Yale U Epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch's Delaware Talk on "Three Years to Flatten the Earth"

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2024 Dec 9, 3:54pm   125 views  5 comments

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Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance, posted March 15, 2023

- This was part of a virtual town hall hosted by Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance (DEMFA), www.DelawareMFA.org on March 13, 2023.
- Dr. Harvey Risch is Professor Emeritus and Senior Research Scientist in Epidemiology (Chronic Diseases); Affiliated Faculty, Yale Institute for Global Health https://ysph.yale.edu/profile/harvey-risch/ His Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrHarveyRisch and Telegram: https://t.me/HarveyRischMDPhD
- See also archived posts to-date by Dr. Risch on the Brownstone Institute site:
- An artist with a studio and art gallery in Lewes, Delaware, Abraxas Hudson is President of the Delaware Medical Freedom Alliance. https://www.delawaremfa.org/the-team .

Three Year Anniversary
Lessons Learned & Future Concerns
Virtual Town Hall Event

ABRAXAS HUDSON: So the next speaker, Dr. Harvey Risch. Dr. Risch earned his medical degree at UC San Diego. Subsequently he completed his PhD in biomathematics. Dr. Risch then completed a post-doctoral fellowship in cancer epidemiology at the University of Washington in Seattle. In 1991 Dr. Risch moved to Yale School of Public Health where he became a professor of epidemiology. Dr. Risch has published more than 400 peer-reviewed scientific research papers which have been cited by other scientists more than 46,000 times. He has a research h-index of 102, is a fellow of the American College of Epidemiology, and is an elected member of the Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering. Dr. Risch, it's a pleasure to have you on this evening.

DR. HARVEY RISCH: Well thank you, It's great to be with you and with all the viewers. I'm going to title my remarks tonight as Three Years to Flatten the Earth. And I say that kind of sarcastically.

We've been fighting a war for the last 3 years. And this war has taken on many fronts. Of course, we're fighting a war against this, this infection, but we're also, we've also been fighting a war against health, a war against the public, a war against information, a war against speech, and a war against truth.

So I'm going to describe the pandemic in one easy to understand sentence.

NIH[1] and the Department of Defense funded dangerous, prohibited gain-of-function virus research, the engineered virus escaped from the lab, the DOD claimed that it was a bioweapon and it seized control to assert military not public health management of the pandemic, then DOD covered up the cause of the pandemic, suppressed early treatments, and forced this toxic, weakly effective vaccine, so-called vaccine, onto the population as a wartime countermeasure, not, it's not as a treatment, and without informed consent, and then hundreds of thousands of Americans subsequently died or got injured a result.

So that's the sentence. Now let me expand on that a little bit.

So here we have NIH and the Department of Defense, the DOD is working through its agency called DARPA[2] which is a major research agency within the Department of Defense. They funneled more than 60 million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology through the EcoHealth Alliance. We've all heard this, it's all been in the public media as far as we know. And what they did is all written out in a project called Project Defuse, D-E-F-U-S-E. If you Google that you'll get a link to the protocol and you can read it and it says exactly how they did the gain-of-function research to make these viruses become human infective and, and toxic.[3]

OK. And if you also— these, these groups published two scientific medical research papers in 2015, 2016 under the first author Menachery, M-E-N-A-C-H-E-R-Y.[4] And if— you don't have to worry about the technical parts of the papers, just go back to the acknowledgment sections, the paragraphs at the end of the papers, where they say that even though these were done during the period that this research was prohibited by the government, they still nevertheless did it under approval of NIH.

And we don't know if Dr. Fauci actually signed off on it or somebody at his direction signed off on it, but these were approved by NIH during the time that this was not allowed, not, not proper allowed.

OK. So then, this was an engineered virus. And we know it's an engineered virus because there's a long artificial strand of the genetic code of the virus that's so long that it could not have happened by chance and does not exist in any other organism among more than 100,000 organisms that are in in NIH searchable data base. It exists only in one other place and that is in a patent for Moderna from 2017. There's no way that a patent sequence that's so long could not occur by chance ends up in a virus unless it was engineered.

OK. And the function that that stretch did is, it gave the virus the ability to infect human lung cells. And that's what, that's what's called gain-of-function, when you promote an organism to be able to be more toxic or more infectious. And so that's what it was.

