Demographics Thread

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2022 Jul 22, 11:53am   18,897 views  178 comments

by Patrick   ➕follow (59)   💰tip   ignore  

Number of children by political affiliation.

Leftism is self-exterminating, but it will take a while, and they will continuously try to convert the children of conservatives to replenish their numbers.

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145   Patrick   2024 Sep 15, 4:24pm  


American woman in park in South Korea, stops & asks Ju-won who is sitting on the bench in South Korean Park with a stroller next to him, can she see the cute baby & she looks in and sees a little dog all dressed in human clothes; she asks him ‘oh, I thought it was a baby’,

Ju-won (speaks English): it is a baby, my baby

American lady: oh, so cute but why won’t you have a real baby?

Ju-won: this is my baby and easier to manage, I am not even married and have no girl in my life

American lady: there are so many strollers in this park

Ju-won: Most if not all are little doggies

American lady: Well, I find it so odd for in America we try to have babies, and we don’t use strollers for dogs like this

Ju-won: We know, but at least I am not a pedophile like many in your country’s government, our media tells us many of your top officials are pedophiles and many of your rich people and high society people? Is that right? That they abuse little children and protected by their government and police. Is that correct?

American lady: Well, no, I do not know where you get your information for that is not true

Ju-won: We love our doggies, and we treat them like babies, our human babies and this is the information we have about pedophiles and abusers in your nation. We are different than America, Canada etc. We leave our children alone. We do not molest them. At least we may abuse our doggies, yes, I admit, we get intimate with our doggies, and we may even eat them, and quite frankly dogs are safer in Springfield Ohio than here in terms of being eaten, but your peoples abuse your human children. Molest, rape, sodomize and even kill them. We do not. Which do you prefer? Sodomy to a dog or to a child? We prefer our doggies and at least we do not trouble camels and sheep and goats. We prefer doggies. We do not like to abuse little children. I thought we were being good. We also heard the sodomy of children across your country, America, was mainly by people who are democrats or on the left of politics, am I right? but recently our nation is told it is almost equal with those who are politically Republican. Is this true? Why do Americans allow these politicians and high-society, and rich people sodomize and rape their little children?

American lady: Got wobbly, got the vapors, and grabbed her handbag and ran off.
146   ForcedTQ   2024 Sep 15, 9:25pm  

Patrick says

And due to that, for the concerns of the State of California, Hispanics should be relegated to the majority race column and so called “whites” become a minority with all of the protections there previously.
147   AmericanKulak   2024 Sep 15, 9:36pm  

Patrick says

The first two prove it's not middle aged White guys and the Passport Bros. We're still going strong with our Thai and Filipinas, bustin' them out left and right.
148   Patrick   2024 Sep 17, 9:48am  


Yesterday, the Berkshire Eagle published an example of how badly Collins and his science-following bureaucrats have failed to maintain the country’s vitality, in a distressing story headlined “Declining birth rate threatens future U.S. economic growth.”

Experts like Francis Collins expected the pandemic to produce a baby boom. Their hopelessly naive thinking was that, since Americans were forced to spend more time together during pandemic lockdowns, the spark of romance would kindle a massive wave of new births, reversing an ominous post-2000 trend.

Instead, the opposite occurred. The experts were wrong, again. Birth rates declined during lockdowns, accelerating an existing Millennial trend and, for the first time, falling below replacement rates.

What do the experts say now? Nothing. They have become hopelessly baffled, worthless human detritus of a failed political science experiment. Civilization is literally collapsing while our ineffectual expert class plays dance tunes on deck. There is really nothing bad that cannot be said about our current orthodox science establishment.

