Why The Term 'Libtard' Exists..

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2020 Oct 23, 10:09am   1,010 views  20 comments

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At one point you could get banned from PatNet for using the term 'Libtard'. But the word isn't just a means of conveying offense (although it does). It actually is a word that accurately describes the Left these days. It should be in the dictionary along with its synonym Woketard.

I try to avoid using it in public (you all don't count for that) because it can be construed as being unnecessarily offensive to those with Down's Syndrome. Why should they be associated -- even indirectly -- with the Idiot Left? That crosses a line, people!

Anyway...back to my main point. And no, this is not Babylon Bee or any of the other satire sites:


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1   Automan Empire   2020 Oct 23, 10:20am  

So your thesis here is that [other sportsball team members] are genetically stupid, on the lone basis that they're unfamiliar with a regional slang term with foreign origins.

I'll be so damn glad when election season is over.

ETA: Anything to say about Trump using the Americanized version of the word referring to the animal, instead of the correct dialect for the context which would sound more like coy-OH-ta(y)ss?
2   Eric Holder   2020 Oct 23, 10:28am  

Automan Empire says
So your thesis here is that [other sportsball team members] are genetically stupid, on the lone basis that they're unfamiliar with a regional slang term with foreign origins.

One can argue that a person of even marginal intelligence would pull out a phone and do a quick search when faced with something so obviously improbable as canines smuggling humans across the border instead of immediately posting their knee-jerk reaction... I mean, everybody has these things in their pockets now, right?
3   HeadSet   2020 Oct 23, 10:42am  

So your thesis here is that [other sportsball team members] are genetically stupid, on the lone basis that they're unfamiliar with a regional slang term with foreign origins.

It means that this elected official is unfamiliar with illegal immigration at all. Anyone who is at all familiar with the problems at the border would know the "coyote" term. Despite your spin calling the word coyote "regional slang," that term is widespread and well known across the country.
4   Shaman   2020 Oct 23, 10:44am  

It’s the fact that all these blue check marks ridiculed the President for using a term they never did understand. They accused the President of being stupid when it was they who were super uninformed and not smart enough to do a simple five second google search.
5   RC2006   2020 Oct 23, 11:45am  

The dumbest fucks get elected by dumbest group.
6   Bd6r   2020 Oct 23, 11:58am  

Automan Empire says
So your thesis here is that [other sportsball team members] are genetically stupid, on the lone basis that they're unfamiliar with a regional slang term with foreign origins.

I'll be so damn glad when election season is over.

I think stupidity of both teams was probably about equal like 20 yrs ago, but now D's have gone off rails while R's have stayed more or less where they were. Also, it seems that the teams have problems that are quite different: R's have a yuuge propensity for banging gay prostitutes after tens of years of proclaiming that gays are bad, while D's have lost their minds with people like the one in OP, burning down cities and then not punishing idiots who did it and even bailing them out, denying science about M/F, and so on.
I can tolerate Larry Craig and his ilk stalking bathrooms (a swift kick to nuts would be sufficient) - but I can not tolerate Critical Race Theory (woman in OP prob is lawyer because of CRT/affirmative action), burning down businesses, pulling down statues, and being called a Fucking White Male who should self-destruct because I have oppressed womyn and BIPOC for millenia.
7   richwicks   2020 Oct 23, 1:29pm  

In response to TrumpingTits

The term "Libtard" was used at least back in 2002. I was often called a "Libtard" because I believed at the time that George W. Bush was lying about the weapons of mass destruction program of Iraq.

And I was correct.

There needs to be a term for stupid party loyalists, because they are the true morons of this country.
9   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 13, 5:23pm  

"How 4s become 2s, an instagram story"
11   WookieMan   2024 Dec 14, 10:09am  

Whoopi is black and almost 70. She's close to dying. Dumb comments are to be expected. She doesn't look healthy. She won't make it to 80 is my prediction if someone wants to put it in that thread. I actually only give her 4-5 years. She has a smaller neck but she's still fat. She goes the Carrie Fisher route with a heart attack or pancreatic something or another with diabetes.
13   AmericanKulak   2024 Dec 25, 11:34pm  

I'm trying to tie Slumpbuster to "Fresh outta Prison/Basic and gotta nut NOW" on the Freddy Kruger sweater girl.
14   gabbar   2024 Dec 26, 3:53am  

Most libtards are the way they are because they have been brainwashed to not see reality. This has been deliberated engineered....most libtards were normal people. They are the numb messengers who have been subjected to an anesthesia by DNC apparatus.
17   RC2006   2025 Jan 17, 10:53am  

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Shit I crashed my car without insurance, can taxpayers cover it?
18   OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething   2025 Jan 17, 2:12pm  

RC2006 says

DOGEWontAmountToShit says

Shit I crashed my car without insurance, can taxpayers cover it?

These are the same libtards that expect the taxpayers to pay off their student loans.
20   PeopleUnited   2025 Feb 16, 3:04pm  

It’s kinda the same as putting grandma in jail for taking a guided tour of the capital on January 6 didn’t have any downside either!

Sarcasm off.

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