Assassination of United Health CEO Brian Thompson

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2024 Dec 4, 7:31pm   7,857 views  297 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  


The gunman who shot United Health CEO Brian Thompson is apparently accustomed to shooting people. In the video footage, he seems preternaturally calm, collected, and deliberate. Note especially how he walks towards the man he has just shot in the back to fire a few final shots at closer range. He has a strangely unhurried and casual gait, and he never looks back to see if anyone might be closing in from behind.

He strikes me as extremely confident that no one is around to intervene and that he will have no problem escaping.


Video footage released of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson being executed by a masked gunman.

Video footage shows a man in the grey backpack pulling out a pistol with a silencer on it before opening fire.

The man was seen firing multiple shots at Thompson who stumbled to the ground.

According to The New York Post, the weapon jammed at one point, prompting the gunman to fix it so he could keep firing.

He then fled down an alley and was last seen in Central Park.

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14   Ceffer   2024 Dec 4, 10:30pm  

All kinds of medically related motives, from vaxicide to denying coverage, could account for the shooting. Interpersonal or corporate would be distant second. Maybe el wife-o wanted a cheap quickie divorce and life insurance.
15   Misc   2024 Dec 4, 10:34pm  

The stock price still went up today.
16   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 4, 11:42pm  

This looks like a pretty calm business like operation. Almost certainly knew the victim's routine. Went through the trouble of silencer, took extra shots, no nervous movements, etc.
17   Misc   2024 Dec 5, 1:58am  

So, over 12 people get shot every weekend in Chicago.

Some rich white dude get whacked and they expect regular people to give a care. I expect to see a lot more of this type of crime going forward.
19   WookieMan   2024 Dec 5, 5:09am  

Also you have to realize wealthy people do shady shit behind the curtain that has nothing to do with their job. He could have been a massive gambler and lost a lot of money. There are people that make $20M that get themselves into trouble. Gambling is a biggie in that realm.

Could have been government as well. I don't think it was some disgruntled person regarding health care. Could have been a higher up employee that got demoted or fired. That seems more plausible as they would know where he's at. There are so many scenarios.

Either way, it looks like the guy got away and probably won't be caught. Another Epstein type thing.
21   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Dec 5, 5:19am  

WookieMan says

clambo says

I'm a United Healthcare customer and I wasn't "mandated" to get the shots.

Likewise. No one was mandated outside of military I suppose. You can just say you got it and lie. HIPPA. Similar to real estate sales and AIDS when that was a bigger thing. Your medical history is just that, yours. Tell them to get fucked. Get fired and go on unemployment and enjoy your time off and milk it for a year. Fuck them. The employer is paying a portion of UE, so you fucked them by telling them to get bent.

many employers, especially in HC mandated it.
22   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 5, 5:36am  

FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden says

many employers, especially in HC mandated it.

I had to get it in order to attend the AWS shindig in Las Vegas that year.

Fortunately, I got the J&J ripoff that was a dud. Kaiser even told me it was and asked for me to come in for the Pfizer Death Jab. I didn't.

I got nat im the hard way a year later. Damn near bought it. Sickest week I ever have had.
23   stfu   2024 Dec 5, 5:43am  

WookieMan says

Likewise. No one was mandated outside of military I suppose.

Your ignorance is reflected in this comment. I'm one of the people that was mandated out of a job. My former employer is protected because it wasn't even their mandate - it was the mandate of the health care systems whose facilities I worked at. My employer gave me a nice severance package to ensure that I have no legal standing against them. I had to weigh that package with the possibility that I would be able to successfully sue them at some point in the future - I think I made the right choice.

Conservatively the jab mandates cost me well over a million dollars, so I appreciate you being so glib about it.
24   WookieMan   2024 Dec 5, 6:17am  

stfu says

Conservatively the jab mandates cost me well over a million dollars, so I appreciate you being so glib about it.

You failed then. If it's not in a contract you don't have to do it. It's not glib, it's law. No one can just say you need to eat muffins at work or you're fired let alone inject something into your body. AND you don't have to report your health records.

Sorry you got let go, but I'm 100% correct on this. If it's not in the employment contract you signed, health records are off limits 100%. I don't share my health records with anyone, ever. And I'd never keep a job regardless of pay to be forced to take a jab you didn't agree to. Would you agree to butt sex to keep a job? Nope. I mean what's the difference in any of the scenarios? If it's not in writing, it's not legal. You should have sued and would have won and pay an attorney 30% of probably $5M if you were really going to lose $1M.

