Effective Resistance Thread

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710   Patrick   2024 Nov 21, 2:17pm  



WHAT: Giving away free turkey’s to unvaccinated NYC workers who were fired for declining the COVID shot. To get a turkey, please email: TeachersforChoice@Substack.com

WHEN: November 25, 2024, 12 noon

WHERE: In front of 410 Atlantic Ave, Brooklyn, NY

WHY: Because elected officials are stopping unvaccinated workers from getting back to their jobs

Free turkeys will be given out to unvaccinated NYC workers who were fired for declining the COVID shot on November 25 at noon in Brooklyn, NY. The giveaway is going to be happening in front of City Councilman Lincoln Restler's office because he is currently standing in the way of a resolution in City Hall that would help these workers find a path back to the jobs they lost.

"The vaccine mandate made me homeless," said Alfonso Ventura from Manhattan. Ventura is an immigrant who worked as an aide in a school cafeteria but was fired for not getting the COVID shot. That led to him losing his home and ending up in the shelter system. He testified to City Council back in June of this year about his desperate situation, at times visibly holding back tears.

Resolution 5 has been introduced in City Council calling for all fired unvaccinated workers to be reinstated to their jobs. But Councilman Restler is effectively preventing the resolution from being voted on. At one point Restler said the resolution called for backpay to be given to these workers, but that is not the case. There is no mention of backpay in the resolution.

Recently constituents of Restler’s wrote to him asking to reconsider and support Resolution 5, but he replied by saying he supports "the current process" for people to be rehired.

"There is no process to get your job back," said Michael Kane, founder of Teachers for Choice. "Councilwoman Joann Ariola has made this point time and time again publicly on the floor of City Council. Some fired workers got their jobs back, but most didn't. Some had to sign a legal waiver to get their job back, yet others didn't have to sign a waiver. There is no ‘process’ to speak of.”

“It is complete chaos and entirely unfair. Lincoln Restler doesn't have any financial problems. He's the son of a rich father, Peter Restler, who owns a private equity firm. Yet he has no problem denying working class people the right to work. These are people of all backgrounds, races, and nationalities. It's pretty disgusting."

The turkey give-away is supported by NY WORKERS FOR CHOICE, an organization of firefighters, cops, teachers, sanitation workers, court workers, medical professionals and more who are opposed to medical mandates to access employment and society.
712   HeadSet   2024 Nov 24, 2:07pm  

Booger says

It seems a Starbuck employee would be happy that the candidate won that wants to remove tax on tips.
713   stereotomy   2024 Nov 24, 3:10pm  

Booger says

That should be put on the back of the fakenote.
714   Patrick   2024 Nov 24, 3:55pm  


America’s Compliance with Federal Vaccine Recommendations Has Collapsed

CDC report finds that the vast majority of adults reject ACIP guidelines, refusing COVID-19 genetic booster shots with no human data, as well as flu and RSV vaccines. ...

These results reveal that America has lost faith in its public health agencies, as the majority decline to follow CDC and Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines. Trust may only be restored once the federal government acknowledges their failure during the COVID-19 pandemic, capitulates on pushing unsafe genetic injections that may have killed at least 17 million people worldwide, and upholds true scientific integrity free from corruption.
715   stereotomy   2024 Nov 24, 4:16pm  

That's my stance. No one in my family gets any shots from this time forward. Fuck the consequences and fuck the CDC.
716   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 11:33am  



A growing body of evidence suggests that the widespread rollout of the novel Covid-19 mRNA vaccine products is contributing to an alarming rise in disability and excess deaths.

The association observed between the vaccine rollout and these concerning trends is now supported by additional significant findings. These include the discovery of plausible biological mechanisms of harm demonstrated in laboratory and autopsy studies, as well as high rates of adverse events seen in randomised clinical trials and national surveillance programs. Altogether, these observations indicate a causal link.

This new technology was granted emergency use authorisation to address a situation that no longer exists. Going forward, the burden of proof falls on those still advocating for these products to compellingly demonstrate that they aren’t resulting in net harm. Until such evidence is presented, regulators should suspend their use as a matter of standard medical precaution.

