Benjamin de Rothschild, head of Edmond de Rothschild Holding SA, dies at 57

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2021 Jan 16, 12:53pm   829 views  14 comments

by Ceffer   ➕follow (7)   💰tip   ignore  


57 years old? What, the adrenochrome doesn't work any more? Or was it a mild case of "FuckGlobalistitis"? What a 'coincidence'.

Simon Parkes says that Vatican assets evaluated in recent raid amount to hundreds of trillions. However denomination is not known, whether digital or currency, not known if asset or gold based. All would be essentially worthless except gold or commodities/asset based.

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1   RWSGFY   2021 Jan 16, 1:15pm  

That guy at the picture is 57? Looks more like 77.
2   Ceffer   2021 Jan 16, 1:20pm  

Unlimited budget for cocaine and hookers and lousy society plastic surgeons can do that to a guy. Some of the wee problems of dynasty.
3   Patrick   2021 Jan 16, 2:18pm  

"Hundreds of trillions" makes it impossible to believe. There is not that much money on the planet.
4   Ceffer   2021 Jan 16, 2:34pm  

Patrick says
"Hundreds of trillions" makes it impossible to believe. There is not that much money on the planet.

Maybe the Vatican was planning galactic conquest. Jesuits on mars!

The term Parks used was "34 quintrillion". The Vatican has spent most of its existence focussing on accumulating wealth through religious policies, largely with great success. Such a number seems impossible. However, when you have that much money, it actually does become without value in aggregate because there is no way to put it to work except dribbling it out for contingencies. So, what that figure exactly means is hard to interpret, but may just mean the Vatican is counterfeiting money any which way it pleases, since no amount of gold or commodities could underpin it.
5   Patrick   2024 Feb 26, 2:20pm  

Maybe another Rothschild vaxx death!
6   fdhfoiehfeoi   2024 Feb 26, 8:05pm  

Ceffer says

57 years old? What, the adrenochrome doesn't work any more? Or was it a mild case of "FuckGlobalistitis"? What a 'coincidence'.

Was he found hanged on the back of a door? Common way to be taken out if you've mis-behaved(Bourdain).
7   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 4:35pm  


HOLLYWOOD HILLS, LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- A man identified by neighbors as a member of the wealthy Rothschild family died following a fire at a two-story hillside home in the Hollywood Hills Wednesday.

Crews responded to the 8500 block of Lookout Mountain Avenue around 4:40 p.m. A total of 45 firefighters extinguished the blaze in about 33 minutes, according to the Los Angeles Fire Department.

Firefighters found a man dead inside the home. Officials have not released the man's name, but neighbors identified him as Will Rothschild of the powerful banking family.

A cause of death will be determined by the L.A. County Medical Examiner. It's unclear what may have started the fire, and the incident remains under investigation.

No other injuries were reported.

Rothschild was described by neighbors as an eccentric millionaire - or even billionaire - with multiple properties and dozens of expensive cars.

On a street lined with multi-million-dollar homes and mansions, occupied by celebrities and the powerful, Rothschild was said to have lived as a bit of a recluse.

While some neighbors had never seen him and assumed the house was vacant, those who knew him were saddened by the loss.
8   Patrick   2024 Nov 28, 4:57pm  

Huh, I don't see any William Rothschild in their official family tree:

9   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 6:07pm  

I doubt any genuine cause of death will be cited even via autopsy with cowed officials. I think Benjamin faked his death ahead of the Globalist takedown starting pistol. I read he exfiltrated to South America.

Who knows, maybe the corpse in William's manse is also a fake so that he can cut and run, too. Remember they like their Phoenix symbol: burn down the house when the pitchforks and torches get too close and arise again in another venue, another name, another fake etiology with the Babylonian assets ready for another cyclic Ponzi and pending account holder harvest.

A few Rothsies have been cited as dying, some from Rockefeller Godfather wars, but those never get any publicity, it's all kept in the bloodline famiglia as a private war matter.

Also, there are many Rothsies out there without the formal Rothschild handle due to the usual aristocratic skirt tossing, but they are assiduously tracked by whoever keeps the bloodline accounting. The name Rothschild itself is an invention, or declaration of intention, one might posit.

Latest on Obama origins he was Hitler's grandchild, but Indonesian, not black, which would make him a Rothschild descendant as well. However, the murky geneolegies seem to shift depending on who is investigating.
10   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 6:36pm  

Dance Macabre of a Thousand Veils:

11   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 11:32pm  

Yup, 33 (again and again) is one of their pet 'numbers'. "33rd being the highest level achieved in Freemasonry" He probably just exfiltrated under color of framed death and the planted 33 was the occult comm.

12   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 11:45pm  

Of course we know that the Intels routinely plant 'witnesses' and 'interviewees' at news sites to steer the dialog. Of course, the press just put out what they are told to put out. Planting the sacred numbers with agents as comms seems to be part of the gig.

13   Ceffer   2024 Nov 28, 11:59pm  

Maybe William has joined Benjamin in South America re-anonymized for new joint ventures with the South American Reich.
14   Ceffer   2024 Nov 29, 10:57am  

It's an interesting dissection of disinformation promulgated through news and 'witness' They guy here is probably an intel plant testifying to steer the perception aka that Will was such a nice guy and a great neighbor when nobody else ever remembers seeing him there.

He had dozens of homes, and the likelihood of him hanging out in this dilapidated one seems sketchy. Who knows, it could be one of those with a tunnel to the Getty Museum bunker.

Also the '45 firemen' (Trump reference?) and the '33 minutes' and the 333 day with 33 days left in the year are the obvious occult numbers. It is reminiscent of the ubiquitous number 33 that was all over the local news outlets when Covid Fraud came out that '33' victims died.
It is interesting that so many now catch on to these occultish practices to see through that this was likely a fake stage death. Who knows what fuckery was Will's job in the Rothsy-Plex.

Their greatest enemy is increasing and widespread consciousness. That is why they go to such intricate lengths to destroy, dissuade, distort, deceive and dis-consolidate public consciousness.

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