Why the Deep State cannot be fired - yet

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2022 Jun 28, 10:24am   800 views  12 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (61)   💰tip   ignore  


Read and understand. This nicely explains why are being controlled by the administrative bureaucracy which has formed an alliance with large corporate interests. Public-private partnerships which are just another term for fascism. This is what drives the inverse totalitarianism which is the root cause for the whole shiza show that has played out since January 2020.


Two weeks before the 2020 general election, on October 21, 2020, Donald Trump issued an executive order (E.O. 13957) on “Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service.”

It sounds boring. Actually, it would have fundamentally changed, in the best possible way, the entire functioning of the administrative bureaucracy that rules this country in a way that bypasses both the legislative and judicial process, and has ruined the checks and balances inherent in the US Constitution.

The administrative state for the better part of a century, and really dating back to the Pendleton Act of 1883, has designed policy, made policy, structured policy, implemented policy, and interpreted policy while operating outside the control of Congress, the president, and the judiciary.

The gradual rise of this 4th branch of government – which is very much the most powerful branch – has reduced the American political process to mere theater as compared with the real activity of government, which rests with the permanent bureaucracy.

Any new president can hire the heads of agencies and they can hire staff, which are known as political appointees. These 4,000 political appointees ostensibly rule 432 agencies (as listed by the Federal Register) as well as some 2.9 million employees (aside from the military and postal service) that effectively inhibit permanent jobs. This permanent state – sometimes called the deep state – knows the ropes and the processes of government far better than any temporary political appointee, thus reducing the appointed jobs to cosmetic positions for the press to hound while the real actions of government take place behind the scenes.

From 2020 and onward, the American people got to know this administrative state well. They ordered us to wear masks. They deployed their influence to close small businesses and churches. They limited how many people we could have in our homes. They festooned our businesses with plexiglass and told everyone to stay six-feet apart. They demanded two weeks of quarantine when crossing state borders. They decided which medical procedures were elective and non-elective. And they finally demanded compliance with vaccine mandates at the penalty of job loss.

None of this was ordered by legislation. It was all invented on the spot by the permanent staff of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We had no idea they had such power. But they do. And that same power which allowed those egregious attacks on rights and liberties also belongs to the Food and Drug Administration, the Department of Labor, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Homeland Security, and all the rest. ...

Following the lockdowns of mid-March 2020, Trump became increasingly frustrated with the CDC and Anthony Fauci in particular. Trump was profoundly aware that he had no power to fire the man, despite his epicly terrible role in prolonging Covid lockdowns long after Trump wanted to open up to save the American economy and society.

Trump’s next step was radical and brilliant: the creation of a new category of federal employment. It was called Schedule F.

Employees of the federal government classified as Schedule F would have been subject to control by the elected president and other representatives. ...

This would have been a revolutionary change, a complete remake of Washington, DC, and all politics as usual.

Trump’s EO 13957 was a dagger aimed directly at the heart of the beast. It might have worked.

It would have gotten us closer to the restoration of a Constitutional system of government in which we have 3 – not 4 – branches of government that are wholly controlled by the people’s representatives. It would have gone a long way toward gutting the administrative state of its power and returning the affairs of state to the people’s control.

The action was stopped dead due to the election results.

Whatever one’s view of Trump, one has to admire the brilliance of this executive order. It shows that Trump had come to understand the problem and actually innovate a fundamental solution, or at least the beginnings of one. The “deep state” as we’ve come to know it would have been curbed, and we would have taken a step toward recreating the system that existed before the Pendleton Act of 1883. ...

Until something takes place to restore the people’s control of the administrative state, a sword of Damocles will continue to hang over the entire country and we will never be safe from another round of lockdowns and mandates.

Should a genuinely reformist president ever take office, this executive order must be issued on the very first day. Trump waited too long but that mistake need not be repeated.

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1   Patrick   2022 Jun 29, 5:13pm  


The Invisible Power Controlling the US Government
How Trump's "Schedule F" could have drained the swamp.

I have written extensively on inverted totalitarianism, that being the once nascent, now entrenched form of government that truly controls the levers of federal power in the United States. This behemoth has turned the USA into a “managed democracy”; a bureaucracy which cannot be held accountable by the elected representatives of the people. Sometimes called the 4th estate, this monster is also referred to as the “deep state” the civil service, or the administrative state.

Inverted totalitarianism does not have an authoritarian leader, but instead is run by a non-transparent group of bureaucrats. This unelected, invisible ruling class runs the country from within. They are easily influenced by corporate interests due to both the lure of powerful jobs after federal employment and the capture of our legislative bodies by the lobbyists serving concealed corporate interests.

One element of inverted totalitarianism is that the administrative state typically inserts stricter and stricter rules and regulations to control the populace. Not at the behest of Congress or the President, but rather by and for the interests of the administrative state itself. Power begets power. We the people are forced into compliance by an unknown and unknowable invisible ruling class, with no way to even understand who, what, or how they are forcing this compliance upon us. As if that is not bad enough, in these modern times, the globalist corporations and financial groups have come to play a larger and larger role in controlling this administrative state.

The Brownstone Institute’s Jeffery Tucker recently wrote an article about an executive order passed by Trump shortly before his departure, which would have enabled huge progress towards reigning in the power of the administrative state. This executive order would have created a federal employee category referred to as “Schedule F”.