Then they claimed this was a bioweapon. Now there's various different definitions of bioweapons and this because it causes human harm could be construed as a bioweapon, but they militarized it, took the control away from public health, and that means that every action that has gone on underneath what we think of as all a regulatory, all captured regulatory agencies and government, really was underneath the control of the Department of Defense. And so we have to be paying attention to who is really controlling the narrative in this, and it wasn't even necessarily the government agencies that we think of as the villains, that there's a level above that, which is the Department of Defense.

And then they covered all this up. They covered up the origin of the virus, and they did that, we know that because of the so-called proximal origins paper[5] that was published early, in February of 2020, that was orchestrated by Tony Fauci and a number of virologists who had expressed the understanding that this was an engineered virus, to say, no, it wasn't engineered, it came from an animal transmission to human and could not have possibly been engineered, and so on, and this was of course a coverup for the origin that was required. And Dr. Robert Redfield, who was head of the, Director of the CDC in that period, has testified to Congress about this. And they covered this up because of what I refer to as the state-controlled media and the state-controlled social media and the pharma-captured FDA, all of this was covered up.

They covered up and suppressed the efficacy of the early treatments like hydroxychloriquine and ivermectin and steroids, as we heard, vitamin D, and so on. These treatments absolutely provide significant, substantial benefit for keeping covid patients out of the hospital and from dying. And the information on this is definitive. I've written a number of reports on this. The original papers are all in public domain, and it's easy to understand if you take the time to go through this.

OK. Then they called these vaccines countermeasures. When you're giving military countermeasures, informed consent is not needed. Government approval is not needed. The fact that the FDA approved these things has basically been a show to create a fear for the public, to make it look like there was some semblance of normal medical function, when in fact these vaccines could have been inflicted on the population. Informed consent is not needed, and individual consent is not needed, and approval is not needed, none of this is needed under military countermeasures.

So we have to address, how much of everything we've observed was theater? Was it theater for the
doctors on the review panels? Was it theater for all of us who were the victims of all this? We have to be asking those questions.

OK. And then, when it came down to actually using these vaccines, so-called vaccines, we even know already that they did not work to do what they were supposed to do, which is to reduce transmission, because the CDC even came out on August 11th of last year saying that the vaccine, the primary series, does not control transmission, does not control spread, and the boosters only work transiently and their benefit wanes.

And for me as a public health person, anything that's transient and wanes is not a sustained public health benefit.

So here we have it. We trusted scientists and the regulatory agencies who made a series of very bad decisions. Those decisions backfired. And the people involved both covered up their incompetence
as well as believed that the outbreak was so bad that they had to rush with their supported cronies, the pharma industry, the vaccine industry, to push out a damaging product to the entire world in order to protect from what they themselves created through their incompetence.

And the basis of knowledge of what these would do was reflected perfectly in Debra Birx's famous statement about the vaccines, we hoped they would work. That was her degree of evidence.[6]

And so because all of this incompetence and malfeasance, hundreds of thousands of Americans died unnecessarily, and hundreds of thousands more were appreciably damaged, their health, they lost their health. And this was done to cover up the technically brilliant but commonsense incompetence of the elite agencies and researchers who did this.

So what we learned from this is that naive people, and I include myself in that, who believed the ideals of our American civilization, that even if our country is imperfect, we strive, we strive for equality, we strive for human rights, and we strive for increasing standard of living, and we found that in fact we're just another corrupt banana republic just like all the others around the world.

And I ask, where's our Congress been through all of this? OK. There's been only one person in all of the Congress who has stood up reliably to push back on this and where he couldn't push back, only to document what he could, and that's Senator Ron Johnson.[7]

So where's everybody else? Where's— are they bought off by pharma PAC[8] money? or are they being threatened by the Department of Defense? Is Congress being threatened by the DOD? Is the FDA being threatened by the DOD? Is CDC being threatened by DOD? Where, where are these forces coming from?

We really have a government that's been running amok, and even the new congressional investigations that we've been watching for the last week or longer, they really seemed like theater, not like prosecution. OK. This is a big problem. There's no point in doing a January 6th theater from the other side of the aisle. That's not what this is about. This is about finding the cause and the actors who did this and prosecuting their crimes against humanity.

Now I don't want to end up just on the topic of doom and gloom in all this because I think we still have where to go in all this. We need to be organized to combat the nefariousness of what we've experienced.

