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Both squirrels and raccoons can be domesticated.
The same government that will invade your home to kill your pets will do that over other things.
This is an election ploy. I'm voting Trump but my overall point is this a stupid story and makes Trump voters seem dumb. These animals were not pets. My neighbor growing up had a squirrel and got his arm mauled and he ended up killing it.
Local Karen Awarded Outstanding Citizen Honor for Heroic Squirrel Complaint
City officials praised her valiant commitment to civic duty, despite the unfortunate outcome of the raid.
PINE CITY, NY — In what experts are calling an unprecedented act of civil vigilance, local resident Karen McCarren, known as the "Karen of King's County," was awarded the prestigious Outstanding Citizen Award for reporting a pet squirrel. Top New York officials praised her “heroic act of civic duty” in reporting internet sensation squirrel Peanut and his owner for lacking a proper wildlife license. McCarren’s actions led to a dramatic raid on the home of Mark Longo, a respected animal rescuer, and the seizure—and eventual euthanization—of the beloved furry pet.
The Pine City ceremony lauding McCarren’s vigilance featured applause from state officials and a heartwarming acceptance speech from McCarren herself, who has since been appointed as the city’s “Urban Wildlife Safety Czar.” “I was just doing my part to help to keep NY safe, sane and classy,” McCarren stated humbly. “It’s easy to ignore these seemingly minor infractions, but the rules are the rules. I’m just grateful I could be of service to my community by snuffing out that little fucker.”
meet peanut and mark. peanut is a squirrel. his mother died. he was taken in by mark who raised him and turned him into a social media celebrity. it’s a happy ending disney story of the kind disney used to make before peanut would have had to be gay and biracial.
well, at least it was until the wicked witch came along in the form of obersturmbannführer karen monica keasler who was so offended by this fluffy tail fairytale that all the way from texas (peanut was in new york) she called down the wrath of the public health agencies.
these health agencies went after this squirrel like pike hitting a baitfish. they stormed the house (with a warrant), detained the humans for over 5 hours, tore the place apart, and then killed peanut the squirrel and a rescued raccoon named fred who appears to have been collateral damage.
nothing about this is OK.
what’s fascinating is what an astonishingly bad issue this winds up being for the “progressive left” because it’s just another in the long litany of inhuman outrages that come from the dictatorial regulatory state they all champion. past a (quite small) size, bureaucracy becomes monstrous and anti-human.
and this is way past that point.
this is hideous violation wrapped up in a ridiculously powerful avatar.
and symbolism matters.
you want a “mascot” for big government intrusion? well here is a martyr. ...
... respect for "home as castle" is a foundational idea in rights and common law. surrendering this notion for any reason enables the next intrusion. you no longer have rights, just privileges subject to revocation.
and people who fail to respect the sanctity of your home will take more than just your squirrel.
lest you think i exaggerate, let us ask them and hear them in their own words: (video of kamala)
this is not veiled threat. this is overt, porn on the coffee table threat broadcast in proud arrogance on national TV.
it’s about as subtle as cancer and every bit as metastatic.
“Just because you are in the sanctity of your home, doesn’t mean we’re not going to walk into your home and check to see if you’re being responsible and safe in the way you conduct your affairs.”
this is a horrifying idea, a monstrous idea.
it’s also staggering hypocrisy. “well, unless you’re one of us,” is the embedded implication. the same state that cannot find or arrest illegal immigrants wanted for violent crimes unless it’s time to give them a new cell phone or refill their EBT card can somehow send actual shock troops to take down the scourge of errant sciuridae for the heinous crime of “being cute on the internet” or “having political views we do not like.”
this issue is about more than squirrels. this is about your right to breathe free in your own abode secure in your liberties and possessions from unreasonable search, seizure, intrusion, and yes, even murder.
and enough is enough.
they just broke down doors to kill an orphan squirrel.
pause to consider:
someone thought this was not only OK, but a good use of resources. whole systems sprung to life to enable and abet this. courts, health agencies and agents, layer upon layer of systemic purpose bent to this end and saw no flaw or failure.
it was concerted action, output from a machine.
one would think that in such a time perhaps everyone could pause and take a beat and say “ok, too far. that was hideous and broken and wrong and whatever partisan poo-fest i’ve been flinging, well, we can all agree not to do insane stuff like this.”
lol. you must be new here.
... the power of the outpouring once more leads me to believe that there is so much pent up discontent looking to ground in some sort of lightning flash.
and there is plenty to be upset about.