Independent investigations must be properly resourced to allow a comprehensive re-evaluation of all Covid-19 vaccine products.

There must be a full exploration of mechanisms of harm to provide insight into their impact on the human body, both short and long term. Effectiveness must be reassessed through a comprehensive review of actual clinical impact on illness and mortality, as opposed to synthetic results based on modelled assumptions.

We call on the scientific community to come forward with findings from unpublished Covid-19 vaccine studies. This will help mitigate publication bias, whereby unfavourable results were often rejected or withheld due to fears of reputational damage. Crucially, government bodies and the pharmaceutical industry must also provide full transparency, granting access to previously undisclosed anonymised patient-level data from clinical trials and surveillance programs.

These cumulative actions will help determine any real world benefit of these products versus the true extent of the damage caused.

The denial of vaccine injury is a betrayal of those who followed official directives, often under coercion from mandates restricting their access to work, education, travel, hospitality and sports.

The vaccine-injured must be recognised and every effort made to understand their conditions. Support should include readily accessible multidisciplinary clinics offering investigation and treatment as well as appropriate compensation for all those who have been harmed.

Fundamental and cherished principles of medical ethics were disregarded on the premise of an emergency. These included: ‘first do no harm’, informed consent, bodily autonomy and the notion that adults protect children – not the other way around. The precautionary principle was inverted. Also, particularly concerning was the erosion of free speech – a democratic principle that underpinned the ability to question untested interventions whilst ensuring other principles were upheld. The consequence was exposing the public, especially healthy young people – including children – to unacceptable risks of harm.

Emergencies are never a reason to abandon our principles; it is precisely at such times that we most profoundly depend on them. Only after acknowledging they were wrongly abandoned can we commit to upholding them consistently and in doing so, better protect future generations.

The medical profession must lead by admitting we lost our way.

By drawing attention to these medical and ethical issues surrounding the Covid-19 response, we hope to validate and amplify the call to establish the relevant facts and ensure vital lessons are learned.

An honest and thorough investigation is needed, addressing the root causes that have led us to this place, including institutional groupthink, conflicts of interest and the suppression of scientific debate.

We ultimately seek a renewed commitment to the core principles of ethical medicine, returning to an era in which we strive for transparency, accountability and responsible decision-making throughout the spheres of medicine and public health.
718   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 7:59pm  


SAM DODSON: Dr. Candice Schaefer, she's a clinical psychologist, consultant, speaker, and writer. Hashtag Black Lives Matter in the Twitter bio so we know she's woke.

[left-side of the split screen now shows a series of Dr. Schaefer's tweets from August 11, 2021]

She's here with some tips on how to talk to someone who is hesitant about vaccines.[1] Well, I would consider myself in that category, Candice, so let's see what you have to say.

[Reading the tweet] Number one. Ask questions in a non-defensive manner. "What are your concerns about taking the vaccine?"

Well, Candice, I am so glad you asked. I'm concerned that the manufacturers have no liability and they've even set it up to where the government pays legal fees should they even get sued.

I'm concerned about the 5,000 plus reported adverse events that resulted in peoples' deaths in VAERS.[2] I'm concerned about the million plus people around the world who have been permanently disabled after taking this vaccine. I'm concerned about who might pay my rent if that were to happen to me. Who's going to feed my kids? I'm concerned about who would be wiping my ass if I end up with [starts shaking] a neurological disorder and this is my reality and I can't stop shaking. [stops shaking]

I'm concerned about the, my compromised immune system should I take the shot.

I'm concerned about 100% of the vaccinated pissing carcinogens according to doctors who are actually doing the tests on these things.

I'm concerned about antibody dependent enhancement. I'm concerned about your killer T-cells being wiped out by the vaccine, as confirmed by doctors who are performing these tests on their patients. I'm concerned about because, you know, those cells in the body keep other viruses at bay which is why we're seeing an outbreak of herpes among the vaccinated. We're seeing an outbreak of shingles and any other virus because the body is no longer able to keep them at bay, to keep them in check inside of your immune system.

I'm concerned that the people who take the shot next year are going to get the flu or later this year, in fact, are going to get the flu, their body will be unable to fight it off and they will die.

