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Political interference at Health and Human Services (NIH, CDC, FDA, ASPR)
The U.S. General Accounting Office finds evidence of political interference and a lack of reporting mechanisms in the handling of the pandemic
Robert W Malone MD, MS
The 37-page GAO report issued a warning that American federal agencies who have managed the pandemic public policy response (including vaccine and drug development) don’t have any mechanism to stop political interference. That they also don’t have reporting mechanisms for whistleblower allegations involving political interference. Furthermore, despite the leadership of these organizations (CDC, FDA, NIH and ASPR) asserting that there have been no political interference during the pandemic, an investigation by the GAO found multiple examples of such within the agencies.
Last summer, The Liberty Loft brought you the story of Amos Miller, an Amish farmer who operates Miller’s Organic Farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania.
Miller has been a target of an ongoing campaign by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) to destroy small family farms as the government agency acts as a protection racket for the corporate powers.
Going through the government’s case and the corporate propogandist, you’ll find that there was no crime committed by Miller. His crime was having happy customers who want organic food. Not one customer had a complaint. There are no victims, except the corporate farms that don’t want to compete against local farmers who are independent.
Still, Miller was ordered to pay $250,000 last summer by a federal judge, was threatened with arrest and prohibited from operating some of his farming as he was told not to slaughter animals at his farm. This, all despite Miller’s attempts to work with the USDA, willing to pay a $25,000 fine despite not committing a crime.
Miller’s legal battle continues including a recent court appearance this month. Daily Newz 365 described Miller’s “crimes”: “Slaughtering and processing the meat he raises on his own farm and selling it fresh-frozen to members of his private food buying club, who’ve all signed contracts stating they understand the meat is not processed in USDA-inspected plants, or treated with USDA-required chemical preservatives… because that’s how they want it, and the very reason they are willing to go to such great lengths to get it. But the USDA thinks his customers are too stupid to think for themselves and need them to come in and protect them from themselves. You probably don’t know… that all USDA-licensed processing plants are required to treat ALL meat (even the local, grass-fed, organic variety) with synthetic preservatives.”
Miller told Daily Newz 365: “Often they use citric acid, which you’d think comes from oranges or lemons, but it’s a modified substance made from corn… and they don’t even have to label it on the meat.” ...
And the end of a small, independent farmer may just be what the government wants. Remember the strange rise in food processing facilities going up in flames as a food crisis worsens.
HeadSet saysTry voter ID, term limits, full financial disclosures of people while in office, a ban on book deals, and heavy scrutiny of jobs offered to family members of politicians. Politicians selling their services on the side is corruption, not free trade.
True, the core problem is corruption.
It's going to take unity of both sides to get the corrupt out of office, which is why the keep dividing us to prevent it.
Drug Cartel: Pfizer scores record profits via taxpayer funnel, on track for $100 billion in 2022 revenue
Most of Pfizer's revenue comes via taxpayers subsidizing their junk products.
Jordan Schachtel
2 hr ago
The criminals and quacks who run Pfizer are getting filthy rich through the sale of their mRNA injection to governments, which, since 2020, have used taxpayer funds to place endless purchase orders for what was once described as a cure to the novel coronavirus, but is now quite clearly a failed product.
A gradual and silent encroachment of our freedom and Federal, States’ and individual sovereignty by a globalist financial corporate cartel continues to proceed. One key aspect of our current political reality in the US is that many of our laws at the Federal level have been placed there by corporate stakeholders. Corporate lobbyists work tirelessly and relentlessly to insert legislation that benefits their industries and increases the wealth of their corporate clients and associated “stakeholders” into our federal laws and regulations, and to twist existing legislation so that it becomes a more perfect tool of their clients’ corporate interests. In parallel, within the many branches of the US Federal bureaucracy, regulatory capture has become the norm. Furthermore, it has become increasingly clear that it is grossly naive to expect solutions to these corrupting influences to come from either Congress or the entrenched and captured bureaucracy. And one hard truth learned by the first Trump administration is that the executive branch lacks the power and authority required to replace the entrenched bureaucrats that have become the ruling lords and ladies of the new inverted Totalitarian reality which is the entrenched Federal bureaucracy. ...
Government institutions that are intrinsically controlled by outside interests can not be reformed from within, so it is important to not waste too much energy trying. That’s why many argue that a “siege strategy” or even the creation of completely new institution(s) may be the answer.
Those of us fighting for freedom have come full circle and now confront the issue of state’s rights. This is a fundamental principle of our republic (often incorrectly referred to as “our democracy”). Each state has the ability to govern itself, within the confines of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Those powers are vast but frequently under-utilized. States have the power to ensure that a strong federalized governance is not the norm. ...
But what happens when a state like Florida becomes a threat to the Federal government exceeding its enumerated powers, and seizing control of more powers that have been traditionally assigned to the states? The back and forth between President Biden and Governor DeSantis over Florida’s COVID policies make clear the power that the Federal government has developed over states by leveraging the distribution (and ability to withhold) Federal Tax dollars. The actions of Governor DeSantis of Florida are so harshly criticized by those who control the levers of the Federal government (as well as purchased main stream media) because he has refused to comply with the Biden administration’s HHS bureaucratic edicts.
After the Biden administration admonished Florida for stagnant vaccination rates in Florida, the Feds then decided to federalize the distribution of monoclonal antibodies so that those who don’t get the vaccine have no alternative treatment option. This is a prime example of the retaliatory tools available to the Federal government, and illustrates that the Federal government is able and willing to compromise the health of US citizens to punish a state that choses to be noncompliant. Remember, the states regulate medicine and public health policy within that state. Biden refusing to send life saving medicine is a clear abuse of Federal power. ...
