UFOs/Drones Buzz Jorzey!

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2024 Dec 11, 3:32pm   1,726 views  79 comments

by OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   ➕follow (4)   💰tip   ignore  

...Eat your heart out, Orsen Welles!

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28   Ceffer   2024 Dec 14, 6:10pm  

Flashing lights means it is us. UFOs don't have flashing lights.

It seems that it is a military exercise, likely defensive in nature, in an instance in which drones might try to enter and occupy our air spaces. They are operating at low altitudes.

Maybe there some unauthorized drones that came in, or maybe not, or the military just think a drone attack might be imminent and the military want to test our counteroffensive capabilities in a simulation .
30   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 14, 10:53pm  

Because they can't? It takes special equipment to sniff out where the operators sit. If they are on the US soil, that is. The authorities need to contact Ukies and ask for knowledge/tech transfer. They now have anti-drone FPV drones. This is perfect for situations like that.

Depends on how they are controlled. NY-Philly corridor is overflowing with traffic over all wavelengths, that's why they got moved the Radio Operator Training out of Dix decades ago.

If controlled by Satellite, +2G movements break connection. If radio, the source can be isolated down to a few and then tirangulated back to source. The State itself has the resources to do this.

This area is full of legit air traffic. Satellites abound, particularly now with starlink. They'd be most visible after dusk, which is when most people are still out and sighting them.

I think the whole thing is media hype.

Then add hoaxes from the media hype, where a bunch of people fly their drones and have somebody film them from further away. Iran or China does not need a dozen drones following a USCG Yard Patrol Boat. It's people dicking around. The reason the radio waves aren't obvious is they are low powered controllers by people running drones they brought at Walmart or Amazon.

One thing spy drones wouldn't be doing is flashing lights, especially colored lights.
31   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 15, 12:27pm  

That means they are likely domestic, not alien.
36   Patrick   2024 Dec 16, 6:01pm  


The theory I lean toward is the notion that “Joe Biden” (meaning the DC blob) is desperately seeking some way to obstruct or fend-off the January 20th inauguration of Mr. Trump. Because, well, to put it bluntly, a whole lot of blobistas are worried about going to jail when the likes of Kash Patel, John Ratcliffe, Tulsi-G, and Pam Bondi get their mitts on the levers of power and start opening up the files. They’ve got thirty-five days to. . . to do something! (Somebody, please do something!!!)
38   Ceffer   2024 Dec 16, 10:25pm  

I thought we were going to be treated to a spectacular, Cinerama blue beam show, complete with acrobatic UFOs blasting rays and horrible aliens instead of some limp biscuit DOD drone fiasco.
39   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 9:14am  

Deep State will mount effort to initiate continuity of government under their auspices with the drone infiltrations to displace Trump under the usual attempted false flag emergency? It seems that at some point kinetics within the military becomes inevitable i.e. white hats vs. the Pentagon beribboned Satanist MIC fags who are mercenaries of the British Raj.

Was this the 'alien card'?

40   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 9:31am  

AI's are like pitched battle Sumo gaming wrestlers trying to gain finger holds against each other?

41   Patrick   2024 Dec 17, 10:54am  


A reporter asked Trump what he thought about the New Jersey mystery drones. Trump said he thinks the government is lying:

"The government knows what is happening. Look, our military knows where
they took off from; if it's garage, they can go right into that garage. They
know where it came from and where it went," Trump told reporters in his
most extensive comments to date on the topic.
"And for some reason, they don't want to comment. I think they'd be better
off saying what it is," he continued. "Our military knows, and our president
knows, and for some reason they want to keep people in suspense."

... The much more interesting development is the clear consensus that nobody believes the government. Over and over, federal officials have downplayed the drones, trotting out the tired old UFO playbook and claiming people are just seeing commercial aircraft flying out of normal traffic routes, weather balloons decorated for Christmas, flocks of birds carrying landing lights, and other perfectly innocent explanations.

It’s you, not us.