Companies have insurance for a reason. You didn't take advantage of it. You took the companies thank god our insurance rates won't go up severance package. Fact remains, you can't be mandated for something not in a contract. If I get 14 days paid vacation and I take 15, I know I'm not getting paid for that 15th day. If I didn't sign a contract about a new vaccine, I legally don't have to take it without a new contract. If they can you, sue 'em. There's a reason there's a lawsuits are the answer thread.
25   gabbar   2024 Dec 5, 6:42am  

WookieMan says

Either way, it looks like the guy got away and probably won't be caught.

He will be caught soon. He left fingerprints on items he bought from Starbucks and these have been found.
27   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Dec 5, 7:26am  

WookieMan says

If it's not in a contract you don't have to do it.

Employment is typically at will. You can be terminated for any reason, or no reason.
28   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 9:49am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Ah, sounds like someone who finally snapped after years of trying to get through the voicemail tree to find out why his claim wasn't paid.
29   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 9:57am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

The real answer is to require that all non-emergency costs be explicitly and completely listed IN ADVANCE OF TREATMENT so that people can shop around, and to limit emergency costs by law to reasonable levels. Any non-emergency charge you did not agree to in writing in advance should be invalid.

The free market can fix this.
30   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 10:02am  

Misc says

I expect to see a lot more of this type of crime going forward.

Yes, the obvious corruption of our current system which traps and milks the public into poverty for the benefit of big campaign donors makes it seem inevitable that some individuals will take matters into their own hands.

The legitimate avenues for redress of grievances have been effectively closed off by that corruption. In theory you can get justice, in reality, absolutely not unless you are extremely wealthy.
31   🎂 AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 5, 10:55am  

Part of smashing the Admin State is smashing the bullshit invoices concealed as regulatory compliance, risk avoidance, etc.

If it's taxable, it's negotiable.

Many hospital charges are as obnoxious as "Dealer Prep Fees" at the car lot. Ain't no dealer paid somebody for 80 hours of work in the low teens/hour to clean up one car delivered straight from the factory.
32   WookieMan   2024 Dec 5, 11:31am  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

WookieMan says

If it's not in a contract you don't have to do it.

Employment is typically at will. You can be terminated for any reason, or no reason.

You typically sign an employment agreement at the start of employment. I've never read anything about vaccines or my medical records in what I signed. If you're 1099 you get to do what you want. Large companies and even small all have an employment agreement.

Know your rights and don't be lazy is my advice. Don't just get a shot because you were told to do so.
33   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 11:44am  


The at-large suspect who gunned down UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson outside a Midtown hotel may have left a message on the bullets he used to kill the executive Wednesday morning, according to police sources.

The NYPD is investigating the possible message — which appears to include the words “deny,” “depose” and “defend” — engraved on live rounds and shell casings left behind by the masked assassin after he shot Thompson, 50, several times at about 6:46 a.m. before fleeing, the sources said.

The words are possible attacks on the health insurance industry, in which Thompson is one of the most powerful leaders — and strikingly similar to a 2010 book condemning the business.

OK, seems to have been one of the millions of customers fucked over by UnitedHealthcare.
34   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 12:23pm  


UnitedHealthcare’s Chief Executive Officer, Brian Thompson, 50, was assassinated right outside the New York City Hilton around 6am yesterday morning. The whole thing was captured on the hotel’s security camera, and the video leaked even faster than the shell casing story.

The masked shooter, who during the killing calmly and coolly cleared his jammed gun three times before finishing the job, casually mounted a strategically placed, city-provided electric scooter and scooted to Central Park, where the trail went cold. Progressives applauded the gunman’s choice of an environmentally friendly getaway vehicle and invited the killer to emcee next year’s Oscars.

Seriously, the scooter was a smart choice; fast enough to evade cops chasing him on foot and agile enough to weave through Manhattan traffic and use sidewalks, evading vehicular pursuit.

Demonstrating even more environmental sensitivity, the killer kindly left behind in a nearby trash can a Starbucks coffee cup (empty) and a water bottle (empty). So there’s plenty of evidence. Let’s see how long it takes them to arrest someone. ...

There are several suggestive facts. First, United was being probed by the DOJ for antitrust violations and for insider trading, with company officers (including Thompson) having dumped United shares without disclosing the DOJ investigation to shareholders, who could be grumpy. Next, the insurer boasts the highest claims denial rate of any health insurer. Thompson’s widow said he regularly got death threats from people whose claims were denied, who are probably even more grumpy. ...