That's the reality. Those are my concerns, Candice.

[Reading from Dr. Candice Schaefer's tweet] "Where are you getting your information from and how many sources confirm the same?"

Well, peer-reviewed studies, doctors, scientists actually researching this and looking at this without, like, putting this, putting themselves in this cage of the vaccine can't be at cause here. The ones who are willing to actually consider that possibility are the ones that have the best answers.

[Reading from Dr. Candice Schaefer's tweet] "What do you need to feel comfortable taking the vaccine?"

I need to know 100% unequivocably that I am in the control group, that what's being injected into my arm is saline because no way am I taking your death jab.
719   Patrick   2024 Nov 26, 8:08pm  


Developing Consensus Among Stakeholders To Recall COVID-19 Vaccines

Dr. McCullough Walks John Fredericks Through the Process

I appeared on Outside the Beltway with John Fredericks on November 20, 2024 and walked through the likely scenario by which Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, if confirmed as Secretary of HHS, would ultimately have the COVID-19 vaccines removed from human use.
720   Patrick   2024 Nov 27, 10:33am  


Complete Action HERE: https://www.votervoice.net/AUTISMACTION/Campaigns/119171/Respond

President-elect Trump’s nomination of Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) is an historic opportunity to root out the deep corruption and flagrant disregard for the health of all Americans, especially children, which defines federal health policy.

Kennedy offers the promise that the chronic disease epidemics afflicting half of American children will finally receive acknowledgment, genuine research, and the prospect for treatment, prevention and better lives for those affected. Perhaps, for the first time ever, the American medical establishment may produce something of use to individuals and families afflicted by autism and other chronic disorders.

Kennedy has fought long and hard for decades, at great personal and professional cost to himself, for serious and honest scientific analysis of the many taboo issues that must never be questioned. We must seize this once in a lifetime possibility of real reform.

Nomination does not guarantee Kennedy gets the job. Kennedy must be confirmed by the US Senate. Well-funded and organized campaigns to block Kennedy’s nomination are already operating by both Democratic and Republican-aligned groups. And the legacy corporate media continues their incessant attacks on Kennedy.

We must take action and make sure our Senators hear from us loudly, clearly, and frequently that we demand Kennedy’s confirmation.

Call Your US Senators.

Please call the offices of your two United States Senators and let them know that you expect them to vote for confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy as the next Secretary of the department of Health and Human Services. Your Senators’ names and contact information should appear below. ...

721   Patrick   2024 Dec 1, 7:42pm  


The crux is that these things cannot be left to the changing mores of our times, but must be encoded into the very Constitution as an update to the types of institutional synergies of power even the founding fathers could not have foreseen. The assumption of conspiracy behind the gestures of any body of power must be codified to be presumed, as the chief load-bearing palladium against the nexus of unopposed tyrannies which now threaten us.
722   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 6:01pm  


Covid Memorial Day – Dec 8

Elderly people who were forced to die alone and were subjected to harmful medical treatment. Children and teenagers who were not allowed to meet, go to school or enjoy their leisure activities. Vaccine passports and injection requirements that tore families, friends and partners apart. Companies forced out of business. Millions of people who were injured by the Covid vaccinations.

Together, we honor the victims of the Covid tragedy and highlight a path toward reconciliation and justice.

Here’s how you can get involved
Join the campaign and light a candle at 6 p.m. local time on December 8, followed by a minute of silence. Light the candle in your home, workplace, garden, or city square.
Share your story or remembrance here or on social media using #Dec8, #CovidMemorialDay or #CovidMemorialMovement. If you don’t want to share your own image, feel free to use this one.
Spread the word, invite your friends and family to join the Covid Memorial Movement.

Want to know more? Check out our FAQ or contact us

723   Patrick   2024 Dec 3, 7:41pm  


Over 250 Unvaccinated NYC Workers Send Letter to Trump, Vance and Kennedy

Workers draw attention to their #1 obstacle to returning to work - Mayor Eric Adams

On November 20, 2024, more than 250 unvaccinated workers who were fired or displaced from their jobs for declining the COVID shot sent a letter to President-Elect Donald Trump, Vice President-Elect JD Vance, and Robert F. Kennedy Jr. The workers made it clear in their letter they represent many thousands more just like them.