And I want to say that the natural urge is to protest, to go out, organize, go on the street, lobby in front of governments, write op-eds, and all of this stuff, to protest what our government has been doing. And for those of you who followed in the non-state-controlled media, you know that there have been hundreds of thousands, many hundreds of thousands of people all over Europe protesting, the truckers protesting in Canada, and so on. And this got almost nowhere. That all this did was make people know that they weren't alone, that there's lots of people who believe and understand the evidence the way they do. But the government— all the governments have just been laughing at this and basically saying, we're going to do what we want to do and the only way that you're ever going to stop us is find an arm of government that will follow your values, and the only one that's left to us is the courts, and even that has been difficult and challenging, but there have been some successes.

So I want to say that our approach should be not that, but basically to throw sand in the gears. And that is, not comply. You have to stand up for your own values, for what you think is right, what's right for you and what's right for the country. And in order to do that, everybody needs a Plan B. That means you have to be prepared for the consequences of how you stand up.

So if there's a risk that you'll lose your job, then you have to have lined up some alternative way of surviving under the circumstances, some independent way of flipping into that at least for some temporary period. Because if one or two people in a hospital quit because of vaccine mandates, it won't do anything. But if 10 or 20% of the nursing staff quit because of vaccine mandates, the hospital will come to a halt. Hospitals cannot function like that, that way. Pilots, if 10 or 20% of pilots refuse to be vaccinated, the airline industry will come to a halt.

You need to have large numbers of people who understand that the only way to protest is to protest with their own actions, and not in the easy way, it's very easy to go out and protest on the street by yelling and having speeches, and the speech I'm giving now is very easy to make, too. What's necessary is to stand up and block as much as you can through your own actions, through your own legal actions, what you can do to interfere with the process that's been running around suppressing our constitutional rights.

OK. Now I'll say that we have been given some gifts in this, that the first gift is that, the virus is going to virus, as they say, and ultimately, the virus seeks to optimize its way of infecting a whole population, and it does that by making people mildly ill, not very ill. If you get very sick, you stay home and you only infect your family members. If you're mildly ill, where you're only coughing and sneezing, then you tend to go to work, you're out there in the public and so you can infect both your family members and everybody you interact with. So viruses don't want to make people too sick, they want to make people just-right sick so that they infect as many people as possible.

And that's in fact what we got with omicron, which is when the emergency ended. Because omicron is an annoying, obnoxious illness, flu-like illness to get through, I've had it, I can speak to that well, but it's not generating a life-threatening illness to almost everybody who gets it.

And for the people who are really at serious high risk of doing poorly with omicron, there's as we said medications and treatments that can be used to keep those people from getting hospitalized or dying.

Nevertheless, omicron was a gift to us.

The second thing is that the current variant that's spreading, the XBB.1.5 variant, has been been around for quite a long time and almost nothing is pushing it out, has pushed it out, which makes me think it's getting close to the optimal virus for the population, which means that people are going to end up getting very immune to it, and that means people, the virus itself is going to go down in prevalence.

Now I've seen the CDC says that XBB.1.5.1, which is an offshoot, may be pushing back. we'll have to see, that's going to take another 3 months to know, really, or maybe less. In any event I'm very optimistic we're in a much better state now with this infection than we've been at any other time.

And finally, there is one other gift that we've gotten from this, and that is that these repurposed medications that we've been speaking of, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, steroids, like oral and inhaled steroids, vitamin D, zinc, vitamin C, and other things, these medications likely also work for other respiratory virus infections. And I've had a number of colleagues who told me they've been using them for their RSV infections and for flu infections and have had very good success with these repurposed and over-the-counter medications and supplements. And so I'm cautiously optimistic that we will, over time, develop more knowledge that respiratory virus infections can be treated starting very early during symptoms, can be treated by these and other approaches. There's also nasal sprays and mouthwash gargles and so on that will suppress the virus and suppress serious consequences of the virus. So I'm very optimistic about where we're going with that also.

Well, let me just finish by saying that it's well known that, that the Soviet dissent Natan Sharanksy
said that under the USSR totalitarianism, 30% of the population disbelieved the government but could not speak out, and 30% of the population were what we call useful idiots and supported the government and were happy to be part of the game plan, and 40% in the middle kind of didn't know what to believe or not but still couldn't speak out, either.