This new employee classification system would have included federal workers in "confidential, policy-determining, policy-making, or policy-advocating character," which are "not normally subject to change as the result of a presidential transition."

The executive order would have allowed agencies to reclassify policy jobs under a new schedule, and had proposed to give senior managers greater flexibility in hiring candidates and firing employees.

Significantly, this new executive order was one of the first to go when President Biden began his presidency.
2   AmericanKulak   2022 Jun 30, 5:32am  

That's great stuff, big step in eliminating the revolving door.

I'm also thinking about NGOs and non-profits these days, and how to reduce their power and influence...
3   WookieMan   2022 Jun 30, 6:24am  

AmericanKulak says

non-profits these days

Take out the non part. Many of the big ones are set up to launder money. They pay high fees for services rendered, many to big donors like attorneys, doctors, etc.

I've got some dirt on a big charity in my area. The woman running it just stepped down. It's a realm most people don't understand. Sure you see these big galas on TV and shit. It's not what you think it is. It's not for the kids. It's not for cancer. It's a way for rich people to launder ill gotten $$$. That's seriously what charities and churches are designed for.

Religion is the worst. Think about the Catholic church. They have one of the biggest if not largest real estate portfolios on the planet, pretty much all paid off. And then diddle kids. Wasn't just the priest doing it.... It was members of the church as well. Non-profits shouldn't exist. EVERYTHING is for a profit either financially or to get your fix for something.
4   Bd6r   2022 Jun 30, 6:39am  

AmericanKulak says

how to reduce their power and influence...

Any salary at nonprofit should not exceed that of a us Prez
5   ElYorsh   2022 Jun 30, 7:52am  

Patrick says


The Invisible Power Controlling the US Government
How Trump's "Schedule F" could have drained the swamp.

I have written extensively on inverted totalitarianism, that being the once nascent, now entrenched form of government that truly controls the levers of federal power in the United States. This behemoth has turned the USA into a “managed democracy”; a bureaucracy which cannot be held accountable by the elected representatives of the people. Sometimes called the 4th estate, this monster is also referred to as the “deep state” the civil service, or the administrative state.

Inverted totalitarianism does not have an authoritarian leader, but instead is run by a non-transparent group of bureaucrats. This unelected, invisible ruling class runs the ...

This is the best explanation of the Deep State that I've read and that does not sound like a conspiracy theory. This is how most people think that the MSM would be reporting "if the Deep State actually existed". But they still believe that the MSM reports reality.
6   Patrick   2022 Oct 31, 9:34am  


America’s Founders knew our politicians wouldn’t be angels. That’s why they designed a system where the jackals prey on each other rather than on the rest of us. Those checks and balances worked pretty well, too, until a succession of weak sisters and nihilists in congressional leadership ceded the bulk of their authority to unelected federal bureaucrats.

The problem isn’t that D.C. is filled with bad people; it’s that the bad people we once could replace by electing other bad people have surrendered their authority to bad people whom we can’t throw out of office.
7   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 12:58pm  


In other words, when Congress fails to do its job and create clear statutes, according to the Chevron Deference decision the administrative state has the authority to broadly interpret and exploit the ambiguities in Congressional authorization bills as it sees fit.

Consequent to this decision we have seen the explosive rise of power of a fourth, unelected branch of government- the permanent administrative state, its elite unaccountable and unelected administrators (the Senior Executive Service), and its permanent Praetorian Guard (the CIA) which enjoys the benefit of a large “dark” classified budget and its very own independent venture capital fund (In-Q-Tel) which makes it functionally autonomous from oversight by the Citizens of the United States and their elected representatives.

From this, I hope that you can appreciate my point above that the 1984 “Chevron Deference” SCOTUS opinion is the keystone in the arch of current administrative law. And like a keystone, if the “Chevron Deference” were to be successfully challenged and significantly revised by SCOTUS (functionally pulling the keystone out of the arch), the power and integrity of the entire administrative state structure would be compromised and the strength of the unelected fourth branch of government may fall, thereby restoring balance between the remaining three (Constitutional) branches of government.
8   Patrick   2023 Oct 24, 1:10pm  


The WEF-ers and the deep state

The reason the genociders are persisting with their plans for digital passports, CBDC, 15 minute cities, vaccine mandates, etc. — even though they’re losing elections because of this — is that these plans were never based on popular or legislative support in the first place.

All of the bad stuff that is being imposed on us is happening outside of the legislative system via unelected bureaucrats and quasi-governmental organizations with way too much power.
10   AD   2024 Jan 21, 5:34pm  


Lisa Page, Bruce Ohr and Eric Ciaramella are or were federal civil servants, hence they had civil service protections.

11   HeadSet   2024 Jan 22, 2:05pm  

Patrick says

No image is present here.
12   Patrick   2024 Oct 20, 11:00am  

Patrick says

Consequent to this decision we have seen the explosive rise of power of a fourth, unelected branch of government- the permanent administrative state, its elite unaccountable and unelected administrators (the Senior Executive Service), and its permanent Praetorian Guard (the CIA) which enjoys the benefit of a large “dark” classified budget and its very own independent venture capital fund (In-Q-Tel) which makes it functionally autonomous from oversight by the Citizens of the United States and their elected representatives.


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