Few are aware that no fired unvaxxed NYC workers have gotten their jobs back.

The letter (included below) draws attention to the plight they have been fighting for more than 3 years in the courts, in the streets, and in City Hall trying to get back to doing what they do best - working for the City of New York.

Firefighters, cops, teachers, sanitation workers, medical professionals and more have asked the incoming presidential administration for help getting back to their employment. The letter brings attention to the fact that Mayor Eric Adams is the number one obstacle preventing unvaccinated workers from being brought back to their jobs and getting compensated, and it was written by Diane Pagen and Aura Moody.
727   Patrick   2024 Dec 5, 7:32pm  


Parents Hesitant to Vaccinate Children for COVID-19
Up to 95% Rates of Resistance to Unsafe, Ineffective, and Unnecessary mRNA Vaccines in Children

Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

Many parents have come to me and admitted regret for having their children vaccinated against COVID-19. They realize the shots were unsafe, ineffective, not clinically indicated nor medically necessary. ...

Because COVID-19 vaccination causes death in some unfortunate children, it is the safest stance to refuse all mRNA shots and find a way of having the child navigate vaccine mandates.
730   Patrick   2024 Dec 9, 8:08pm  

Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik, Polish member of European Parliament:


731   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 9, 10:45pm  

Patrick says

Ewa Zajączkowska-Hernik, Polish member of European Parliament:

EU is fucked. Because Germany is fucked. No Germany, no bulk of the EU budget.
732   Patrick   2024 Dec 10, 7:07pm  


ITALIAN NATIONAL NEWSPAPER TODAY: Major appeal to the British government to stop anti-Covid vaccines

The "Hope" petition, launched in July and signed by over 2,000 scientists and doctors... these vaccines "are contributing to an alarming increase in disabilities and excess deaths."

To the General Medical Council of the UK: "All mRNA anti-Covid vaccines cause horrible and unprecedented side effects contributing to the excess mortality recorded in many countries," they write. "According to the best available evidence," support the petitioners, including cardiologist Aseem Malhotra, "the likelihood of suffering severe harm from Covid vaccination is seven times higher than that of preventing hospitalization."

The letter is addressed to the two scientific advisors of the British government who succeeded during the pandemic (Sir Chris Whitty and Patrick Vallance, current UK Minister for Scientific Research) and to the current Secretary of State for Health, Wes Streeting. Malhotra, Angus Dalgleish (a professor of oncology known for his scientific contributions to HIV/AIDS research), and 64,000 other signatories, including over 2,000 scientists and academics, are calling for independent research to be adequately funded to allow a full reevaluation of all Covid-19 products.
733   Patrick   2024 Dec 12, 5:30pm  


Laura Kasner

From attorney Warner Mendenhall’s recent Substack:

If not civil justice, then criminal.

States are starting to respond to the lack of accountability for vaccine injury.

Proposed Arkansas’ Senate Bill 6 states that a pharmaceutical executive who withholds evidence that a vaccine has dangerous effects is guilty of criminal vaccine harm, if said vaccine causes death or serious physical injury. Violation carries anywhere from one year to life imprisonment.

This is one creative way to address the problem. I saw this in Trial Site News:



Note: Attorney Warner Mendenhall represents Ventavia/Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson
734   Patrick   2024 Dec 12, 7:04pm  


Proposed Arkansas’ Senate Bill 6 states that a pharmaceutical executive who withholds evidence that a vaccine has dangerous effects is guilty of criminal vaccine harm, if said vaccine causes death or serious physical injury. Violation carries anywhere from one year to life imprisonment.

