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Not sure if we'd be able to support them though, we're already in debt up to our eyeballs.
I always thought of you let each province vote on being annexed into the USA as States, at least the western provinces would jump at the opportunity. Manitoba, Seskatchwean, and probably Alberta.
They also need to make it easier for Americans to visit if they want our money. They could boost their GDP by 10% by allowing American citizens with felonies and DUI's into the country. I think the case is toast, but theoretically Canada cannot let Trump in if fully convicted. And the fact is people make mistakes. Obviously not murderers but Canada has a strict border going in.
WookieMan says
They also need to make it easier for Americans to visit if they want our money. They could boost their GDP by 10% by allowing American citizens with felonies and DUI's into the country. I think the case is toast, but theoretically Canada cannot let Trump in if fully convicted. And the fact is people make mistakes. Obviously not murderers but Canada has a strict border going in.
We are the same way. Learned that from a Canadian.
Totally the wrong flag. If one wants to cite history, one must be accurate.
That's why when you talk to a Canadian about politics, they almost always define themselves by how they are not American vs by anything that defines them as uniquely Canadian.
I hate the word tariff. Think of it as marketing to sell your product in a county that actually has money or the key demo.
Alberta is the TX of Canada and funds every other province
Patrick saysHe fired her from her post as FM but wanted her to stay on in 'another role'. But she has left the cabinet entirely, instead.
It's causing a shockwave in Canada because, everyone knows she was the one who is really running the country and telling Trudy what to do/say. Perhaps Trudy was told by others that the Party needs her 'put away' because of this perception going into next year elections.
Either that, or she's going to make a leadership challenge against him herself. For standing as the PM candidate in said election.
A Freeland-led government would probably mean a more confrontational approach to Donald Trump. In her letter, she urged the government to push back against his “America First economic nationalism”, possibly hewing closer to Mexican President Claudia Sheinbaum who has been less conciliatory than her Canadian counterpart. For his part, Trump has started to troll both Trudeau and Freeland, referring to the former as “Governor” and calling out the latter for “totally toxic” behaviour. He added: “She will not be missed!!!”
None of this is a hypothetical for me.
My part of Ontario is already Majority non-white, The lands my ancestors cleared and surveyed from swamp in the 1840s, the lands they fought over in 1837 and garnered wisdom from old Officer's who defended it in 1812... that will never belong to their descendants again, and the entire province will be majority non-white by 2041.
My Ethnicity, the Upper-Canada pioneers, had it's replacement and genocide locked in by the time I was 18. ...
Do not let these people into your country. Do not trust your crooked treasonous elite. Do not go gently. Do not suffer your traitorous elderly to tell you to calm down and be tolerant. They won’t suffer the consequences. They’re socially and economically insulated… I’ve heard my own Grandparents and their friends say: Well, its not our problem. “I’m glad I’m on my way out” (Exact quote) then they say they’re voting for the Liberals because they think right wing parties are racist. ...
Do not let your community become Brampton Ontario where the White population has plummeted in a mere 25 years from 70% white to less than 19%, even as total population has tripled and all renters, students, and poor people stuck on fixed incomes now must pay 5 or even 10x the rent to live in communities where they can’t walk outside, every bus and public transit reaks, and disturbing crimes are reported daily in a place utterly without any of the communities or cultures that once defined it.
There is ZERO limit to what your elites will do to dispossess and fuck you.
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