It is state’s rights – as imperfect as that system is, that protects us from the WHO/globalist power grab to leverage public health to compromise the sovereignty of the United States. The current strategic agenda of those seeking to advance globalism and global governance policies at the expense of the autonomy of nation-states is often referred to as the New World Order. Those advocating for the New World Order include the World Economic Forum, transnational corporations/globalized investment capital, the UN, World Trade Organization, World Bank and now the World Health Organization. These entities have, to a more or lesser extent, gained control of the Federal government through leveraging the regulatory capture of our federalized agencies, departments and institutions. Money from these entities flows into the coffers of Congress to influence law makers. Often, treaties and agreements on the global level codify these arrangements. This ensures that our federal government is coopted by these entities.
Our federal government believes that it will be stronger when states have little or no control over the rules and regulations of the state. This is not what our founding fathers intended, and this is when the rights of all of us are trampled on. Our constitution codifies that each state maintains its own set of laws, rules and regulations. The beauty of this system is the diversity of cultures can be maintained within states. Living in Texas is very different than living in New Hampshire, and I believe that this is a good thing. Although states are stronger when there is a federal government appropriately assuming and defending those responsibilities enumerated under the US Constitution, they are also guaranteed the freedom to have their own cultural identity and rule of law. This is the beauty of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This interweaving of states rights under the limited umbrella of a Federal government. ...
States must remember that Federal funding is not the be all, end all. If a state can develop the political will to refuse such funds, sovereignty can be re-established. This requires that plans can be made to mitigate the impact of such an action. These Tax kickbacks are often weaponized in an arbitrary and capricious way by the Federal Executive branch to illegally control state policies, including public health policies. State leaders who are willing to walk away from federal funding, who are willing to work with other states and congress to negotiate better terms for federal dollars, may offer the best hope for breaking this Federal overreach. ...
Individuals can have a huge role in working to ensure our freedoms, our sovereignty as a nation by writing letters, phoning legislators, publishing independent articles and memes. Even just re-posting on social media can help. We are all in this fight together. Individuals must organize, join groups and organizations, and create new groups and organizations.
Having an independent and free press that can report on our government and institutions is critical. It is how we can help Americans make informed decisions when voting. That means replacing the captured and outdated old media with new media outlets that are censorship free. Using block chain to create new social media outlets that can not be subjected to propaganda and censorship is a good step in the right direction.
Organizing into groups that can work collectively to get the truth out is another way to help save the Sovereignty of our great nation, and that of all of the independent nations of the world. We must fight against the narratives that are being constantly pushed by government agencies that have been subverted by the Globalists. They do not want their corruption exposed. What we have learned over the past two years is that they will do whatever it takes to hide their dirty dealings from the American and world public.
So, get ready patriots – we have a lot of work to do in the coming months. First and foremost – let’s take back the House and Senate in November and flip as many states as possible to RED. We must have as many congress people as possible who are committed and aware that our nation is in danger.
States must remember that Federal funding is not the be all, end all. If a state can develop the political will to refuse such funds, sovereignty can be re-established. This requires that plans can be made to mitigate the impact of such an action. These Tax kickbacks are often weaponized in an arbitrary and capricious way by the Federal Executive branch to illegally control state policies, including public health policies. State leaders who are willing to walk away from federal funding, who are willing to work with other states and congress to negotiate better terms for federal dollars, may offer the best hope for breaking this Federal overreach.
The Biden administration announced in May that K-12 schools must allow boys into girls' bathrooms in order to qualify for federal funds used to pay for school lunches.
Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away with Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator
The U.S. has wasted over 82 million Covid vaccine doses
Vaccine providers say declining demand, large minimum orders and multidose vials make it hard to avoid waste while still offering shots to anyone who wants them.
Dr. Clare Craig: There Is No Science or Benign Explanation for Approving These Jabs for Babies
"If a child under five catches COVID, then the chance of a death with COVID is 1 in 250,000 at its worst ... And because it's not a risk, when they were doing the trial, they couldn't measure it. You shouldn't be doing a trial where you can't measure the benefit."
"There is no interpretation of this evidence that is benign. It's just ridiculously clear that this has gone wrong. The system has gone wrong; the regulator is not working."
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s vaccine advisory committee will vote June 28 on something called the “Future Framework,” a scheme that would allow Pfizer and Moderna to “reformulate” COVID-19 mRNA vaccines in perpetuity, without conducting clinical trials on the new vaccines.
Progressivism was a reaction by the middle and upper classes against the failures of both liberalism and Marxism while attempting to retain the best aspects of both — seeking to preserve individual liberties while using the state to impose limits on corporate power. Progressive muckraker Upton Sinclair described the disgusting practices of meat packing plants in The Jungle and this led to the Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906. Support for anti-trust action to break up large monopolies was another hallmark of progressivism.
And now the progressive regulatory state has failed because it was captured by the industries it was supposed to supervise. As the most glaring example, the FDA, CDC, and NIH all work directly for Pfizer, Moderna, Merck, GSK, and Sanofi.
Making matters significantly more complicated, the billionaires have taken over the political system and weaponized progressive values (equality, environmental protection) and institutions (U.N., W.H.O.) in the attempt to enslave the developed world. So we have an unholy alliance of the technocrats (the top 10% of well-educated people) + the predatory billionaires, using weaponized PR and elaborate psyops to force their twisted ideas upon us by any means necessary.
They bought all the MP's with shares, then had the english government provide military support when "governing" India became too expensive.
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