But nobody, not the local police, the state officials, or even corporate media reporters, seems to believe the federal explanation. That signals a massive loss of trust in general, which is a big problem for government. Governments not trusted by the majority of their citizens don’t last.
43   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 1:31pm  

We wondered what their false flag Trump delaying tactic was going to be, so now we know? Will they zap some gas stations with DEWs to get the martial law party going?
45   Ceffer   2024 Dec 17, 1:52pm  

Here we go. The false flaggers are lining up their knee jerk lying sacks of shit to pimp the fraud.

46   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 17, 2:40pm  

Ceffer says

We wondered what their false flag Trump delaying tactic was going to be, so now we know? Will they zap some gas stations with DEWs to get the martial law party going?

Drones are not subject to FAA tracking nor much regulation.

So the Deep State does this and WHAM! the public gets scared into supporting more regulation. Drone's will have to have GPS reporting like planes do. Drone operators will have to be registered and maybe licensed, etc.

Of course, indy media types will be shut out of drone operation. A lot of government misconduct will not get reported.

Guess why we haven't had another Ruby Ridge or WACO for a while? Drones with cams would record that shit and blast it on the the interwebs, is my guess. It ain't sure as shit because ATF and FBI are such good guys now.
47   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 17, 5:00pm  

Drones weighting more than 0.55 lbs are already regulated and registered by FAA. If flown for hire they must have a transponder. If flown as a hobby, no transponder required (but most of newish ones already have it anyway). The hobby pilots are required to pass so-called TRUST cert exam (easy and costs something like $5), commercial must pass FAA Part 107 cert (kinda hard and almost $200). Both are required to post their lic# on the aircraft.

Can't go higher than 400 ft AGL (with few exceptions), can't go beyond line of sight and farther than 3 miles.

I don't see this angle, honestly: the shit is already regulated AF.
48   Misc   2024 Dec 17, 11:56pm  


Drones weighting more than 0.55 lbs are already regulated and registered by FAA. If flown for hire they must have a transponder. If flown as a hobby, no transponder required (but most of newish ones already have it anyway). The hobby pilots are required to pass so-called TRUST cert exam (easy and costs something like $5), commercial must pass FAA Part 107 cert (kinda hard and almost $200). Both are required to post their lic# on the aircraft.

Can't go higher than 400 ft AGL (with few exceptions), can't go beyond line of sight and farther than 3 miles.

I don't see this angle, honestly: the shit is already regulated AF.

So, all these drones are flying legally, the government knows exactly who is doing it or the government would be out enforcing its laws, AMIRIGHT ?????
49   Ceffer   2024 Dec 18, 1:57am  

Another day, another psyops. When UFO fanatics say they aren't UFOs, then what's the caper? Greer seems to know.

51   Robert Sproul   2024 Dec 18, 7:51am  

Trump seems impatient or irritated at this Blob-psyop or Trump-trap:
52   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 7:54am  

(The quoting is broken so I won't bother with it).

Even if some of what hysterical observers perceive as illegally flown drones really are that, the gubmint for sure doesn't need additional regulations. All it needs is to start enforcing existing ones.
53   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 8:07am  

What kind of "space weapons" are we talking about here?
54   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 8:38am  

Misc says

If flown for hire they must have a transponder

Yes, commercial drones. But the majority are amateur, right?
55   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 8:38am  


(The quoting is broken so I won't bother with it).

Works for me.
56   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 8:39am  

Ceffer says

Greer seems to know.

Greer is s UFO huckster.
57   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 8:47am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Misc says

If flown for hire they must have a transponder

Yes, commercial drones. But the majority are amateur, right?

The same Mavic can be either commercial or amateur depending on how it's used. If you film your sister's wedding for free with it - it's amateur, if you film some house for a Realtard and being paid for it - it becomes commercial. Everything between 0.55lbs and 55 lbs is like that. Dual-use, if you will. Above 55 lbs is a whole 'nother game with way tighter regulations (but I'm not exactly well-versed in these). Below 0.55 lbs - it's a free-for-all as in "no licensing". (Still can't fly into restricted airspace, of course).
58   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 8:53am  


The same Mavic can be either commercial or amateur depending on how it's used. If you film your sister's wedding for free with it - it's amateur, if you film some house for a Realtard and being paid for it - it becomes commercial.

Right. Like that can be enforced as things are now. Not.
59   Ceffer   2024 Dec 18, 9:06am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Greer is s UFO huckster.