Here in the West during the pandemic the 30% of the population has not believed the government also, and not gone along with the diktats of the public health infrastructure administration.

And I think that for me, many of us were scared just like everybody else over the propaganda that was dumped on us wholesale and continuously for all of these 3 years. Nevertheless, we still recognized that something was amiss, used our brains and our critical thinking to decide for ourselves that this was not right, that this was propaganda and not truth, and in spite of being afraid, we went on our rational considerations, rather than our emotional fear considerations. And that's crucial.

And so you have to have to remember, we are the 30% and we are not going to be silent. We speak out.

ABRAXAS HUDSON: Wow. Thank you, Dr. Risch. Truly amazing. You know they've always told us, throughout the last 3 years, trust the experts. Well, you are the type of expert we'd like to trust. So thank you for being brave.

So as I said earlier, this is our 10th Covid Truth Town Hall event and typically at the beginning of our events I put up about 10 slides to bring people current as to the most latest, you know, the latest insanity. And one of your news pieces, July 27th of 2020, you wrote in Newsweek, the key to treating covid 19 exists, why aren't we using it? So I'm asking you, was that one of the big wakeup moments for you when you realized, treatment exists, being suppressed, what is happening?

DR. HARVEY RISH: Yes. What happened was, when I published the paper in the American Journal of Epidemiology at the end of May 2020 on hydroxychloroquine,[9] then I started getting reporters saying, oh, no, don't you know that it doesn't work? And citing these various studies that were pushback. Except that I was reviewing outpatient treatment, so for people at high risk, who have, you know, older age or chronic conditions that put them at high risk, and I was looking at treatment starting within the first 5 or so days of symptoms, and they're telling me about where this wasn't effective in hospital patients. And it's totally irrelevant.

And so I'd say— Well, you know, I'm used to reporters being incompetent, I had that over 40 years of a career reporting on my cancer research, so when this happened at first I thought, this just is more incompetence. But I gradually realized that this was systematic, and therefore there was an agenda being pushed here coming from above somewhere. And this really became more obvious after I wrote the Newsweek essay.

And really, the bottom line is, in the middle of pandemic, when you have no other treatments and there's no opportunity cost, all you have to show is something that's safe. You don't have to show that there's efficacy, you don't have to prove it with multiple randomized trials. You have, it's good if you have some evidence that it's beneficial. But the fact that these medications, and ivermectin later on also has been used in tens of billions of doses in hundreds of millions of people for more than half a century, that is absolute evidence of safety. That doctors feel free to use these medications all over the world without doing EKGs, automatic EKGs on everybody, without, you know— They follow good medical practice, standard of care for other illnesses like rheumatoid arthritis and lupus, and malaria prevention, which is the main usage that it was used for, called [inaudible] Sunday, it's over-the-counter in much of the world, especially in Africa.

So these are completely safe medications. And the fact that this was claimed to be not EUA-able[10] unless you came with multiple large randomized controlled trials was irrelevant and insane and violated the 20th century Cures Act[11] which was passed in 2016 which says in its Section 3022 that regulatory agencies shall investigate all types of real world evidence as well as randomized trials
in support of their decisions. I mean, it's a little bit more convoluted writing, reasoning in there, but that's the gist of what it's saying.

So this was all a campaign to push back, to suppress these medications. CDC put out a— FDA put out a false website claiming that these medica—, the outpatient use of hydroxychloroquin was dangerous for cardiac rhythm issues, and then in the small text underneath it says, we base this on one study, one study of hospitalized patients. And this is telling you immediately that they had no systematic data on outpatients because they would have cited the outpatient data if they had it.

So this is all a big lie. That website is still up on the FDA's website. It's a big lie, and they're still hiding behind that lie and getting away with it because I seem to be the only person around who's making the obvious statement, just read what they say, and it's so obvious that it's a lie.

ABRAXAS HUDSON: Truly amazing. So early on during our town hall series, by talking to people and realizing what was happening, we realized we basically only have a few brave doctors here in Delaware, so we used the FLCCC protocol [12] and did our own research and came up with our own over-the-counter kit because basically, we realized, people are going to their doctors, the doctor says, if your lips turn blue go to the hospital, sorry you've got covid, government's telling you to test, but I can't do anything for you. Well, these people would be absolutely terrified, as we know. So we created a kit, the basics, D, C, zinc, quercetin, Pepsid,[13] Zyrtec to shut down the cytokine storm.