This is one creative way to address the problem.
735   Patrick   2024 Dec 12, 7:07pm  


If the injections were administered under the
direction of or were obtained as a result of advice
from a physician, injured patients could utilize a
brief template delineating failure to uphold the
core competencies described here. Chief medical
officers (CMOs) of health systems recommending
the injections would be among the negligent
physicians. The template could be easily accessed
and personalized with a statement of injury along
with a request for investigation. Connecting this
template with a readily available link to state
licensing boards would simplify and accelerate the
process for plaintiffs. Many advocacy organizations
currently use this software for their initiatives.
The innovation is particularly common for sending
letters en masse to educate and inform legislators
about an issue of concern and its degree of public
support. If agencies fail to respond to the potential
large number of petitions, government watchdog
and investigative media groups would bring further
scrutiny to this issue. In addition, consideration
should also be given to combining this strategy with
preplanned litigation if licensing boards fail to fulfill
their regulatory mandate as determined by state
736   Patrick   2024 Dec 13, 1:33pm  


That’s a market opportunity. We need to offer people the one thing that the regime can’t: adventure. In particular, we need to offer young men adventure. It’s their spirits that are being crushed by safetyworld. Women are miserable too, of course, but I think if we reawaken an adventurous spirit in young men, if we bring them to life again, that will bring the young women along. They’ll think it’s hot. ...

I’ll end by throwing a few ideas out there. Maybe they’re stupid ideas, I don’t know.

Politicians aren’t going to do anything about immigration on their own. Is there any way of interfering with that via private direct action? Canada’s problem obviously isn’t the same as Europe’s … overwhelmingly, immigration to Canada is perfectly legal. They aren’t walking across the border, they’re flying into the airports with TFW visas and student visas. Well, that means the airports are the choke-point. Could the airports just be blockaded, the same way the Freedom Convoy blockaded Ottawa? Shut them down for even a few days and that’s a lot of money … hundreds of millions per day, probably, maybe billions in indirect costs. The system would squeal. Clearly, people would go to jail … but it sure would grab a lot of attention, and force the issue of ‘legal’ immigration to the forefront of national attention.

Housing is a pretty severe issue. The Rent Is Too Damn High. Here’s another problem: the State Is Too Damn Big. It eats half the economy, and it uses that half to hamstring the other half of the economy. So, a twofer: pick a government office building, and occupy it. Just move in, hi, nice to meet you, we live here now, get out. In one fell swoop, you’ve made that department’s work impossible, and you’ve got a rent-free roof over your head, and when they evict you, which they will, it shoves the issues of The Rent Is Too Damn High and the State Is Too Damn Big right into everyone’s eyes. ...

Maybe you start with something like unlicensed, underground warehouse masquerades, where you need to know a password to enter, you need to know the right people, and once you’re inside the law doesn’t really apply, but the social graces absolutely do. It’s a private party so you don’t have to let just anyone in. There’s a strict dress code. You confiscate people’s cell phones in order to guarantee privacy, and to force the zoomers to talk to each other. Technically it’s a private party, it’s BYOB, but maybe you’re selling cheap whiskey out the back, without checking for ID ... and cheap native smokes, too, which you can smoke inside. You don’t play loud club music, you go with something soft, ambient, even classical – waltzes. The point is actually to have people to talk to each other, plus you want to go under the radar.

Or you organize underground bare-knuckle boxing clubs, with the winners of each match getting rewarded with lap dances from strippers that you hire for the event, or e-girls who volunteer for it. A friend of mine did that in Sweden once. It went over very well. People had a great time.

Or you set up camping expeditions, going out into Crown Land, not the Provincial Parks but places you aren’t really supposed to be. Not just to go and have a few beers by the fire, either, but with some sort of objective in mind – placing anti-immigration banners in hard to reach areas, for example. It would also be pretty funny to put up a big remigration banner on Mt. Thor. You could probably hang it with a small fleet of drones. Although doing banner drops in public places is probably more effective. Or for that matter using projectors ... you could project a big REMIGRATION NOW! sign on the CN Tower, or something, with a maple leaf for the ‘A’.
737   WookieMan   2024 Dec 13, 2:06pm  

HeadSet says

Patrick says

Just posted, this man was just caught removing Donald Trump signs in Chicago

The photographer better be careful. He may face a lawsuit himself for putting the video online, especially after saying he would delete it. With a Chicago judge and/or jury.

Old comment, but in IL if the sign is in the utility easement, it's free game. Nothing illegal. They don't actually own that land. That's the general municipal code.

The only thing here is plow sticks to mark the edge of the road and the plow driver will knock them over 10 out of 10 times. Having just gone through this for 5 months, you cannot impede a frontage easement. Anything in it can be removed. Usually 20'. Less in cities with postage stamp lots.