The silver lining though is how well the empire’s invisible clothing has been exposed to public scrutiny. They want to cry about lost trust? As Collins’ tone-deaf, non-apology proved, loss of trust is just the beginning.
154   Booger   2024 Nov 10, 4:49am  


Conservative women ready to celebrate Trump victory by having more babies — as liberal ladies swear off sex
156   Ceffer   2024 Nov 12, 4:36pm  

Amazon is offering free, warmed, recyle-able drone pickups for fleshlights of the unvaccinated to distribute to fertility centers.

Reimbursements negotiable.
159   WookieMan   2025 Jan 8, 2:31pm  

WTF is with duplicate posts?
160   Patrick   2025 Jan 22, 2:47pm  


The figures are then subsequently submitted for encoding to the Office of the Civil Registrar General through the Provincial Statistical Offices of the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA).

The crisis emerged following the the Philippines’ mass Covid vaccination program was initiated in March 2021.

The nation’s excess mortality soared in 2021, from March onward.

Notably, lawmakers have become alarmed that excess deaths surged among the public after they received Covid mRNA injections.

Noteworthy hearings have been taking place in the Philippines’ House of Representatives.

The hearings established that the deaths were not related to COVID-19 and that the spike only emerged after the “vaccines” that were meant to tackle the virus were rolled out for public use.

During the hearings, lawmakers sought to identify the cause of more than 290,000 excess deaths among the nation’s Covid-vaccinated population.
164   WookieMan   2025 Feb 6, 3:46pm  

Patrick says

I actually don't think most people should have kids. It's work. Half the shit I read here I pray the user doesn't have kids. Not a specific knock on anyone, just saying.
165   stereotomy   2025 Feb 7, 7:31am  

Rasing kids is so hard because we've stopped training, within families, how to care and nurture for the most vulnerable. Largely this is the fault of 3rd and 4th wave feminism combined with the economic reality that is the destruction of the 20th century middle-class by globohomo and government design.

Families that have only one child lack the training dynamic that 6- or 8-children families had; namely, the oldest girl tends the younger children while the mother nurses the youngest. Older boys help/mock the younger boys, with occasional guidance from the father when they fuck up or ask questions.

Children today are profoundly lacking both the skills and the sense of purpose that helping a family gives a child.

Bring it back - the family is the crucial source of early learning for every child.
168   AD   2025 Feb 27, 9:17am  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

They are going to have to innovate.

I see this in states like Arizona and Florida that have licensed group homes for seniors.

Its a licensed private home with about 3 senior citizens each in their own bedroom and the 4th bedroom is where the 24/7 staff live.

They have an enclosed back yard with a garden and other amenities to keep the seniors active. They employ technology like internet security cameras, door alarms, etc.

169   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 27, 9:19am  

AD says

Its a licensed private home with about 3 senior citizens each in their own bedroom and the 4th bedroom is where the 24/7 staff live.

California had this for decades. My great grandmother was in one in the early 90s.
170   Misc   2025 Feb 27, 9:33am  

In Arizona they are mostly unlicensed and run by Filipinos. The care takers are mostly illegal Filipinos. The legal one would buy a few houses with the 3% down, bring in the illegals, house and care for the elderly for cheap (well waaaaaaaaaay below the licensed places).
171   AD   2025 Feb 27, 10:05am  

Misc says

In Arizona they are mostly unlicensed and run by Filipinos. The care takers are mostly illegal Filipinos. The legal one would buy a few houses with the 3% down, bring in the illegals, house and care for the elderly for cheap (well waaaaaaaaaay below the licensed places).

There at least should be non profits paid by the state to check on these homes. At least have internet cameras in common areas like the living room and fenced in back yard to check on the residents of these senior homes.

172   DeportLibtards   2025 Feb 27, 1:04pm  

Misc says

In Arizona they are mostly unlicensed and run by Filipinos. The care takers are mostly illegal Filipinos.

Same for my great-grandmother's. Most retirement homes are staffed by Filipinos anyway.

There are very few illegal Filipinos in America. It's difficult for them to get even tourist visas to come over and overstay. This despite that they used to be a US Territory.
173   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 27, 1:06pm  

It's all migration.