And it's amazing. I guarantee you, we gave our kit out, hundreds, maybe even thousands, I don't even know, it's hard to say. Personally I spent thousands of hours at Walgreen's and the health food store packing these kits and giving them to people, and then we shared them, you know, the photograph of our protocol. And it's amazing, I can say that I don't believe anyone who used our kit ended up in the hospital. And that's because there was such a vacuum of practicing doctors, it was just a crime against humanity. One of the many, right?

DR. HARVEY RISCH: That's right. And you quickly know and learn that viruses are treatable, but not by single agents. You know, AIDs isn't treated by a single anti-viral. Anti-viral treatments require multiple agents to clobber the virus from multiple pathways. And that's what we've done through these regimens, both yours, and the ivermectin hydroxychloroquine regimens, they're not just single bullets, they have to be used in combined regimens. And they work exceedingly well.

ABRAXAS HUDSON: Absolutely. And there's a point that you made that we've also shared at our events, and it's just so important. As you know, if one or two people stand up, it's very easy to pick them off, but if people could really start standing up together, that's just so simple, right? You join forces, stand up together and break the machine.

DR. HARVEY RISCH: That's right.

ABRAXAS HUDSON: And then the machine will beg for you to return, and you might even get a raise. [laughs] Well, thank you, Dr. Risch.

Comments 1 - 5 of 5        Search these comments

1   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 4:01pm  


Getting to the bottom of the Operation Warp Speed debacle. Who, what, and why.
There are people that know the answers to the important questions.

Paving the Way
Dec 06, 2024

As Stalwart investigator Sasha Latypova has reported repeatedly, the reason Operation Warp Speed was initiated in May of 2020, during the height of the COVID pandemic1, was to increase public private partnerships for productive capacity, speed and efficiency for diagnostics, therapeutics, and a new vaccine. They wanted to get their new medical countermeasure (vaccine) to the public by January of 2021. The Department of Defense assigned several of their senior team members within the Department to work with HHS teams to implement this top-down initiative. This was a full-government, emergency initiative, managed by the Department of Defense.

As the members of the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic reported, Operation Warp Speed was successful. The military did indeed build more durable and faster alliances with their subcontractors to make a vaccine and with President Trump’s “pushing the FDA harder than they had ever been pushed”, the military infrastructure got the countermeasure out by January 2021.

That’s the problem!

The countermeasure turned out to be deadly. It didn’t work either.

We know the names of the people in the DOD brass that executed Operation Warp Speed under the direction of General Perna - the process. We do not know who actually built the countermeasure and delivered it to the public - the product, and what exactly they put in it. That should be the focus of upcoming investigations.


DOD Official Holds News Conference
Defense.gov May 15, 2020
Jonathan Rath Hoffman, assistant to the secretary of defense for public affairs, briefs the news media at the Pentagon on COVID-19 efforts, May 15, 2020.

The verdict will be that there is no liability for the producers of the vaccine because the military is allowed to do what it needs to do in a time of national emergency. One court already handed down that decision. So be it, but we will still find out who did what, how they did it, and why they did it. We will also discover what the manufacturers put into the concoction that was injected into billions of people. We will also discover how batches were made and how they were distributed. We already have some idea about all of this from the work of private scientists and the Coronavirus committee, but we need much more.

It is clear Trump wanted to be a hero, and he wanted an election issue he could exploit. That was prideful recklessness. The prudent approach would have been to require his people to work as expediently as possible to get a safe and effective product to the public. Setting a goal in any endeavor is appropriate. Guaranteeing an outcome is problematic. We have the dead bodies and the devastating injuries from the toxic vaccine to prove that maxim.

For that mistake alone I believe President Trump should have resigned the presidency in shame - or tell us in 2021 that this bit of treason was part of the ongoing military coup against him by an out of control military dictatorship that is really running the country. Now he needs to come clean on the entire affair so that we can get justice. We need to know the extent to which the DOD was pushing the President and the extent to which the President was pushing the DOD. Did someone have a nefarious motive to release a tainted vaccine or was this a case of government officials and their contractors responding recklessly to public pressure? That is the key question.

