total pervert, an adulterer, and the very last person you would want running anything, much less being in charge of a major city’s pandemic response. In a functional society, people like Jay Varma would be driven away, exiled from normal life, put on a sex offender list, forced to slink around peep-show places like the sick deviant that he is, or preferably shot out of a cannon.

In the clips, Varma bragged to his ‘date’ that he convinced Mayor DeBlasio to impose the City’s mask and vaccine mandates. Varma’s goal, in his own words, was to “make it really f—ing hard to be unvaccinated.” That, Dr. Varma explained, is “The way we do it in public health.” Leaving no doubt, Varma described public health’s vaccine strategy in detail: “You can’t get a job, you can’t go to a restaurant, your kids can’t go to school...it’s like f— it, I’m just going to get vaccinated.”

That was bad enough. Varma’s infuriating gloating over his public health powers proved he should have been nowhere near management of a Brooklyn KFC, nevermind of the whole City. It’s terrifying he somehow surfaced at the top echelons of the CDC and then New York City.

But believe it or not, Varma’s story is even worse. Much worse.

In his own words, Varma also bragged about his drug use, orgies, and sexual deviancy. He was not one bit ashamed. Here’s just part of what he chirpily confessed to his fake date on hidden camera:

“(During lockdowns) we went to some like, underground dance party underneath a bank on Wall Street. We were all rolling (taking drugs).
… I had to be kind of sneaky about it. I was running the entire Covid response for the city. We rented a hotel ... we all took like, you know, molly (Ecstasy/MDMA). 8 to 10 of us were in a room (having an orgy) ... like just being naked with friends … it was not Covid-friendly.”
To be absolutely one hundred percent clear: if you think I’m being too hard on the good doctor, it’s not me. Varma described himself as a sick pervert and marveled how he got away with it: “I did all this deviant sexual stuff while I was, you know, like on TV and stuff…”


Steven Crowder mainly focused on Varma’s hypocrisy: by taking drugs and having orgies, Varma obviously was unafraid of catching covid, so what were all the mandates about? Which was a fine point, and a great question, but what about the drugs and the deviancy?

Call me old fashioned, or prudish, or what have you, but I believe this kind of reckless, immoral behavior should be immediately disqualifying from holding any kind of public office. Varma shouldn’t even have been sorting mail at the post office. I mean, how are our government coming up with these people? And why are they always sexual deviants? Are they hiring each other?

We’ve seen this happen again and again, right from the pandemic’s start. The epidemic of sex pests began in Britain. Like with ‘professor’ Neil Ferguson, whose terrifying (wrong) covid models launched a thousand lockdowns. The UK Daily Mail, May 2020:

Who sunk Neil Ferguson? Was it a jealous
relative, scientific rival or an economic
hawk keen to end lockdown despite
Britain's atrocious death figures who
revealed his affair?
Prof Ferguson has quit from his government roles after flouting his lockdown

What a dumb question. Who sunk Neil Ferguson? Neil Ferguson sunk Neil Ferguson, that’s who. Come on, Daily Mail. Do better.

Or, how about Britain’s mandate architect and Health Sex-retary Matt Hancock, also caught cheating, also during lockdowns. UK Sun, June 2021:

CHEATING HANCOCK Matt Hancock's secret affair with aide Gina
Coladangelo is exposed after office snogs while Covid raged on

And don’t make me list the many deviant transsexuals in the Biden Administration, or re-describe our so-called ‘Monkeypox Czar.’

Did covid create the perverts, or were the perverts just exposed by covid? If the latter, is this another covid miracle?

Jay Varma is living in a hell of his own creation. He only thinks he’s enjoying semi-retirement and his millions in misappropriated covid cash. I pray Jay finds redemption in this life, before he dies in some unfortunate misunderstanding with his drug dealer or in a bizarre hypoxic orgy accident or something.

Thanks to Steven Crowder and his team for breaking this story, a story that corporate media refuses to tell. It’s difficult to quantify how much injury to public health’s nearly invisible reputation can be chalked up to the disclosure of how someone like Jay Varma could possibly float to the top of the public health establishment’s professional septic tank.

Public health, heal thyself.
808   Tenpoundbass   2024 Oct 8, 2:51pm  

The_Deplorable says


If it were just about someone saying things that makes the republican base feel warm and giddy.
Then Trey Gowdy could beat Trump in a landslide victory.
812   Patrick   2024 Oct 16, 11:33am  


It’s only election interference when conservatives do it! Yesterday, the Financial Times ran a story headlined, “Elon Musk gives $75mn boost to Donald Trump’s presidential run.” The subheadline ominously warned readers, “World’s richest man aims to sway outcome of November election with donation.” Interference!

Where, you might ask, are all the Financial Times articles about George and Alex Soros and their election-swaying donations? It would seem all the Soros swaying stories are printed in Chinese calligraphy on grains of rice launched into the Sun.

And how about that sub-headline? World’s richest man aims to sway outcome of November election with donation. First of all, Elon’s donation wasn’t even the biggest donation of the season, or even close, or they’d have trumpeted that fact. Second, doesn’t everybody who make a donation, however small, “aim to sway the outcome?” Otherwise, why donate?

I mean, even the little old ladies on Social Security who make 8,235 untraceable small-dollar donations in three days on ActBlue hope to sway the election. (Or somebody did.)

Deeply ironically, while trying to assassinate Elon’s character, the Financial Times accidentally published his message, resulting in free political advertising for the space billionaire.

Musk, who supported Democrats in
previous elections, has described the 2024
vote as his final hope for US democracy
and claimed that illegal immigrants would
take over the country if Harris won.
"If Trump doesn't win this election, it's the last election we're going to have,"
said Musk last week on Republican pundit Tucker Carlson's show on X. The
billionaire added that he was "all in" for Trump.

Maybe those two paragraphs land differently for Democrats, but I was persuaded. Thanks, Financial Times!
813   Patrick   2024 Oct 17, 8:22pm  


Climate change fearmongers Obama and Albanese love their coastal homes

It was just earlier this year that we reported on Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg building a fortress on a Hawaiian island, despite sounding the alarm on climate change and rising sea levels. Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, of the mainstream centre-left Labor party, a ‘man of the people’, has also spread fear about climate change and even offered those “at risk from rising sea levels caused by climate change” the “right to resettle in Australia”.

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