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Happy Firefights and Prostitutes!
May all your bankers detonate safely!
another year, another merry Christmas message. Hoping you all are well, and wishing you peace and joy in the upcoming year!
I must be getting lazy in my old age.... ;)
EastCoastBubbleBoy says
another year, another merry Christmas message. Hoping you all are well, and wishing you peace and joy in the upcoming year!
How many govt. employed Rep/Con/Teas are sitting on their asses on Christmas & other paid holidays while there are homeless & hungry women & children living on the streets or in a vehicle? How many veterans are homeless or in need of medical care?
Fuck you tax dollar eating Rep/Con/Teas!
Christmas is a Christian Sharia Law religious event.
All Federal,State & Local govt. offices must be open on Christmas.
Separation of church & State you Constitution Haters.
May R/C/Ts have a horrible Christmas!
I'm not giving R/C/T America destroyers one break.
All Federal,State & Local govt. offices must be open on Christmas
I expect they were in the Soviet Union.
Separation of church & State you Constitution Haters
What does that have to do with anything? Some people are just poor sports.
Merry christmas to all. No matter what you affilation, may the message of jesus be an inspiration to you, now and throughout the year. Peace.