Basically if it's on the curbside of the sidewalk you can do what you want. It's not their property. Condos aside no one here owns from the edge of the road. So if you see a sign you can just grab it and say it was litter in the public right of way. If 20' or more from the curb, you then might get in trouble.
738   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 13, 5:48pm  

Patrick says

Proposed Arkansas’ Senate Bill 6 states that a pharmaceutical executive who withholds evidence that a vaccine has dangerous effects is guilty of criminal vaccine harm, if said vaccine causes death or serious physical injury. Violation carries anywhere from one year to life imprisonment.

I suppose the Federal Government CANT give state-by-state amnesty for torts by a particular industry, can it?
741   Patrick   2024 Dec 15, 8:56pm  


"Enough is Enough!" Emotional Scenes Unfold at Japan's Ministry of Health as 15 Families Demand Justice for Vaccine Losses

Listen carefully, all the staff going in! Listen! Those who truly know what’s happening are the staff of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare! ...Enough is enough! Stop it!”

In a deeply emotional scene yesterday (December 13, 2024), fifteen families who lost loved ones to the COVID-19 vaccine gathered in front of Japan’s Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare. Among them was Mr. Koganei, whose powerful words encapsulated the pain and anger felt by everyone present.

His voice rang out with grief: “Listen carefully, all the staff going in! Listen! Those who truly know what’s happening are the staff of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare! It’s you all! Even now, recommending vaccinations, how many more people will you harm? Enough is enough! Stop it!” ...

He continued with a plea for immediate action: “Those who feel that way should muster up the courage to stand up together! Many people are dying! Many lives are being lost! It’s happening! Immediate halt to the vaccines! Stop them now! Stop the vaccines! Cease them! Abolish the vaccines!”

Regulators worldwide are accused of having blood on their hands, burdened by coercive policies that have led to suffering and loss. Unable to come clean, these policies have allegedly killed and injured millions, leaving a trail of destruction. This has sparked a fierce demand for them to face the consequences of their actions.

These heartfelt words are not just cries of despair; they are a powerful demand for justice. As 2025 approaches, with RFK Jr. expected to lead changes at the FDA, regulators everywhere face a day of reckoning. They must confront the severe outcomes of their vaccine policies, marred by corporate financial interests instead of genuine public health. The anger and determination of families like Mr. Koganei's signal a crucial moment when those in power must be held accountable for their actions. ...

"People from the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare, can you hear the stories of the bereaved families? Can you? People from the Ministry of Health, can you hear me? You've killed 500,000 people, including accidents, you know! Do you understand? Everyone is suffering! If you know something terrible is happening, then someone should step forward!"
-Dr Nagao Kazuhiro

A Japanese mother whose child died due to the COVID vaccine pleads in front of the Ministry of Health. I teared up watching this!

"Why did our Yuta have to die? It shouldn't have happened. Give us back Yuta! He was his mother's precious treasure. You have children too, don't you? Give us back Yuta. Yuta's mother is not crazy! We fight for justice. Together with the COVID vaccine victims here, we stand together. If we don't set Japan on the right path, there will be even worse outcomes!"
742   Patrick   2024 Dec 16, 5:22pm  


NY: We're Going Back to Albany for Parental Rights and Medical Freedom!
SAVE THE DATE: January 14, 2025

As everyone awaits Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s confirmation hearings in Washington D.C., one of Kennedy’s New York detractors has coopted his name into a bill designed to take away medical freedom and create a database needed to implement a statewide vaccine passport system.

NY State Senator Brad Hoylman has renamed what was last year called the Mandatory Vaccine Database Bill the “RFK Jr. Act” for the 2025 session.

As NY Democrats fear the federal government will actually help New Yorkers in 2025 regain their god given rights to bodily autonomy, parental rights, and religious freedom, many of them are plotting how to thwart such efforts at the state level.

We can’t let this happen!

