Our uncles did one hell of a job in Korea

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2024 Dec 21, 10:45am   190 views  8 comments

by Tenpoundbass   ➕follow (9)   💰tip   ignore  

Even if we lost the war there. The Commies has been defeated in a long lasting enduring rejection.

Korea has maintained being based anti Marxist for the last 60 years or more. Even when they come here to America, they don't go for that Commie Libby Shit. They reject the gender bending nonsense outright, and will kick the shit out of you for even trying. And don't even think about trying to rob a neighborhood Korean business. Korea has one of the lowest crime rates in the world. They looked up to our uncles who were there to preserve democracy and their way of life. They have appreciated it and has strictly upheld those American values, even while we waned and faltered under the Commie creep here in our own country.

Let's give a round up appreciation for the Koreans and their resilience against Liberal Filth and Rot.


I predict an abject failure in both Korea and the US. People are fed up with the foggily shit. The Uncles does not approve.

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1   goofus   2024 Dec 21, 3:08pm  

The last justifiable war this country engaged in.
2   RWSGFY   2024 Dec 21, 4:03pm  

goofus says

The last justifiable war this country engaged in.

Huh? In Korea Commie North attacked South. Same happened in Vietnam. How's one different from the other? I'll tell you how: in 1950s we had McCarthyism keeping fucking Commies and pro-Commie useful idiots in check. In 60s and 70s they ruled the TV, radio and Hollywood, demoralizing American people into accepting a defeat.
3   goofus   2024 Dec 21, 4:22pm  

Korea was wisely settled with a ceasefire and DMZ after two years. We had better leadership then. Perhaps Vietnam would have been winnable had we accepted partial victory and partitioned north from south. Instead we had an unpopular war of attrition that lasted 10 years. Sound familiar?
4   SharkyP   2024 Dec 22, 7:26am  

The only war where my fellow Marines “advanced to the rear”. I can’t imagine how horrible Inchon was!
5   FortwayeAsFuckJoeBiden   2024 Dec 22, 9:38am  


goofus says

The last justifiable war this country engaged in.

Huh? In Korea Commie North attacked South. Same happened in Vietnam. How's one different from the other? I'll tell you how: in 1950s we had McCarthyism keeping fucking Commies and pro-Commie useful idiots in check. In 60s and 70s they ruled the TV, radio and Hollywood, demoralizing American people into accepting a defeat.

we didn’t need to be in any of those wars. Iraq, Lydia, Syria, now Ukraine. same fucking pattern every time. we are ruled by people hell bent on war profiteering.
6   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 22, 10:20am  

They did, but sadly Jinbojuui (Progressivism), Feminism + 4B, etc. all out of Gwangju is also a thing. South Korea now has one of the lowest birthrates in the world due to feminist supremacy movements and misguided right wing paternalism not giving it swats on the ass.

However, there are many based Koreans. I have to read a good book on ROK history, their Presidents don't last
7   Tenpoundbass   2024 Dec 22, 10:23am  

We did the right thing stopping the worldwide communist creep. What we did wrong was allowing the Leftist over here in America, poke a finger of the eye of our efforts to stop communism. We should have locked them up for treason, and criminalized 90% of the higher learning institution Marxist group think that is prevalent in our Education, Entertainment and local government institutions They flourish now, because we allowed it then.

But yeah we had no business chasing down Terrorists in countries that welcomed and protected them. We should have just taken out Bin Laden, and called it a day. Then focused our attention on investigating the lapse in our security that allowed it. Was it incompetence, or willful wanton intentional inside attack on America? Embolden by our inaction to nip the commies in America in the bud when we had our chance.

Institutional Communist in America should all be tried and hung for treason. Especially any of them that has made effort to undo the fabric of our constitution to foster a Communist take over.

South Korea should return the favor and come over here and bomb the fuck out of our Blue Shithole Liberal Cities. To stamp out the communist creep of course!
8   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 22, 10:33am  

Tenpoundbass says

We did the right thing stopping the worldwide communist creep. What we did wrong was allowing the Leftist over here in America, poke a finger of the eye of our efforts to stop communism. We should have locked them up for treason, and criminalized 90% of the higher learning institution Marxist group think that is prevalent in our Education, Entertainment and local government institutions They flourish now, because we allowed it then.

McCarthy was correct.
Tenpoundbass says

Institutional Communist in America should all be tried and hung for treason. Especially any of them that has made effort to undo the fabric of our constitution to foster a Communist take over.

Misguided Intellectual Diversity > Tenure Communists > Old Liberals Die > Communists sieze Tenure Boards > Communists only appoint Communists

Also Fads. The mid 70s slump in college students, Admins create Feminist Studies Departments > Stack with useless Crit Lit Women PhDs > Create more Blank Gripe Studies Departments.

Strong economic incentives via DEfunding College Loans will fix the system. It's already happening as the cost no longer justifies the expense.

The important thing is that the tide is changing, but to recognize the powers that be will just try to sieze the opposite wing to de-republic America now, and try to make the pendulum keep swinging towards Control.

MAGA is the correct ideology. We must always use the Constitution as a test of Stinkers. Those who reject it in general are the enemy.

We must reimpose Civics and Constitutional Education in K-12 state by state, and terminate the Textbook monopoly. There's no reason people like Schweikart and others can't write a history textbook and use it for 20 years between updates and have it as a free PDF for printing or download from the State Education website as the mandatory textbook for Public Schools. It's far cheaper than textbooks which are overpriced, leftioid-ized, and not even written by experts but stupid MA Creative Writing Manhattan Millennial Marketing Chicks restating content from Bell, Zinn, and Wikipedia.

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