Part ufo hustler, part legit. A mixed bag, as are most of the various pundits. I guess they have to make a living. Many of the alternative pundits get involved in merchandising and financial advisements from dubious sources and schemes to stay afloat. Anonymous, voiceless saint or survival thrive-al with a platform seems to be their mantra.

Caveat Emptor, but oddly Greer has the ear of somebody because he has held Congressional symposiums.
60   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 9:11am  

Ceffer says

Part ufo hustler, part legit

No. 100% huckster. He lost all credibility when he did this bullshit:


61   Ceffer   2024 Dec 18, 9:22am  

UFOology is rife with fraud and hucksters and hustlers and fake sightings. There are a core in individuals who are quite rigorous, but it seems the various secret agencies want the noise to drown out the signal, so the hucksterism is widely promoted.

Greer's noise to signal ratio is hard to estimate, because there is ALWAYS noise. He has done some good work, though, particularly with his various disclosure interview series.
62   WookieMan   2024 Dec 18, 9:45am  


Drones weighting more than 0.55 lbs are already regulated and registered by FAA. If flown for hire they must have a transponder. If flown as a hobby, no transponder required (but most of newish ones already have it anyway). The hobby pilots are required to pass so-called TRUST cert exam (easy and costs something like $5), commercial must pass FAA Part 107 cert (kinda hard and almost $200). Both are required to post their lic# on the aircraft.

Can't go higher than 400 ft AGL (with few exceptions), can't go beyond line of sight and farther than 3 miles.

I don't see this angle, honestly: the shit is already regulated AF.

This is mostly right. Newer drones have ASD-B and can be tracked. I actually think it's required. FAA part 107 is a breeze. It's mini ground school for flying real planes. I did self study and got my license while studying at night having a beer. I just paid for a book and paid for the test and fees. I think I paid $120 at the time.

I think it was 75% to pass the test. I answered the questions I 100% knew and guessed on the rest. I think it was around 90% final. I'm an aviation junkie that likely can never get a real pilots license due to health reasons, but enjoy learning about it.

Either way, most modern drones for consumers or prosumers are trackable. Licensed or not. Have a semi big general aviation (no commercial/major airlines) airport nearby and my drone won't take off if I'm too close. It's more regulated than people think, which is why you never update your drone. I'm 3-4 years from my last update. They can't brick my drone. Might be missing out on features, but I want to fly it when/where I want.

TL:DR - This drone story is stupid. No conspiracy.
63   WookieMan   2024 Dec 18, 9:56am  


Drones weighting more than 0.55 lbs are already regulated and registered by FAA. If flown for hire they must have a transponder.

I quoted it and commented already... but missed this. The FAA is not going to do anything unless you blatantly did something stupid. Like hit a plane. And even then the pilot would consider it a bird strike or just say something hit the plane. I had a deer strike on my car the other week.

It would mess with a jet engine if sucked in, but hitting the body/airframe is a nothing burger. A prop would tear that fucker up.

My record AGL is 1,900ft in MT. If a plane was flying at that level it was hitting a mountain, so it was safe to go that high even though illegal.
64   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 11:12am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says


The same Mavic can be either commercial or amateur depending on how it's used. If you film your sister's wedding for free with it - it's amateur, if you film some house for a Realtard and being paid for it - it becomes commercial.

Right. Like that can be enforced as things are now. Not.

Like anything else - guns, taxes, traffic, business licensing - it will be enforced if you bring enough attention to yourself. Or tacked onto some other shit. No difference.
65   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 1:54pm  

This guy did attract attention to himself:

66   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2024 Dec 18, 1:57pm  


This guy did attract attention to himself:

New Jersey isn't a military base. 99.9% of America's landmass isn't.
67   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 18, 2:25pm  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says


This guy did attract attention to himself:

New Jersey isn't a military base. 99.9% of America's landmass isn't.

If drones are under 55lbs and not flying in the restricted airspace, what's the problem? If they are over 55lbs and/or fly in the restricted aispace, then you don't need a military base - even something like a hospital helipad would suffice. I honestly don't undrestand the whole covfefe: if drones violate FAA regs - enforce, if not - don't. 🤷‍♂️

Above is an example of such enforcement for such a violation.

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