Either condition does not excuse the reckless or intentional actions of the people who concocted the deadly mix that ended up being called a vaccine. Trump pushed for rapid production and approval, but some scientists and producers made the crap. They have an ethical duty to produce a safe product, regardless of how hard they are being pushed by their bosses or by politicians. Somebody authorized the release of a product while knowing it was most likely toxic. That was a crime. Then they failed to act when the horrific results came in from the public. That was another crime.

Former Pfizer Executive Michael Yeadon believes the product was intentionally made to harm humans. Thus, it would not have been a countermeasure but a measure, a weapon. Nobody seems to know who would have done something like that and how they would have worked their way through the DOD monstrosity to do it. Or, even worse to consider, did the DOD itself try to harm or experiment on the American people? Were powerful third parties involved in the development of the product? Who determined the distribution schedule in the supply chain?

There are people that know the answers to these questions, but It appears that the people surrounding incoming President Trump are not going to demand those answers because they are sycophants. The Biden people are complicit too. They participated in the crimes and the coverups. That means we are going to need to provide the answers ourselves with the help of whistleblowers.

I think many of those answers will come in February. Just a hunch.
2   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 4:02pm  

Patrick says

We know the names of the people in the DOD brass that executed Operation Warp Speed under the direction of General Perna

Gustave F. Perna

Retired United States Army four-star general who last served as the chief operating officer of the federal COVID-19 response for vaccine and therapeutics. He previously served as the chief operating officer of Operation Warp Speed from July 2020 until the operation's duties and responsibilities were transferred to the White House COVID-19 Response Team in February 2021. As chief operating officer of COVID-19 response, he oversaw the logistics in the United States federal government's distribution of the vaccine to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Senate confirmed his nomination as chief operating officer on July 2, 2020, and he assumed the office shortly after.

3   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 4:03pm  

Patrick says

Jonathan Rath Hoffman

Jonathan Rath Hoffman

American attorney, politician, and government official who served as the assistant to the secretary of defense for public affairs from May 2019 to January 2021. In the role, Hoffman advised the secretary and deputy secretary of defense on issues related to strategic communications, community engagement, and media relations.

4   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 4:17pm  


What Was "Warp Speed" Really About?

Dec 06, 2024

Many have been pissed to learn of the recent “conclusions” by the House COVID Committee after a supposed two-year investigation.
While it certainly vindicates many of us, it also reads like a partisan whitewash, and the assertion that the jabs “undoubtedly saved millions of lives” is not only factually incorrect, it’s disgusting.

Let’s be fuckin real

And on top of that, we’ve all had our share of problems with some of Trump’s questionable health head picks thus far.

But the window of opportunity is open.

Keep up the information push, don’t doom - I’ll try not to myself - and we’ll increase the spiritual resonance slowly but surely and get people thinking as they should.

Because as long as people remain in the Cult of self-poisoning, self-mutilating, and self-hating through things like gender perversion, climate guilt, mRNA injection, and AI idolatry, nothing of true value will change.

Thankfully, things are changing. We’re making a difference, and we even made a difference during the Plandemic, despite it feeling like all hope was lost as we witnessed a blatant Democide in motion.

Just think about what they really wanted to do…

Even with all that, worse was planned. On July 26, 2020, with the George Floyd riots
having finally settled down, the CDC issued a plan for establishing nationwide
quarantine camps. People were to be isolated, given only food and some cleaning
supplies. They would be banned from participating in any religious services. The
plan included contingencies for preventing suicide. There were no provisions made
for any legal appeals or even the right to legal counsel.

If the idea of forthcoming Orwellian quarantine facilities sounds farfetched, merely consider that it was already happening.

Don’t forget, a number of countries outside the U.S. were using ‘contact tracing’ to digitally monitor and physically isolate people in quarantine camps.

The good ol’ days of the Plandemic may be forgotten by the masses, but they’re not forgotten by those of us who knew what we were seeing, and who had the courage and conviction to actually say and do something about it.

Unfortunately, many dissidents just like us faced strict punishments for violating protocols…

Australian police have arrested three people who broke out of a Covid quarantine
compound in the middle of the night.

If the lockdowns and protocols had continued, mortality and morbidity numbers would have gone into warp speed, especially with people also receiving the dangerous shots.

Even Johns Hopkins, which was involved with Event 201 and The SPARS Pandemic 2025-2028, admits that the lockdowns were a disaster…

So I think there might be something more to Operation Warp Speed, even though Trump on many occasions has bragged like a buffoon about his “beautiful shot” and all the ‘great’ things he did with ventilators and PPE.