... a riled up karen from 1500 miles away makes a call and an actual SWAT team of health agents break into and wreck a home, detain the humans, and kill the animals all for what? in service of what? in mitigation of what?
who in their right mind would want to live like this and to leave this kind of inhuman, unaccountable power lying around in the hands of the kinds of people who would use it like this? ...
and while we’re dropping truth bombs, here’s another
Jeremy Kauffman @jeremykauffman
Peanut the squirrel contributed substantially more to society than George Floyd
go ahead, pick holes in that one.
if i sound pissed, well, it’s because i am. this is a sign of a very sick situation, one that can go very bad, very fast. a state that can do this and walk away is not one you can trust to have near you. you want to control dangerous animals? well that’s the one to get a leash on. not squirrels that jump into your arms. not raccoons that eat whipped cream. the feral bureaucratic state and its armed agents who stand ready to break down doors and take and ravage that which is yours for the flimsy pretext of “because the law says we can.”
Lead investigator behind seizing of P'Nut the squirrel is unmasked - as officials give an update
State investigators are probing the circumstances surrounding the death of the beloved Instagram famous P'Nut the squirrel.
The DEC is conducting an internal investigation into the controversial raid on Mark Longo's home, where both P'Nut and Fred the raccoon were seized and euthanized.
Despite Longo's claims that officers wore protective gloves, the animals were killed and decapitated for rabies testing after P'Nut allegedly bit an agent's hand.
'An internal investigation into the matter is ongoing, and we are reviewing internal policies and procedures to ensure we continue serving this core mission,' a DEC spokesperson told The New York Post on Friday.
State and local health departments, including the DEC, the state Health Department, and the Chemung County Health Department, have been tight-lipped about the rabies test results and the condition of the injured agent.
Despite the fact that rabies testing typically yields results within 24 to 72 hours, weeks have passed without any public updates.
The Wadsworth Center lab, a renowned facility for rapid rabies testing, has not released a report since June and has declined to confirm whether it received samples from Chemung County.
Governor Hochul, who has previously emphasized transparency, has not responded to inquiries from The Post.
'You claimed rabies. . . but you haven't made a public comment on it?' Longo, 34, told The Post. 'As a taxpayer, is my life and what you caused me not good enough to respond?'
The state's secrecy surrounding the P'Nut incident continues to deepen. The DEC has refused to release crucial information, forcing The Post to seek answers through a Freedom of Information request.
Senator Dan Stec has condemned the state's handling of the situation, calling it a clear case of mismanagement.
'I can't think of any legitimate or lawful reason to conceal the results of the rabies test. It's a matter of public health,' he added. 'Where is the state secret here? Whose interest are they protecting?'
On October 30, approximately 10 DEC agents arrived at Mark Longo's 350-acre property, where he and his wife operate a sanctuary for rescued animals.
Among the animals they care for are P'Nut the squirrel, rescued seven years ago, and Fred the raccoon, a recent addition.
Court records reveal that DEC Investigator Joshua Crain obtained a search warrant for the animals, citing potential illegal housing of a squirrel and raccoon. Notably, the warrant made no mention of rabies concerns.
Crain, who was awarded Wildlife Officer of the Year in 2022, is known for his philosophy of prioritizing education over enforcement.
'What happened in my house, if you think that was an educational [action] — I don't know,' seethed Longo, who plans to sue the DEC.
Crain and Judge Richard W. Rich Jr., who authorized the search, did not respond to requests for comment, and Chemung County Executive Chris Moss declined to speak on the matter.
The death of P'Nut has sparked national outrage, with critics viewing the raid as government overreach.
The official Donald Trump campaign TikTok account condemned P'Nut's death as an act of 'needless killing' by 'Democrat bureaucrats in New York.'
Longo, hopeful the attention could lead to support, has invited President-elect Trump to visit his sanctuary.
The incident has led to at least 14 bomb threats targeting DEC offices, which state police have found to be non-credible.
The DEC officers' union, the Police Benevolent Association of New York State, appealed for calm amid rising threats, clarifying that the DEC's investigation into Longo began in January after reports he was illegally housing a squirrel.
Longo claimed he had released P'Nut but was found to have kept the animal and taken in a raccoon, leading to last week's raid.
'We ask that the public keep in mind that [DEC officers] are their friends, family, and neighbors and do not deserve to live in fear for upholding the law,' the union said.
The DEC initially claimed the euthanization was necessary — that the panicked P’Nut chomped the finger of an agent during the nutso hours-long raid, and testing for rabies requires decapitation.
But the agency plainly spun that tail, er, tale, to squeak free of the loud and swift public backlash.
That account has now proved a fat fib: On Tuesday, The Post reported that the DEC was already planning on having poor P’Nut and Fred put down before the raid.
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