by GreaterNYCDude ➕follow (2) 💰tip ignore
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I don't know why you bring up special situations such as having to chose between killing an old man or a child, or of governments engaging in war and war crimes.
If it is forbidden to kill a 12 year old on account that he is a human being, why not forbid the killing of a fetus on account that it is a human being?
Maybe they shouldn't have kids, they'll be like them. You oppose them, we know for certainty that children adopt the beliefs and attitudes of their parents, you want to reduce abortion - don't you?
If that's true, it's horrifying.
NEW YORK — A clump of cells became no longer viable earlier this week at the age of 67.
The clump, which had been birthed by Democrat uterus-owner and former Texas governor Ann Richards, was in its 205th trimester. It presided over nearly 333,000 terminations of unwanted clumps of cells like itself during a 12-year stint as president of a philanthropic organization 3% dedicated to ripping apart clumps of cells and selling the remains.
Sources say that the non-viable formerly 67-year-old clump of cells lost a battle against glioblastoma, a much smaller clump of cells which got too big in the brain of the 67-year-old clump of cells.
The ex-clump of cells became no longer viable as it was surrounded by clumps of cells that were genetically related to it and a dog named Ollie.
At publishing time, the non-viable clump of cells had narrowly avoided having its parts sold to make money for other clumps of cells within its clump-of-cells-killing philanthropic organization.
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