In the days since, many people around Trump have told him that the jabs are bad.

Even with his inflated ego, he has to have had time for that to sink in. I believe he is listening to his son Don Jr., who has expressed many reservations about the jabs, RFK Jr., with whom he was ‘caught’ discussing vaccines in general over the phone, and many other people in his circle.

He even recently said in a public forum with Tucker Carlson that he wants RFK Jr. to “look” into vaccines.

Then you’ve got the years of him Tweeting about excess childhood shots and autism links.

And of course, let’s not forget his early efforts to push alternative therapies like hydroxychloroquine and UV therapy, only to be ridiculed by the media as promoting "horse paste" and "bleach injections".

Now, I’m not endorsing what he did, but I do think he made a calculation with the terrible hand he was dealt. Many of the doses were already in waiting, but how many weren’t? How many were forced through at warp speed?

As many scientists and researchers have noted, there seems to have been a spike in serious health issues immediately following the injection of the bioweapon, but also a number of people who didn’t even report a sore arm.

Were people given placebos in order to turn them into ‘ambassadors’ for the shot campaign? “Don’t be silly, I’m fine, go get your shot already so we can return to normal!”

Or were these people just lucky?

A lot of folks will argue that the placebo-like effects are likely due to human error and structural weakness during the rollout.

After all, you had potency diminished from transit, vials that weren’t properly handled, batches that weren’t properly stored at the right temperature, and even mistakes during the injection process (i.e., intravenous rather than intramuscular).

Or was the placebo intentional?

Pfizer Vaccine Batches in the EU Were Placebos, Say Scientists

A study that many people have forgotten was published in Denmark in March of 2023. It looked at various relationships between the Pfizer BNT162b2 batches and “suspected adverse effects” (i.e., features not flaws).

What they found was that the batches could be organized into three groups: blue, green, and yellow.

The blue batches showed the highest ratio of “suspected adverse effects” (SAEs) to doses per batch. The green group showed what most people got, with some SAEs cropping up, and the yellow group showed virtually no suspected adverse events for all its batches. ...

In other words, 30% of the Pfizer doses assessed had almost no suspected side effects.

Upon further investigation, German researchers found that of the blue, green, and yellow groups, the yellow group was virtually untested by regulators before being released to the public.
The blue and green groups with the most adverse effects, meanwhile, were tested heavily.

Every single blue batch was tested and all but three of the green group were tested. But in the harmless yellow group, only one batch was tested.

The regulators knew. ...

I simply say that there is more than meets the eye, and for people who exist in a paradigm of black and white, I don’t think Trump is completely ignorant of the harm. Nor do I think he is maliciously complicit.

He got played undoubtedly, and OWS was a disaster, but I don’t see him as somebody who was in on the Democidal Agenda.

There have simply been way too many of the worst forces working against him for him to be aligned with the Satanic Pedovore Elite (and I don’t say that hyperbolically).

All I can say is that We Were Right.

This was a Mass Experiment, implemented via a Mass PSYOP.

When medical freedom fighters across the world decry the absence of “randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trials” - they’re wrong.

I think there was one. On a global scale. Only problem is, we never got the fuckin abstract…
5   Ceffer   2024 Dec 9, 4:37pm  

The alleged 'future planning' of the Covid fraud was to hold society hostage much longer than it had under the arbitrary contagion abrogation of rights and freedom of movements, complete with FEMA/DHS gulags and social terrorism. This would all have been done under the pretense of prevention pending a vaccine to be brought out at a convenient time in the future (even though the vaccine had already been developed).

It smacks of the bloodline devotion to dates, numbers and astrologies to empower their campaigns against the human race.

Operation WarpSpeed or whatever basically threw their dates, numbers, and astrologies off track and headed the Covid gulags off at the pass. Covid was going to be used as a universal weapon to isolate citizens under any number of pretenses, including political.

Once the MSM propaganda assaults establishing the Covid fear totem were effective on the general population and could not be reversed, the faux vaccine was forced into production outside of the Globalist timelines. It was perceived by Trump as the lesser of evils in a war decision.

Project WarpSpeed used the rapidly implemented fiction of the vaccine to quell the hysterical fiction of the Covid fraud. I guess one good fraud deserves another, and it was kind of twisting their own frauds back on them.

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