A Jesuit poisoned mike boom wielded by a crazed libbyfuck journalist to match the ear wound? "Did I just get killed?" https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/87218
"The Epstein files are like a box of chocolates. We'll be keeping some of those chocolates as a ready reserve. Maybe they will mysteriously show up 'later', titter titter." https://t.me/SGTnewsNetwork/87231
Chemtrails have caused the hills in tri valley during the rains to turn an off color khaki instead of the previous years of emerald green. I miss the emerald green.
"...And, son of a bitch, a certain small country on the Mediterranean isn't mentioned once in the ten percent of unredacted documents." https://t.me/davidavocadowolfe/157680
A Middle Eastern movie theater is full. It's a popular movie, so a number of people buy tickets even though they have to stand. A man stands at the end of one row. He 'accidentally' bumps the man in the last seat. The seated man does not respond. He is bumped again. No response.
The standing man kicks the seated man. The seated man is somewhat elderly. Not big or strong like the standing man. The standing man pushes the seated man. Pushes him again.
The seated man gets up and leaves. The standing man is now seated and proceeds to enjoy the movie in good conscience. After all, if the seated man really wanted to keep his seat he would have fought for it. Maybe even killed for it. Everyone else in the theater agrees.
It's kinna fun seeing the planned civil war degenerate into the whimpers of psychos and the mentally ill rather than the bang of actuated fiat money troops. These are their apparatchiks, self disarmed, perverted, histrionic and ranting without amplification.
The Jolly Nazi-cum-KommieKunt Baphomet Club, imposing maximum suffering, death and deprivation on the populace for their sponsoring demons, while they rejoice in Satanic Ritual Abuse, perversion, sick orgies and fountains of children's blood. Don't they look happy? Happy prison camp guards means at least somebody is happy. They have nice tailors and dressers, makeup and always know where the cameras are and how to be in character when required. They are all MPD at some level, and will shift into whatever chameleon stance that circumstances dictate. https://t.me/followsthewhiterabbit/108348
MTG does not understand that the 'Grand Plan' of Europe requires extinction level events that are now possible with lab generated diseases and nuclear holocausts. Nuclear weapons have bypassed the freshman meat grinder death events of WWI and WWII, even death 'vaccines', to a grand new age of slaughter and ascending clouds of anguished, cindered souls from earth's surface. All it takes is a few precipitating events and those bloodline itchy trigger fingers and a fast exit into their survival tunnels.
Newest buttplug Euro toilet installed Canadian leader making promises that his pocket book can't keep in order to lie for relevance. We can expect that we know he lies because his lips are moving. His job is the 'big stall' for Trump's plans to get the Commonwealth and British Raj out of North America.
A medicine designed to sucker you into taking a pre-digestion dragon enzyme so that you are tenderized for vaccine slaughter. The tunnel reptoids smile. "It falls right off the bone now."
An Antidote to Corporate Media
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