We have beaten the Mandatory Vaccine Database Bill 5 years in a row, but the bill did pass the Assembly last session. It has not moved an inch in the Senate for at least 2 years, but Brad Hoylman has just made clear he is trying to change that. If Hoylman can change that, the bill could become law in 2025. I do not like Hoylman at all, but the fact is he is capable and quite smart. He is implementing a PR strategy in hopes of bringing energy to this vaccine legislation and if we don’t have a show of force up in Albany he just might be successful.

In addition to this, there is also the horrendous Parent Replacement Bill that would allow any minor of any age to get any medical procedure they desire without parental knowledge or consent. We killed this bill last session, which at the time was sponsored by Karines Reyes of the Bronx.

Will Reyes be bringing this horrifying bill back in 2025? ...

Mark your calendars for January 14, 2025 for Albany. The CEO of Children’s Health Defense Mary Holland and Civil Rights attorney Tricia Lindsay have already agreed to speak at the rally. We will be scheduling Zoom calls very soon to educate everyone on all the bills - both good and bad - that need to be addressed.

Share this post far and wide and stay tuned.
745   Patrick   2024 Dec 19, 8:07pm  


the playbook was simple: wait until the feds are just about out of money (again) and then play chicken with the american people threatening to shut down government unless a 1500 page bill is passed without any chance to have read it. then you lard the bill up with money grabs and slide in multifarious malevolencies to grab power by sneak thieving.

but the days of “we have to pass the bill to find out what’s in it” are over.

no congress critter (a phrase recently used to my great delight by TX congressman chip roy) can read 1500 pages thoroughly in 2 days and spot all the tricks and garbage secreted therein, but the internet can. twitter and substack can. and they did.

they tore the porkulous open like a tuna filled piñata tossed into a tiger cage.

and this is not just good fun, it’s good governance, governance for the people by the people.

the whole thing was vivisected and pinned to a table in 6 hours. i don’t think the house had any idea that this was a thing now.

but it is.

welcome to a brave new day.

social media is the confluence of three massive capabilities, a three legged stool where 1+1+1=everything. it works like this:

the world is full of smart, capable, informed and educated people. incisive people. people who know stuff. “every problem is shallow to someone,” the foundational mantra of the open source movement simply means that for 99% of problems, the best way to solve them is to show them to more people. one of them will say, “oh, look, it’s obvious, just turn it like this and look at it this way” or “oh, yeah, we have this issue in our field as well, here’s how we solved it.”

and many hands make light work, so showing it to more people gets you a sort of twofer as everyone pitches in. 1500 people can read 1500 pages in 5 minutes. 15 million can have it parsed, passed around, and rebutted. 150 million? yeah, best of luck congress. nothing gets past that. ...

you can see why the state was so keen on controlling social media. it’s no coincidence that this newfound ability only occurred after turfing the 3 letter agencies out of the twitterverse.
749   Patrick   2024 Dec 23, 12:42pm  


I'm grateful to Jim for sponsoring and sharing my GiveSendGo campaign on his blog. Jim was the person I ran to when the FBI left their calling card on my door — a terrifying experience.

It's Christmastime. I'm delighted to report that last week I was sentenced to three years’ probation for giving out vaccine cards without administering the shots — no jail time. This was good news because there were others convicted of similar crimes in the Eastern District of NY who were incarcerated for several months.

I initially pleaded not guilty. I admitted giving out the cards from the beginning, and my attorney was planning a civil disobedience / necessity defense. I'd been contacting and lining up experts who would testify for me and we planned to go to trial. After many months, and for a variety of reasons, my attorney and I decided it was wiser to accept a plea bargain. Had I gone to trial and lost, I would have faced significant jail time.

You were extremely generous — I received enough donations ($41,000+) to cover the fees of both of my attorneys. The ivermectin case is still not settled — I suspect that the NY State Office of Professional Discipline (OPD) was waiting to see what the outcome of the federal case was before they make a decision about my purported ivermectin misdeeds. Although it's just been a little over a week since I was sentenced, I've already heard from an OPD attorney regarding my nursing licenses: "Being convicted of a crime under federal law is considered professional misconduct under the Education Law." I will have to attend a hearing in the near future, and it's likely that I will lose my licenses to practice because of the "misconduct." I have an excellent attorney and I do have recourse, but retirement seems to be in the cards.

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