Stop the migration and the worker's share of wealth increases, while homeloaner and employer wealth share decreases.

Which eventually is fuel for a future baby boom a generation or two down the line, as it's not fiscally responsible to buy a $350k home on $60k/year.
174   AD   2025 Feb 27, 2:08pm  

AmericanKulak says

It's all migration.

Stop the migration and the worker's share of wealth increases, while homeloaner and employer wealth share decreases.

Which eventually is fuel for a future baby boom a generation or two down the line, as it's not fiscally responsible to buy a $350k home on $60k/year.

I think the Fed is trying to let the air slowly out of the housing bubble, so that the average or median house value only has gone up no more than 4% a year over the last 10 to 15 years.

This allows household income to catch up with housing prices.

But I think a return to the norm or average is for housing to income ratio is around 2.75 to 3.75.


175   AmericanKulak   2025 Feb 27, 3:06pm  

AD says

I think the Fed is trying to let the air slowly out of the housing bubble, so that the average or median house value only has gone up no more than 4% a year over the last 10 to 15 years.

If they bond market lets them, should be interesting if pulled off.

I get a hoot of Boomers that spent their adult life warning not to spend over 1/3 of income on housing and never more than 3x annual income are like "C'mon kids, I want $750k for this modest one-car garage Al Bundy one hour drive from Chicago. You only make $110k combined? Don't Think, SPEND!"
176   WookieMan   2025 Feb 27, 3:11pm  

OkDOGEisAmountingToSomething says

Misc says

In Arizona they are mostly unlicensed and run by Filipinos. The care takers are mostly illegal Filipinos.

Same for my great-grandmother's. Most retirement homes are staffed by Filipinos anyway.

Probably one of the worst days of my life the last time I saw my Grandmother. It was in AZ in one of these houses. I got to Phoenix and she was in hospice. She saw my kids for the first time and her will to live (I think) jumped.

She got booted and my uncle put her in one of those houses with Filipinos. She was so upset. I'm talking please don't leave and crying. Never saw my grandma that way. I was the last one to see her. I don't know what my rich ass uncle was doing, but I'll never forgive him for that. This is all while my dad is dying. I've stopped talking to that side of the family even though I could live it up in Scottsdale in a $17M house, but fuck that. He didn't even care about his own mom.
177   Patrick   2025 Mar 8, 1:33pm  


Lastly and most importantly, the point of national power is to stop hostile foreigners from exerting power over you. The traditional way to lose power to foreigners is military force, but if they’re just given visas, military strength is irrelevant. From the rhetoric of immigrant intellectuals in the US to the constant terror attacks in Europe to the horrific anti-white Pakistani rape-gangs of Britain17, it’s clear that much of actually-existing immigration is no different from an invasion where we have chosen to surrender without a fight.

178   Patrick   2025 Mar 13, 4:42pm  


Immigration Accounted for All U.S. Population Growth in 2023 for the First Time Since 1850

Immigration accounted for the entirety of the U.S. population growth between 2022 and 2023, according to the Migration Policy Institute (MPI).

Birth rates among American citizens dropped 2% from 2022 to 2023, but the number of immigrants climbed by 1.6 million, reaching a record high of 47.8 million. That's a population increase of 3.6%, the most since 2010. "The fertility rate fell to 54.5 births per 1,000 females of ages 15-44 in 2023, down from 56 in 2022," reports NBC News.

The percentage of foreign-born Americans stands at 14.3% which is slightly less than the record of 14.8% in 1890.

Nearly 75% of U.S. immigrants are here legally, and almost half are naturalized citizens.

So, more than 25% of 47.8 million people are criminal aliens?

That would mean 12 million criminal aliens in the US right now. How do we know it's not higher? They are "undocumented" after all, as the euphemism for criminal alien goes.

I can believe it's easily twice that high, 24 million criminal aliens.

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