The evidence most exciting the internet this morning were the cryptic words scratched onto the left-behind shell casings. ABC, whose reporters must have great NYPD connections, broke the bizarre story of the killer’s terse message in brass:

The words "deny, "defend" and "depose" were discovered by detectives on
the shell casings found at the scene where Brian Thompson, the CEO of
major insurance group UnitedHealthcare, was gunned down, police sources
told ABC News late Wednesday evening.

The words suggest some sort of connection to a 2020 book exposing the evils of the insurance industry, titled “Delay Deny Defend--Why Insurance Companies Don't Pay Claims and What You Can Do About It.” The book, which painted insurance companies as soulless monsters, not without reason, is currently rated #1 in “Business Insurance” on Amazon.

As enticing as the shell casing message may be, in truth it adds little by itself. Even if the words etched on the bullets do refer to the book, they could easily be red herrings meant to draw the investigation off the trail. (If the shooter turns out to be the relative of a United insuree who died recently, it would become more meaningful.) ...

I am more interested in the insanely ironic pandemic connection, which doesn’t even need speculation.

💉 I’m not referring to UnitedHealthcare’s controversial “vaccinate or terminate” mandate, which was one of the earliest, requiring employees to be “fully vaccinated” no later than November 30th, 2021. I’m not talking about United’s horrible policy of denying religious exemptions and firing religious employees whose consciences stopped them getting the shots...

I’m not talking about allegations of how United helped the CDC disguise the vaccine injury data or routinely mislabel vaccinated folks as unvaccinated whenever they died post-jab. Nor even United’s grotesque cooperation with the federal government to help push vaccine mandates down the chain, or its offering incentives for jab-pushing doctors to coerce patients into take unsafe and ineffective shots.
36   Ceffer   2024 Dec 5, 1:03pm  

Anti-corporate vigilantism. Its time has come. Was it some kind of personal triumph of individual justice against the machine and shooter didn't care what happened to him? He didn't seem to be hiding that much. I think pro assassins would have been more careful.

I've been waiting to hear about the lobbying and feedback corruptions with DC, which would have warranted the Killary approach to the executive if he was turning State's evidence.
37   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 5, 1:05pm  

Different backpack. Didn't jacket.

But at least there are the correct number of fingers.
38   Ceffer   2024 Dec 5, 1:22pm  

Question is, patsy or actual shooter? If it was an 'official' act of termination, then a patsy would be warranted. One pick shows a backpack, the other a military type duffel.

Maybe the shooter is back in Ukraine already waiting for his next job.
39   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 1:57pm  

Ceffer says

Was it some kind of personal triumph of individual justice against the machine and shooter didn't care what happened to him?

I'm surprised we haven't seen more of this, given the truly extreme corruption of the last few years, with Fauci never being prosecuted for creating the virus in Wuhan and the mass violation of fundamental human rights, like the right to refuse to be part of a medical experiment.
40   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 2:06pm  

Al_Sharpton_for_President says

Who is that lower photo of?
41   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 5, 2:30pm  

Hey @Booger

Think it would be hard to do one of these with Whoopi?
42   Al_Sharpton_for_President   2024 Dec 5, 2:35pm  

Patrick says

Who is that lower photo of?

David Muir, ABC news apparatchik.
43   HeadSet   2024 Dec 5, 7:00pm  

Smart enough to use a scooter and make a clean exit but stupid enough to leave a used cup? Naw, this was a pro and the engraved casings and discarded cups were to throw the cops and public off the trail. No amateur could have methodically shot someone so coldly.
44   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 7:30pm  


Manhattan, NY – In a twist that reads like a script from a political thriller, former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been implicated as the mastermind behind the assassination of Brian Thompson, the CEO of UnitedHealth Group. The motive? A denied mammogram.

According to leaked insurance documents, Clinton’s primary care physician requested the routine procedure, citing "just making sure everything’s all good in there." UnitedHealth, however, labeled the test “unnecessary” under her plan. “We don’t cover peace of mind,” the company allegedly told her in a rejection letter signed by Thompson himself. Mere days after this fateful decision, Thompson was found with multiple bullet wounds courtesy of a silenced pistol wielded by a masked man in a hoodie, who vanished into the bustling crowd of midtown Manhattan.

This revelation has naturally reignited the internet’s favorite pastime: speculating about the so-called "Clinton Body Count." Astute amateur detectives immediately linked Thompson's demise to a pattern of untimely deaths surrounding the Clintons, from Vince Foster to that guy who "accidentally tripped onto his own katana."

Clinton’s representatives were quick to denounce the rumors, calling them “ludicrous.” They noted that the former Secretary of State has “absolutely no time to orchestrate assassinations between her yoga classes and mock-human sacrifices in worship of Moloch, god of the underworld.”

But let's not let the drama overshadow the real issue here: the healthcare system in the United States continues its reign of terror on the wallets of the average middle-class American. Monthly premiums for health insurance have skyrocketed, turning what once was a benefit into a luxury akin to owning a yacht. Families across the nation now face the Herculean task of navigating through plans where even a simple doctor visit can break the bank, with deductibles so high they might as well be called "out-of-reach-ibles."

The irony is palpable: while CEOs might meet their end over a denied medical procedure, the average American might wish they could be so lucky to afford one. The system, critics argue, has become a labyrinth where the minotaur is a relentless billing department.

As the nation grapples with the brazen assassination of a high profile figure, the average American must contend with a broken system where staying alive feels less like a right and more like a luxury. Maybe, just maybe, instead of bullets, it's time to launch reforms. After all, if this satirical take on events teaches us anything, it’s that when the healthcare system lets you down, not even wealthy CEOs are safe.
46   zzyzzx   2024 Dec 6, 10:05am  

Would the police even be looking for the killer if the victim were not a CEO?
I didn't think so.
48   WookieMan   2024 Dec 6, 11:22am  

gabbar says

This is pretty much fact. I'm a year deep. I don't want medication, but it's taken 9 months to even consider anything and what they gave me was trash. Putting people to sleep and not getting anything done causes MORE stress. Which was the cause of my seizure.

I seized Monday again. I was on the median about to hit a tree driving. Not a joke. I'm mostly done driving the kids at this point. Sucks. We take two cars to everything now. I know the precursor issues though now after the second time and will just pull over and let it happened. I don't do stress well. Monday was stressful. Sounds weak, but I don't care. Not killing myself or my kids because I go full zombie mode.
49   Patrick   2024 Dec 6, 11:33am  


NOW what would be extraordinarily hilarious would be the next guy -womever he is- who steps in and takes over, that he also gets blown the fuck away. As well as any other major CEO of these diseased and felonious corporate empires whose sole purpose is to drain the cash from the working class… the very example of a parasitic corporate entity who make their INSANE profits off the misery of people.

OK, I admit laughing out loud at that. This Big Country Expat guy is even crustier than I am.
50   Ceffer   2024 Dec 6, 11:54am  

Beginning to think the shooter might be a foreign asset who exfiltrated. That seems to be a stock in trade, and why he was so casual. He had his escape plan routed to become gone goose. Facial recognition would have nailed him already? Pros usually aren't that careless, but the shooter was almost relaxed like he was well practiced.

The writing on the casings was chaff? Something around the company is blowing up in political faces? Burned the wrong pols or congress critters? A little pre-weeding of a witness testimony pool? Partners in crime and fellow execs? Seems to be bigger than an angry client.


51   PeopleUnited   2024 Dec 6, 12:47pm  

WookieMan says

I seized Monday again. I was on the median about to hit a tree driving.

It is not safe for you to be driving. Any responsible health care professional will tell you it is not worth the risk. You don’t want someone else’s injury or death on your conscience.
52   mell   2024 Dec 6, 1:11pm  

PeopleUnited says

WookieMan says

I seized Monday again. I was on the median about to hit a tree driving.

It is not safe for you to be driving. Any responsible health care professional will tell you it is not worth the risk. You don’t want someone else’s injury or death on your conscience.

Moreso you keep saying you got money, you may want to spend some regardless of insurance on a quality medical center specializing in seizures as quite often they can map the brain and figure out the exact region responsible, and if feasible they can remove a small part and cure you forever.
53   WookieMan   2024 Dec 6, 1:58pm  

Doing a 48 hour EEG. We'll see what comes of that.

I'm driving regardless. I have insurance, auto, health and life. I'm not gonna stop living. If it kills someone my apologies in advance. Maybe learn to hit the brakes and pay attention? Novel idea. You're at a larger risk than me seizing than someone on a phone. So there's that. High. Drunk. I'm the least of anyone's worries. Have the record to prove it.

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